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Thread: Las Vegas is boring?

  1. #1
    That's not a sentiment I've heard or read too often.

    Here's an interesting piece of an earlier thread...

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Why did you move to LV in the first place? Honestly, unless you are here for work related reasons, I cant see any good reason to live in LV.
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    I came to Vegas for retirement. Frankly I'm bored here.
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I can see how living in Las Vegas could be boring: I'm climbing the walls after only a few days there.
    Would any of you care to elaborate on all this?

    What are the negatives about visiting or living in Las Vegas, what makes you find it boring or less desirable compared to other places that you've lived?

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    What are the negatives about visiting or living in Las Vegas, what makes you find it boring or less desirable compared to other places that you've lived?

    Las Vegas is one dimensional with the focus being on casinos and gambling, and that ain't a good thing.

    The weather is too damned hot most of the time to enjoy the great outdoors: who wants to hike, bike or do anything outdoors in the brutal heat of the Mohave desert?

    It's a long drive to anywhere where the weather is comfortable.

    Of course, I am comparing it to Portland / Oregon, and there's really no comparison when it comes to quality of life.

    I haven't been to Las Vegas now for a couple years and have no immediate plans to return soon as I have casinos fairly close by and live in what is probably the best part of the country.

    Thanks for asking.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #3
    When you get out of the gambling zones and into the neighborhoods Las Vegas sucks. But the gambling zones bring something to do 24/7. I tried Las Vegas in both 1980 and 1987. Both times I came to the conclusion that I would never have any money working in a gambling town. So I bailed out. Of course, I knew nothing about casino gambling then. Hit the town again in 1992, the gambling wiped me out, but for some reason I was bound and determined to learn how to do it right. After getting a schooling in strategic gambling, took a few years, Las Vegas became the easiest town in America. You don't have to work for anybody or anything. You just have to know how to gamble with an edge and stay away from the sucker gambling.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #4
    Agree that the weather is too hot in the summer, but as an extreme pinball fan I doubt I would get bored there with the Pinball Hall of Fame and other big spots (Flipperspiel, etc.). But the vulture competition is fierce there so I would probably just play pinball most of the time when I visit.

  5. #5
    I hate going to restaurants to sit by myself. I'm tired of boring dates with women I don't want to be with. Yes, you get tired of playing video poker and craps too.

    I had more fun today going to the supermarket and talking to another shopper about the congestion in the parking lot.

  6. #6
    Sadly Alan, unless you have a more permanent relationship, it doesn't really matter where you are located. You still are looking at dinner alone and boredom, whether in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, or wherever. Even if you have a relationship, if you don't have hobbies and interests boredom will come.

    I am not that much younger than you, but I have always said I wouldn't ever date again if my wife weren't here. Don't have the patience for that game. I will continue to work, albeit less and less hours, as long as I feel I can still do the job well (assuming I ever did it well).

    But I never tire of playing the horses, so I always have that to pass the time. VP is good for an hour or two now and then, but I can play horses and never tire of it. Luckily I have many other interests as well. Most of my clients that retired too soon with too much money got bored quickly and tried to get back into other businesses. Unfortunately, it had passed them by and they got murdered. Should have found a hobby and stayed retired.

  7. #7
    Regnis I wasnt bored in LA. Maybe it was that the "pool" of single women was better? Or maybe that I spent so much time in TRAFFIC that there was so little time left to be bored? LOL

  8. #8
    This is going to sound crazy but the easy lifestyle of Vegas does contribute to the boredom.

    Consider where I live: everything I need is within a radius of 3.3 miles and there's never any traffic. There's also free, easy parking everywhere I go with no hunting for parking places.

    In LA I spent no less than three hours driving every day. Some days it was four hours in the car and then hunting for a legal spot to park.

    The stores were crowded in LA, and the only way to avoid congestion in the supermarket was to shop at 2-AM.

    In Vegas there's no congestion anywhere but even when my local supermarket had a crowded parking lot today, inside the store there was no wait to check out and no traffic jam in the aisles.

    I lived in LA for 30 years and I'm thinking that now that I don't have to spend three to four hours in my car every day that I've become bored with the new free time it gives me living in Vegas.

  9. #9
    alan, do you read much?

    I do, it helps pass the time and I enjoy it.

    Do you hang out much with your son / his family?

    I do with mine and I enjoy it.

    Do you work out at a fitness center daily and walk before bed time?

    I do, etc.

    The point: find things you enjoy doing and build them into your routine.

    Caveat: Looking for a woman to give you meaning and purpose is as stupid as seeking salvation in a casino.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-07-2019 at 10:20 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #10
    Hang on there V, I do have a girlfriend now and she's my first real girlfriend in a couple of years (though I've dated frequently).

    Go back and read my post about traffic. Really. Give yourself an extra 3-4 hours a day, plus take the wait time out of doing daily chores and suddenly you have an extra 4-5 hours.

    If you had an extra 4-5 hours a day what would you do?

    How much extra time would you spend at the gym? LOL

  11. #11
    I spent too many years wasting 3 to 4 hours commuting to and from the office. Then I opened a second office in the suburbs with a 20 minute drive. I now am 10 minutes from work and haven’t seen the downtown office in years.

    What do I do with the extra time? I sleep one more hour and work out 70 minutes after work.

    Like V I also recommend reading. I have been a reader all my life and it helps pass the time.

    I do like the 24 hour aspect of Las Vegas as I am a night owl. In the suburbs here you can’t even get coffee after 9. I do admire your desire to date. I really wouldn’t have the desire to do it. You can always find sex.

  12. #12
    If I had a few extra hours in my day I'd do the same things I do now.

    Since I don't fight traffic like you did in LA I have those extra hours.

    I have a seven minute drive to the office, and from there a ten minute jaunt to the courthouse.

    Nothing wrong with having a wife or a girl friend: my point is just don't look to her to provide you meaning and purpose.

    Are we not men?

    Stimulation, companionship, warmth and love are fine and normal, but I do nothing but sneer at guys I see who are pussy-whipped.

    Not that you are whipped, but you could be.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #13
    Whether or not you're "bored" where you live is all a very simple by-product of whether or not you have a happy and stable life. Unfortunately, someone who makes a lifelong habit of dating/marriage/divorce/dating is probably going to find fault with a lot of things.

    It makes no sense to move from LV back to LA solely for another woman, when the track record overwhelmingly points to the obvious. Is there no lessons learned by now? I would think that Alan would never want to leave LV after living in and around that expensive, freak-filled liberal cesspool called LA. He lives in a decent area away from all the riff-raff, and how many of you wouldn't enjoy being within a few minutes of Red Rock. Hot summers are truly a non-issue.

    Life is what you make it. You want trouble, poverty, and misery then you can find it. You want happiness, comfort and safety then you can have it. You want health then you do your best and respectfully treat your body like the extraordinary miracle it really is. It doesn't matter a lick where you choose to live, even if it's in the libtard-infested constantly wet Northwest.

  14. #14
    Reading. No. And let me explain why.

    As a reporter I read and read and read. As an Assignment Editor for three years at CBS I read the constant stream of news on teletypes (pre computers) from AP, UPI, Reuters, PR Newswire, etc. I HATE READING.

    Frankly I had a 24/7 news career and when you have an extra few hours it's easy to be bored.

    To be honest, I'd go back to street reporting if anyone would hire me. No benefits needed -- I have them all. LOL

  15. #15
    I've lived in both LA and Vegas (more in LA).

    Advantages to LA area:
    - Better year round weather (warmer in winter than Vegas, cooler in summer)
    - Presence of all major sports teams (though Vegas is finally getting NFL, and has NHL)
    - Extremely large population within driving distance
    - Extremely varied climates/scenery within driving distance (forests, mountains, oceans, deserts)
    - Better health care (Vegas health care is dreadful)
    - Better public school system (if you live in the right cities, and not anything with LAUSD)
    - More cultured

    Advantages to Vegas:
    - Casinos everywhere if you enjoy that
    - Less traffic
    - Everything is closer
    - Lots of entertainment options (all close)
    - Lots of dining options (all close)
    - Weather in early-mid spring and mid-fall is better (LA is a bit cool, Vegas is beautiful)
    - Legal sportsbetting (so far it hasn't come to California yet)
    - You live where most people you know eventually visit, so you can see friends/family from out of the area easily
    - Young women less shallow and more willing to date older guys (though some are gold diggers)
    - Cheaper housing (way more house for the same money)

    I will say that Vegas can get depressing if you're there too long and don't leave. Even if your own life circumstance is good, it's hard to avoid seeing so many others around you self-destructing, and it happens more in Vegas than anywhere else I've seen.

    Vegas does have a degree of isolation, too. Aside from Henderson, which is basically just suburban Vegas, there's nothing for a long way in any direction. So if you want to go anywhere, it's 300 miles no matter what (or more).
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  16. #16
    You're right about health care, Dan. Everyone I know says that when they have the chance to plan something they go to LA.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Life is what you make it. You want trouble, poverty, and misery then you can find it. You want happiness, comfort and safety then you can have it. You want health then you do your best and respectfully treat your body like the extraordinary miracle it really is. It doesn't matter a lick where you choose to live, even if it's in the libtard-infested constantly wet Northwest.
    So easy for you to say this Bullshit as you drink another whatever and watch TV.
    This does not apply to every person or situation.
    Plenty of North Koreans would disagree with you.
    Plenty of citizens in other countries with no real food, shelter or drinkable water.
    Plenty of children sold into slavery these days for sexual whatever.
    Children in India getting their arms cut off to be put on the street to beg for their employer.
    You have been dealt a winning hand in life.
    Try that "life is what you make of it" speech when you are a minority with no choice or ability or just basically dealt a losing hand from the get go.
    Try being born with a mental disorder/physical defect and see how easy life is what you make of it.

  18. #18
    Obviously all the casino & gambling stuff.

    I like the Vegas weather, at least when it's hot out. I can't stand this bullshit cold winter time, it's awful.

    It's nice that stuff is actually open late or 24/7. Outside of LV, lots of stuff is closed by 8 or 10pm it seems.

    Easy to fly in/out of LV. Like Druff said, people are going to visit LV anyway because it's a tourist destination and lots of conferences or w/e here so people come for work. Just about everywhere I've flown to has a direct flight from LV, so don't have to do connecting flights.

    Restaurants are great, especially since they're pretty much all attached to a casino, not hard to get comps. Also easy to get comps for friends and family for hotel rooms. Although this is probably more due to AP than just living in LV.

    Lots of shows (although I'm not a huge fan), but supposedly they're world class.

    I have excellent Internet where I live which is nice because I enjoy streaming Netflix, YouTube videos, and playing an online video game. Where I've lived in the past, the Internet was absolutely atrocious, it was super slow and would cut out a lot. I guess that's not particularly dependent on being in LV, since the neighborhood over could have terrible Internet. I just clocked it at 267Mbps download and 32Mbps upload.

    Vegas seems pretty relaxed to me. Maybe it's just me in my aging years, but seems like when/where I was growing up, there was a lot more drama and bullshit with people. Obviously there are other places like in the South or the Midwest(?) where there's even a more relaxed atmosphere. I think I'd hate to live in the Northeast....or at least that's a stereotype they have, right?

  19. #19
    I'm like RS and I hate the cold too. I left New York in 1980 to get away from cold. I don't mind 115 degrees and I wear a jacket when it's under 70 degrees.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    Obviously all the casino & gambling stuff.

    I like the Vegas weather, at least when it's hot out. I can't stand this bullshit cold winter time, it's awful.

    It's nice that stuff is actually open late or 24/7. Outside of LV, lots of stuff is closed by 8 or 10pm it seems.

    Easy to fly in/out of LV. Like Druff said, people are going to visit LV anyway because it's a tourist destination and lots of conferences or w/e here so people come for work. Just about everywhere I've flown to has a direct flight from LV, so don't have to do connecting flights.

    Restaurants are great, especially since they're pretty much all attached to a casino, not hard to get comps. Also easy to get comps for friends and family for hotel rooms. Although this is probably more due to AP than just living in LV.

    Lots of shows (although I'm not a huge fan), but supposedly they're world class.

    I have excellent Internet where I live which is nice because I enjoy streaming Netflix, YouTube videos, and playing an online video game. Where I've lived in the past, the Internet was absolutely atrocious, it was super slow and would cut out a lot. I guess that's not particularly dependent on being in LV, since the neighborhood over could have terrible Internet. I just clocked it at 267Mbps download and 32Mbps upload.

    Vegas seems pretty relaxed to me. Maybe it's just me in my aging years, but seems like when/where I was growing up, there was a lot more drama and bullshit with people. Obviously there are other places like in the South or the Midwest(?) where there's even a more relaxed atmosphere. I think I'd hate to live in the Northeast....or at least that's a stereotype they have, right?
    I could live in Vegas but would prefer Reno/Tahoe/Fernley area. Love the desert but I'm about as far away as a person can get from one. I haven't played VP or BJ for over six months. I'm not working so I think I'll take a ride to Mohegan Sun today. Thanks for the suggestion. They also have those new skill based slots to check out.
    Take off that stupid mask you big baby.

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