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Thread: Juice Fast

  1. #81
    Day 30

    Juice Fasting Plan
    Any Juicer will do
    I am using a Norwalk Juicer
    30 Days of Fresh Juice
    Water (Lemon)
    Hot water (Himalayan Pink Salt, Fresh Jalapeno or Serrano and Lemon)

    Total Financial Cost Since Day 1
    $12 Wheatgrass Shots (Optional)
    $55 Silicone Ice Cube Trays (Optional)
    $245 (Produce Only)
    $240 Raw Living Spirulina (Optional)
    $552 Total Expenses

    Time Spent since Day 1
    70 hours

    Starting Weight From Day 1

    Day 30 Weigh In (696hrs)


    Technically I am 16 hours away from completion since my first Weigh In.
    I am currently at 240 pounds with a loss of 36 pounds.
    No food was consumed and I averaged around 3 quarts of Juice a Day.
    I started off the first 3 days with coffee but decided to forgo all caffeine.
    I drank a bunch of water the first week but I didn't concentrate on water once things got rolling.
    I still drink about 36 ounces of it daily and it is mostly the Hot Water Mixture.
    With all the Fresh Juice my body seems to be well hydrated and in no need of extra water.

    I feel like breaking the Juice Fast and start with some prunes to break it.
    Some suggest that Prunes on Day 1 of Breaking is the way to go while you still keep Juicing.
    The next day you move to something like fruit or vegetables, something that is easy to digest.
    The first 3 or 4 days you limit the meal and keep it to one per day while you keep with the Juice.
    After day 4 you move to two small meals, that is easy to digest again.
    Each day you observe your movements and go from there.
    You should see results and if things are moving you should help it along or stop meals until it comes out.

    My problem is I want to start with the new dietary change but I also want to continue on with the juice fast.
    One thing I have been studying suggests that 40 days is tops, meaning you do not benefit after 40 days.
    You run a greater risk of health problems over 40 days compared to under.
    However, things changed depending on your fat percentage, height, current weight and a few other factors.
    I think it would be best to break the fast and go with a light menu for the next 30 days.
    Mostly Vegetarian. Stay away from any grains, beans, flour/pasta, potatoes... etc.
    Sweet Potatoes seem to be on all the lists as a good thing to eat.
    However the Raw Community doesn't believe in cooking anything over 108 F I believe.

    I am going to play it by ear. Eat a bunch of Cauliflower, Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts will be a large staple of my dietary change.
    I am going to concentrate on Organic Green Produce and consume large amounts of it.
    I am going to keep on with the Juicing and start adding smoothies.
    I am thinking of a 21-7 ratio. 21 days of eating a Balanced Pescetarian Menu and 7 days of either Juice Fasting or Water Fasting.
    Hit the Gym now that I have more energy and feel better. Try to put on some muscle and Keep Fit.
    I was going to get into a Fruitarian 30 day Fast but after studying up on it I don't agree with that line of thinking.
    I am going to cut most fruit out anyways. I will keep on with the Citrus though. Limes, Lemons and Grapefruits.


    I juiced 2 Grapefruits by hand and got out 7 ounces and drank that down.
    Took the dogs to the dog park at 4am and got back around 5:15am
    Juiced Half of my Carrots and Broccoli for the day.
    I drank down 20 ounces and stored away 30 extra.
    I will do another session in a few hours.
    Trying to keep the juice a bit fresher even though I don't like two juicing sessions with cleanup.

    I ended up only spending 245 dollars in produce which I think I have showed you can do this on the cheap.
    That is just over 8 dollars a day. Everything else I bought was additional and is not needed.
    I am not sure if I will create another thread about breaking the fast and the next 30 days or just keep it on this one.

    4lbs Peeled Carrots
    4 Small Broccoli Crowns
    2 Lemons
    2 Limes
    2 Turmeric Roots
    1 Garlic Bulb
    1 Medium Ginger Root
    1 Parsley Bunch

  2. #82
    Only about 10 minutes to complete my 30 days.
    I am going to break the Juice Fast with some Prunes later today.
    Going to keep things Small, Light and Raw for the next few weeks.
    I am going to focus on hitting the Gym as well with some strength training and swimming.
    My goal is to get to 200-215 pounds and go from there.
    36 inch waist as well.

    I will be starting a new thread about Keeping Fit and track how much it costs.
    Also tracking my workout sessions tracking how many calories I burn and take in.
    I plan to drink 40 ounces of Carrot Juice a day mixed with Broccoli and the usual suspects.
    Wheatgrass and Spirulina added in the mix.

    I seen that WoV has given up on talking about Health and Weight Loss and what they ate on a daily basis.
    I will continue to showcase how to lose weight and keep it off and change your ones regiment with dietary intake.

  3. #83
    Day 31

    I was out and about playing a bunch of machines and some other things last night.
    I had no time to break the fast.
    I drank 40 ounces of water and 8 ounces of Fresh Grapefruit Juice.
    I forgot to stop at the store and buy some prunes so I just juiced up Carrot/Broccoli Juice.
    I ended up with 70 ounces of the usual concoction.

    I woke up around 8pm on day 31 and went to the store.
    I didn't like the Prune Options so I bought Dates.
    When I came home to make my uncle dinner I ate 5 of those.
    They are so sweet. I ate half an avocado with them to cut the sweetness.
    I am also going to eat half to one avocado per day anways so this is a good start.
    I drank some herbal tea as well. I also had 8 ounces of Grapefruit Juice.
    I will juice up a bunch of Carrot/Broccoli Juice later in the day.
    I will see how this little bit of food processes in my system before eating again.

    I weighed in at 238lbs when I woke up with only 4 hours of sleep.

  4. #84
    I was looking through my bookmarks earlier trying to find a recipe I thought I'd saved when I came across this link I had forgotten about.
    It's bulk natural foods including vegetables that you order on the website then are shipped along with others in your area for pickup at a specific drop off point and time.
    I learned of it originally on a food board for my area on Facebook, but never used it because the prices are really high compared to what I can pay locally living near farms and good farmers markets, not to mention the higher fee for delivery my far East.
    Vegas doesn't have the higher fee, plus you said you can't find good farmers markets and I have no idea what you pay for things there so I thought I would share in case this was something that could help you do what you do.

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by pkspins View Post
    I was looking through my bookmarks earlier trying to find a recipe I thought I'd saved when I came across this link I had forgotten about.
    It's bulk natural foods including vegetables that you order on the website then are shipped along with others in your area for pickup at a specific drop off point and time.
    I learned of it originally on a food board for my area on Facebook, but never used it because the prices are really high compared to what I can pay locally living near farms and good farmers markets, not to mention the higher fee for delivery my far East.
    Vegas doesn't have the higher fee, plus you said you can't find good farmers markets and I have no idea what you pay for things there so I thought I would share in case this was something that could help you do what you do.
    I appreciate the link and the thought. Thank You!

    Things are going pretty good for the last 2 to 3 days.
    I have been hammering machines in that time and haven't been updating this thread.
    I plan to showcase another 30 days of how to get fit, keep the weight off and keep it coming off.
    I am currently working on a menu and showcasing how cheap it can be.
    For starters my breakfast has been 1 avocado and 5 whole walnuts that you crack open to eat.
    I 12 ounce glass of Fresh Pressed or Squeezed Juice.
    Something about eating a half or one whole avocado a day along with 1/4 cup of walnuts is very healthy for your body.
    I have to research it a bit more and adjust accordingly for my body.
    Give me a few more days to tweak this a bit more when I have time.
    I most likely will be staring a new thread about health and weight loss or something along those lines.
    I am also going to get back into the Gym burning so many calories a day.
    If you burn so many calories a day compared to your intake you can trick your body once again like Juice Fasting does.

  6. #86
    monet: I'm taking your advice on ginger tea. I've had some tummy issues and ginger ale helps.
    I didn't by ginger tea. I made my usual black tea which I refrigerate in the morning and drink cold in the afternoon.
    I bought some ginger root and put a piece of it in the tea in the morning.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  7. #87
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    monet: I'm taking your advice on ginger tea. I've had some tummy issues and ginger ale helps.
    I didn't by ginger tea. I made my usual black tea which I refrigerate in the morning and drink cold in the afternoon.
    I bought some ginger root and put a piece of it in the tea in the morning.
    That response or comment was not directed at you specifically or personally.
    I was responding to a suggestion you gave Dan Druff about drinking Decaf over Regular Coffee to trick his body and his mind so to speak.
    I was trying to say that Decaf has been proven to be worse for a persons body or health compared to Regular Coffee.
    I was suggesting that a person should try to get rid of coffee or caffeine altogether and try more healthy choices like Ginger Water/Tea.
    Of course it was only a suggestion or an alternative choice for a person and not verbatim.

    Perhaps you are trolling me because when you search about caffeine you find all sorts of comments about it on the internet like these:

    "When you're suffering from stomach problems, the last thing you want to do is cause any more aggravation. ... Unfortunately for caffeine fiends, the stimulant is notorious for triggering inflammation of the stomach lining, heartburn, and the abdominal pain that accompanies an upset stomach."

    "Caffeine, one of the most popular stimulants in the world, is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks and some colas. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and decreases fatigue by interfering with a chemical in the body that promotes sleepiness. While in moderation caffeine is harmless, too much can make you feel anxious and irritable. Drinking upwards of four caffeinated beverages a day -- or more than 500 to 600 milligrams of caffeine -- can cause an upset stomach, heartburn, inflammation of the lining of the stomach and abdominal pain. How to treat your symptoms depends on how caffeine affects you and how much you consume. One cup of coffee contains between 100 and 200 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the type of coffee."



    Plenty more of these can be found in one or two clicks/searches on the internet.

    My advice was to get into "Ginger Water"... not adding Ginger to Tea.
    Especially not "Black Tea" which has plenty of caffeine!
    If I had to drink tea instead of just mixing Ginger and Raw Honey or Ginger, Raw Honey and Lemon or Lime...
    I would find something Herbal and add Ginger to it but honestly, I would just make my own Ginger Tea.
    You can find this website which suggests the 8 best teas for an upset stomach...
    It actually lists Green Tea and Black Tea at 7 and 8 but I don't exactly like those choices because they have caffeine.
    Perhaps that is why they are on the bottom of the list.
    Although they talk about tannins which help line the intestines so research what other foods or drinks are high in tannins perhaps!?

    An individual having stomach issues may want to stay away from acid like Lemon and Lime as well.
    I don't know your situation. Do you have an ulcer? I think you know your body best and can trial and error a few different choices.
    You may want to change your diet completely if you are having stomach troubles.
    Do some sort of a Cleanse if you believe in such things or at least cut out foods that cause Stomach/Digestive Problems.
    You have to make your own decisions and I am sure you go to the doctors which can help you out far more than I could.
    You may want to look into adding Turmeric to the Ginger water as well which has some serious benefits overall.
    Do an internet search and you will find many foods that can help your overall health.
    Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric are pretty good and easy to find starters and have been used for thousands of years.

    If you have a blender you you just peel the Ginger and add in as much as you like to some water in the blender.
    Blend that up pretty good, should take 5 to 10 seconds.
    Strain that water and go from there. Add it to your tea or heat it up with your method of choice.
    Some studies show that Microwaves aren't so good for us so you might want a tea kettle.
    Like I say I don't know... you have to make your own choices and do your own research.
    I believe that your own personal mind is more powerful than any drug, food or remedy.
    However, using your mind or belief or faith and adding natural healing foods can be a powerful combination.
    Last edited by monet; 09-23-2018 at 07:00 AM.

  8. #88
    thanks for your input
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  9. #89
    It has been 12 days since I broke my fast.
    I started off the first couple of days slow and ate prunes, dates, avocado and walnuts.
    After that I lost some control and had a Salmon Dinner with Salad.
    I ate some Gelato. Potato Chips.
    I went off the Deep End for awhile... Pork Chops, Ice Cream, Hot Dogs... you get the picture.
    I didn't go crazy but I did cheat a lot in the last two weeks.
    I only gained a few pounds.
    My current weight was 243 about 15 hours ago.

    Time to get back to another Juice Fast.
    As I stated on my other thread I sold one of my Norwalk Juicers on Ebay.
    I paid 1100 total for it and really never used it. I planned to use it for parts when the other one had issues.
    So I ended up selling this one for 1125 total. Basically broke even.

    I used the money to buy some things like a New Juicer of course.
    I got it at Bed Bath and Beyond for $691 total with free shipping including the tax.
    They had a 20% off coupon so that saved a good amount. Over 150 dollars.
    I have been wanting to compare this Juicer over the Norwalk.
    I have read reports that it gives a higher nutrition value along with not heating up the pulp compared to the high speed Norwalk Grinder.
    I want to see how it compares with clean up and time/ease of use.
    I don't like the plastic components but this one has all stainless steel grinders.

    The Juicer is a Greenstar Pro from Tribest.
    Time to do at least a 2 week Juice Fast once again.
    Since I have broken my fast I have had some reoccurring pain issues.
    When I was on my Juice Fast I had no issues with this type of pain.
    It came back a few days after eating food. I think it is connected to my digestive system.
    I get the pain in the side of my neck, ear and throat at times.
    I feel pretty good but not as good when I do a Juice Fast.

    Here is a picture of the New Juicer...
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  10. #90
    Just one shove and I will jump into a juice fast. Your detailed diary here is truly helpful but I have some questions. It looks like it's been months since your last update. How is your progress?
    Also I read about ginger tea above and I do swear by it for upset stomach. However, I read in this article about other teas, what do you think about them?

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by TeaAffair View Post
    Just one shove and I will jump into a juice fast. Your detailed diary here is truly helpful but I have some questions. It looks like it's been months since your last update. How is your progress?
    Also I read about ginger tea above and I do swear by it for upset stomach. However, I read in this article about other teas, what do you think about them?
    Going good... about to do another 30 day Juice Fast.
    During the Holidays I backslid some.
    I like to bake breads, cookies and cakes.
    I baked some really good Fruit Cakes in December.
    I also got into No Knead Bread that you bake in your Dutch Oven or French Oven.
    I enjoy roasting things like Lamb, Turkey and other meals.
    Current weight is 251.
    I need to focus on better eating habits.
    Tough to break the cycle.
    Currently the forum is talking about how terrible it is to live in Vegas.
    I have lived here now over 20 years and find it the easiest place to live in the country.
    Plenty to do outside of the Casinos as well but you have to make the effort just like anywhere else.
    Property Tax is cheaper here and basically everything is cheaper to live and 24 hours which is nice.

    Perhaps I should start a Part Two to this thread.
    I didn't think the forum had too much interest in this sort of thing.
    I didn't take many pictures of what I whipped up during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years but here are a couple pictures that I did take.

    You can look up No Knead Bread on Youtube or the Internet for easy recipes.
    Fruit cake isn't hard to find... I was messing around with Old English Style Fruitcakes.
    Lots of Spices involved.
    I was trying to make the top of this Fruitcake pretty but I ended up just covering it with a bunch of dried fruit and mixed nuts.
    The Fruitcakes that I baked were very substantial. 8 pounds or more... gave you about 20 to 40 pieces.
    The flavor was so strong you didn't need much.
    This slice could make 2 or 3 people happy.
    Technically you are supposed to cut it into small squares.

    I think teas in general are great for ones health and body.
    Those guys in Boston threw a bunch of it in the harbor and it sort of started a War.
    Honestly though... the world has been drinking teas for thousands of years.
    Soda Pop and other drinks are very new to the world.
    Tea is an old standby for refreshment, health and medicine.
    You have to read up on them.
    Studies have proven that people who drink tea are better off than say coffee drinkers.
    So many choices and you have to find out what is right for your body.
    Try to get natural teas over boxed bags... however it is just like juicing.
    If you can't get or afford higher quality you are better off drinking Lipton Tea compared to Coca Cola.
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    Last edited by monet; 01-08-2019 at 03:11 PM.

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