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Thread: The problem with Singer

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I'm assuming you also know what it takes to keep any CCW or purchase handguns, of which I bought 7 last year. Does a B&E charge sound viable? And why is there no disposition? Even if you disclosed your "source" it's not something I'd try to get removed.
    "Forcible Entry sounds like B&E to me but who knows. Since you've given permission the source is WhitePagesPremium.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #62
    Moses, you are growing crazier and crazier by the day. Most things you say are lies or exaggerated (like that I am 28). You have posted quotes and then changed the words that people said. Do you realize how dishonest THAT is? You threaten at least 4 members of this site (me, RS_, MaxPen, keystone) on an ongoing basis. You have thrown in with the anti-AP fraction of the site, which is bizarre for someone who claims to have made a living from the casinos for 30 some years. You are just another weird dude, I guess a perfect fit for this forum.

    About the only thing I can see that you have semi-correct is that I spend too much time on this forum. When I get up in the morning, I am usually alone for a couple hours and spend a couple hours eating breakfast, watching the news and reading a couple forums and posting on this one. In the evening after work, I am on and off the internet including this forum, while I am sitting in my recliner watching sports and TV. I also sometimes check in when I break for lunch at a casino, since I am usually eating alone and have nothing else to do. It really is TOO much. I should find a different pastime with not so crazy people.

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Moses, you are growing crazier and crazier by the day. Most things you say are lies or exaggerated (like that I am 28).
    Take a pill Jill. I was speaking to a real life story. Then showing what a wimp you are that can't or won't back up your words. Yes, I respect Keystone for defending a 120 lb queer or so I hear. Point was, you bring most of it on yourself.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You threaten at least 4 members of this site (me, RS_, MaxPen, keystone) on an ongoing basis...
    We have a saying in this world of complete corruption. "Don't say anything you can't back up. Better yet, say nothing and you will still find trouble soon enough." So are you saying forum rules are different? That you can just ramble on and on without ever being called out? Singer nailed you perfectly in his post. YOU have some SERIOUS ISSUES. When your fantasy world and real world collide? You're going to get hurt someday.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You have thrown in with the anti-AP fraction of the site, which is bizarre for someone who claims to have made a living from the casinos for 30 some years. You are just another weird dude, I guess a perfect fit for this forum..
    You hiss and cry about being called gay. Yet you announce it so, soo often. Now you've done that exact same thing which is profiling. Again, you've cut me down and I won't allow you to blow me back up as I'm sure you do in your boyfriend hunt. However, you have also taken yet another shot at the forum and everyone who writes on it. Yet some will still come to your rescue. But the numbers of those doing so are diminishing considerably.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    About the only thing I can see that you have semi-correct is that I spend too much time on this forum. When I get up in the morning, I am usually alone for a couple hours and spend a couple hours eating breakfast, watching the news and reading a couple forums and posting on this one. In the evening after work, I am on and off the internet including this forum, while I am sitting in my recliner watching sports and TV. I also sometimes check in when I break for lunch at a casino, since I am usually eating alone and have nothing else to do. It really is TOO much. I should find a different pastime with not so crazy people.
    I think you've confused me with Singers post.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-20-2019 at 10:15 AM.

  4. #64
    Yeah, I am 120 lbs. You lie and exaggerate almost everything you say. Even stupid, insignificant stuff. How is anyone supposed to ever believe anything you say?

    Let me tell you something, this Argentino fellow, posting as Rob Singer, is probably the most laughed at person throughout the gambling community. There is nobody....absolutely nobody that is a real AP, or even a knowledgeable gambler of any kind, and especially anyone that knows even a little bit of gambling mathematics, that doesn't know he his fraud, his claims completely untrue and quite frankly that he is just bonkers.

    Don't take my word for it, go to any legitimate gambling related forum and ask, using his handle. The results will be overwhelming. Probably not unanimous, because Singer is known as the sock puppet king, but overwhelming among people that know gambling, gambling with an advantage and the mathematics of gambling.

    So, I am not the least bit surprised that you have thrown in with him, and seem to have anointed him your new hero. THAT speaks volumes about you and pretty much confirms what most people think, that there is no way, you are any kind of winning player.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-20-2019 at 10:34 AM.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Yeah, I am 120 lbs.

    Let me tell you something, this Argentino fellow, posting as Rob Singer, is probably the most laughed at person throughout the gambling community. There is nobody....absolutely nobody that is a real AP, or even a knowledgeable gambler of any kind, and especially anyone that knows even a little bit of gambling mathematics, that doesn't know he his fraud, his claims completely untrue and quite frankly that he is just bonkers.

    Don't take my word for it, go to any legitimate gambling related forum and ask, using his handle. The results will be overwhelming. Probably not unanimous, because Singer is known as the sock puppet king, but overwhelming among people that know gambling, gambling with an advantage and the mathematics of gambling.

    So, I am not the least bit surprised that you have thrown in with him, and seem to have anointed him your new hero. THAT speaks volumes about you and pretty much confirms what most people think, that there is no way, you are any kind of winning player.
    There is no fucking gambling community. That is in your mind silly boy. The world doesn't work like mibs and tews in your fantasy life of marbles. If I feel like playing blackjack? I go play. If I don't? I don't. Right now, the only thing I care about is finding YOU. IF you're a 120 lb wimp as they say, I will simply laugh to myself on the way back to the parking lot. However, if you are some bull queer as you portray on this forum. Then I'm going to be in your mother fucking face so fast and so hard it will make your head swim. IF you need to carry a gun and shoot me? Fine, they will love you ass in Lovelock.

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Yeah, I am 120 lbs.

    Let me tell you something, this Argentino fellow, posting as Rob Singer, is probably the most laughed at person throughout the gambling community. There is nobody....absolutely nobody that is a real AP, or even a knowledgeable gambler of any kind, and especially anyone that knows even a little bit of gambling mathematics, that doesn't know he his fraud, his claims completely untrue and quite frankly that he is just bonkers.

    Don't take my word for it, go to any legitimate gambling related forum and ask, using his handle. The results will be overwhelming. Probably not unanimous, because Singer is known as the sock puppet king, but overwhelming among people that know gambling, gambling with an advantage and the mathematics of gambling.

    So, I am not the least bit surprised that you have thrown in with him, and seem to have anointed him your new hero. THAT speaks volumes about you and pretty much confirms what most people think, that there is no way, you are any kind of winning player.
    There is no fucking gambling community. That is in your mind silly boy. The world doesn't work like mibs and tews in your fantasy life of marbles. If I feel like playing blackjack? I go play. If I don't? I don't. Right now, the only thing I care about is finding YOU. IF you're a 120 lb wimp as they say, I will simply laugh to myself on the way back to the parking lot. However, if you are some bull queer as you portray on this forum. Then I'm going to be in your mother fucking face so fast and so hard it will make your head swim. IF you need to carry a gun and shoot me? Fine, they will love you ass in Lovelock.
    Moses, your physical threats against me, and numerous other members, are way over the line and should not be tolerated. Far beyond any kind of trolling. I have made copies to preserve the threats.

    In the meantime, I will no longer deal with you. You are blocked, just like the insignificant little gnat that you are.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-20-2019 at 11:00 AM.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    So let me see if I can get this straight. In Arizona, if you skip out without paying the last month's rent the standard procedure is to charge you with "forcible entry?"
    Even if you disclosed your "source" it's not something I'd try to get removed.
    In his usual fashion, Singer has unknowingly revealed some truth. The line "it's not something I would try to get removed" is very revealing. This tells you he has tried and probably succeeded in getting other items removed that have been brought to light.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Moses, you physical threats against me, and numerous other members are way over the line and should not be tolerated. Far beyond any kind of trolling. I have made copies to preserve the threats.

    In the meantime, I will no longer deal with you. You are blocked, just like the insignificant little gnat that you are.
    Then make a copy of this dipshit. I have NOT made a physical threat against you. But I will find you and I will be having a conversation with you and it won't be pleasant for you. You have left somewhat of an easy trail to follow and pissed off many people. It's all coming back on you soon. Block me all you want. But you CANNOT hide any longer.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-20-2019 at 11:30 AM.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Yeah, I am 120 lbs.

    Let me tell you something, this Argentino fellow, posting as Rob Singer, is probably the most laughed at person throughout the gambling community. There is nobody....absolutely nobody that is a real AP, or even a knowledgeable gambler of any kind, and especially anyone that knows even a little bit of gambling mathematics, that doesn't know he his fraud, his claims completely untrue and quite frankly that he is just bonkers.

    Don't take my word for it, go to any legitimate gambling related forum and ask, using his handle. The results will be overwhelming. Probably not unanimous, because Singer is known as the sock puppet king, but overwhelming among people that know gambling, gambling with an advantage and the mathematics of gambling.

    So, I am not the least bit surprised that you have thrown in with him, and seem to have anointed him your new hero. THAT speaks volumes about you and pretty much confirms what most people think, that there is no way, you are any kind of winning player.
    There is no fucking gambling community. That is in your mind silly boy. The world doesn't work like mibs and tews in your fantasy life of marbles. If I feel like playing blackjack? I go play. If I don't? I don't. Right now, the only thing I care about is finding YOU. IF you're a 120 lb wimp as they say, I will simply laugh to myself on the way back to the parking lot. However, if you are some bull queer as you portray on this forum. Then I'm going to be in your mother fucking face so fast and so hard it will make your head swim. IF you need to carry a gun and shoot me? Fine, they will love you ass in Lovelock.
    Moses, you physical threats against me, and numerous other members are way over the line and should not be tolerated. Far beyond any kind of trolling. I have made copies to preserve the threats.

    In the meantime, I will no longer deal with you. You are blocked, just like the insignificant little gnat that you are.
    Moses is pretty much just a toxic person. People like him know only one thing when they are shown for the fool that they are. This forum degrades the more active Moses is on the forum. On the positive side, atleast he is rambling too himself much less these recent days.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Moses is pretty much just a toxic person. People like him know only one thing when they are shown for the fool that they are. This forum degrades the more active Moses is on the forum. On the positive side, atleast he is rambling too himself much less these recent days.
    It's about time KJ's queer assed friend jumps in. You've already backed down. Evidently, I don't understand the forum world. Say what you want and then run and hide? Hmmm. I don't think so Scooter. Maybe you need to post on a forum where you're little ass is protected. As for KJ. I will just keep posting what he wrote to Coach Belly over and over again.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-20-2019 at 11:31 AM.

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Moses is pretty much just a toxic person. People like him know only one thing when they are shown for the fool that they are. This forum degrades the more active Moses is on the forum. On the positive side, atleast he is rambling too himself much less these recent days.
    Yes Moses is toxic. That is why prior to coming here Moses was at a forum that only he posted at. Day after day moses made multiple posts and no one ever answered or responded. No one else posted. It was just Moses sitting in the corner talking to himself. And then he found this site, where Dan hangs the welcome sign to all the crazies. The more deranged the better.

    Just look at the current leading poster, a guy who was banned on this site where no one can be banned. And during his time away, he created numerous socks (remember the real estate Lady challenging that I could get a mortgage?) Confirmed by Dan Druff that it was Singer. This is an offense that on most forums would insure no possibility of return. But on this site, you get rewarded and Singer was allowed to return, with the promise of good behavior and the stipulation that he could only post in one single thread.

    Dan kept his word on neither promise. Instead allowing Singer to grow more toxic, while hanging out the welcome sign for other. As a result, we get the likes of Moses and more toxicity. More hate. More hijacked threads. More threats. And less people than ever participating. I mean really it is down to like 6-8 people participating, most driven to the sidelines if not away completely.

    Absolutely pathetic on everybody's part, including those of us that still log on daily.

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Moses, you physical threats against me, and numerous other members are way over the line and should not be tolerated. Far beyond any kind of trolling. I have made copies to preserve the threats.

    In the meantime, I will no longer deal with you. You are blocked, just like the insignificant little gnat that you are.
    Then make a copy of this dipshit. I have NOT made a physical threat against you. But I will find you and I will be having a conversation with you and it won't be pleasant for you. You have left somewhat of an easy trail to follow and pissed off many people. It's all coming back on you soon. Block me all you want. But you CANNOT hide any longer.

    Not any type of physical confrontation can lead to anything remotely positive. Zero good can come out of this possibility.

  13. #73
    KJ. I agree that it is pathetic for you too still log on everyday. Make your tearful farewell and move to another site/sight. Hmmm. But where can you go? You've either been banned or no one wants to hear your shit anymore. Except MaxiPad. Plus you've trash talked every other forum Mr. Prefict.

    I know, Blackjackinfo forum. Of course the last post made there was probably several days ago. But you can get into a rant filled argument with T3 and double the posts in a week. You are a total fucking waste, worse than human feces. You are so profound with your proclamations. In reality? You don't know shit and are scared of your own shadow.

    I've heard you say "this forum or that forum cannot survive without me." Well, guess what Gloria Gaynor. They all seem to be doing fine.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-20-2019 at 11:59 AM.

  14. #74
    Bosox. Karl Childers should've whacked David Hasselhoff with that lawn mower blade. lol

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    KJ. I agree that it is pathetic for you too still log on everyday. Make your tearful farewell and move to another site/sight. Hmmm. But where can you go? You've either been banned or no one wants to hear your shit anymore. Except MaxiPad. Plus you've trash talked every other forum Mr. Prefict.

    I know, Blackjackinfo forum. Of course the last post made there was probably several days ago. But you can get into a rant filled argument with T3 and double the posts in a week. You are a total fucking waste, worse than human feces. You are so profound with your proclamations. In reality? You don't know shit and are scared of your own shadow.

    I've heard you say "this forum or that forum cannot survive without me." Well, guess what Gloria Gaynor. They all seem to be doing fine.
    How cute, MoShits playing around with names.

  16. #76
    Moses wrote:

    "KJ. I agree that it is pathetic for you too still log on everyday. Make your tearful farewell and move to another site/sight. Hmmm."

    How about a suggestion of a place where you can both voice your complaints to your heart's content. Without any possibility of getting hurt and giving everybody a brake in the process. Only one answer for this, take it to the Zen Zone.

  17. #77
    Bosox. I'm cool with that. But I prefer face to face. KJ shit talked them as well. BTW, Dan can delete or give warnings whenever he chooses.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-20-2019 at 12:37 PM.

  18. #78
    Bosox, I have no interest in Zen zone. Been there. Done that.

    I am here @ VegasCasinoTalk, because it is SUPPOSED to be a forum with discussion about...Vegas....casinos...and gambling.

    NOT a place where some homophobic hate mongers work out their insecurities.

    Moses isn't here to discuss casinos or gambling or Las Vegas. He is here to fight bully and attack me and numerous other members.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Bosox, I have no interest in Zen zone. Been there. Done that.

    I am here @ VegasCasinoTalk, because it is SUPPOSED to be a forum with discussion about...Vegas....casinos...and gambling.

    NOT a place where some homophobic hate mongers work out their insecurities.

    Moses isn't here to discuss casinos or gambling or Las Vegas. He is here to fight bully and attack me and numerous other members.
    Anytime anyone mentions something other than HiLo KJ goes into another rant. Just like he does with T3 over at BJinfo. PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP. How manly!

    Seriously, are we talking insecurities here. Look deep inside yourself. No one can be as much of a pussy as you. See, I believe in you.

    BTW, pussyfart, someone just called you and MAxiPAd out over at ZZ.

  20. #80
    Robbie boy, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. If you don't have any convictions on your record then it doesn't matter what someone says about you. So your CCW certification would be safe. But I would think that a generous sampling of your mad raving lunatic posts on this and other forums could be a threat to your CCW certification.

    And another thing big fella. It can be shown through your posts on this forum that you are a homophobe using hate speech against KJ. You have been cyberbullying and harassing him with hate speech simply because he is gay. In some states you can be charged with a crime for this. So you are the one that better watch your ass. At the very least it would be introduced as evidence of your harassment of KJ if any kind of lawsuit went to trail.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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