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Thread: The problem with Singer

  1. #101
    Although I didn't just arrive on a space ship from the milky way like redietz seems to have, similar to him I've only read the past several posts here since returning from the snow in N. Nevada. Surprise of surprises! Kew is STILL involved in nothing but internet forum conflict

    There also appears to be a whole lot of mis-information being passed around regarding threats, liability etc. I met yesterday with a social media defamation atty., and he gave me a very clear understanding of the facts when threats and false accusations occur online. The interesting part is how kew claimed to have "all the info he needs" since supposedly meeting with some LV lawyer over his pussified whining about WoV. Yet his claims don't line up with the facts. What else is new?

    Here's the facts: you anonymous people can trade all the insults, lies, accusations, and threats (including killing) you desire between one another, and there's absolutely no liability, culpability, or responsibility assumed by anyone, and no one would have committed any crime or would be guilty of anything. Why not? Simple. Because nobody knows precisely who they're threatening or making phony claims about, and conversely, their "victims" know nothing about them. It is in effect, a bunch of actors involved in fantasy. The only person who might have to face the music in some manner over these things in the long run is the forum owner.

    It only gets real when ANYONE threatens to kill or makes damaging claims based on "evidence" against a real and known person. I saw here where I think kew threatened to shoot Moses? The truth is, although kew wouldn't know the butt end of a gun, he also doesn't know who or where Moses is. Therefore, kew, as usual, is blowing internet-life smoke up everybody's asses. And he can make these type threats against Moses or anyone else who's anonymous all day long.

    There's more coming.....

  2. #102
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I saw here where I think kew threatened to shoot Moses?
    Never happened. It was the other way around. I still have copies of the private communicate that I provided to Metro 3 years ago.

    I think we all know what the next part coming is: "But things said about me were said using my real name". That is not going to make a difference. You chose to hide behind an anonymous name, the very same thing you attack everyone else for doing. You have trolled and attacked people behind this anonymous or Pen name for decades. When someone and it wasn't me, as it was before I began here, revealed who you are, it is open game to look you up. And guess what when people do, they find the truth about who you are and it isn't a million dollar video poker player, it is a retired guy living in a trailer in his kids driveway. And that's all there is too this. You are upset that you have been busted.

    As for your attorney that specializes in social media defamation, can you provide his name? There really are only 3 firms that specialize in that, one in California and 2 on the east coast. Want to know why that is? Because it is impossible to win a case of the nature you are talking about. There has been exactly 1 case like what you are describing won, it was in Ohio a few years ago and it involved no money. So please tell us the name of this great attorney. I will call him to verify tonight. And don't even bother with attorney-client privilege. Naming who the attorney violates nothing. You are going to have to come up with a better lie that that.

    I have to head out now. Have a little more work to do today, as I haven't gotten too much play in with all this shit. BUt I will catch up later tonight. Please provide that name of the attorney, so I can verify first thing in the morning.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-21-2019 at 06:12 PM.

  3. #103
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I saw here where I think kew threatened to shoot Moses?
    Never happened. It was the other way around. I still have copies of the private communicate that I provided to Metro 3 years ago.

    I think we all know what the next part coming is: "But things said about me were said using my real name". .
    I'd kick your ass if you swung at me and I'd shoot pigeons for shitting on my roof years ago. But not the other way around. You told Tater you'd shoot me if I ever got near you. So look that one up and "stick it" in your file. I don't even know your real name. Unless it's Queer Fucker. That's what I'm trying to find out.

    But you're absolutely right. You're not queer at all, you'd have to find someone first. You're just pathetic. There, there, feel better now? I gave you a compliment.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-21-2019 at 06:24 PM.

  4. #104
    Damn, dude, most of what you post makes no sense to normal people. It's like one of the looney street people rambling to themselves when they get all worked up about something. Yep that is EXACTLY what it is like.

    Now for the record, for those that don't know, Tater is one of Moses sock puppets. Moses will swear it isn't, but it has been confirmed and banned by two different forum owners/administrators. (for you blackjackinfo guys...check with Al Rogers or Normy)

    Moses will tell you that it is some big old boy in the same sportsbook that just happens to be posting. But that is because Moses doesn't understand how it works. The IP address from the provider (in this case wifi) is only half the identifying stuff.

    Anyway, despite Moses denial, Tater is not some guy in the same sportsbook, Tater is some guy in Moses mind.

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Damn, dude, most of what you post makes no sense to normal people. It's like one of the looney street people rambling to themselves when they get all worked up about something. Yep that is EXACTLY what it is like.

    Now for the record, for those that don't know, Tater is one of Moses sock puppets. Moses will swear it isn't, but it has been confirmed and banned by two different forum owners/administrators. (for you blackjackinfo guys...check with Al Rogers or Normy)

    Moses will tell you that it is some big old boy in the same sportsbook that just happens to be posting. But that is because Moses doesn't understand how it works. The IP address from the provider (in this case wifi) is only half the identifying stuff.

    Anyway, despite Moses denial, Tater is not some guy in the same sportsbook, Tater is some guy in Moses mind.
    Tater is a homeless guy in the sports book. He used my cell phone because he doesn't have his own and gmail email from that phone. But it's good to know Al and Norm will share my information so easily. The proof I needed. I will be in touch with Norm again. Pretty sure that information is suppose to be private.

    But for you, it's about time to stop talking and start finding you. Very very frustrating dealing with the biggest wimp on earth. Seriously, that's all you're about is hiding in your closet on a forum. You have to be something ultra pathetic. But I guess I will find out when I find you.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-21-2019 at 07:04 PM.

  6. #106
    Ahh check the suspension list at WoV. Rarely a day goes by that some sock puppet isn't identified and named. Sharing information would be if I said that such and such administrator said moses name is John Smith and most of his posts originate from 123 main street.

    Saying such and such a handle is a sock puppet of another handle is nothing. If you are opposed to that, you better exit this site, because dan druff has publicly announced different handles as sock puppets of Rob Singer.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ahh check the suspension list at WoV. Rarely a day goes by that some sock puppet isn't identified and named. Sharing information would be if I said that such and such administrator said moses name is John Smith and most of his posts originate from 123 main street.

    Saying such and such a handle is a sock puppet of another handle is nothing. If you are opposed to that, you better exit this site, because dan druff has publicly announced different handles as sock puppets of Rob Singer.
    ok I really gotta jet. God dammit. I get stuck here far longer than intended with this bullshit.

  8. #108
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ahh check the suspension list at WoV. Rarely a day goes by that some sock puppet isn't identified and named. Sharing information would be if I said that such and such administrator said moses name is John Smith and most of his posts originate from 123 main street.

    Saying such and such a handle is a sock puppet of another handle is nothing. If you are opposed to that, you better exit this site, because dan druff has publicly announced different handles as sock puppets of Rob Singer.
    I was never suspended at WOV. I've made like 10 posts in my life. I made a post the other day just for your benefit. I'm Moses and I've always been Moses. Nothing else. Just like you're queer, you've always been queer, nothing else. But someday, you may be a queer who is hurtin for certain.

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Here's the facts: you anonymous people can trade all the insults, lies, accusations, and threats (including killing) you desire between one another, and there's absolutely no liability, culpability, or responsibility assumed by anyone, and no one would have committed any crime or would be guilty of anything. Why not? Simple. Because nobody knows precisely who they're threatening or making phony claims about, and conversely, their "victims" know nothing about them. It is in effect, a bunch of actors involved in fantasy. The only person who might have to face the music in some manner over these things in the long run is the forum owner.
    All you are doing here is trying to cover your own ass. Insults, lies, accusations, threats? That is your specialty. We learned it from you.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    I was never suspended at WOV. I've made like 10 posts in my life. I made a post the other day just for your benefit.
    And where did I ever say you were suspended at WoV??

    I am seriously beginning to think most of your problem is reading comprehension. That is probably why all your stories are about when you were a kid in the third grade. You spent 4 years in the 3rd grade so that is where everything took place and why you seem to be stuck there. And despite all that time in the third grade, apparently you still don't know how to read.

  11. #111
    There won't be any reading comprehension when we meet. You're quite the trickster. You can do everything but face me. Someday you may not have a choice. Don't worry about us fucking up your blackjack time. We're saving you money.

    Just keep talkin asshole. It's great motivation.

  12. #112
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am seriously beginning to think most of your problem is reading comprehension. That is probably why all your stories are about when you were a kid in the third grade. You spent 4 years in the 3rd grade so that is where everything took place and why you seem to be stuck there. And despite all that time in the third grade, apparently you still don't know how to read.
    ..And I seriously think you are in more dire need of a blow job than anyone on earth. However, in your case, it's giving as opposed to getting. Hell, you can't even seem to be able to do that.

    I've heard the only way to make KJ cry twice is to boink him hard in the ass and then wipe off on his curtains.
    Last edited by Moses; 02-21-2019 at 07:42 PM.

  13. #113
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    ..And I seriously think you are in more dire need of a blow job than anyone on earth. However, in your case, it's giving as opposed to getting. Hell, you can't even seem to be able to do that.

    I've heard the only way to make KJ cry twice is to boink him hard in the ass and then wipe off on his curtains.
    You know it is kind of interesting how Blackhole, Singer and now Moses, just obsess over me, the fact that I am gay, who I share my life with, and my sex life, very frequently fantasizing about sexual acts.

    I have never once talked about a sex act, mine or anyone else's. THAT is not why I am on this site. I don't think or want to think about what sex acts anyone is engaging in. Even when I am arguing with people.

    These guys all claim to be so repulsed by anything homosexual. I mean all 3 have actually come out with homophobic statements about how much they hate gays and yet, it is all they can talk about.....all they can think about. They are completely obsessed with me, and my personal life, who I might be sharing my life with, what kind of sex I might be having.

    I mean who really has the problem here?

  14. #114
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I mean who really has the problem here?
    That's an easy question. You are the friggin problem here just like you were everywhere else. You tell Dan he runs a shitty forum, you threaten to leave, you leave after a tearful farewell post, like it just won't make it without you. Everything goes along fine in your absence. The you suddenly return and everything runs a muck again.

    These guys will run the fuck out of a muck with you.

    You have has a history of posting rants. Sneaking back onto forums to post more rants from which you were already banned. Anytime you have a problem with a casino or someone doesn't agree with your bull shit posts. You throw a hissy fit. Then you have to a make huge deal out if it. These guys have your number. Perhaps there is a place somewhere that people will believe you and care.

    You will leave here again and never be missed.

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Although I didn't just arrive on a space ship from the milky way like redietz seems to have, similar to him I've only read the past several posts here since returning from the snow in N. Nevada. Surprise of surprises! Kew is STILL involved in nothing but internet forum conflict

    There also appears to be a whole lot of mis-information being passed around regarding threats, liability etc. I met yesterday with a social media defamation atty., and he gave me a very clear understanding of the facts when threats and false accusations occur online. The interesting part is how kew claimed to have "all the info he needs" since supposedly meeting with some LV lawyer over his pussified whining about WoV. Yet his claims don't line up with the facts. What else is new?

    Here's the facts: you anonymous people can trade all the insults, lies, accusations, and threats (including killing) you desire between one another, and there's absolutely no liability, culpability, or responsibility assumed by anyone, and no one would have committed any crime or would be guilty of anything. Why not? Simple. Because nobody knows precisely who they're threatening or making phony claims about, and conversely, their "victims" know nothing about them. It is in effect, a bunch of actors involved in fantasy. The only person who might have to face the music in some manner over these things in the long run is the forum owner.

    It only gets real when ANYONE threatens to kill or makes damaging claims based on "evidence" against a real and known person. I saw here where I think kew threatened to shoot Moses? The truth is, although kew wouldn't know the butt end of a gun, he also doesn't know who or where Moses is. Therefore, kew, as usual, is blowing internet-life smoke up everybody's asses. And he can make these type threats against Moses or anyone else who's anonymous all day long.

    There's more coming.....

    Rob, please give us a brake here, the entire board is frozen to their seats in anticipation of what's to come next.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post

    Tater is a homeless guy in the sports book. He used my cell phone because he doesn't have his own and gmail email from that phone..
    LOL, that sounds like something Rob Singer would make up when caught red handed.

  17. #117
    i read every post from#1 . moses got banned was no shock, he was not playing no more. prob could back it up...singer is singing a lotta songs...kewlj is heated up and hurting his $ at tables playing upset. Dandruff is the best. Free speech until you cross a line on like page 3 or 4 tho dan. Nice site. glad to be here. "Better to have gambled and lost than never to have played 'tall..."

  18. #118
    Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention to this thread over the last week & I missed something, but what happened with Rob Singer going to the lawyers over KewlJ? Is that still going on or did it die on the vine?

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention to this thread over the last week & I missed something, but what happened with Rob Singer going to the lawyers over KewlJ? Is that still going on or did it die on the vine?
    More than likely he went to some law firm and they had the audacity to ask for an upfront 4k retaining fee. He responded with my social security check comes in a week from Wednesday, I will be back.

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention to this thread over the last week & I missed something, but what happened with Rob Singer going to the lawyers over KewlJ? Is that still going on or did it die on the vine?
    That guy couldn't afford a lawyer whose degree came out of a Cracker Jack box.

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