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Thread: What are the rules of this forum?

  1. #1
    In light of recent developments, I would like to ask Dan Druff to clarify just what the rules are here. Because frankly, your previous statements are all over the place.

    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I will be enforcing the following rules going forward:

    2) Any non-productive troll posts will be deleted, and the poster will be removed from the thread. I will be the sole judge of this. If I feel a post is made just to insult someone in the thread, with no other value, it will be removed and the offender will be kicked from the thread.

    Many people have complained to me that they want to post on this forum, but are afraid to do so because of the incessant trolling and arguing. I want that to change.

    Thank you.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    There is no trolling allowed on this forum anymore.

    I am going to be clamping down on anyone here to troll, and removing them from the site.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I regret that I let this forum go on for too long with pointless trolling and fighting. I will continue to clean things up here, and will remove people who are not here to contribute anything valuable.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    nor can you make highly inflammatory ones like you did about belly.
    Definition of inflammatory: intended to arouse angry or violent feelings. Are all the gay attacks on me, comments about me taking it up the ass, comments that my late partner died of aids, not inflammatory?

    And I won't even get into all the Rob Singer inconsistencies like you banned him.

    During the time he was banned you identified 3 different sock puppets of Singer for the purpose of trolling, one of which (girlfriday) threatened you.

    And yet, despite that you allowed Singer to return under the stipulation that he not troll and was limited to a single thread.
    Which you have never enforced!

    So is it too much to ask what are the rules here?

  2. #2
    In light of recent developments, I would like to ask Dan Druff to get rid of Kewlj. It's obvious he is the problem here.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    In light of recent developments, I would like to ask Dan Druff to clarify just what the rules are here. Because frankly, your previous statements are all over the place.

    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I regret that I let this forum go on for too long with pointless trolling and fighting. I will continue to clean things up here, and will remove people who are not here to contribute anything valuable.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    nor can you make highly inflammatory ones like you did about belly.
    Definition of inflammatory: intended to arouse angry or violent feelings. Are all the gay attacks on me, comments about me taking it up the ass, comments that my late partner died of aids, not inflammatory?

    And I won't even get into all the Rob Singer inconsistencies like you banned him.

    During the time he was banned you identified 3 different sock puppets of Singer for the purpose of trolling, one of which (girlfriday) threatened you.

    And yet, despite that you allowed Singer to return under the stipulation that he not troll and was limited to a single thread.
    Which you have never enforced!

    So is it too much to ask what are the rules here?
    The rules are at the discretion of the owner. Period.

  4. #4
    This is hilarious!

    How such a forum equates to the #1 overriding activity in kew's internet fantasy life is truly something to behold. It's as if he's issuing serious warnings and scoldings that, if he has to actually follow whatever rules the owner sets forth--changing or not--Dan had better be ready for the little twit to start jumping up and down kicking & screaming 'til his mommy comes home.

    Kew has already cooked his own goose in more ways than one. His latest bewilderment saw how he finally got someone who knows more than him to engage in his armchair blackjack-pro talk, only to see Moses get banned. And now, in what is sure to be released as part of his "greatest hits" collection, he claims he doesn't know "the rules" and proceeds to repeat his non-stop bad-mouthing of the forum owner. Pure gold.....

    Bottom line: kew has had multiple problems wherever he surfaces. He is SO invested in trying to get as many people as possible to believe in his pretend online life of being some super duper successful/under the radar/outsmarter of all casino managers, that he would simply go to pieces if his ability to create a make-believe fan base were to suddenly go "poof".

    It really doesn't get any funnier than this! He is the problem.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is hilarious!

    How such a forum equates to the #1 overriding activity in kew's internet fantasy life is truly something to behold. It's as if he's issuing serious warnings and scoldings that, if he has to actually follow whatever rules the owner sets forth--changing or not--Dan had better be ready for the little twit to start jumping up and down kicking & screaming 'til his mommy comes home.

    Kew has already cooked his own goose in more ways than one. His latest bewilderment saw how he finally got someone who knows more than him to engage in his armchair blackjack-pro talk, only to see Moses get banned. And now, in what is sure to be released as part of his "greatest hits" collection, he claims he doesn't know "the rules" and proceeds to repeat his non-stop bad-mouthing of the forum owner. Pure gold.....

    Bottom line: kew has had multiple problems wherever he surfaces. He is SO invested in trying to get as many people as possible to believe in his pretend online life of being some super duper successful/under the radar/outsmarter of all casino managers, that he would simply go to pieces if his ability to create a make-believe fan base were to suddenly go "poof".

    It really doesn't get any funnier than this! He is the problem.
    If you think Moses knows more about blackjack than KJ you are showing just how stupid you really are.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    If you think Moses knows more about blackjack than KJ you are showing just how stupid you really are.
    Why should anyone take what you say serious. Aren’t you the one that confessed to making shit up about people just for effect on this forum?

    You’re really no different then that fucking idiot Kewlj. Both of you have no idea how no one really cares about you and your alleged claims. No one cares if they get banned. No one cares who the fuck you alleged forum AP’s really are in real life.

    Could you even realize how pathetic this forum would be with Kewlj and a couple of weirdos who want to carry on about a game that is basically dead except for possibly some two-bit potential would be?

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    If you think Moses knows more about blackjack than KJ you are showing just how stupid you really are.
    Why should anyone take what you say serious. Aren’t you the one that confessed to making shit up about people just for effect on this forum?

    You’re really no different then that fucking idiot Kewlj. Both of you have no idea how no one really cares about you and your alleged claims. No one cares if they get banned. No one cares who the fuck you alleged forum AP’s really are in real life.

    Could you even realize how pathetic this forum would be with Kewlj and a couple of weirdos who want to carry on about a game that is basically dead except for possibly some two-bit potential would be?
    Just another low IQ rant by bitchstinkhole. His IQ is much lower than his age. No one cares about him and his bogus claims about AP's. No one cares if he gets banned. Actually, everyone is pulling for him to get banned. How pathetic would this forum be with just bitchstinkhole and the confederacy of dunces on it?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    His IQ is much lower than his age.
    OMG! isn't he like 120 years old? Every year his IQ goes down while his age goes up.

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How pathetic would this forum be with just bitchstinkhole and the confederacy of dunces on it?
    This is really what we should do. The AP's on this forum like you, me, RS_, MaxPen, Axel, JBJB, BoSox, Midwestplayer, (and those that aren't coming to mind at the moment) should leave. The reasonable non-AP gamblers too. Even those of us that doesn't have a lot of other options. And just leave this forum be a couple ancient "ghosts" who life has passed them by and they are bitter as hell the way it turned out, so they want to take it out on others.

    And for those that take offense at my comments on age....don't. They are specific to a small set of folks who are so bitter and angry at their situations that they take it out on others.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is hilarious!

    How such a forum equates to the #1 overriding activity in kew's internet fantasy life is truly something to behold. It's as if he's issuing serious warnings and scoldings that, if he has to actually follow whatever rules the owner sets forth--changing or not--Dan had better be ready for the little twit to start jumping up and down kicking & screaming 'til his mommy comes home.

    Kew has already cooked his own goose in more ways than one. His latest bewilderment saw how he finally got someone who knows more than him to engage in his armchair blackjack-pro talk, only to see Moses get banned. And now, in what is sure to be released as part of his "greatest hits" collection, he claims he doesn't know "the rules" and proceeds to repeat his non-stop bad-mouthing of the forum owner. Pure gold.....

    Bottom line: kew has had multiple problems wherever he surfaces. He is SO invested in trying to get as many people as possible to believe in his pretend online life of being some super duper successful/under the radar/outsmarter of all casino managers, that he would simply go to pieces if his ability to create a make-believe fan base were to suddenly go "poof".

    It really doesn't get any funnier than this! He is the problem.
    If you think Moses knows more about blackjack than KJ you are showing just how stupid you really are.
    Your lack of education makes you a little slow....again.

    Moses was far more detailed and articulate than anyone else here when it came to blackjack. You could tell he was speaking from knowledge and actual experience, whereas what kew constantly feeds this forum is paragraphs from bj "how to" books. Just because you want the clown to be for real does not make it so. If you had a better trained mind--aka, a diploma of some sort--this wouldn't be so tough for you.

    For instance....and I'm not gonna get in the habit of schooling you: place both Moses and kew side-by-side in your mind. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask "him" to rub your little pee pee because I KNOW you really don't appreciate weirdos). Now, which one do you think would come apart at the seams first if they both got banned simultaneously? Once you choose, answer WHY.

    Yes it's a tough question for a biased dope like you. But you'll eventually catch on.

  11. #11
    Rob,,,,,,do you also believe the Earth is flat? Because some articulate dope says it is.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is hilarious!

    How such a forum equates to the #1 overriding activity in kew's internet fantasy life is truly something to behold. It's as if he's issuing serious warnings and scoldings that, if he has to actually follow whatever rules the owner sets forth--changing or not--Dan had better be ready for the little twit to start jumping up and down kicking & screaming 'til his mommy comes home.

    Kew has already cooked his own goose in more ways than one. His latest bewilderment saw how he finally got someone who knows more than him to engage in his armchair blackjack-pro talk, only to see Moses get banned. And now, in what is sure to be released as part of his "greatest hits" collection, he claims he doesn't know "the rules" and proceeds to repeat his non-stop bad-mouthing of the forum owner. Pure gold.....

    Bottom line: kew has had multiple problems wherever he surfaces. He is SO invested in trying to get as many people as possible to believe in his pretend online life of being some super duper successful/under the radar/outsmarter of all casino managers, that he would simply go to pieces if his ability to create a make-believe fan base were to suddenly go "poof".

    It really doesn't get any funnier than this! He is the problem.
    If you think Moses knows more about blackjack than KJ you are showing just how stupid you really are.
    Your lack of education makes you a little slow....again.

    Moses was far more detailed and articulate than anyone else here when it came to blackjack. You could tell he was speaking from knowledge and actual experience, whereas what kew constantly feeds this forum is paragraphs from bj "how to" books. Just because you want the clown to be for real does not make it so. If you had a better trained mind--aka, a diploma of some sort--this wouldn't be so tough for you.

    For instance....and I'm not gonna get in the habit of schooling you: place both Moses and kew side-by-side in your mind. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask "him" to rub your little pee pee because I KNOW you really don't appreciate weirdos). Now, which one do you think would come apart at the seams first if they both got banned simultaneously? Once you choose, answer WHY.

    Yes it's a tough question for a biased dope like you. But you'll eventually catch on.
    Like I said, you are proving just how stupid you really are.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #13
    Rob Singer wrote:

    "Your lack of education makes you a little slow....again.

    Moses was far more detailed and articulate than anyone else here when it came to blackjack. You could tell he was speaking from knowledge and actual experience, whereas what kew constantly feeds this forum is paragraphs from bj "how to" books. Just because you want the clown to be for real does not make it so. If you had a better trained mind--aka, a diploma of some sort--this wouldn't be so tough for you."

    First without question both players speak with a wealth of knowledge and thousands of hours of experience so Rob please leave it at that. Now why would someone, in this case KJ feed this forum paragraphs from bj "how to" books. Because this is not a blackjack board. That is first thing you learn in the process and is required that you learn it right. Otherwise, there will be no learning how to get away with it, as you would not reach that point anyway, as you would not be considered any kind of threat. Moses, was either addressing KJ directly in discussion or briefly forgot this is not a blackjack board. Given a chance both players would relish the opportunity to converse directly in person with Don Schlesinger.

    "For instance....and I'm not gonna get in the habit of schooling you: place both Moses and kew side-by-side in your mind. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask "him" to rub your little pee pee because I KNOW you really don't appreciate weirdos). Now, which one do you think would come apart at the seams first if they both got banned simultaneously? Once you choose, answer WHY.

    Yes it's a tough question for a biased dope like you. But you'll eventually catch on."

    No relivance at all to your question, but for conversation sake, you would need to describe what coming apart at the seems means. Pertaining to once you choose answer WHY, I am not mickey, but I would think that it would be a huge mistake for either one to get upset over something like that as it is not worth it. Now I was going to say that you are making a big mistake speaking down to mickey as I do think he is one real smart guy, and continue with saying that you are a complete dipshit, but I cannot no longer say that about you. Apparantly you know how to purchase a motor home that appreciates significantly in value, I call that being a real entrepreneur. IF it is true.
    Last edited by BoSox; 02-24-2019 at 07:34 AM.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    " First without question both players speak with a wealth of knowledge and thousands of hours of experience so Rob please leave it at that. Now why would someone, in this case KJ feed this forum paragraphs from bj "how to" books. Because this is not a blackjack board. That is first thing you learn in the process and is required that you learn it right. Otherwise, there will be no learning how to get away with it, as you would not reach that point anyway, as you would not be considered any kind of threat. Moses, was either addressing KJ directly in discussion or briefly forgot this is not a blackjack board. Given a chance both players would relish the opportunity to converse directly in person with Don Schlesinger.

    "For instance....and I'm not gonna get in the habit of schooling you: place both Moses and kew side-by-side in your mind. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask "him" to rub your little pee pee because I KNOW you really don't appreciate weirdos). Now, which one do you think would come apart at the seams first if they both got banned simultaneously? Once you choose, answer WHY.

    Yes it's a tough question for a biased dope like you. But you'll eventually catch on."

    No relivance at all to your question, but for conversation sake, you would need to describe what coming apart at the seems means. Pertaining to once you choose answer WHY, I am not mickey, but I would think that it would be a huge mistake for either one to get upset over something like that as it is not worth it. Now I was going to say that you are making a big mistake speaking down to mickey as I do think he is one real smart guy, and continue with saying that you are a complete dipshit, but I cannot no longer say that about you. Apparantly you know how to purchase a motor home that appreciates significantly in value, I call that being a real entrepreneur. IF it is true.
    What are you a fucking lawyer? Did the ditz toss you from his spaceship? Enough of your over the top of listen to me and my psychological analysis as I break down every post. You've been doing this since you got here. It's played out already, so please stop. Haven't you realized yet that no one really cares about your nonsense?

  15. #15
    " Haven't you realized yet that no one really cares about your nonsense?"

    Yes, I have. Just curious when KJ was handing out those $20 dollar bills to the homeless, did you happen to get one?

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    " Haven't you realized yet that no one really cares about your nonsense?"

    Yes, I have. Just curious when KJ was handing out those $20 dollar bills to the homeless, did you happen to get one?
    I'm not close to following your middle school rant, but I do have one item to ask. Where are you getting that my RV has "appreciated significantly in value"? No RV goes up in value over time.You don't know that? In fact, they rapidly depreciate almost immediately. I'm guessing the RV in question is the one I posted a picture of after we bought it. Just about $1.5mil. Redietz can't come to terms with it because it isn't something available on Mars.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    " Haven't you realized yet that no one really cares about your nonsense?"

    Yes, I have. Just curious when KJ was handing out those $20 dollar bills to the homeless, did you happen to get one?
    I'm not close to following your middle school rant, but I do have one item to ask. Where are you getting that my RV has "appreciated significantly in value"? No RV goes up in value over time.You don't know that? In fact, they rapidly depreciate almost immediately. I'm guessing the RV in question is the one I posted a picture of after we bought it. Just about $1.5mil. Redietz can't come to terms with it because it isn't something available on Mars.
    Your first RV got Repo'd so you went out and payed 1.5 million cash for another one? You betcha, big fella. You couldn't even make the payments on the first one. LOL! Phantom bucks. What an idiot.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    " Haven't you realized yet that no one really cares about your nonsense?"

    Yes, I have. Just curious when KJ was handing out those $20 dollar bills to the homeless, did you happen to get one?
    I'm not close to following your middle school rant, but I do have one item to ask. Where are you getting that my RV has "appreciated significantly in value"? No RV goes up in value over time.You don't know that? In fact, they rapidly depreciate almost immediately. I'm guessing the RV in question is the one I posted a picture of after we bought it. Just about $1.5mil. Redietz can't come to terms with it because it isn't something available on Mars.
    Your first RV got Repo'd so you went out and payed 1.5 million cash for another one? You betcha, big fella. You couldn't even make the payments on the first one. LOL! Phantom bucks. What an idiot.
    Nope. Not even close. But follow your heart. Or redietz'. Or kew's. Don't you know? Alan's broke, I'm broke. Slingshot's broke. Blackhole's broke. And coach is broke. All that education, career work, and everyone's 401k's went poof! But there's a success story. School dropout, hobo, and alcoholic. Then....a lonesome apartment-dwelling two-bit gambler who makes up silly stories.

    Best you go cry a river for your pal kew. That might work when there's no family to be found.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    I'm not close to following your middle school rant, but I do have one item to ask. Where are you getting that my RV has "appreciated significantly in value"? No RV goes up in value over time.You don't know that? In fact, they rapidly depreciate almost immediately. I'm guessing the RV in question is the one I posted a picture of after we bought it. Just about $1.5mil. Redietz can't come to terms with it because it isn't something available on Mars.
    Your first RV got Repo'd so you went out and payed 1.5 million cash for another one? You betcha, big fella. You couldn't even make the payments on the first one. LOL! Phantom bucks. What an idiot.
    Nope. Not even close. But follow your heart. Or redietz'. Or kew's. Don't you know? Alan's broke, I'm broke. Slingshot's broke. Blackhole's broke. And coach is broke. All that education, career work, and everyone's 401k's went poof! But there's a success story. School dropout, hobo, and alcoholic. Then....a lonesome apartment-dwelling two-bit gambler who makes up silly stories.

    Best you go cry a river for your pal kew. That might work when there's no family to be found.
    More ignorant blather from the ignorant blatherer.

    Phantom bucks.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    I'm not close to following your middle school rant, but I do have one item to ask. Where are you getting that my RV has "appreciated significantly in value"? No RV goes up in value over time.You don't know that? In fact, they rapidly depreciate almost immediately. I'm guessing the RV in question is the one I posted a picture of after we bought it. Just about $1.5mil. Redietz can't come to terms with it because it isn't something available on Mars.
    Your first RV got Repo'd so you went out and payed 1.5 million cash for another one? You betcha, big fella. You couldn't even make the payments on the first one. LOL! Phantom bucks. What an idiot.
    Nope. Not even close. But follow your heart. Or redietz'. Or kew's. Don't you know? Alan's broke, I'm broke. Slingshot's broke. Blackhole's broke. And coach is broke. All that education, career work, and everyone's 401k's went poof! But there's a success story. School dropout, hobo, and alcoholic. Then....a lonesome apartment-dwelling two-bit gambler who makes up silly stories.

    Best you go cry a river for your pal kew. That might work when there's no family to be found.

    Rob, it does not matter that you have the money or not, you thrive on and enjoy other peoples miseries, hardships, and loss of loved ones. What kind of person does that? Why are you so insecure, with your own life that you must let everyone know that you are far better off than they are?

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