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Thread: A Request For Axel

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Axel, what do you think the chances are that there is a huge video poker advantage play somewhere in Las Vegas but not one AP knows about it? And what do you think the chances are that Argentino knows this play while no other AP does? This is where I put the probability:

    0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
    Here's the thing mickey (and I'm replying to this because I know you're feeling slighted): by inserting the 1 means you don't want to believe me--but you do. And the reason I'm very sure no one else knows about it is because my combination of intelligence and life experience surpasses probably everyone in the gambling community.

    You know that if axel OK's this meeting there will be an AP-contingent outside the room waiting to have me sign autographs. Why don't you plan on attending? You do know kew will be there hiding behind a machine somewhere until he's spotted. I'm thinking of asking him to prove he can accurately count two tables simultaneously whilst winning from the count at one of them. Should be fun!

    I do believe if this occurs Dancer and his pipsqueak friend will be BEGGING me to pop in for a REAL interview. I expect he'll be trying to listen in on my chat with axel too.

    Did I miss anything?
    I inserted the 1 because probability is a measure of uncertainty. And that measure of uncertainty is always somewhere between zero and 1. Expressed in laymen's terms the probability that you, and only you, know of a huge advantage video poker play in Las Vegas that no one else knows about far exceeds the chances of rolling 18 yo's in a row. In short, something is up with you wanting to meet axel. Is a process server involved? You looking to out axel as an AP? One thing is infinitely sure, whatever your reason for wanting to meet him, it has nothing to do with video poker.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-21-2019 at 01:04 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #62
    This is very intriguing. A good mystery is being constructed.

    Rob feels Alexwolf "will both appreciate and be fascinated by the magnitude of how I operated with such a huge advantage at the time."
    Rob Singer is risking quite a bit with this offer.

    Mickeycrimm has great doubt about the meeting. Mickeycrimm is the de facto leader on this forum. He has weight and authority and he has spoken out. All of this makes for great drama. It's exciting. Isn't it?

    Maybe this is the moment. The great reveal could be at hand.

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by pahrump pete View Post
    This is very intriguing. A good mystery is being constructed.

    Rob feels Alexwolf "will both appreciate and be fascinated by the magnitude of how I operated with such a huge advantage at the time."
    Rob Singer is risking quite a bit with this offer.

    Mickeycrimm has great doubt about the meeting. Mickeycrimm is the de facto leader on this forum. He has weight and authority and he has spoken out. All of this makes for great drama. It's exciting. Isn't it?

    Maybe this is the moment. The great reveal could be at hand.
    If this were a game show Singer would have been GONG'ed out long ago. Instead it is just another game of Whack A Mole. Everything Singer has been reduced to ashes and this is another feeble attempt at relevancy for a failed degenerate living in his camper van mooching electricity and WiFi service.
    Name:  gonghed.jpg
Views: 488
Size:  53.7 KB

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by pahrump pete View Post
    This is very intriguing. A good mystery is being constructed.
    You may think so Pahrump pete, but I don't think the rest of us that have been around a while and know Singer find it all that intriguing, just suspicious.

    Two things stick out to me. One is that while Axelwolf hasn't been a member that Singer has attacked as much as other members here, Singer has indeed attacked and belittled Axel at different times just like he does everyone else. You don't have to go back very far to find such attacks. Now all of the sudden, Singer wants to meet up with Axel, hand picked Axel, to share his wisdom with. And Singer has been very careful not to be critical of Axel in the slightest, only heaping praise on him. Nope doesn't add up. Most things with Singer don't add up and this is no exception.

    Second and this one was suggested to me privately. If someone is in town for a few days and wants to meet with someone, they usually say something like "I will be in Vegas from the 10th thru the 13ths and would like to meet. When are you available?". Setting this specific time and day like this is odd...very odd. It smells of some kind of set up of something. I would be very hesitant. I think most of us think this just smells foul.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by pahrump pete View Post
    This is very intriguing. A good mystery is being constructed.

    Rob feels Alexwolf "will both appreciate and be fascinated by the magnitude of how I operated with such a huge advantage at the time."
    Rob Singer is risking quite a bit with this offer.

    Mickeycrimm has great doubt about the meeting. Mickeycrimm is the de facto leader on this forum. He has weight and authority and he has spoken out. All of this makes for great drama. It's exciting. Isn't it?

    Maybe this is the moment. The great reveal could be at hand.
    I'm not the leader here. I'm just a member.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #66
    Add a third thing to my above two. If Singer had some desire to meet up with Axelwolf, why post publicly. Wouldn't the normal thing be to contact the person privately and make arrangements?

    Even if the purpose is to have a legitimate AP, validate Singers supposedly holy grail methods. Arrangements would be made privately and then if Axel felt so inclined he would vouch for Singer magical claims. There just would be no reason for this big public show that Singer has created it. None of this passes the smell test. It is all bizarro world (Seinfeld reference) stuff, but everything with this Singer person is.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-21-2019 at 05:53 PM.

  7. #67
    I'll help you characters out.

    First mickey: Who said this was "only a LV play"?

    Kew: forever skeptical. Yes I have gone after Axel but no more than he's gone after me. It's all part of the internet forum game. But what in the world will you do if he decides to meet with me and you find out there was nothing nefarious at all about it? Will you go into meltdown mode, with an apology as your only way out? Will you tell maxpen what a true idiot and liar he's always been....besides being here only to troll? What will you do? Because if he chooses to do it then you need to prepare yourself.

    I chose to ask axel publicly for the exact reason you seem to think asking privately would be the way to go. First off, you're looking at this as if a 70-year old grandfather would somehow pose a problem for a younger man to meet in a public place. Not really true. Next, it was a public invitation so he could feel better knowing I'd at least expect he'd have some friends or associates nearby looking out for him, thereby making this a more comfortable event. In reality, I should be the leary one but I'm not. I trust axel is a decent person, and I've been in far more concerning situations in years past. And why the specific date of Mon. May 13th @ 10pm? Because that day later at night is my ONLY opportunity to do this. I am not in LV for several days, and this time is all I have. Immediately afterwards I'll be driving back to our RV park south of Flagstaff, where we will then leave the SW for the summer.

    Did I alleviate all of your concerns?

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I'll help you characters out.

    First mickey: Who said this was "only a LV play"?

    Kew: forever skeptical. Yes I have gone after Axel but no more than he's gone after me. It's all part of the internet forum game. But what in the world will you do if he decides to meet with me and you find out there was nothing nefarious at all about it? Will you go into meltdown mode, with an apology as your only way out? Will you tell maxpen what a true idiot and liar he's always been....besides being here only to troll? What will you do? Because if he chooses to do it then you need to prepare yourself.

    I chose to ask axel publicly for the exact reason you seem to think asking privately would be the way to go. First off, you're looking at this as if a 70-year old grandfather would somehow pose a problem for a younger man to meet in a public place. Not really true. Next, it was a public invitation so he could feel better knowing I'd at least expect he'd have some friends or associates nearby looking out for him, thereby making this a more comfortable event. In reality, I should be the leary one but I'm not. I trust axel is a decent person, and I've been in far more concerning situations in years past. And why the specific date of Mon. May 13th @ 10pm? Because that day later at night is my ONLY opportunity to do this. I am not in LV for several days, and this time is all I have. Immediately afterwards I'll be driving back to our RV park south of Flagstaff, where we will then leave the SW for the summer.

    Did I alleviate all of your concerns?
    I must really get under your skin. Why don't you make up some more CCW bullshit or tell a story about hitting another phantom jackpot.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Did I alleviate all of your concerns?
    You have alleviated nothing. Near as I can tell all you did was admit for the third time in about 3 weeks that your purpose here is "all part of the internet game". That nothing you say or have ever said should be believed, just as most of us have known all along. I just hope that Slingshot and the others that take you seriously are paying attention.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Did I alleviate all of your concerns?
    You have alleviated nothing. Near as I can tell all you did was admit for the third time in about 3 weeks that your purpose here is "all part of the internet game". That nothing you say or have ever said should be believed, just as most of us have known all along. I just hope that Slingshot and the others that take you seriously are paying attention.
    I'm still wondering what on earth you will do if you can't dissuade axel. Will you cry? Will you call nervous max and try to console one another? Where will you get your strength?

    You yourself believe internet forums are a game kew. You get bounced from one because of arguing with more knowledgeable and sensible people over your plethora of absurd claims, so your join another. Then you rinse and repeat. Over and over. You play the game of "That's it--I QUIT FOR GOOD" then come back over and over, and you pretend no one notices. Everything you do on forums is a game, from begging for attention and relevance to attacking anyone who won't believe your bs. It's all a game to you.

  11. #71
    First off, let me thank everyone who has weighed in on the subject with their concerns for my safety and other things. I'm certainly reading everything as I go, taking it in, and weighing the possible risks VS rewards. It seems a bit strange with some red flags, however, I have been surprised more than once.

    I highly doubt Rob would try to harm me physically in any way. So that's not even a consideration for me. I don't even care if you bring a gun, as long as you don't point it at me(I have had more than one gun pulled on me). I admit, Rob has been irritating enough at times, where I felt like it would be fun just to punch him in the face. BUT I WOULD NEVER DO THAT over some internet BS. TBH, I don't even hate Rob. I think he is just trolling us half(most) of the time trying to get under our skins. Whats even more irritating is that I don't know if he really doesn't get or believe some AP facts, or he does, but it just goes against his agenda(whatever that may be) so he tries to debunk it with some nonsense.

    For the most part, apart from someone or something obviously dangerous. And trust me, I have done a number of potentially dangerous things and dealt with sketchy people where others are like," WTF are you doing, are you crazy?" That being said, I'm not scared or shy of meeting anyone. I'm only cautious for financial reasons and the safety of my friends and family. A bad meeting could not only affect me, but also my partners and people that play for us.

    I was actually interested in meeting up with Alan a number of years ago. Back when he was playing @ Harrah's Rincon, I was as well. I thought why not, he's an interesting person who had many accomplishments. After talking to someone else, I thought better of it just to be on the safe side.

    I do agree with MC that anything can be explained without a face to face, certainly with a video. Then again, I myself would probably want to meet someone face to face before I divulged anything, especially if I thought it were real and I was making money doing it, so I can understand wanting a face to face. I really have no clue why anyone that has the keys to VP would ever tell anyone other than someone very close them or people they trusted.

    I can't even fathom someone talking about it in public and not just go and continue making money from it, or at least having family members and friends use the system to get rich themselves. I might understand if someone wanted some type of fame and accolades after making their fortune and moving on to something much bigger and better. If that were the case, it would be easy to control and do it how you wanted by showing proof to someone that has a far reaching audience. Assuming you came up with something legit you should have no problem parlaying that into whatever you wanted including even more financial gain.

    Risk VS rewards:

    I can't really think of any real rewards other than quelling my curiosity concerning all things Rob, mostly his system(defiantly not Robs little rod size, unless there is a sizable bet involved). Assuming he allows me to report on the meeting I think that would be kinda fun. If Rob did have some crazy way to make money on VP, I really don't think I would want to report it. I would rather just keep my mouth shut and do it.

    There is a small chance I might learn something new or interesting, I'm always up for that. Yes, we all know Rob plays Mr. Evil on the forums. I have no clue if that's all just an act or what. Perhaps a little of both? If nothing else, perhaps he will tell me exactly where the $2 FPDW in the McLaughlin bar is at, and the $100 10/6. 99% of the time I have meet with someone from the forums it has been a good experience, even with some people who I didnt really like their initial internet persona.

    It just so happens that Rob wants to meet up during a very busy week for me. For one, the WOV Spring fling is going on a few days before that. Lots of people I like will be in town and there are some preliminary plans. And most important, my first year anniversary is that same week, it's probably best I don't fuck that one up with just some one day dinner thing(unless that's what she wants).

    Let's say I am able to make the time. I would Never meet up with Rob on a day, time, and place that's been already publicly announced. So all that would have to be changed and made private.

    I was wondering if whomever sent me that Text could be involved with Rob, perhaps they want to have me severed or some shit.

    And of course in the back of my mind i would be wondering just a little if this is some kind of set up just to identify me somehow.

    Maybe Rob just so happens to be renting a Million dollar RV and he just wants to get me all alone in it. Then he thinks I will report back how wonderful his 1.5" dick looks and how big 9.5' RV is

    IIRC The Wizard met up with Rob. The Wizard never had a bad thing to say about Rob. AAMOF, IIRC he actually said Rob was a pleasant guy and he liked him for the most part. It's one thing to go at each other on the forums with guys you never meet. Or, if you are just busting someone's balls you meet and like. But, I find it very low down and dirty to have had meet and hung out with someone in person, only to go after and attack that person on the forums for no real good reason... like Rob has done to Mike. For the most part, I'm a people person. once I meet with somome and get to know them better I find reason to like them, flawed or not. If I cant or don't, I prefer not to have anything to do with them or engage and just move on. It's one thing busting someones balls after meeting them, but I have seen far to often when people are not just busting balls, and they get totally out of line. I don't wan't to deal with that type BS whatsoever.

    I would like to make this happen, lets see if we can. I just don't want to regret it. I guarantee I would go in with an open mind and report honestly. As open minded as I could passably get that is, since I'm fairly confidant most all VP machines are totally random and I'm confidant you cant trick randomness. If I were to determine it was totally bogus. I don't want to hear some bullshit from Rob claiming I am too dumb to understand blah blah blah. If I don't understand something or its too complex. I'm the first one to admit when I have no clue about something or its too complicated for me to understand. I know when I know something and I know when I don't. And of course I should not be expected to understand some hodgepodge of made up BS events deployed just to make sure a person is confused.
    Last edited by AxelWolf; 04-22-2019 at 01:34 AM.

  12. #72
    Rob, are you placing your emphasis on a special play people can come across combined with the steady strategy and principals you always talk about? Did much does this special AP play account for your success?

    Mick, This forum has an owner and members with no elected leaders. That's true. However the key word is de facto. This is the reality.

    Kew, suspicion is healthy.

    Axel. Your call. But I hope you go for it. Rob is giving you a lot of power. He just might have picked the right man. He has a lot invested. You could make or break him. It sounds like someone has to search and work for the play. It's not laying out there in the open. Good luck.

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by pahrump pete View Post
    Rob, are you placing your emphasis on a special play people can come across combined with the steady strategy and principals you always talk about? Did much does this special AP play account for your success?

    Mick, This forum has an owner and members with no elected leaders. That's true. However the key word is de facto. This is the reality.

    Kew, suspicion is healthy.

    Axel. Your call. But I hope you go for it. Rob is giving you a lot of power. He just might have picked the right man. He has a lot invested. You could make or break him. It sounds like someone has to search and work for the play. It's not laying out there in the open. Good luck.
    The problem is axel and other AP's specialize in plays that are not laying out in the open. I do the same. I still say there is a better chance of rolling 18 yo's in a row than Singer knowing an advantage video poker play that no AP's know about.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  14. #74
    I appreciate your ongoing evaluation. This type of thing doesn't happen every day.

    Those who know me know I'm a face-to-face person when something meaningful and trustworthy is to be addressed. I have an entire career of business experience in that. I get a queasy stomach just reading that someone would ever think there's even a chance one of us would be harmed in any way at a meeting I've asked for. The last person I've caused damage to was when I was 28, and it was in service to this country.

    I asked you because you're a family guy, you have a good reputation, and I can tell the difference when you try to post genuinely vs. the forum bs we all get into sometimes. I understand the concern re: some things I've said about Mike since we've met. It has much more to do with his disingenuous treatment of me in front of his forum members when I tried to meet up with them, and my efforts to make a point about him being a successful vp-ap than anything to do with his otherwise respectful treatment of me in person and shortly afterwards. It was hard to find fault with the guy who has always said he had no electronic proof and did not believe I was the nemesis Jerry Logan, which I'm not.

    I concur with not wanting a publicly known meeting time and place. I thought that offer might help you see I have no alternative reasons going on, and let's face it--who's despised more than me on the forums? It's a fact that losers hate winners. I just have a knack for getting people to display it.

    As such, I have no problem if you'd like to send me a pm or email to change the location that better suits you. However, the 13th at night is the only available time I have because of our travel schedule. We could make it as early as 8:30pm or any time before 4am.

    I'm sure you'll find this meeting informative. There are basically 3 items involved: I will truthfully explain what many people see as a mystery over my years of seemingly being able to win so consistently (this is a lead-in to the AP play). I'll explain The Play and where I've found it over the years. And, I'll explain why it's still around, albeit much tougher to find today.

    We're headed out to San Diego and Laughlin for a few days. But I'll check my pm's and email from time to time.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I have no problem if you'd like to send me a pm or email to change the location that better suits you.
    Interesting. About a year ago I received several extremely nasty, possibly illegal, emails from this very email address. Upon mentioning it on this very forum Rob Singer denied that it was him, suggesting that someone else set up and used an email address with his handle in the address. Of course everyone knew he was lying and now he just admitted it. This guy tells so many lies, he can't even keep track anymore.

    I suppose just all part of "the internet game" that he has played for years. Another phrase for that would be TROLL.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    About a year ago I received several extremely nasty, possibly illegal, emails from this very email address.
    Considering their possible illegal nature, did you save the emails?

  17. #77
    Some other observations:

    In his attempt to continue to "butter up" Axelwolf, Rob Singer just called Axelwolf "a family guy". I have not met Axel and only know him from the forums, where we have had some issues, but it is my understanding that Axelwolf just got married about a year ago for the first time, fairly late in life (fairly late as far as marrying and starting a family). I was under the impression Axel has no children, unless pets count. So what is the criteria for this "family guy" thing. Does Axel resemble Peter Griffin from family guy? I don't get it.

    The more Rob posts, the more it becomes obvious to me this is something very narrowly targeting Axelwolf and in that very short window of a time frame, which now has been expanded to about 6 hours. This has to go down in that short time frame (smelling of a set up). Why does it have to go down in that short time frame? Rob is currently, according to him, just south of Flagstaff, for the next 3 weeks. What is that an hour drive to the southern tip of Vegas where Silverton is located? If it is so important for Rob to meet with Axel, he could do so at anytime (Axel's convenience) over the next 3 weeks. But no, there is this specific window set up because this is some sort of set up of something.

    This is a guy who has trolled the gambling community for 20 years with this fantastic tale of winning millions playing negative EV VP games, using techniques such as stop limits, and progressive wagering that are proven that they can not change negative expectation to positive. And for decades whenever anyone challenged him on the basis of mathematics, his answer was to attack...nasty personal attacks for the purpose of changing the subject, shutting up the challenger and dissuading others from challenging his "alternative math".

    And now all of the sudden, this troll for decades, has handpicked someone to reveal his magical powers, but it has to be a very specific time and day. A very small window. Anyone buying this probably already owns a replica of the Brooklyn Bridge they are sorry they purchased. Danger, Danger Will Robinson (Axelwolf)!

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    Considering their possible illegal nature, did you save the emails?
    Yes Sir.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    Considering their possible illegal nature, did you save the emails?
    Yes Sir.
    Can you provide proof that the emails came from the address that Singer gave above?

    For example...screenshots showing the originating address of the messages.

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    Considering their possible illegal nature, did you save the emails?
    Yes Sir.
    Can you provide proof that the emails came from the address that Singer gave above?

    For example...screenshots showing the originating address of the messages.
    Jezus Christ why don't you just go fuck yourself Inspector Clouseau?

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