Originally Posted by FABismonte View Post
Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
You can’t sue a nation. But I think nersesian has had success suing individuals in an Indian nation.
Aqua Caliente casino is in California. Bob Nersesian is admitted to the Nevada bar and not the California bar so he could not bring suit. Even then, it is one thing to sue an individual for such things as assault instead of the employer. Quite another to sue an Indian Casino for non-payment where presumably no Aqua Caliente employee has individual liability. I don't play in California Indian casinos unless there is a brand name such as Ceasars managing the casino which would be a legitimate target in court and not subject to sovereign immunity.
Nersesian can and does work as a consulting attorney on cases in other states, just as he did in the Arizona case that I mentioned in my earlier post. While it's true that he can't stand before a judge and deliver on-the-record arguments in states other than Nevada, he can consult on any case he wants, anywhere,