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Thread: What Does Everyone Think About the 2020 Presidential Candidates

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Pete Buttigieg is moving up in the polls. He is now ranked third in a Monday poll. We don't need any more old men in the White House.
    We don't need any more liberals in the White House either.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #22
    The Democrats are going to be getting a big black eye in the coming months which will effect the 2020 election. The American people had to put up with 2 1/2 years of Dems and their surrogates lying about Trump/Russia collusion/crimes. It was extremely tiring having to listen to all the lies from the mainstream media day in and day out. I knew it was all bullshit a year and a half ago. Even though they've been exposed they won't quit. So it has to be shoved down their evil throats.

    The investigation into the investigators will start today with Bill Barr's press conference. He has stated there was spying on the Trump campaign going on. Under the guise of looking for Trump/Russia collusion the investigators were actually looking for any dirt on Trump that Hillary could use against him. This is going to go straight back to the Obama White House and James Brennan. Obama gave the green light for the deep state to go after Trump. Watergate pales in comparison to this conspiracy to bring down a Presidential candidate and then duly elected President.

    Grand juries are going to be shown all the evidence of a deep state conspiracy to destroy President Trump. If you've been getting your news from nothing but the main stream media then you know nothing of what has been done and what is going to go down. And you are going to go into shock at the indictments that are going to come down.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-18-2019 at 01:36 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The Democrats are going to be getting a big black eye in the coming months which will effect the 2020 election. The American people had to put up with 2 1/2 years of Dems and their surrogates lying about Trump/Russia collusion/crimes. It was extremely tiring having to listen to all the lies from the mainstream media day in and day out. I knew it was all bullshit a year and a half ago. Even though they've been exposed they won't quit. So it has to be shoved down their evil throats.

    The investigation into the investigators will start today with Bill Barr's press conference. He has stated there was spying on the Trump campaign going on. Under the guise of looking for Trump/Russia collusion the investigators were actually looking for any dirt on Trump that Hillary could use against him. This is going to go straight back to the Obama White House and James Brennan. Obama gave the green light for the deep state to go after Trump. Watergate pales in comparison to this conspiracy to bring down a Presidential candidate and then duly elected President.

    Grand juries are going to be shown all the evidence of a deep state conspiracy to destroy President Trump. If you've been getting your news from nothing but the main stream media then you know nothing of what has been done and what is going to go down. And you are going to go into shock at the indictments that are going to come down.
    Damn right Mickey!
    I still find it absolutely astonishing that main stream media "journalists" totally whiffed on the biggest story of their careers due to their hatred for Trump. Hell, this may be the biggest story of corruption at the highest levels that our nation has EVER seen.
    Sean Hannity is HATED by the left, but, his regular guests John Solomon and Sara Carter can hold their heads up high for being real journalists.

    I would not be sleeping well if I were Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker, Bruce Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, and whomever is the [REDACTED] quote, 'the White House is running this.',” Strzok wrote to Page on Aug. 5, 2016.

    Next up, indictments.

  4. #24
    Rev Graham calls for Pete Buttigieg to repent his homosexual ways.

    However, he doesn't mention anything about Trump's three marriages or Trump's cheating on his wives.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Which moniker do you guys like better or can you think of any?

    1. Bonehead O'Rourke

    2. Beto O'Dork

    3. Bonehead O'Dork
    BETA O'Rourke

    As in BETA male.

  6. #26
    No way the Dems nominate a male. Warren or Kamala Harris will be their chosen one. (Tulsi is too hated by the establishment for actually being anti-war - which USED to appeal to the democrat base, but these days being against bombing the middle east makes you a "white supremacist")

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by pepe View Post
    No way the Dems nominate a male. Warren or Kamala Harris will be their chosen one. (Tulsi is too hated by the establishment for actually being anti-war - which USED to appeal to the democrat base, but these days being against bombing the middle east makes you a "white supremacist")
    Put your money where your mouth is.

  8. #28
    7 glaring omissions in the mueller report:
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #29
    The liberal media and democrats have been desperately hoping that Don Jr. was going to be indicted because they know that if Trump wins again in 2020 and the economy/stock market keeps on pumping, Don Jr. will run in 2024, win, and keep his father's extraordinary legacy going.

    Can you just IMAGINE the sour pussy-eatin' strain on Rachel Maddow's tear-covered face!

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The Democrats are going to be getting a big black eye in the coming months which will effect the 2020 election. The American people had to put up with 2 1/2 years of Dems and their surrogates lying about Trump/Russia collusion/crimes. It was extremely tiring having to listen to all the lies from the mainstream media day in and day out. I knew it was all bullshit a year and a half ago. Even though they've been exposed they won't quit. So it has to be shoved down their evil throats.

    The investigation into the investigators will start today with Bill Barr's press conference. He has stated there was spying on the Trump campaign going on. Under the guise of looking for Trump/Russia collusion the investigators were actually looking for any dirt on Trump that Hillary could use against him. This is going to go straight back to the Obama White House and James Brennan. Obama gave the green light for the deep state to go after Trump. Watergate pales in comparison to this conspiracy to bring down a Presidential candidate and then duly elected President.

    Grand juries are going to be shown all the evidence of a deep state conspiracy to destroy President Trump. If you've been getting your news from nothing but the main stream media then you know nothing of what has been done and what is going to go down. And you are going to go into shock at the indictments that are going to come down.
    The Dems are in a panic because of what Bob Barr knows about the deep state conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected POTUS. It will give the dems a big black eye. They have to smear and destroy Barr as much as they can. The New York Times is now publishing stories, starting with Papadopalous, to get out in front and soften the blow for dems. But if you would have read The Russia Hoax a year ago you would already know what the FBI and CIA did to Papadopalous. They set him up.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #31
    I probably will bet it. I think Biden/Harris is the likeliest ticket, and I'd say they are roughly -135 to win. I also think there's about a 1 in 15 chance Trump bows out in the next nine months due to "medical conditions." I mention that just because, in a curious way, I think a Pence-led ticket might be a marginal favorite, which is a weird conclusion, but that's what I think. The point being that if someone offers me 40-1 on Pence being the next president, I'd have to consider it for dinner(s) money.

  12. #32
    I think Trump should join this forum. I mean-he's up to 10,000 lies or misleading statements.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I think Trump should join this forum. I mean-he's up to 10,000 lies or misleading statements.
    The dems and mainstream media are up to 95,000,000 lies about Trump. But you didn’t notice that did you, sling. Doesn’t interest you in the least.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I think Trump should join this forum. I mean-he's up to 10,000 lies or misleading statements.
    The dems and mainstream media are up to 95,000,000 lies about Trump. But you didn’t notice that did you, sling. Doesn’t interest you in the least.
    After I voted for him, I was watching his inauguration and saw his comment about the size of the inaugural crowd. Then came the comparison photos from the "liberal media". After that it was day by day observation. While it's not indictable to lie to the public, it does present a character profile.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I think Trump should join this forum. I mean-he's up to 10,000 lies or misleading statements.
    The dems and mainstream media are up to 95,000,000 lies about Trump. But you didn’t notice that did you, sling. Doesn’t interest you in the least.
    After I voted for him, I was watching his inauguration and saw his comment about the size of the inaugural crowd. Then came the comparison photos from the "liberal media". After that it was day by day observation. While it's not indictable to lie to the public, it does present a character profile.
    If you can't stand lies then you must really hate the democrats.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #36
    Breaking from their usual routine of trashing Trump, Shumer and Pelosi are backing him is his negotiations with China over trade. Trump is going to have to screw the Chinese down some more with tariffs. They think they are dealing with a lightweight. They are wrong. The stock market is bound to show some turbulence. You guys don't panic and run right out and sell when it drops because a year from now it will be much higher than it is now. Screw the short term fluctuation.

    But idiot Joe Biden is saying that China will eat our lunch. Fuck that traiter. He has inside dealings with China that he is covering up. And at the same time he's trying to get us to go for just a soybean fricking deal to protect his nefarious investments there. Biden is a Chinese asset. He should be exposed during the primries but if he is elected President then he should be impeached. How do you like that, lefties. Two can play that impeachment ballgame.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  17. #37
    Betsy Ross flag at Obama's inaugural:
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #38
    I have a question. How can you get Ft. McHenry and which war wrong? I'm about the most ignorant person when it comes to American history, and I couldn't get that wrong.

    I don't really care about the riff regarding airports and such. That might have been an in-the-moment spontaneity that went awry. But I am worried about who wrote the speech yesterday, and the obvious lack of simple fact checkers vis-à-vis American history. I assume someone other than Trump wrote it, and I have to assume multiple people read it beforehand. So how can a U.S. president get tagged with a historical boner like that? Does no one around him really know that Ft. McHenry and the Star Spangled Banner were about the War of 1812?

    I just do not get it. I mean, I am truly awful at American history. I'd be banned from fifth grade Jeopardy for incompetence if there were history questions. What is the mechanism by which nobody caught that? That is the worst factual error in a presidential speech of which I'm aware, and it came on Independence Day. What the hell?

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I have a question. How can you get Ft. McHenry and which war wrong? I'm about the most ignorant person when it comes to American history, and I couldn't get that wrong.

    I don't really care about the riff regarding airports and such. That might have been an in-the-moment spontaneity that went awry. But I am worried about who wrote the speech yesterday, and the obvious lack of simple fact checkers vis-à-vis American history. I assume someone other than Trump wrote it, and I have to assume multiple people read it beforehand. So how can a U.S. president get tagged with a historical boner like that? Does no one around him really know that Ft. McHenry and the Star Spangled Banner were about the War of 1812?

    I just do not get it. I mean, I am truly awful at American history. I'd be banned from fifth grade Jeopardy for incompetence if there were history questions. What is the mechanism by which nobody caught that? That is the worst factual error in a presidential speech of which I'm aware, and it came on Independence Day. What the hell?
    redietz, all presidents make gaffes during their speeches. I mean Obama once said there were 57 states. Talk about a boner. I bet more people know the number of states in our country than know Ft. McHenry was about the War of 1812 and the Star Spangled Banner. In fact, I'll bet most Americans think the Star Spangled Banner was about the Revolutionary war rather than the War of 1812. It'd be an interesting poll question. This is far above 5th grade history. I probably wouldn't have known this if I hadn't visited Ft McHenry when I lived in Baltimore.

    Who knows Trump might have done that on purpose to get the liberals riled up? He likes to use hyperbole and make little misstatements to get the press's panties in knots. Conservatives could care less. They think it's funny and look at the big picture.

    For more of Obama's gaffes, I've attached a link. Obama also though Hawaii is in Asia, and said many other stupid things, which all went unnoticed by the liberal press.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I have a question. How can you get Ft. McHenry and which war wrong? I'm about the most ignorant person when it comes to American history, and I couldn't get that wrong.

    I don't really care about the riff regarding airports and such. That might have been an in-the-moment spontaneity that went awry. But I am worried about who wrote the speech yesterday, and the obvious lack of simple fact checkers vis-à-vis American history. I assume someone other than Trump wrote it, and I have to assume multiple people read it beforehand. So how can a U.S. president get tagged with a historical boner like that? Does no one around him really know that Ft. McHenry and the Star Spangled Banner were about the War of 1812?

    I just do not get it. I mean, I am truly awful at American history. I'd be banned from fifth grade Jeopardy for incompetence if there were history questions. What is the mechanism by which nobody caught that? That is the worst factual error in a presidential speech of which I'm aware, and it came on Independence Day. What the hell?
    redietz, all presidents make gaffes during their speeches. I mean Obama once said there were 57 states. Talk about a boner. I bet more people know the number of states in our country than know Ft. McHenry was about the War of 1812 and the Star Spangled Banner. In fact, I'll bet most Americans think the Star Spangled Banner was about the Revolutionary war rather than the War of 1812. It'd be an interesting poll question. This is far above 5th grade history. I probably wouldn't have known this if I hadn't visited Ft McHenry when I lived in Baltimore.

    Who knows Trump might have done that on purpose to get the liberals riled up? He likes to use hyperbole and make little misstatements to get the press's panties in knots. Conservatives could care less. They think it's funny and look at the big picture.

    For more of Obama's gaffes, I've attached a link. Obama also though Hawaii is in Asia, and said many other stupid things, which all went unnoticed by the liberal press.
    I'll engage on this, as it's not about liberals and conservatives, and it's not directly about Trump, at least not to me. You're missing my point, Bob21. I wasn't concerned with the president making a "gaffe." The gaffes with Obama you're referencing are when he's saying something spontaneously. Everybody fucks up occasionally when they are riffing. That's why I don't care about the airport comment by Trump. I'm sure the airport comment wasn't written into the speech.

    What concerns me is the mechanism by which an actual speech can include the Ft. McHenry comment. I have to think Trump didn't just insert that off the top of his head. That would be highly unlikely. I'm sure Obama's actual 57 state comment wasn't written into the speech. But this Ft. McHenry thing appears to have been built into the speech.

    I do not blame Trump for this, although he's left holding the bag. I blame whatever mechanism hires a speechwriter lacking a fifth grade knowledge of history and whatever mechanism allows the speech to go unedited. It implies a real disorganized lack of responsibilities around Trump or some real historical idiocy. I don't know which. The speechwriter should be fired today, unless Trump inserted that in the moment, which I think has about a 5% chance of being the case. And everybody who vetted the speech should be fired.

    So no, I don't blame Trump. I'm just amazed that somebody writing speeches for the president can be so ignorant. It blows my mind. And no, this is not above fifth grade history. It's ridiculous. Can you imagine the blowback on this piddly forum (coach belly, are you listening?) if I had said Ft. McHenry was during the Revolutionary War? I'd get tarred and feathered.

    I just do not understand the mechanism that allowed that into a speech. If you are really into conspiracy theories where every stupid error is on purpose, well, God bless you...and Ft. McHenry. Isn't that where they dumped the tea?

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