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Thread: What Does Everyone Think About the 2020 Presidential Candidates

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Libs just cannot let the Russian thing go. Even after being totally humiliated by Mueller and his team of Trump-hating democrats. What a monumental slap in the face!

    The NBA has turned into an embarrassment to America. It's almost totally black, and the few token whites and browns are mostly from other countries. And now, to appease the Coward Kapernick crowd, there are "Governors" rather than owners. What a crock. The sooner that racist league disintegrates the better.
    I predict the NBA players will soon start sitting during the national anthem. Their cause will be because all states don’t have laws letting men into women’s bathrooms. It’s as good a cause to make a stand on as any other they drum up. The liberal press will be all over it.

    Note that the press took the NBA’s side on the NC “bathroom” law. It’s good to see our press and the NBA are finding some real important causes to stand up for. Lol

    Midwest Player this is your liberal friends at work. Lol
    Last edited by Bob21; 07-06-2019 at 06:57 PM.

  2. #82

  3. #83
    Well, I try to not offer these unless they fit the thread, but it does:


  4. #84
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Boy, this guy hit the nail on the head.
    Midwest Player, have you thought about getting your news from somewhere else besides CNN? No wonder you’re a robot zombie liberal.

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Well, I try to not offer these unless they fit the thread, but it does:

    Redietz, good read. Thanks for posting. I remember that game and the gaffe when they went for two.

    About Trump, that’s one thing I really like about him. Trump never gives in and admits a mistake, even when he makes a blunder. It drives the liberal press bonkers. I remember watching Morning Joe (a liberal political talk program) and they were always critizing Trump, wanting him to apologize for this or that. And Trump never did.

    Each time they would think his latest gaffe would be Trump’s downfall. But it never was. Btw, my favorite one was when Trump said McCain was no hero for being a prisoner of war. I thought, you know Trump is kind of right. How does being a prisoner make someone a hero? I had never thought of it that way before. That’s what I like about Trump. His blunt style. He doesn’t care how it sounds. He says what the average American thinks but is to afraid to say in this PC culture.

    What the liberals have never got is the general public doesn’t care about all these “gotcha” moments the press lives for. Anyway, good to see Trump is NOT backing down and admitting a mistake. I like the rain excuse. Makes sense to me and it’s driving the press nuts, so it’s working.

  6. #86
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 07-07-2019 at 07:22 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #87
    You lefties can talk shit all you want. It's not going to work for you. Not anymore. To many people are hip to the lefty lies, racism, fascism. It's Trump in 2020 and Trump Jr. in 2024. We're going to shove the Trumps down your lefty asshole throats until at least 2032. Now go take a piss in the women's room, lefty bitch/whine/moan candy asses.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You lefties can talk shit all you want. It's not going to work for you. Not anymore. To many people are hip to the lefty lies, racism, fascism. It's Trump in 2020 and Trump Jr. in 2024. We're going to shove the Trumps down your lefty asshole throats until at least 2032. Now go take a piss in the women's room, lefty bitch/whine/moan candy asses.

    LOL. But mickey, how do you really feel?

    So are you purposefully being misogynist, mickey? Tsk, tsk. Bad boy. Because even though I'm left of Marx, I might be on board with having back-to-back Trumps if their names were Melania and Ivana. We'd be getting the brains of the family, then, and that might work out pretty well. Ivana, as I understand it, was actually a very, very bright cookie in all endeavors. And Melania, far as I can tell, may be KGB, which takes brains, discipline, and a certain cold-bloodedness.

    Speaking of bathrooms, I was at a club in Knoxville (not a bastion of liberalness, I can tell you) a couple of weeks ago. I had to use the restroom, but I was confronted with one door with a red demon head on it and another door with a green demon head on it. No other markings -- just demon heads. I wasn't going to stand there and debate any kind of code for who should go where, so I just walked in the door nearest to me. No urinal, but I'm not sure that meant anything. Never found out if the other door had a urinal, and I didn't really care enough to find out. Maybe next time I'm there.

    Here's my bumper sticker:


  9. #89

    It's obvious, is it not? After 8 years of having to see that country-hating, beastly Michelle Obama occasionally pop up on the screen, we all deserve Melania.

    But it's part for the course. I'm stuck watching a lot more TV than I'd like while my foot's recovering. It doesn't matter the time of day. Turn on Fox News and you're treated to a collection of mostly blonde leg-crossers, each of whom either have won or could win any number of beauty contests. And the conservative female guests they have on are mostly cut from the same cloth.

    But when I switch over to laugh at inept CNN and conspiracy theory MSLSD, you either get homos and dikes, or a collection of the most butt-ugly foreigners and minorities this side of the Serengeti.

    It would be different if the liberals had anything intelligent to say. But Obama and his racism and divisiveness created Trump, Hillary's corruption and incompetence propelled Trump, and the people responded and will continue to respond in the same way just as mickey predicted.

  10. #90

    It's obvious, is it not? After 8 years of having to see that country-hating, beastly Michelle Obama occasionally pop up on the screen, we all deserve Melania.

    But it's part for the course. I'm stuck watching a lot more TV than I'd like while my foot's recovering. It doesn't matter the time of day. Turn on Fox News and you're treated to a collection of mostly blonde leg-crossers, each of whom either have won or could win any number of beauty contests. And the conservative female guests they have on are mostly cut from the same cloth.

    But when I switch over to laugh at inept CNN and conspiracy theory MSLSD, you either get homos and dikes, or a collection of the most butt-ugly foreigners and minorities this side of the Serengeti.

    It would be different if the liberals had anything intelligent to say. But Obama and his racism and divisiveness created Trump, Hillary's corruption and incompetence propelled Trump, and the people responded and will continue to respond in the same way just as mickey predicted.[/QUOTE]

    Although I agree with almost all the points that you, Bob and Mickey make about Trump, I also know that when I read Mickey try and convey his point of view, I just know that the 2nd ape on the Evolution of Man chart is missing

  11. #91
    You know, Keystone, it's just a theory -- LOL -- but methinks mickey may be trying to provoke some anti-Trump sentiments.

    Not to give much away, but if somebody had put a gun to my head and asked me to choose between Ms. Clinton and The Donald, I would have just pulled the trigger.

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You know, Keystone, it's just a theory -- LOL -- but methinks mickey may be trying to provoke some anti-Trump sentiments.

    Not to give much away, but if somebody had put a gun to my head and asked me to choose between Ms. Clinton and The Donald, I would have just pulled the trigger.
    By you saying something stupid like that shows that you have nothing invested in the markets.

  13. #93
    It's 2016 all over again-a choice between horrible or the worst imaginable.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    It's 2016 all over again-a choice between horrible or the worst imaginable.
    I disagree. At least now we have two candidates that are different. In the past, most the time both Democrats and Republicans would run the same candidate, a moderate liberal who pretty much believed the same things. For example, there was not much difference between George Bush senior and John Kerry.

    Trump not only took on the Democratic Party but he took on the whole Republican establishment. Trump actually knows what he believes. He doesn’t put his finger up in the air to see which way the political winds are blowing that day. Trump doesn’t do polls to see which side he needs to be on.

    And his message has resonated with the average Joes, even the average Joes in typical Democrat states, like Illinois and Michigan, which he won.

    The fact that the liberals, the press (I know that’s being redundant, lol) and the Democrats hate him and the Republican establishment is scared of him is telling you he’s accomplishing something great, kind of like Reagon.

    Now we know his message didn’t reach all the way up to Midwest Player territory in the U.P., you know to people who have never seen a black person except in a movie or TV, Lol. But I’m working on him. The first thing I gotta do is convince him to quit watching that stupid CNN and start watching some real news.

    Midwest Player, do you get FOX up there in the U.P.? This is what you should be watching. You’ll need to watch it for a while to become deprogrammed from all the liberal garbage you’ve been fed over the years through CNN.

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You know, Keystone, it's just a theory -- LOL -- but methinks mickey may be trying to provoke some anti-Trump sentiments.

    Not to give much away, but if somebody had put a gun to my head and asked me to choose between Ms. Clinton and The Donald, I would have just pulled the trigger.
    By you saying something stupid like that shows that you have nothing invested in the markets.

    Either that or I don't really need any more money, eh?

    When you're voting for the person in charge of the world's largest economy and largest military, only a child would make a decision based primarily on self interest.

    For you Christians in the audience --

    Matthew 19:24
    Last edited by redietz; 07-07-2019 at 12:38 PM.

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You know, Keystone, it's just a theory -- LOL -- but methinks mickey may be trying to provoke some anti-Trump sentiments.

    Not to give much away, but if somebody had put a gun to my head and asked me to choose between Ms. Clinton and The Donald, I would have just pulled the trigger.
    By you saying something stupid like that shows that you have nothing invested in the markets.

    Either that or I don't really need any more money, eh?

    When you're voting for the person in charge of the world's largest economy and largest military, only a child would make a decision based primarily on self interest.

    For you Christians in the audience --

    Matthew 19:24
    More like you have zero investments, because you're still working at an age when successful people retire.

    You probably know this, but the US has the most powerful military and not the largest.

    Trump won the electoral vote because people who count voted for stated policies that would help them individually....and not for the person's policies that would have penalized them in order to help the slugs, illegals, and collection of minorities who would just as soon get handouts rather than work. California is a fine example of this, with its plethora of misguided voters who care nothing about the middle class workers within the majority electorate. And now, with the wretched homelessness saturating the confused liberal cities around that flakey state, it is very satisfying to watch as they all go down the tubes. Earthquakes are only the beginning.

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Midwest Player, do you get FOX up there in the U.P.? This is what you should be watching. You’ll need to watch it for a while to become deprogrammed from all the liberal garbage you’ve been fed over the years through CNN.
    Bob, I've tried watching FOX a few times, but after about 5 minutes I feel like I'm going to throw up. The only thing I can do to save myself is change the channel.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Midwest Player, do you get FOX up there in the U.P.? This is what you should be watching. You’ll need to watch it for a while to become deprogrammed from all the liberal garbage you’ve been fed over the years through CNN.
    Bob, I've tried watching FOX a few times, but after about 5 minutes I feel like I'm going to throw up. The only thing I can do to save myself is change the channel.
    At least you tried. Sounds like you’re beyond help. Our liberal schools and liberal press have got to you and brainwashed your brain. You probably need more help than what watching Fox would accomplish anyway. You probably need some outside intervention help, and it doesn’t sound like there’s much of that up there in the U.P..

    You’re in a sad situation. You might actually end up as a liberal when you die and that’s very rare. Usually people (who weren’t dropped on their head too often as babies) grow out of it as they age and see the ridiculous things liberals believe. I’ll be praying for you.

  19. #99
    Reditz, what does it mean to be left of Marx exactly? Communist totalitarianism under Marx isn't enough dead people for you. You lean more towards real killers like Stalin, Mao or the dreaded Hitler maybe?
    Take off that stupid mask you big baby.

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    It's 2016 all over again-a choice between horrible or the worst imaginable.

    If only someone else said that I would have thought that they were not talking politics but about Rob Singer's two books. Out of fairness to Rob, I have not invested in or read those books.

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