Yeah- I only answered because I saw two ladies who befriended me- there ARE some nice people that frequent casinos-and we would exchange the days play results. They had hit two majors on lightning links before they doubled the number of machines- one for $1,000,/and the other for $600. Last week they told me they had lost several days in a row trying for the same results. I came on one of those multiplier days which also included a free meal- and nothing I tried EVER hit. It was such an obvious post- I should have known better. There ARE ON/OFF days- I don't care what the "experts" say. I have poor results on weekend MORNING play. Last weekend my wife and I had free meals and an Elvis Im personator- which got her out of the house. I went a few minutes early to play my $10 free play. All the VP machines were taken and only ONE lightning link was open. So down we sit for 20 spins at 50©/spin. At 10 spins we hit for $9- so I knew I would at least get gas money. At 15 spins I was shocked to hit another lock it bonus- for $25. So the $30 pure luck hit made our night more enjoyable. And the first time I had a good steak dinner in a while!