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Thread: I don't understand Wizard

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    And there was no good reason to expose it. It's not like I made some contradictory statement, lie, or said something crazy to him and posted something different. I said, I was willing to forgive and forget. I didn't even say anything to KJ on the forum after that, I wasn't even talking to him when he got all bent out of shape for me trying to explain to Red there's a difference between threats and talking shit. I never called anyone a pedophile here or anything serious like that so don't lump me in with that(I may have made some obvious joke's here and there but nothing that ruthless) I admitted to taking jabs at KJ. He has taken some at me as well. If you go back a long way, even going back to GF KJ will say he doesn't care about the gay jokes and even banters back and fourth. Then you will see times where KJ gets really pissed off . I back off and avoid him(or at least avoid the gay stuff or whatever) and then, sure enough, he will bring my name up and make some joke about me joking about him being gay. Its as if he's inviting me back for more gay joke time. Then, of course, I fall for it and it's dejaveu all over again. One must go back and read the entire history of KJ leading up to me and as we are here and now. Get the complete picture and don't just pick out a few things said by either of us. We can certainly do a time line of both our complete forum history and see what we are talking about here. I don't know where his starts but it had to do with him faking his own death.
    Ok, let's not pretend this is about something it isn't. This isn't even about my threat to out you. That was a symptom, not the problem. And I don't for a second think you in any way felt threatened or believed I would do that. We have been on enough forums where I have railed against that very kind of thing. If you didn't know that was an idol threat then you really are not very good at reading people.

    But the thing is you Axlewolf are a master troll. I have seen it a hundred times mostly at WoV. Tasha and all her socks. Zenking. and others. You push and push people, bait people until they get angry and say something they regret. And that is exactly what you did we me. Are you going to honestly tell me, you didn't recognize I was getting pissed?

    Now as I said, this is a symptom, not the problem. THIS problem started when I made this thread with this title. It is no coincidence that any time I am critical of Mike, you and MaxPen, probably his two closest friends on this forum, immediately come after me, trying to discredit me. And that is exactly what happened. I was critical of Mike for outing this play....a play people paid $1000 for btw. So it is not like a freebie that was lost. There simply was no reason for Mike to post about this play encouraging more players.

    And when I did that, you and MaxPen began trying to undermine my credibility as you have done over and over. THAT is exactly what this is about. You know it. I know it and hopefully everyone else knows it. And if you need prove, I refer you to your last line of this quoted post. You bring up "faking his own death". That is an event that occurred 10 years ago, not on this forum, not even on WoV, but a blackjack forum that to my knowledge you weren't even a part of. It has nothing to do with anything here. The only reason you bring it up is to smear and discredit me, which has been an ongoing agenda of yours for years....Ever since I began criticizing Mike.

    And I have every right to continue to criticize Mike. He was wrong. Again. I know it. You know it. Most people aware of the situation and even a little objective know it. Now there is no shame in being wrong. There is shame in not acknowledging it years later when new circumstances show you were wrong.

    And that in a nut shell is what this is about. Every time I am critical of Mike, you go out of your way to smear and discredit me. Now seriously....if you tell me that is NOT what this is about....then you are a liar.

  2. #82
    And let's take a look at this comment from Mickey about pedophiles that has since been removed. The comment was more than just 90% of gay men are pedophiles, which is ridiculous in itself. There was a second part asking how many boys I have molested or something to that effect.

    So Axelwolf, you once told me your brother was gay. I have no way of knowing if that is true or not, but assuming it is, would your brother find such a comment acceptable? Would YOU find such a comment made about your brother acceptable? I mean you seem to think it is a riot in this case.

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    You really don't see the difference?

    Think about it.

    Name calling VS a threats of causing someone harm financially and possibly more.
    So let's get something straight here, Axelwolf: When you PMed me this morning with the following 6 word message "I'm willing to forgive and forget", what you really meant was you would throw this up in my face every chance you you just did?

    As for Todd (Dan Druff) any one who has read even a little bit of what Todd posts at his poker forum, knows that Todd himself is anti-gay and an big homophobe, so it is no surprise the example he sets and other hater's on this site follow.
    And again you think everything is about you. I was talking to Red. It doesn't matter who said it. I wanted him to think how there's a BIG difference between people name calling and fucking with each other and actually making serious threats.

    However, you are pissing me off with exposing what people say to you in PM's you have done that a few times with different people. I'm fairly sure even you yourself have spoke out against doing that in the past.

    And NO its not something I'm trying to hide because I know you are eager to do so at the drop of a hat, if you think it will help your " reputation". As a matter of fact I told Dan I sent you a PM sayings I was willing to forgive and forget and I said I wasn't expecting him to do anything regarding your threat. I have a feeling had I really jumped up and down and made it a big issue you wouldn't be on this forum anymore.

    I AM willing to forgive and forget. Key word is... willing. However, that will depend on YOU and how you act regarding this situation. From what I can see is a bunch of long red harring posts and no real remorse for your actions, then my willingness to forgive and could have apologized and squashed this situation and just stopped commenting. But you cannot seem to do that on anything whatsoever. And that's what keeps causing you problems with everyone. And now you keep want to latch on to Vegas_lovers post and fling more shit. And you still can't even tell me what I said in this thread that made you go crazy. You accused me of saying you were not a real AP. Please show me where said anything like that?

    Either way, I have never said or done anything to you that even comes close to what you threatened. You came up with the most reprehensible thing you could and then doubled down on the comment even after you had time to think about it.
    You seem to be very good at playing the victim. Get of your fucking high horse with your "I'm willing to forgive and forget". Kew said something you very well knew he wasn't going to do anyhow while you offer him a complete unsincere apology about your homofobic remarkts to laugh even harder about the whole thing when Mickey "hobo" Crimm decides to shovel some more shit. Sneaky and fake...….that's what your behavior is.

  4. #84
    Wait....kew faked his own death?

    Why did he FAKE it!?
    But I see he once again secured his first place standing in the Gambling Forums Hall of Shame, by adding to his Pathological Liar status in returning to post after saying he was "done"! Weak and disgusting are kind words for this boy.

    Here--since we're all wussies today, I'll apologize in advance for this next part.
    Anyone else get the feeling redietz is somewhat "light in the loafers"?

    Did you see any tape of that Straight Pride parade in Boston yesterday? The queers protesting were led by none other than the manly Barney Frank. Yes...what a man-specimen. And he's had that homo-accent down pat since he was a "little boy".

    Happy Labor Day.

  5. #85
    Rob.Singer wrote:

    "Here--since we're all wussies today, I'll apologize in advance for this next part.
    Anyone else get the feeling redietz is somewhat "light in the loafers"?

    redietz, would not lower himself to your sick level of humor Rob, but, please do not think you can compete on the same intellectual level as him. If you do, that would be a real good joke because not only is he smart he is a also a class act something you do not know about.

    Did you see any tape of that Straight Pride parade in Boston yesterday? The queers protesting were led by none other than the manly Barney Frank. Yes...what a man-specimen. And he's had that homo-accent down pat since he was a "little boy".

    Speaking of that son of a bitch Barney Frank I always hated him going back to when he and Chris Dodd were running the central banking committee.
    Last edited by BoSox; 09-02-2019 at 10:34 AM.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Rob.Singer wrote:

    "Here--since we're all wussies today, I'll apologize in advance for this next part.
    Anyone else get the feeling redietz is somewhat "light in the loafers"?

    redietz, would not lower himself to your sick level of humor Rob, but, please do not think you can compete on the same intellectual level as him. If you do, that would be a real good joke because not only is he smart he is a also a class act something you do not know about.

    Did you see any tape of that Straight Pride parade in Boston yesterday? The queers protesting were led by none other than the manly Barney Frank. Yes...what a man-specimen. And he's had that homo-accent down pat since he was a "little boy".

    Speaking of that son of a bitch Barney Frank I always hated him going back to when he and Chris Dodd were running the central banking committee.
    Your philosophy is interesting....

    While I'll contemplate your assertion that redietz is a wonderful person--you know, given his extraordinary working career (you've seen his world-class PR Package I take it) and that loving, extended family of his)--what I'd rather see is kew getting all lathered up again!

  7. #87
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Rob.Singer wrote:

    "Here--since we're all wussies today, I'll apologize in advance for this next part.
    Anyone else get the feeling redietz is somewhat "light in the loafers"?

    redietz, would not lower himself to your sick level of humor Rob, but, please do not think you can compete on the same intellectual level as him. If you do, that would be a real good joke because not only is he smart he is a also a class act something you do not know about.

    Did you see any tape of that Straight Pride parade in Boston yesterday? The queers protesting were led by none other than the manly Barney Frank. Yes...what a man-specimen. And he's had that homo-accent down pat since he was a "little boy".

    Speaking of that son of a bitch Barney Frank I always hated him going back to when he and Chris Dodd were running the central banking committee.
    Your philosophy is interesting....

    While I'll contemplate your assertion that redietz is a wonderful person--you know, given his extraordinary working career (you've seen his world-class PR Package I take it) and that loving, extended family of his)--what I'd rather see is kew getting all lathered up again!

    Thanks for the kind words. So you've been following my extended family? Great! My nephew scored two touchdowns last Friday for the North Schuylkill Spartans. The team looks loaded. I can post some photos from the Pottsville Republican if you like. Meanwhile, I'll be doing a blog entry on Hall Publishing's 1984 Who's Who in Sports Gambling in a week or two. At the time, it was a valiant effort by Rick Hall to promote honest handicappers. I'll let everyone know when it's up so my bio isn't much of a secret.

    Thanks again.

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    You seem to be very good at playing the victim. Get of your fucking high horse with your "I'm willing to forgive and forget". Kew said something you very well knew he wasn't going to do anyhow while you offer him a complete unsincere apology about your homofobic remarkts to laugh even harder about the whole thing when Mickey "hobo" Crimm decides to shovel some more shit. Sneaky and fake...….that's what your behavior is.
    What's up Vegas Fag Lover? Hey, where were you when I was told I was gay, sucking dick and taking it up the ass after I made my opinion known on the double up bug? It was more than one person doing it too. You couldn't stand up for me then but you are standing up for KJ now? You two must be lovers.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    And there was no good reason to expose it. It's not like I made some contradictory statement, lie, or said something crazy to him and posted something different. I said, I was willing to forgive and forget. I didn't even say anything to KJ on the forum after that, I wasn't even talking to him when he got all bent out of shape for me trying to explain to Red there's a difference between threats and talking shit. I never called anyone a pedophile here or anything serious like that so don't lump me in with that(I may have made some obvious joke's here and there but nothing that ruthless) I admitted to taking jabs at KJ. He has taken some at me as well. If you go back a long way, even going back to GF KJ will say he doesn't care about the gay jokes and even banters back and fourth. Then you will see times where KJ gets really pissed off . I back off and avoid him(or at least avoid the gay stuff or whatever) and then, sure enough, he will bring my name up and make some joke about me joking about him being gay. Its as if he's inviting me back for more gay joke time. Then, of course, I fall for it and it's dejaveu all over again. One must go back and read the entire history of KJ leading up to me and as we are here and now. Get the complete picture and don't just pick out a few things said by either of us. We can certainly do a time line of both our complete forum history and see what we are talking about here. I don't know where his starts but it had to do with him faking his own death.
    Ok, let's not pretend this is about something it isn't. This isn't even about my threat to out you. That was a symptom, not the problem. And I don't for a second think you in any way felt threatened or believed I would do that. We have been on enough forums where I have railed against that very kind of thing. If you didn't know that was an idol threat then you really are not very good at reading people.

    But the thing is you Axlewolf are a master troll. I have seen it a hundred times mostly at WoV. Tasha and all her socks. Zenking. and others. You push and push people, bait people until they get angry and say something they regret. And that is exactly what you did we me. Are you going to honestly tell me, you didn't recognize I was getting pissed?

    Now as I said, this is a symptom, not the problem. THIS problem started when I made this thread with this title. It is no coincidence that any time I am critical of Mike, you and MaxPen, probably his two closest friends on this forum, immediately come after me, trying to discredit me. And that is exactly what happened. I was critical of Mike for outing this play....a play people paid $1000 for btw. So it is not like a freebie that was lost. There simply was no reason for Mike to post about this play encouraging more players.

    And when I did that, you and MaxPen began trying to undermine my credibility as you have done over and over. THAT is exactly what this is about. You know it. I know it and hopefully everyone else knows it. And if you need prove, I refer you to your last line of this quoted post. You bring up "faking his own death". That is an event that occurred 10 years ago, not on this forum, not even on WoV, but a blackjack forum that to my knowledge you weren't even a part of. It has nothing to do with anything here. The only reason you bring it up is to smear and discredit me, which has been an ongoing agenda of yours for years....Ever since I began criticizing Mike.

    And I have every right to continue to criticize Mike. He was wrong. Again. I know it. You know it. Most people aware of the situation and even a little objective know it. Now there is no shame in being wrong. There is shame in not acknowledging it years later when new circumstances show you were wrong.

    And that in a nut shell is what this is about. Every time I am critical of Mike, you go out of your way to smear and discredit me. Now seriously....if you tell me that is NOT what this is about....then you are a liar.
    Not really sure where I tried the discredit you. Maybe you can find the post that led you to drawing that conclusion. The only thing I recall saying is you continuously make the mistake of viewing Mike as an AP. You have discredited yourself.
    Threatening to publicly identify another AP to casinos and exposing details of PMs kind of discredits a person. I have always defended you and pretty much took your side on most things. No more.

    You have discredited yourself.

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Rob.Singer wrote:

    "Here--since we're all wussies today, I'll apologize in advance for this next part.
    Anyone else get the feeling redietz is somewhat "light in the loafers"?

    redietz, would not lower himself to your sick level of humor Rob, but, please do not think you can compete on the same intellectual level as him. If you do, that would be a real good joke because not only is he smart he is a also a class act something you do not know about.

    Did you see any tape of that Straight Pride parade in Boston yesterday? The queers protesting were led by none other than the manly Barney Frank. Yes...what a man-specimen. And he's had that homo-accent down pat since he was a "little boy".

    Speaking of that son of a bitch Barney Frank I always hated him going back to when he and Chris Dodd were running the central banking committee.
    Your philosophy is interesting....

    While I'll contemplate your assertion that redietz is a wonderful person--you know, given his extraordinary working career (you've seen his world-class PR Package I take it) and that loving, extended family of his)--what I'd rather see is kew getting all lathered up again!

    Thanks for the kind words. So you've been following my extended family? Great! My nephew scored two touchdowns last Friday for the North Schuylkill Spartans. The team looks loaded. I can post some photos from the Pottsville Republican if you like. Meanwhile, I'll be doing a blog entry on Hall Publishing's 1984 Who's Who in Sports Gambling in a week or two. At the time, it was a valiant effort by Rick Hall to promote honest handicappers. I'll let everyone know when it's up so my bio isn't much of a secret.

    Thanks again.
    1984!??? Seems like only yesterday
    Right about the same time you began spawning a family?
    George Orwell would be proud.
    You're OOZING success red. In fact, you've earned the right to retire early.
    Oh wait.............

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    You seem to be very good at playing the victim. Get of your fucking high horse with your "I'm willing to forgive and forget". Kew said something you very well knew he wasn't going to do anyhow while you offer him a complete unsincere apology about your homofobic remarkts to laugh even harder about the whole thing when Mickey "hobo" Crimm decides to shovel some more shit. Sneaky and fake...….that's what your behavior is.
    What's up Vegas Fag Lover? Hey, where were you when I was told I was gay, sucking dick and taking it up the ass after I made my opinion known on the double up bug? It was more than one person doing it too. You couldn't stand up for me then but you are standing up for KJ now? You two must be lovers.
    Yawn…...Stick to talking about plays because everything else that comes out of your mouth is pure crap. Now, go back to your rocking chair grandpa.

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Your philosophy is interesting....

    While I'll contemplate your assertion that redietz is a wonderful person--you know, given his extraordinary working career (you've seen his world-class PR Package I take it) and that loving, extended family of his)--what I'd rather see is kew getting all lathered up again!

    Thanks for the kind words. So you've been following my extended family? Great! My nephew scored two touchdowns last Friday for the North Schuylkill Spartans. The team looks loaded. I can post some photos from the Pottsville Republican if you like. Meanwhile, I'll be doing a blog entry on Hall Publishing's 1984 Who's Who in Sports Gambling in a week or two. At the time, it was a valiant effort by Rick Hall to promote honest handicappers. I'll let everyone know when it's up so my bio isn't much of a secret.

    Thanks again.
    1984!??? Seems like only yesterday
    Right about the same time you began spawning a family?
    George Orwell would be proud.
    You're OOZING success red. In fact, you've earned the right to retire early.
    Oh wait.............

    Well, right on cue, I received the annual Wise Guys Contest opening lines. For those who are unfamiliar with The Wise Guys Contest, it is a bit similar to the Blackjack Ball. It is invitation-only, and limited to established long-time handicappers. The number of participants allowed has varied over the years, but they seem to have settled on 50 or thereabouts for 2019. For those interested:

    So I don't think I've been resting on laurels for 30 years. Meanwhile, and correct me if I'm wrong, but "Singer" seems to be suggesting I should have retired. The implication is that retirement is preferable to "working." To that odd idea, let me offer a classic:

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    You seem to be very good at playing the victim. Get of your fucking high horse with your "I'm willing to forgive and forget". Kew said something you very well knew he wasn't going to do anyhow while you offer him a complete unsincere apology about your homofobic remarkts to laugh even harder about the whole thing when Mickey "hobo" Crimm decides to shovel some more shit. Sneaky and fake...….that's what your behavior is.
    What's up Vegas Fag Lover? Hey, where were you when I was told I was gay, sucking dick and taking it up the ass after I made my opinion known on the double up bug? It was more than one person doing it too. You couldn't stand up for me then but you are standing up for KJ now? You two must be lovers.
    Yawn…...Stick to talking about plays because everything else that comes out of your mouth is pure crap. Now, go back to your rocking chair grandpa.
    Yep, you and kJ definitely got a thing going. I don’t write about plays here anymore. To many punk ass bitches like you think you can disrespect me and I’m still supposed to show you something. Fuck off and die, loser.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    What's up Vegas Fag Lover? Hey, where were you when I was told I was gay, sucking dick and taking it up the ass after I made my opinion known on the double up bug? It was more than one person doing it too. You couldn't stand up for me then but you are standing up for KJ now? You two must be lovers.
    Yawn…...Stick to talking about plays because everything else that comes out of your mouth is pure crap. Now, go back to your rocking chair grandpa.
    Yep, you and kJ definitely got a thing going. I don’t write about plays here anymore. To many punk ass bitches like you think you can disrespect me and I’m still supposed to show you something. Fuck off and die, loser.
    My my how impressive. More harsh words from our resident senile old drunk. #getsomehelp

  15. #95
    KJ you have caused stiff and deviation across multiple forums with just about everyone you have communicated with on a regular basis. How you and anybody with just a small glimpse of your history can't see that is beyond me. I just can't imagine you were blinded to this fact. I don't think you but it's but it's as if you believe if you keep claiming it's everyone else's fault that somehow they start believing it or if I somehow you don't admit it then it can't be true. I'll say it again, your actions seem to have been significantly damaging to you your pocketbook and your reputation did you come back for more daily and escalate things to such a high level. I mean come on dude, the FBI getting involved, fake deaths, threatening to expose Advantage players name and photographs, exposing PM's, talk of physical confrontations, sending letters to Mikes personal address, researching people's personal information, and that's just the short list. It seems like you've turned just about every supporter or you've ever had completely away from or against you. If you don't know how to do it temperature and then you want me to come help me help you raining or come down with you. Again I ask, what's the common denominator in all this? Your problems on these forms started long before Norm, Mike, Me, Rob and everybody else. You would think a guy that got robbed and had to fake his own death just so he can post on some forums would know better then to make threats towards people and involved himself in all the other crazy stuff you involve yourself in. It's absolutely mind-blowing that you can continually do some of the things that you do. When all of this can be easily avoided in multiple different ways.
    I tried to plead your case for you to get back on Wizard of Vegas multiple times there's no if and or buts about that multiple Witnesses and other evidence to back it up. Each time I tried to help you, you would keep you kept coming back to me with horrible Mike was blah, blah, blah.

    Nothing I ever did or said comes close what you threatened and many of the other things you have said and done on the form.

    You claim that you come here on these forums to help educate aspiring Blackjack counters(or something like that). Can you name even one (An actual verified person who's meet multiple others)you've actually helped in any significant way whatsoever? I can guarantee you, I have helped real verified people who can attest to that fact.

    The worsts you can claim about me is that I'm forum trolling asshole and a jerk at that, but at least I'm not a possible rat.

  16. #96
    I Have a great idea KJ, I think almost everyone including yourself wood agree you took a giant step across the line. Show some actual remorse and step up and stop going back and forth with me on this if there's ever a chance for it to be forgiven and forgotten. For once in your life just ends something without having to have the last word.

  17. #97
    I don't even know what's going on in this thread anymore.

  18. #98
    AxelWolf wrote:

    The worsts you can claim about me is that I'm forum trolling asshole and a jerk at that, but at least I'm not a possible rat.

    You can't say that you are not a possible rat when coming from an equal perspective "point of view" that KJ has gone through for a really long time now. That is a big difference which possibly no members could compare with that type of treatment. Fact KJ did not out you and had no intention of doing so. How do you think you would react while constantly being attacked from all sides?

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    AxelWolf wrote in post#74:

    " you could have apologized and squashed this situation and just stopped commenting. But you cannot seem to do that on anything whatsoever. And that's what keeps causing you problems with everyone."

    KewlJ wrote in post #39:
    So no Axelwolf, I am not going to out you to anyone. I am sorry I said that. It was pretty nasty. But I am pissed. Axelwolf, perhaps the most honest thing you said today was admitting that you don't like me very much. I'll give you that. That comes through loud and clear with all your little shots at me professionally and personally. WE have had this conversation in private numerous times and each time, you apologize, but the very next chance you get, same shit!

    tableplay wrote in post #40:

    "Stating that 90% of homesexuals are pedophiles is different than calling someone a pedophile."

    AxelWolf's reply in post #46:

    "I thought that was really Bad and even said so. I was hoping to lighten up the mood and posted something I thought was funny."

    mickeycrimm's reply in post#47

    "Let me say that I apologize profusely for my comment that 90% of gays are pedophiles. The figure is actually closer to 95%."

    AxelWolf's reply in post #48:


    Because I can't stop laughing. "

    All I see here all the time is an attempt at diliberate instigating by a few people for the sole purpose of provicating another individual to respond in a way that will get him in "hopefully to them" trouble. What KJ is missing is that the few perpetrators are the only ones laughing besides possibly the two faced moderator.
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    AxelWolf wrote:

    The worsts you can claim about me is that I'm forum trolling asshole and a jerk at that, but at least I'm not a possible rat.

    You can't say that you are not a possible rat when coming from an equal perspective "point of view" that KJ has gone through for a really long time now. That is a big difference which possibly no members could compare with that type of treatment. Fact KJ did not out you and had no intention of doing so. How do you think you would react while constantly being attacked from all sides?
    KJ seems to be going on an Attack Mode nowadays. He recently attacked me too after I DEFENDED him and didn't even acknowledge me DEFENDING him. :/
    Last edited by Tasha; 09-03-2019 at 06:12 AM.

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    tableplay wrote in post #40:

    "Stating that 90% of homesexuals are pedophiles is different than calling someone a pedophile."

    All I see here all the time is an attempt at diliberate instigating by a few people for the sole purpose of provicating another individual to respond in a way that will get him in "hopefully to them" trouble. What KJ is missing is that the few perpetrators are the only ones laughing besides possibly the two faced moderator.
    Here's an instigation (IMHO) that pre-dates my post (which you believe is an instigation) that you excerpted above:

    And after that instigation (IMHO) I had no qualms in pointing out the fact I posted that you quoted above - he and I were just ships passing in the night prior to that. Then, out of nowhere, I'm getting my chain yanked regarding a well-known fact about an AP shill. He'll claim it was a legitimate concern and I'll just point out a fact. Two can play the game.
    Last edited by tableplay; 09-03-2019 at 05:50 AM.

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