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Thread: The anti-KJ hate team recruitement

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Be that as it may, the owners canned the political threads. Babs was suspended because she called Shackleford out for allowing the repeated use of banned quotes without banning the people abusing the rules. She basically asked to be suspended. So that is actually what happened. I don't know where you came up with your summary of what happened, but it's wrong. Anybody interested should just track down the thread at WoV and see for themselves. I assume the thread is locked but available. Maybe not. I haven't been back there since.
    Redietz, don't try to play me for stupid. You're just another lefty delivering fake news. Click on the link to the WoV Suspension List below. Babs is the 8th one down. She was suspended for a personal insult. Click on it and it will show you the post she was suspended for. This is what she said:

    "AZD is piling on with his usual misinformed social garbage. It's like pond scum from the disgusting political threads is dragged into every other waterway by the same slimy fouled boats."

    And underneath her quote Shack says "That went to far. Three days."

    LOL. Try again, mickey. Go to the thread where Shackleford asks if anyone wants to be suspended and she says she does. That precedes, I believe, what you're quoting.

    I was there the 48 hours this went down. You were not. Read the thread. I noticed you skipped commenting on everything else I said, which is, as you know, entirely accurate.

    You really should stop the "fake news" nonsense. Tell me I didn't accurately describe what happened, the sequence in which it happened, babs saying, when Shackleford asked who'd like to be banned, that she would (to which Shackleford said nothing until babs posted what you quoted). Tell me I got the sequence wrong, my self-banning wrong, and the fact the owner was monitoring the site wrong. In fact, babs answered that she'd like to be next to be banned immediately after I announced my self-ban.

    Go ahead, tell me I got it all wrong.
    You got it all wrong.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Redietz, don't try to play me for stupid. You're just another lefty delivering fake news. Click on the link to the WoV Suspension List below. Babs is the 8th one down. She was suspended for a personal insult. Click on it and it will show you the post she was suspended for. This is what she said:

    "AZD is piling on with his usual misinformed social garbage. It's like pond scum from the disgusting political threads is dragged into every other waterway by the same slimy fouled boats."

    And underneath her quote Shack says "That went to far. Three days."

    LOL. Try again, mickey. Go to the thread where Shackleford asks if anyone wants to be suspended and she says she does. That precedes, I believe, what you're quoting.

    I was there the 48 hours this went down. You were not. Read the thread. I noticed you skipped commenting on everything else I said, which is, as you know, entirely accurate.

    You really should stop the "fake news" nonsense. Tell me I didn't accurately describe what happened, the sequence in which it happened, babs saying, when Shackleford asked who'd like to be banned, that she would (to which Shackleford said nothing until babs posted what you quoted). Tell me I got the sequence wrong, my self-banning wrong, and the fact the owner was monitoring the site wrong. In fact, babs answered that she'd like to be next to be banned immediately after I announced my self-ban.

    Go ahead, tell me I got it all wrong.
    You got it all wrong. And you are also stupid. I read the political threads everyday for years. You don't have to be an active member there to "be there." Damn, redietz I used to think you were smart. Thanks for proving otherwise. Amazing how you think you are an expert on WoV with only a couple of weeks of posting and reading.

    And Shack specifically said "That went to far" to what she wrote about AZD.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  3. #63
    I'm no "expert on Wov," and I surely never made such a claim. That's a straw man argument, which you resort to rather frequently. What I do claim is to know what happened pretty much precisely in that 48 hour period when the political threads got banned, and that's because I was right in the mix of it.

    I recommend reading the thread that was locked. Either mickey is reporting the truth or I am. If something like that matters to you, read the sequence of events. Easy peasy.

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    One thing that has struck me lately. I had assumed, incorrectly as it turned out, that the WoV site had some "left" bias to it. I had never participated there, but after signing up and posting 50 times, it was clear that the most frequent posters were all "right" leaning. My assumptions regarding the site had been colored by what "Singer" and mickey had posted here. The mods may come off as left at WoV, but that's because they are continually reigning in the right leaning posters.
    Total crock of shit, Redietz. The biased moderation was an open joke with members. The one member that took way more abuse than any other was AZDuffman. He put together well crafted conservative arguments. It drove Babs and the lefties batshit crazy. Babs allowed the lefties to openly insult him for a reason. She needed a reason to get rid of him. If they could piss him off to the point he insulted them back she could get rid of him. He took all the insults in stride and kept coming with the well crafted conservative arguments. When SHE tried to debate him he very politely destroyed all of her arguments. It drove Babs nuts and she started chiming in with the insults.

    Her last insult to him she called him pond scum. Shack jumped in and suspended her. A frickin' moderator got suspended for insults. As a matter of fact, Shack, getting complaints behind the scenes, was already jumping in and suspending lefties because Babs wouldn't do her job. He obviously was giving her a clue. She never got a clue from that and still wouldn't do her job correctly.

    The political threads were taken down speciifically because of Babs favoritism for the lefties, and not cleaning it up.
    Actually, I was there for the taking down of the political threads and may have been part of the reason. I can state unequivocally that your description of the sequence of events and the whys of it are simply wrong.

    Basically, if you go over and review the threads, certain right-leaning posters were placing the quotes of righties who had been banned in their posts. That somehow evaded the rules and regs, so the people simply quoting the language that caused bannings were not themselves banned. I asked the question as to why this is, and I then self banned because it was allowing certain posters to get away with saying inappropriate things by quoting the previous people (now banned) who had said them.

    The owners of the forum read all of this. They also read that I had self-banned. I doubt if my self-banning mattered much, but it may have. Evidently that is a rarity -- a new poster with a decent blog and 40 years in the business signs up, posts some useful stuff, then self-bans because the rules are a mess.

    Be that as it may, the owners canned the political threads. Babs was suspended because she called Shackleford out for allowing the repeated use of banned quotes without banning the people abusing the rules. She basically asked to be suspended.

    So that is actually what happened. I don't know where you came up with your summary of what happened, but it's wrong.

    Anybody interested should just track down the thread at WoV and see for themselves. I assume the thread is locked but available. Maybe not. I haven't been back there since.
    So you were there for the taking down of the political threads. Where do you think I was, redietz? I read those threads everyday for years. How long did you do it, two weeks?

    Now, explain this one. Why didn't Babs suspend those members herself instead of complaining to Shack? She was a moderator who had suspended many members. What changed?

    If you followed those threads as long as I did you would have seen all the abuse the lefties were allowed to get away with. You probably would have ignored and denied it but you would have seen it. It was the main complaint on the site.

    I'll go back and try to find it but if what you say is true about Babs complaining to Shack then she was just looking for another way to get rid of some righties. Babs is an intolerant liberal always looking for ways to keep conservative argument off the site.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  5. #65
    When the political threads first broke out on WoV Babs expressed her disapointment that several members, many she had considered friends, held conservative or middle of the road political views. And she let her contempt be known. Until then she had lived in a cocoon thinking everyone on WoV thought like her.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    When the political threads first broke out on WoV Babs expressed her disapointment that several members, many she had considered friends, held conservative or middle of the road political views. And she let her contempt be known. Until then she had lived in a cocoon thinking everyone on WoV thought like her.
    You are right on the money, Mickey.

    Redietz spends 2 weeks on WoV and acts like he knows everything lol. He reminds me of a punk law student who spends 1 semester in law school and thinks he's a Supreme Court Justice.

    BBW (BeachBumWhale) lets libtards get away with pretty much anything. Ex: Steverinos, DarkDumbassOz, Aids288, and the list goes on.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I'm no "expert on Wov," and I surely never made such a claim. That's a straw man argument, which you resort to rather frequently. What I do claim is to know what happened pretty much precisely in that 48 hour period when the political threads got banned, and that's because I was right in the mix of it.

    I recommend reading the thread that was locked. Either mickey is reporting the truth or I am. If something like that matters to you, read the sequence of events. Easy peasy.
    Thank you for recommending I read The Gay Thread. I had avoided reading it before because I only have so many hours in a day and can't read everything. It turns out that quote Shack made of Babs in the Suspension List thread was just a snippet of a much larger offensive post Babs made in the Gay Thread.

    That thread started on 8/12 at 10:30 AM. Third post in the Wizard warned against any hate speech. That was proof right there that Wizard would be watching that thread closely. The righties remained civil throughout the 12 page thread. But it didn't take long for the fireworks to start coming from the left.

    Just a few hours in Romes, a lefty, on page 3, called EB a bigot and a douche. Shortly after Wizard announced Romes would be suspended.

    Then a little while later, on page 6, Poker Grinder calls EB a homophobic bigot. Wizard then suspends PG and asks if anyone else would like to join the list

    Then a little while later it was YOU, redietz, not Babs, that complained about quoting someone else's "hate speech" to avoid being banned. The problem with your narrative is that Wizard, watching the thread closely, did not consider MaxPen's statement to be hate speech. He let it stand. So it is you who is the strawman.

    Shortly after your post Wizard announced Poker Grinder would be banned then asked if anyone would like to join the list. Shortly after that Babs made her highly offensive post, starting out with asking to be banned to.

    A little after that, government mooch, BillRyan, usiing the word shit, asked to be suspended to. To which the Wizard obliged, suspending him for profanity.

    The next day Wizard banned Babs using just a small quote from her post insulting AZD. Here's the thread so anyone can read it and make up their own mind.

    So the question is: Was Wizard, as you say, just honoring Babs request or did she really do something he felt she needed to be suspended for? Let's go to the Discussion II about the Suspension List thread, to page 304.

    On 8/19, six days after the Gay Thread was closed Wizard requoted Babs offensive post and said this:

    "I hate to have to make this post, but I am left with no better choices. Let me make it clear that one of the duties on an Administrator is to set an example of acceptable public behavior. The biggest problem in running this forum, probably any forum, is personal insults. If one cannot obey a rule prohibiting it, one should not be in a position of enforcing it.

    That said, I am making a public warning to Babs that the quote above was in violation of forum rules and if it is repeated in the near future, stronger action will be taken.

    Normally that post would result in an immediate demotion as administrator, but I am weighing it against her many years of good and loyal service. Hopefully, with the new rules against touchy subjects we can put this incident behind us."

    This is the public rebuke Babs has been needing for two years.

    A short while later, in a terse response Babs says "I acknowledge this warning, thank you for also acknowledging my many years of service."

    That was it. No apology. No "I'll try to do better in the future." No nothing. Not really respectful of Shack at all. But I know that spot Shack is in. It's hard to find lackey's that will work for nothing.

    Here's the link to the Discussion about the Suspension List thread. You can read it yourself, page 304. Oh, that's right, redietz. You were there. You already know it all.

    Oh, and 4 lefties suspended in the Gay Thread, zero righties, so there goes your theory about reigning in the offensive righties.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 09-10-2019 at 02:41 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #68
    KewlJ wrote:

    Bosox, Like you, I consider myself right of center on most issues, and particularly financial issues of which the Republicans under Trump and in fairness, even before Trump have completely abandoned their fiscal conservative origins. I have no idea who I will be voting for in 2020, but I know who I won't and that is Donald Trump. And whether Trump some how eeks out a win, which all data I see says is a very long shot, or whether he loses, he has destroyed the republican party and I don't know that it can be repaired at least for a very long time.

    KJ, personally I think Donald Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party. He, in my opinion, is the best president we ever had! Not only do I hope he wins again, I hope someone in his family follows in his footsteps.

  9. #69
    Trump has a lot of forces working against him. The fake news mainstream media. Voter manipulation by big tech. The brainwashing of college kids who have become socialists by the droves. I'm definitely concerned about him winning in 2020.

    Whether he wins or loses he's done the right thing for this country. Remember Obama's comment, "what's he going to do? Wave a magic wand?" to bring the jobs back. LOL! That's what a damn community organizer knows about how to create jobs. Cuts in taxes and regulations. Getting us the hell out of Nafta and these other trade agreements negotiated by his predecessors that decimated whole regions of the country. Threatening companies that move out of the US with tariffs. Gut punching the Chi-Comms with tariffs. The renegotiations with Mexico and Canada. Explaining to the world that the US will no longer be their piggy bank.

    We've now all seen the big sham that was the Mueller investigation. Mueller knew from the get go there was no Trump/Russia collusion. Comey and McCabe told him so. Mueller's number one objective was to keep the investigation going through the midterms to keep casting Trump in a bad light and keep voter doubts about Trump as high as possible. That tactic damn sure succeeded.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know Singer posted a response to me, but I no longer see his responses unless someone quotes and even then, I won't bother with him. He is a bug on the windshield of life, nothing more. Give him a squirt of washer fluid and turn on the wipers and bye bye, hater Rob.

    So moving on, it doesn't escape me that most of the haters on these forums are white males, usually older white males. As a group they appear to be really angry and bitter with life. It also doesn't escape me that almost all mass shooters are white males of varying ages. So why have white guys become so freaking angry and bitter? We have had a good long run on top getting more breaks and opportunities than everyone else. So the playing field is being leveled some with it!

    We still have it pretty damn good as white males in the US. Most of us aren't scrounging for food like our counterparts in other countries. Nor is being sold off into sex slavery a fear as it is for females in other countries. There are people who have to decide between eating and medication for a loved one. My biggest decision is what buffet do I want to eat at today? Or where do I want to watch the Raiders game tonight?

    As white males, we still have it pretty good in this country. We have ample opportunities to decide what your dream is and chase it, opportunities people in other parts of the world would and do die for. So stop all this hate and bitterness for people that are different than you (race, gender, religion sexual preference). What the fuck do you care what kind of god someone worships to or who loves or sleeps with who. Stop worrying so much about what others are doing, get off your ass and go chase down your own dreams and happiness.
    This is as bigoted and racist of a post as I have read here. And KJ the hater is calling other people haters. Now that's really funny. And now he will write a 35 paragraph essay on why he is not a bigot or hater.
    KJ, I was kinda thinking the same thing that Mickey points out here. You take your perceived notion of white males, put them all in a basket and then run it over.

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump has a lot of forces working against him. The fake news mainstream media. Voter manipulation by big tech. The brainwashing of college kids who have become socialists by the droves. I'm definitely concerned about him winning in 2020.

    Whether he wins or loses he's done the right thing for this country. Remember Obama's comment, "what's he going to do? Wave a magic wand?" to bring the jobs back. LOL! That's what a damn community organizer knows about how to create jobs. Cuts in taxes and regulations. Getting us the hell out of Nafta and these other trade agreements negotiated by his predecessors that decimated whole regions of the country. Threatening companies that move out of the US with tariffs. Gut punching the Chi-Comms with tariffs. The renegotiations with Mexico and Canada. Explaining to the world that the US will no longer be their piggy bank.

    We've now all seen the big sham that was the Mueller investigation. Mueller knew from the get go there was no Trump/Russia collusion. Comey and McCabe told him so. Mueller's number one objective was to keep the investigation going through the midterms to keep casting Trump in a bad light and keep voter doubts about Trump as high as possible. That tactic damn sure succeeded.
    I think Trump may have gotten himself a 2nd term due to the fact that he is trying to create a trade balance with China. A lot of people from both major political parties probably respected that move.
    Name:  hktrump.jpg
Views: 603
Size:  14.5 KB

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump has a lot of forces working against him. The fake news mainstream media. Voter manipulation by big tech. The brainwashing of college kids who have become socialists by the droves. I'm definitely concerned about him winning in 2020.

    Whether he wins or loses he's done the right thing for this country. Remember Obama's comment, "what's he going to do? Wave a magic wand?" to bring the jobs back. LOL! That's what a damn community organizer knows about how to create jobs. Cuts in taxes and regulations. Getting us the hell out of Nafta and these other trade agreements negotiated by his predecessors that decimated whole regions of the country. Threatening companies that move out of the US with tariffs. Gut punching the Chi-Comms with tariffs. The renegotiations with Mexico and Canada. Explaining to the world that the US will no longer be their piggy bank.

    We've now all seen the big sham that was the Mueller investigation. Mueller knew from the get go there was no Trump/Russia collusion. Comey and McCabe told him so. Mueller's number one objective was to keep the investigation going through the midterms to keep casting Trump in a bad light and keep voter doubts about Trump as high as possible. That tactic damn sure succeeded.
    I think Trump may have gotten himself a 2nd term due to the fact that he is trying to create a trade balance with China. A lot of people from both major political parties probably respected that move.
    Name:  hktrump.jpg
Views: 603
Size:  14.5 KB
    Shumer and Pelosi both agree with his actions on China. It's the hard left that is trying to use it as a political tool.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Shumer and Pelosi both agree with his actions on China. It's the hard left that is trying to use it as a political tool.
    If Trump does get re-elected, I think his actions on China will have been the main factor (whereas healthcare seemed to be the biggest factor in his 2016 election to the presidency).

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Shumer and Pelosi both agree with his actions on China. It's the hard left that is trying to use it as a political tool.
    If Trump does get re-elected, I think his actions on China will have been the main factor (whereas healthcare seemed to be the biggest factor in his 2016 election to the presidency).
    That'll be a very small factor. Most working and retired Americans care very little about the trade war with China, illegal greaseballs from Mexico, or anything else that doesn't directly affect THEM. What they see is more money in their weekly paychecks, lower taxes, job security, and an EXPLOSION in their 401k's and market accounts.

    How Trump worked that magic was with all his ancillary policies, but the people don't care about all that. They just want to be doing better, and he's given them that in spades. Regardless of all the BS you hear from the media, working & retired Democratic's are doing just as well as working & retired Republicans. And NONE of these people are gonna be stupid enough to vote their cash and security cow out on election day 2020.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Shumer and Pelosi both agree with his actions on China. It's the hard left that is trying to use it as a political tool.
    If Trump does get re-elected, I think his actions on China will have been the main factor (whereas healthcare seemed to be the biggest factor in his 2016 election to the presidency).
    That'll be a very small factor. Most working and retired Americans care very little about the trade war with China, illegal greaseballs from Mexico, or anything else that doesn't directly affect THEM. What they see is more money in their weekly paychecks, lower taxes, job security, and an EXPLOSION in their 401k's and market accounts.

    How Trump worked that magic was with all his ancillary policies, but the people don't care about all that. They just want to be doing better, and he's given them that in spades. Regardless of all the BS you hear from the media, working & retired Democratic's are doing just as well as working & retired Republicans. And NONE of these people are gonna be stupid enough to vote their cash and security cow out on election day 2020.
    Ron, what's for certain though is how there were people who did not hesitate to impede Trump's ability to do his job through non-stop barrages of false narratives such as the Russiagate B.S. - their agenda was much more important than allowing a president to do stuff to help the country. What evil fucks they are.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    If Trump does get re-elected, I think his actions on China will have been the main factor (whereas healthcare seemed to be the biggest factor in his 2016 election to the presidency).
    That'll be a very small factor. Most working and retired Americans care very little about the trade war with China, illegal greaseballs from Mexico, or anything else that doesn't directly affect THEM. What they see is more money in their weekly paychecks, lower taxes, job security, and an EXPLOSION in their 401k's and market accounts.

    How Trump worked that magic was with all his ancillary policies, but the people don't care about all that. They just want to be doing better, and he's given them that in spades. Regardless of all the BS you hear from the media, working & retired Democratic's are doing just as well as working & retired Republicans. And NONE of these people are gonna be stupid enough to vote their cash and security cow out on election day 2020.
    Ron, what's for certain though is how there were people who did not hesitate to impede Trump's ability to do his job through non-stop barrages of false narratives such as the Russiagate B.S. - their agenda was much more important than allowing a president to do stuff to help the country. What evil fucks they are.
    Yes. And from the looks of things, none of them will ever be indicted. That's puzzling.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    If Trump does get re-elected, I think his actions on China will have been the main factor (whereas healthcare seemed to be the biggest factor in his 2016 election to the presidency).
    That'll be a very small factor. Most working and retired Americans care very little about the trade war with China, illegal greaseballs from Mexico, or anything else that doesn't directly affect THEM. What they see is more money in their weekly paychecks, lower taxes, job security, and an EXPLOSION in their 401k's and market accounts.

    How Trump worked that magic was with all his ancillary policies, but the people don't care about all that. They just want to be doing better, and he's given them that in spades. Regardless of all the BS you hear from the media, working & retired Democratic's are doing just as well as working & retired Republicans. And NONE of these people are gonna be stupid enough to vote their cash and security cow out on election day 2020.
    Ron, what's for certain though is how there were people who did not hesitate to impede Trump's ability to do his job through non-stop barrages of false narratives such as the Russiagate B.S. - their agenda was much more important than allowing a president to do stuff to help the country. What evil fucks they are.
    You mean like all the nasty shit the Republicans did for 8 years while Obama was President? Check...... You people are so fucking delusional this website should actually be called "The Funny Farm". Trump didn't accomplish jack shit but destroy America's credibility world wide and blow up the deficit. The only objective the Republican party had during Obama's presidency was to block everything he tried to accomplish and they didn't even hide it. And now you all cry like a bunch of fucking babies because of how unfair Trump is being treated. You Trumpists really are a (bad) joke.

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    That'll be a very small factor. Most working and retired Americans care very little about the trade war with China, illegal greaseballs from Mexico, or anything else that doesn't directly affect THEM. What they see is more money in their weekly paychecks, lower taxes, job security, and an EXPLOSION in their 401k's and market accounts.

    How Trump worked that magic was with all his ancillary policies, but the people don't care about all that. They just want to be doing better, and he's given them that in spades. Regardless of all the BS you hear from the media, working & retired Democratic's are doing just as well as working & retired Republicans. And NONE of these people are gonna be stupid enough to vote their cash and security cow out on election day 2020.
    Ron, what's for certain though is how there were people who did not hesitate to impede Trump's ability to do his job through non-stop barrages of false narratives such as the Russiagate B.S. - their agenda was much more important than allowing a president to do stuff to help the country. What evil fucks they are.
    You mean like all the nasty shit the Republicans did for 8 years while Obama was President? Check...... You people are so fucking delusional this website should actually be called "The Funny Farm". Trump didn't accomplish jack shit but destroy America's credibility world wide and blow up the deficit. The only objective the Republican party had during Obama's presidency was to block everything he tried to accomplish and they didn't even hide it. And now you all cry like a bunch of fucking babies because of how unfair Trump is being treated. You Trumpists really are a (bad) joke.
    So you agree that Trump is being impeded. You just think that Obama was also impeded.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    That'll be a very small factor. Most working and retired Americans care very little about the trade war with China, illegal greaseballs from Mexico, or anything else that doesn't directly affect THEM. What they see is more money in their weekly paychecks, lower taxes, job security, and an EXPLOSION in their 401k's and market accounts.

    How Trump worked that magic was with all his ancillary policies, but the people don't care about all that. They just want to be doing better, and he's given them that in spades. Regardless of all the BS you hear from the media, working & retired Democratic's are doing just as well as working & retired Republicans. And NONE of these people are gonna be stupid enough to vote their cash and security cow out on election day 2020.
    Ron, what's for certain though is how there were people who did not hesitate to impede Trump's ability to do his job through non-stop barrages of false narratives such as the Russiagate B.S. - their agenda was much more important than allowing a president to do stuff to help the country. What evil fucks they are.
    Yes. And from the looks of things, none of them will ever be indicted. That's puzzling.
    But then again a large number of Trump's officials and other people from his inner circle have been indicted and have gone to jail during the last couple of years. Wonder why that is???? Because they're all stand up citizens and true patriots right? I can see you all wearing MAGA hats at your next KKK meeting shouting "lock her up". After all the investigations and all the hearings she's still out there but those big shots surrounding Trump with their big mouths all went to jail one after the other. You really are fucking blind!

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Vegas_lover View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post

    Ron, what's for certain though is how there were people who did not hesitate to impede Trump's ability to do his job through non-stop barrages of false narratives such as the Russiagate B.S. - their agenda was much more important than allowing a president to do stuff to help the country. What evil fucks they are.
    You mean like all the nasty shit the Republicans did for 8 years while Obama was President? Check...... You people are so fucking delusional this website should actually be called "The Funny Farm". Trump didn't accomplish jack shit but destroy America's credibility world wide and blow up the deficit. The only objective the Republican party had during Obama's presidency was to block everything he tried to accomplish and they didn't even hide it. And now you all cry like a bunch of fucking babies because of how unfair Trump is being treated. You Trumpists really are a (bad) joke.
    So you agree that Trump is being impeded. You just think that Obama was also impeded.
    No I don't think Trump is being impeded. You think Trump is being impeded. I do believe, in contrary to Barrack Obama, Donald Trump is an individual who has a lot of skeletons in his closet and I do believe the man is guilty of a number of crimes. Almost nothing the man does passes the sniff test.

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