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I'm sure there's a clause qualification not known. I get $80/free play. The catch? It's divided between 6 days. Just drooling to get my $15 free play Friday!
As much as I hate to take Aria's side, I think it's more likely that they were in the right here.
In the text messages reproduced on the TV report, the host wrote something like "I only promised 3 days, and you can check our previous texts to confirm", or something like that.
Conveniently, the TV report never showed any text from the host confirming 10 comped nights, which as I mentioned in the Pokerfraudalert thread I linked, is highly unusual for a host to promise up front.
I think they either got confused and then a further confused employee verified what they thought they had, or they were pulling shenanigans the whole way, attempting to take advantage of a dumbass front desk employee and hold her to something she misunderstood.
If this had happened to me and I had a text trail backing my story, I would have been posting the text messages from that host everywhere (even if I redacted his info), but for some reason she isn't sharing that.