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Thread: Horse Racing Angles

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but whether you're at a small track or big track, owning elite or pedestrian horse, the cost is going to come in at between $2000 and $2500 a month per horse (not counting cost of the horse). That's not cheap, but if somebody's making six figures at their actual employment, and they have decent horses that'll bring in 1K a month, it's basically a 10K to 12K annual loss per horse, with tax benefits. So for an owner who writes off the expenses, the modal result would be an annual 7K or 8K loss per horse in the US.

    That's a bit of a small money pit, but owning a Lamborghini or sending a kid to college or taking a family vacation in Europe can be way bigger money pits.
    No offense Reditz but, these types of factual conversations don’t need some college football handicapper coming up with assumption nonsense.

    You’re always trying to suggest how fucking smart and clever you are, when in reality your pretty much a fucking idiot.

    Lamborghini’s, colleges, european vacations, what the fuck are you talking about?

    Since I’m talking to you, can you give me push on a football game, (before the results are in) maybe I could recover some losses.

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but whether you're at a small track or big track, owning elite or pedestrian horse, the cost is going to come in at between $2000 and $2500 a month per horse (not counting cost of the horse). That's not cheap, but if somebody's making six figures at their actual employment, and they have decent horses that'll bring in 1K a month, it's basically a 10K to 12K annual loss per horse, with tax benefits. So for an owner who writes off the expenses, the modal result would be an annual 7K or 8K loss per horse in the US.

    That's a bit of a small money pit, but owning a Lamborghini or sending a kid to college or taking a family vacation in Europe can be way bigger money pits.
    No offense Reditz but, these types of factual conversations don’t need some college football handicapper coming up with assumption nonsense.

    You’re always trying to suggest how fucking smart and clever you are, when in reality your pretty much a fucking idiot.

    Lamborghini’s, colleges, european vacations, what the fuck are you talking about?

    Since I’m talking to you, can you give me push on a football game, (before the results are in) maybe I could recover some losses.

    Charming as ever. But with no refutation of what I just said. As usual.

    I am occasionally offered pieces of various horses. I have friends and partners who own horses. I owned a piece of one horse shipped in from the UK, purchased at one of the famous sales there.

    The numbers I quoted above are ballpark accurate.

    And the Wise Guys plays, which are 10-4 (9-5 in the contest due to aberration-line Texas/West Virginia loss) this season, have been publicly available through the site, which I have nothing to do with. My Northbet college contest plays can be accessed week-by-week after the fact as long as I'm on the leaderboard (top 25). And I can put you in touch with a horse owner who is one of my partners, if you so desire. You'd have to meet him in person; then you dudes could talk horses.

    Yeah, charming as ever, blackhole. Your problem is you refuse to recognize when somebody actually knows what they're talking about. Or you don't know enough to be able to tell. Probably the latter.

    Here's the difference between us, my friend. I know that I know nothing about horse racing. But I'm smart enough to have people who know it intimately crunch the numbers. Sometimes you have to defer to people who know what they're talking about. I heartily recommend Tom Nichols' book, The Death of Expertise.
    Last edited by redietz; 10-24-2019 at 07:33 AM.

  3. #63
    First of all, RedDITZ lets get something straight. I’m not your friend.

    At least you admit you know nothing about owning race horses. Anting up a couple grand for a 1% share of a horse from the UK is about as stupid as it could get in this game. I’ll be waiting to hear your response how the buy-in won you 10’s of thousand’s. My posts above are made with 100% in it factual experience.

    I don’t know anything about the owners you’re quoting which is based on alleged second hand information you were given. They could crunch the numbers all they want; horse racing is not a slot machine.

    I pretty much was having conversation with the couple of horse gamblers here. As usual, regardless what’s being talked about anywhere on this site you chime in with your phony expertise bullshit.

    P.S. Thank me for giving you another opportunity in my last post to promote you million-dollar football picks. Of course, for a small fee everyone else who wants to could follow and bet your picks and also become a rich man.

    Give it a break meatball.

  4. #64
    Oh yea, I'm prepared to discuss any of my facts with your horse racing number crunchers.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Oh yea, I'm prepared to discuss any of my facts with your horse racing number crunchers.
    Great. One of them will be in Las Vegas in December. I'm sure she'll love meeting you.

    As for plopping down money for a horse, it's as you said. You don't go into it thinking you'll make money. That's not what it's about, for the most part.

    I'll be in touch in December.

    Oh yeah, I'm not sure where you got the idea that I charge a small fee, but that's not how it works, my friend. It's strictly percent of profit, and I don't take on new people. Go ahead. Try to contact me or have someone contact me and arrange to "pay for picks." It won't happen. Try to contact me to become a partner. That won't happen, either.

    You're a real genius...blathering (as usual) about things you know nothing about.

    I heartily recommend Tom Nichols' The Death of expertise.

  6. #66
    I have chosen not to engage with Mr. Hole anymore so all I will say is I second the recommendation. Good read.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I know that I know nothing about horse racing. But I'm smart enough to have people who know it intimately crunch the numbers. Sometimes you have to defer to people who know what they're talking about. I heartily recommend Tom Nichols' book, The Death of Expertise.

    Is this person you want me to meet one of the people that recommended you invest in a horse coming from the U.K.? If it is then no thanks.

    You and Regnis both recommended that book “The Death of Expertise” So, I looked into what it was about. Here’s the first paragraph discussing the book written by Alessandra Montalto of the NYTimes. Are you fucking idiots for real here?

    Donald J. Trump’s taste for advisers with little or no government experience; his selection of cabinet members like Scott Pruitt and Rick Perry, who have expressed outright hostility to the agencies they now oversee; and the slow pace of making senior-level appointments in high-profile departments like State, Treasury and Homeland Security — all speak to the new president’s disregard for policy expertise and knowledge, just as his own election victory underscores many voters’ scorn for experience

    That would explain why Regnis won’t talk to me anymore. Once you point out to any left-wing liberal idiot how ridiculous something they said is, they’ll just cut off all communications and not want to hear anything more about it. Sound familiar?

    After Trump and the rest of this country wipe the floor with anyone you losers could come up with, I suggest you and the other Ditz weirdo stay close. Both of you could meet up in some safe place and suck each other’s cocks for another 4 years. And if we’re lucky one of his children will take over 2024

    Both of you, just fuck off

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    As for plopping down money for a horse, it's as you said. You don't go into it thinking you'll make money. That's not what it's about, for the most part.
    Please point out any place I said this.

    You're such a lying skumbag. You swallowed to much of KJ's scum. You both post with the same bullshitting lying tactics. Then again you are a liberal asshole. There really is no need to analyze you any further.

    Pretty sure by now everyone here got your number.

  9. #69
    My, this thread has suddenly turned hostile lol....with Breeders Cup a little more than a week out now, and it being the best wagering day of the year in my opinion, would like to get some

    input from people that participate in this thread and obviously follow racing like Regnis, `Smoke and Blackhole on what horses they like and/or are leaning to...I`ll start-

    Without a doubt, I`m going to fire very heavily on the Aidan O` Brien European horse, Arizona in the BC Juvenile Turf...although O`Briens record here in the States basically

    sucks, I`ve been following this horse`s career since his first start, and think he` a star in the making and really coming into his own.....hopefully I`ll be able to get anywhere from

    7/2-4/1 on him, if not a bit higher......will add more the closer it gets and post positions are drawn...hopefully others will do the same
    Last edited by Keystone; 10-24-2019 at 07:12 PM.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    My, this thread has suddenly turned hostile lol....
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I know that I know nothing about horse racing.
    Yea, the thread was hijacked as usual by one of the well-known ass clowns here. I quoted the ass clown above who admits he knows nothing about horse racing. Yet, even while knowing nothing he invested in a horse that was going to be shipped here from overseas from you know, one of those famous horse sales they have in the U.K.

    Then he wanted to school me on owning horses by comparing salaries, taxes, Lamborghini's, college tuition's, or taking family vacations in Europe to it. This all coming from a jerk whose opening statement was he don’t know anything about it. Not sure why I didn’t take his advice. After all, he’s ahead making bets on his college football picks.

    Then the idiot and Regnis both heartily recommended I read the book “The Death of expertise”. A left wing liberal never Trump book. I’m telling you; you really can’t make this shit up.

    I was actually going to start posting real experiences I witnessed while in the game. My next story was going to be about a horse that won by 14 lengths, never got hit with the whip, and paid $29.00 dollars.

    I was trying to stay out of all the other nonsense on this site. I figured a horse thread would be ignored by the mob. I really should have known better.

    As far as picks on horses, I don’t bet on them anymore. Everyone I was involved with are all out of it. I haven’t a clue on today’s action.

  11. #71
    Lol! Butthole is out of the horse racing game? Not hard to figure out why. For all this so called knowledge he collected on it he just lost his ass. Couldn’t figure out how to turn that savvy into profits. You know what that means? He didn’t really know jack all about horse racing except how to lose.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  12. #72
    Mickey--I once had a friend who told me he had to stop playing blackjack because he was winning too much and was concerned about IRS. Maybe Mr. Hole has the same problem. The constant winning becomes a real headache. Luckily I lose often enough to keep playing.

    Keystone--Friday Breeders Cup looks impossible but I think you can find value because there are easily 8 horses that can win most of those races. Right now, and it's early and I don't have odds yet, I like the 1 and 2 in the juvenile fillies and the 8 in the Juvenile colts (these are post positions in the early form and may not be actual #). Just some preliminary thoughts. The others that day look wide open for value.

    It was real hot in California this weekend. I don't know the forecast for BC but the Europeans hate that kind of heat.

    I am a little concerned about distance for Arizona but O'B is so good he can probably can probably train me to go a route.

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Lol! Butthole is out of the horse racing game? Not hard to figure out why. For all this so called knowledge he collected on it he just lost his ass. Couldn’t figure out how to turn that savvy into profits. You know what that means? He didn’t really know jack all about horse racing except how to lose.

    I'd say ninety-five percent of people who own race horses are not anticipating making money via the owning. And the five percent who are anticipating making money, as Rick says in Casablanca, are misinformed.

  14. #74
    Since I know that I don't know anything about horse racing, I will step aside and not interrupt people with expertise. Good luck with Breeder's Cup. Of course, though, in the spirit of friendship and all that, some notes for my buddy, blackhole:

    This narrative of yours, where I'm "selling picks" and all that, and trying to drum up business via PMs -- I have a few comments. First, if you or anybody you know are unable to hire me, that kind of shoots down that narrative, no? Second, if after all these years, you have not a single example of me PMing anyone or suggesting people "sign up" with me, what does that tell you? Third, I stopped posting at WoV of my own accord. Presumably that would be fertile ground for recruiting. What does that tell you? Fourth, one of us is into making shit up on these forums, and it appears to be the anonymous dude.

    Good luck with Breeder's Cup.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    Mickey--I once had a friend who told me he had to stop playing blackjack because he was winning too much and was concerned about IRS. Maybe Mr. Hole has the same problem. The constant winning becomes a real headache. Luckily I lose often enough to keep playing.

    Keystone--Friday Breeders Cup looks impossible but I think you can find value because there are easily 8 horses that can win most of those races. Right now, and it's early and I don't have odds yet, I like the 1 and 2 in the juvenile fillies and the 8 in the Juvenile colts (these are post positions in the early form and may not be actual #). Just some preliminary thoughts. The others that day look wide open for value.

    It was real hot in California this weekend. I don't know the forecast for BC but the Europeans hate that kind of heat.

    I am a little concerned about distance for Arizona but O'B is so good he can probably can probably train me to go a route.
    Arizona was made the 5/2 ML favorite which is very surprising to me...I guess that`s what happens when you`ve been chasing the best 2 year old in the world your last 2 starts....still hoping he drifts up to 7/2 maybe

  16. #76
    Early editions of entries listed post numbers that were wrong. 1 and 2 in Juvenile fillies are actually now 4 and 6 and there is not much value there. In the colts, the horse came up lame and is out.

    Back to the drawing board.

  17. #77

    pretty funny: they named a race The Big Ass Fans Breeders Cup Dirt Mile - there must be a story behind that - I don't know what it is

    it's a great time to get good odds on strong horses with all the soft money being bet

    but I don't have the energy to cap all these races

    chalkeater that I am I'll be scoping out if I can get decent odds on Sister Charlie in the filly and mare turf, Bricks and Mortar in the turf, Mitole in the sprint and McKinzie in the classic. as usual I will make my wimpy bets in the secondary pools - which are fairly often inefficient markets on big race days

    any of these would probably make for good bets in the 1 and/or 2 spots in the single race exotics IMHO

    Sister Charlie is my personal fave - what a star she is

    I don't plan to bet the turf dash, because of the very large field, 14, but Pure Sensation should be the controlling speed which should give him a significant advantage since one or more of the strong closers are likely to get blocked or forced wide in a field that large

    pretty shocking: Baffert bumped Mike Smith off of Mckinzie in favor of Joel Rosario. I think Baffert didn't like McKinzie's 2s with Smith aboard - he wants 1s.
    Last edited by Half Smoke; 10-30-2019 at 03:22 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  18. #78

    these guys handicap all the races from the 2 days. they know their shit no doubt and do a nice job. most of the stuff they point out is pretty obvious but if you listen to the whole thing you would probably hear a few insights that you hadn't thought of. GLTA

    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  19. #79
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    advanced punters can find appealing information too. Like a great piece on the history of Royal Ascot. Horse racing bookmakers

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