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Thread: Tasha!

  1. #21
    Now Tasha, you really did start a shit storm over there, whether it was your intention or not. You got poor old Norm so riled up he must have made a dozen posts today claiming this and that about me. Almost all of it untrue. And while I did respond to the first of his lies and exaggerations, I can't and wont keep creating accounts to reply. Luckily for me, there are other members, who were there and witnessed everything and have the balls to stand up to Norm and say "No that's not the way it happened" and "you are re-writing history".

    But I was honored that a number of people spoke up and unlike Mr. Shackleford, weren't afraid of Norm. And I was very proud when Norm tried to paint me as the bad guy that several people pointed out that I have probably been more helpful to newer members that almost anyone else in the community. So I thank those of you on this forum that spoke up. And I appreciate that people recognize the truth.

    But Tasha, please don't try to do me any favors like that again.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I just read some of those links and I stopped because I got dizzy. The short explanation is that kew not only spew lies and hate here--he apparently does it on every forum he tries out.
    Of course that is what you see. That is what you want to see. You are incapable of anything else. Your hate and bitterness blinds you. And that is exactly why the polls here about your credibility ran the way they did. Anyone who deals with you for any length of time on any forum fin you dishonest and not credible. You make up facts. You see what you want instead of what's there. In short....alternative reality. And alternative reality is really the nice way of saying it. The more common term is delusional. You have proven yourself to be delusional about almost every topic you discuss.
    I can't believe he doesn't like Philadelphia. Philadelphia has everything "Singer" would enjoy:

    1) Mayor Rizzo (1920-91 RIP).
    2) The MOVE bombing.
    3) The Rocky statue.
    4) Hometown of Cook E. Jarr.
    5) Origin of Tasteecakes.
    6) Great Naval shipyard.
    7) The Liberty Bell.
    8) A hockey team known for beating people up.
    9) Police known for the same.
    10) Home base of Chris Matthews, Michael Medved, and Larry Fine, otherwise known as....

    Absolutely stunning. "Singer" should be retiring to Philadelphia.

  3. #23
    Oh, and Redietz, Norm reads this forum so he knows who you are. He reads every word I post. I know because he often quotes and talks about things I post here. So that pretending he had no idea who you are is just Norm's attempt to dismiss you.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    10) Home base of Chris Matthews, Michael Medved, and Larry Fine, otherwise known as....

    Absolutely stunning. "Singer" should be retiring to Philadelphia.
    Holy have hit on something here. LARRY FINE! I have said before Singer looks like a cross between Larry Fine and Uncle Leo from the Seinfeld show. I mean seriously....somebody post up the pictures.

  5. #25
    Name:  1*8O3MeV31yd_QDeMnKRXZrw.jpg
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    Last edited by MaxPen; 11-18-2019 at 11:44 PM.

  6. #26
    I knew it would be you MaxPen. I was going to even say "sounds like a job for MaxPen", but just decided to wait and see.

    But am I right? And not only looks, but both Larry Fine and Uncle Leo are idiots, Larry Fine kind of a loveable idiot, but an idiot never-the-less. Singer....well he is just king "idiot".

  7. #27
    There is definitely some resemblance.

    Really, I'm more impressed that Rob has electric and a new dining table at one of his many homesteads.

    The piss bottles to the left of the front stoop just adds that touch of class.

    That trailer might be where Rob's Hawaiian shirt came from. They are both equally faded.

    Name:  A-1951-Vagabond-Trailer-in-Joshua-Tree-2-1.jpg
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    Last edited by MaxPen; 11-19-2019 at 12:10 AM.

  8. #28
    All because I called out Philly for the crime-ridden minority-infested shithole that it is....with the world's stupidest people.....and, of course, because the Pats beat up on the Eagles in front of the NFL's nastiest fans, while playing far below their potential!

    Kew, what is it with you and all your forum nonsense? You obviously made a fool of yourself at that bj site and at WoV, and you continue to have no dignity or shame as you go on whining about getting banned from both. Do you not realize there's other things in life besides forums and sucking off of mommy's tit??

    How about a picture of that....

  9. #29
    If you click on one of the links I posted on previous page, keep scrolling through the thread. Apparently, Kewlj created another sock johnsmith to argue even further on that forum.

    Kewlj quote “The statement was that I would celebrate the day you died and this forum shut down because I believe this forum was harmful to newer players.” Apparently, this cock sucker looks forward to anyone’s death that disagree with him and his bullshit nonsense. I should know since this prick wished me dead also. Seems to be normal behavior for this shithead.

    Todd should make a banning exception with this cock sucker. I know he thinks he’s good for his forum traffic but, Kiwlj as several crossed wires and caused nothing but problems on and eventually being banned from 9 different forums.

    Since Todd doesn’t like me and might think I’m not pointing out the truth, then don't hesitate and get rid of me also.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Oh, and Redietz, Norm reads this forum so he knows who you are. He reads every word I post. I know because he often quotes and talks about things I post here. So that pretending he had no idea who you are is just Norm's attempt to dismiss you.
    KJ, ever notice that Norm closes threads (those where he is directly involved in) quicker if and when the heat starts turning on him. Of course, he does this to protect members from getting banned please, but the convience of it all, as he always gets to have his say before closing the thread. What many members miss is that the final product of the thread may not be completely in it's origional form (controls content) as he still has access to the material to possibly delete posts that he does not like that he may have missed earlier.
    Last edited by BoSox; 11-19-2019 at 05:40 AM.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Oh, and Redietz, Norm reads this forum so he knows who you are. He reads every word I post. I know because he often quotes and talks about things I post here. So that pretending he had no idea who you are is just Norm's attempt to dismiss you.
    LOL. Not surprised. I didn't know "appearing on google" was a credential. After reading just a couple of this Norm dude's posts, I have some obvious (to any editor) observations about him.

    First, I purposefully mentioned The Wise Guys Contest. That gave him two targets to google, my name being the other. I'd estimate it's 99% he googled both. I get a first or second page hit on the Wise Guys Contest. So he got a hit with my name included in the Wise Guys Contest as a former champion. He got nothing googling me (at least on the first dozen pages). He then posts that he couldn't find me on google, but fails to mention The Wise Guys Contest hit. Now what does that tell you about Norm?

    Second, I'd say the guy has a legalistic perspective, and here's why. He posts as if he's in front of a (really dumb) jury. For example, when I say forums don't enable people to win gambling or Shack doesn't enable people to win gambling, he won't challenge that directly and say, "Well, sure forums enable people to win." He knows, legally, logically, and evidentiary-wise, that's a long, long stretch. Instead, he makes some oblique comment that really has nothing to do with what I said, but that sounds nice to a (really dumb) jury. Like the fact that Shack provides a high volume of very accurate information. Yes, Shack does. And the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars. And that doesn't enable people to win at gambling, either. The number of people who actually win is white crow territory, and Norm knows it. Now, the fact that Norm resorts, and immediately resorts, to oblique deflection responses -- what does that tell you about him?

    Third, the whole "you sound like a kewlJ sock puppet" stuff. This is the old bit of using passive voice and making obvious implications without actually saying someone is a liar or a sock puppet or whatever, because saying those things directly without using passive voice and implications is against forum rules. It's a personal attack. So instead we get hypothetical speculations, passive voice, and the obvious implying of stuff without the sentence construction of a direct attack. Now really, this kind of contortionist posting is such an intellectually dishonest tactic, that it's funny.

    And the wrap-up? Norm probably thinks he's being intellectually sophisticated pulling these stunts and posting like this. It's hilarious. The worst editor of some weekly rag in Idaho would recognize this stuff as Don King-esque trickeration in two minutes.

    Here's an idea. I'm technologically challenged, so kewlj, feel free to start a poll here. Redietz's response to Norm should be to

    A) Attempt (strictly through prayer, of course) to break Norm's children's legs.
    B) Ignore Norm and let the facts of Norm's life punish him.
    C) Buy as a tribute, and then start it up.

    I still own and, so I like to collect these.

    I cannot believe these are the people who run allegedly respected forums. I hate to quote from "Singer" and blackhole, but these armchair dudes, do they really gamble?

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew, what is it with you and all your forum nonsense? You obviously made a fool of yourself at that bj site and at WoV, and you continue to have no dignity or shame as you go on whining about getting banned from both.
    Rob do you know how silly you look when you can't make arguments that deal in reality? I guess you must because it is your whole existence here. I get that you don't like me. But if you limited your comments and arguments to things that were real, you might have a little bit more credibility. Maybe more than 1 in 23 people would believe something....anything you said.

    I am banned at 2 forums, not 9 like crazy Norm states and other people totally lacking any sense of truth and reality repeat. TWO! Two gambling related forums that I participated at seriously for years. One of the forums (Norm's) had a rating system where the membership rated helpful posts. I had the second highest "helpful rating" at the time I was banned. At the second forum, the owner who banned me stated I was one of the most valuable members when he announced my ban.

    So it is pretty clear to see, these two bans are about forum politics. As a professional player, I have a problem with members that make phony claims that contradict the math. Whether it be a card counter claiming a 5% advantage using his super 'duper count', a guy claiming 18 y.o.'s in a row, or a guy claiming he won millions playing progression betting....all of which are essentially mathematically impossible. I call that Bullshit out and will continue to do so. It is just not fair to legitimate players that come to forums looking for legitimate information.

    So I am banned at two forum, Norm's forum where, he decided to protect one of these guys with mathematically impossible claims for which he still hasn't and can't explain why. And a second forum where Norm "demanded" and that is Michael Shacklefords word not mine, Norm demanded that Mike ban me. Inexplicably Mike honestly said he owed Norm a favor and couldn't say no. AND a short time later when Mike realized how wrong this was and was going to reverse this ban, this guy Norm told Mike that if he did, he (Norm) would no longer speak to Mike. This stuff isn't speculation on my part. I posted screenshots of Mike's PM's where he revealed these things. And while you can argue, revealing PM's is not a very nice thing to do, I had no choice. What are you going to do when someone won't tell the truth about you and you have proof.

    I can't explain why Mike is so afraid of Norm that he would allow himself to be used and bullied like he did. That's on him. But those are the facts. I am banned at two and only two forums, where Norm banned me and demanded and bullied a "friend" to do likewise.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Do you not realize there's other things in life besides forums and sucking off of mommy's tit??

    How about a picture of that....
    This is what you are Rob..... a troll! You can't make any argument without some sort of obnoxious statement. How becoming of a 70 year old man. You must be so proud.

    I could do that too. I could end every post with some untrue, obnoxious comment about you molesting your grand kids. What would that prove?

    You seem to have adopted "wise up" as your signature line which makes no sense, because you use it after spouting some sort of lie or exaggeration. Well here is my new signature line for you Rob: Grow up! Just grow up and act like a normal adult and maybe more than 1 in 23 people would take you seriously.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    LOL. Not surprised. I didn't know "appearing on google" was a credential. After reading just a couple of this Norm dude's posts, I have some obvious (to any editor) observations about him....
    Redietz, You aren't going to win these arguments with or about Norm. Norm has been involved in these internet feuds and behavior since before there was an internet (as he likes to say). He has feuded and fought with dozens of members of the gambling community, including some top names in professional blackjack play. One forum was nicknamed "the fight club".

    Norm has a tremendous ego. He knows everything. and if you don't agree with his opinion, or challenge him in any way, you are on his shit list. If you don't back down, a feud is born and he will stalk you all over the internet. I know for a fact quite a number of forums he has gone to and demanded different owners/administrators shut down this or that person, or remove content. And he will escalate these demands of forum owners with legal threats. "slander" is one of his favorites. When you call him out he will say something like "I have never sued anyone and don't even have an attorney", but yet quite a number of forum owners tell the same story. I'll bet our Dan Druff (Todd) has been subject to those kind of legal threats from Norm.

    So this was the reason Norm's first forum failed. People just couldn't deal with Norm and all his antics, feuds, playing God and deciding who can speak and what they can say. When one of the blackjack forums shut down and the blackjack community needed a new home (forum), everyone else said, No, not Norm! I was the fool for believing Norm when he said he would change. And I have been proven wrong.

    So this is who this guy is Redietz. This is who he has been for 30 some years on forums, since before there was an internet. And you spoke of his kids?? Well speculation on my part, but I am guessing this is the way he is in real life, which is why he has no wife or kids. So don't waste your time Redietz.

  14. #34
    Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. I don't know how much success Norm has had throughout the years with all this demanding and bullying other forum owners and administrators. I am guess not a lot. In my case I know (from different forum owners themselves) that Norm made these same demands to shut me down at least to 3 other forum owners and they all said no way. 2 of them he threatened with legal action. ONLY Michael Shackleford, The great and powerful Oz, allowed himself to be used and bullied by Norms tactics.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KJ, ever notice that Norm closes threads (those where he is directly involved in) quicker if and when the heat starts turning on him. Of course, he does this to protect members from getting banned please, but the convience of it all, as he always gets to have his say before closing the thread. What many members miss is that the final product of the thread may not be completely in it's origional form (controls content) as he still has access to the material to possibly delete posts that he does not like that he may have missed earlier.
    Ya think Bosox?

    This is how it always plays out: Someone calls Norm out on something that he can't answer for or makes him look bad and the next thing you know, you see this exact response from Norm "I don't have time for this, I have work to do. Thread closed." How many times have we seen this?

    But that isn't really even the worst of it. He usually doesn't do it when a thread is still fresh, but some time later, Norm will go back and delete either comments that he can't answer for or the entire thread. I mean this is really a line that shouldn't be accepted.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    LOL. Not surprised. I didn't know "appearing on google" was a credential. After reading just a couple of this Norm dude's posts, I have some obvious (to any editor) observations about him....
    Redietz, You aren't going to win these arguments with or about Norm. Norm has been involved in these internet feuds and behavior since before there was an internet (as he likes to say). He has feuded and fought with dozens of members of the gambling community, including some top names in professional blackjack play. One forum was nicknamed "the fight club".

    Norm has a tremendous ego. He knows everything. and if you don't agree with his opinion, or challenge him in any way, you are on his shit list. If you don't back down, a feud is born and he will stalk you all over the internet. I know for a fact quite a number of forums he has gone to and demanded different owners/administrators shut down this or that person, or remove content. And he will escalate these demands of forum owners with legal threats. "slander" is one of his favorites. When you call him out he will say something like "I have never sued anyone and don't even have an attorney", but yet quite a number of forum owners tell the same story. I'll bet our Dan Druff (Todd) has been subject to those kind of legal threats from Norm.

    So this was the reason Norm's first forum failed. People just couldn't deal with Norm and all his antics, feuds, playing God and deciding who can speak and what they can say. When one of the blackjack forums shut down and the blackjack community needed a new home (forum), everyone else said, No, not Norm! I was the fool for believing Norm when he said he would change. And I have been proven wrong.

    So this is who this guy is Redietz. This is who he has been for 30 some years on forums, since before there was an internet. And you spoke of his kids?? Well speculation on my part, but I am guessing this is the way he is in real life, which is why he has no wife or kids. So don't waste your time Redietz.
    This guy Norm sounds almost exactly like Adam Schiff.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This guy Norm sounds almost exactly like Adam Schiff.
    Yeah, THIS is really relevant and pertinent to the discussion, Rob.

    So happens, I don't think much of Adam Schiff myself, but this is supposed to be a gambling related forum. If you want to turn everything into politics and your support for Trump, join a political forum.

  18. #38
    Redietz, and KJ check out a new thread started at BJTF titled:

    Thread: What constitutes crossing the line - what constitutes libel and ir defamation

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
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