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Thread: Does Anyone Still Have a Doubt on Impeaching Trump

  1. #1
    How can anyone still support Trump after seeing all the impeach testimony we saw this week? It should be clear to everyone by now that Trump is worse than a snake in the grass. He will be impeached by Christmas. Those wimps who don't vote to impeach and remove from office should be voted out of office.

  2. #2
    I will preface my comments by saying that I am a registered republican, but non-Trump supporter. I guess what is now called "never Trumper". I believe in the real republican values of fiscal conservatism. Pay down the debt, Less taxes, less government, less handout. People keeping more of their hard earned money. Real republicanism. Socially I am more a libertarian. people should be able to do whatever the hell they want to enjoy life as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.

    Ok, so that said, I would like nothing more than for an impeachment vote (which will occur), a trial, and the republican Senate to vote Trump out, or for McConnell/Graham to make that walk to the White House to convince Trump he has to resign. That way the republican's can take back our party that Trump has hijacked and get back to real republican values. And maybe even in time to save the 2020 election, not with Pence but maybe a Nicki Haley at the top of the ticket.

    But I don't think that is going to happen. I fear the republican Senate, irrationally scared to death of Trump and his base will not remove Trump and instead go down with the ship setting back the republicans for a decade to come. The Dems will win the White House, retain maybe grow the majority in the house, pick up 2-4 seats in the Senate, giving them a majority or just 1 vote short and maybe most importantly losing state elections up and down the board. This will place the dems firmly in control after the 2020 census and allow them to redraw districting lines to their benefit for the next decade just as the republicans did in 2010 after their wave election.

    That is my fear, but I do hold out a sliver of hope in that, McConnell and most Senate Republicans really don't support and like Trump. Never have. Just nothing they could do once he managed o hijack the party. So they may view this as their chance to finally do something about it. That would mean showing courage they have not shown to date....but one can hope.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    How can anyone still support Trump after seeing all the impeach testimony we saw this week? It should be clear to everyone by now that Trump is worse than a snake in the grass. He will be impeached by Christmas. Those wimps who don't vote to impeach and remove from office should be voted out of office.
    Been hearing the same tired BS since his first month in office...oh and btw, I still support will be amusing seeing you in a deranged panic when he gets re-elected too lololololololol

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    How can anyone still support Trump after seeing all the impeach testimony we saw this week? It should be clear to everyone by now that Trump is worse than a snake in the grass. He will be impeached by Christmas. Those wimps who don't vote to impeach and remove from office should be voted out of office.
    Been hearing the same tired BS since his first month in office...oh and btw, I still support will be amusing seeing you in a deranged panic when he gets re-elected too lololololololol
    Anyone that supports him and helps reelect him should be given the death penalty for aiding and abetting Treason.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    How can anyone still support Trump after seeing all the impeach testimony we saw this week? It should be clear to everyone by now that Trump is worse than a snake in the grass. He will be impeached by Christmas. Those wimps who don't vote to impeach and remove from office should be voted out of office.
    Been hearing the same tired BS since his first month in office...oh and btw, I still support will be amusing seeing you in a deranged panic when he gets re-elected too lololololololol
    Anyone that supports him and helps reelect him should be given the death penalty for aiding and abetting Treason.
    Intersting idea, but being I can do or think whatever the fuck I want, Ill do just that, thanks

  6. #6
    MWP if your goal is to make people want to support Trump even more, you're doing an awesome job.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    How can anyone still support Trump after seeing all the impeach testimony we saw this week? It should be clear to everyone by now that Trump is worse than a snake in the grass. He will be impeached by Christmas. Those wimps who don't vote to impeach and remove from office should be voted out of office.
    MWP I’ll bite, I didn’t think there was any damning testimony this week. Just theater. I’ll ask you again. What crime did Trump commit to justify impeachment?

  8. #8
    Danny, you do not have to commit a crime to be impeached. All you have to do is abuse your power while in office. This is exactly what trump did to try to get dirt on Biden. I think there is overwhelming evidence that trump abused the power of the presidency for his own personal benefit. Much more than Nixon did when he was impeached.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    MWP I’ll bite, I didn’t think there was any damning testimony this week. Just theater. I’ll ask you again. What crime did Trump commit to justify impeachment?
    I don't like the term "quid pro quo". Most folks don't even know what it means, especially Trumptards. I like bribery much better and that is exactly what Trump is guilty of.

  10. #10
    And just in case you don't know what a Trumptard is, let me clue you in.

    Name:  trumptard-noun-someone-whos-so-gullible-and-easily-rooled-by-4902847.jpg
Views: 2605
Size:  44.5 KB

  11. #11
    MWP you sound tilted as fuck.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by seemoreroyals View Post
    Danny, you do not have to commit a crime to be impeached. All you have to do is abuse your power while in office. This is exactly what trump did to try to get dirt on Biden. I think there is overwhelming evidence that trump abused the power of the presidency for his own personal benefit. Much more than Nixon did when he was impeached.
    By that standard every president since George Washington who did not have their party in control of Congress could be impeached for abuse of power. Every one!

    Trump is the chief law enforcement officer of the country. So you’re saying he doesn’t have a right to look into corruption because Joe Biden is running for president? Sorry, I disagree.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    MWP I’ll bite, I didn’t think there was any damning testimony this week. Just theater. I’ll ask you again. What crime did Trump commit to justify impeachment?
    I don't like the term "quid pro quo". Most folks don't even know what it means, especially Trumptards. I like bribery much better and that is exactly what Trump is guilty of.
    That’s funny. The main stream media stopped using the “quid pro quo” term because there wasn’t one and then started using the bribery term (after poll testing) which you have glommed onto.

    What did Trump give up and/or get to solicit a bribe?

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    And just in case you don't know what a Trumptard is, let me clue you in.

    Name:  trumptard-noun-someone-whos-so-gullible-and-easily-rooled-by-4902847.jpg
Views: 2605
Size:  44.5 KB
    Maybe you can hire that woman to shovel your roof this winter?

  15. #15
    To answer your question. Yes, there are plenty of people who realize you shouldn't try to impeach a President simply because you don't like him. The media tends to ignore us.

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