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Thread: Doxxing threat

  1. #1
    *** Note from Dan Druff ***

    This idiot attempted to make a doxxing threat against all users of the site. The guy is full of shit, which I will explain in a post below (scroll down).

    I have deleted the actual threat itself, but left the 1980s-style ASCII skull pic because it's funny.

                             ..-:"''         ''"-..
                          .-'                      '-.
                        .'              .     .       '.
                      .'   .          .    .      .    .''.
                    .'  .    .       .   .   .     .   . ..:.
                  .' .   . .  .       .   .   ..  .   . ....::.
                 ..   .   .      .  .    .     .  ..  . ....:IA.
                .:  .   .    .    .  .  .    .. .  .. .. ....:IA.
               .: .   .   ..   .    .     . . .. . ... ....:.:VHA.
               '..  .  .. .   .       .  . .. . .. . .....:.::IHHB.
              .:. .  . .  . .   .  .  . . . ...:.:... .......:HIHMM.
             .:.... .   . ."::"'.. .   .  . .:.:.:II;,. .. ..:IHIMMA
             ':.:..  ..::IHHHHHI::. . .  ...:.::::.,,,. . ....VIMMHM
            .:::I. .AHHHHHHHHHHAI::. .:...,:IIHHHHHHMMMHHL:. . VMMMM
           '.  ..:..:.:IHHHHHMMHV" .AVMHMA.:.'VHMMMMHHHHHV:' .  :IHWV
            :.  .:...:".:.:TPP"   .AVMMHMMA.:. "VMMHHHP.:... .. :IVAI
           .:.   '... .:"'   .   ..HMMMHMMMA::. ."VHHI:::....  .:IHW'
           ...  .  . ..:IIPPIH: ..HMMMI.MMMV:I:.  .:ILLH:.. ...:I:IM
         : .   .'"' .:.V". .. .  :HMMM:IMMMI::I. ..:HHIIPPHI::'.P:HM.
         :.  .  .  .. ..:.. .    :AMMM IMMMM..:...:IV":T::I::.".:IHIMA
         'V:.. .. . .. .  .  .   'VMMV..VMMV :....:V:.:..:....::IHHHMH
           "IHH:.II:.. .:. .  . . . " :HB"" . . ..PI:.::.:::..:IHHMMV"
            :IP""HHII:.  .  .    . . .'V:. . . ..:IH:.:.::IHIHHMMMMM"
            :V:. VIMA:I..  .     .  . .. . .  .:.I:I:..:IHHHHMMHHMMM
            :"VI:.VWMA::. .:      .   .. .:. ..:.I::.:IVHHHMMMHMMMMI
            :."VIIHHMMA:.  .   .   .:  .:.. . .:.II:I:AMMMMMMHMMMMMI
                ::.I:.  ':"SSSSSSSISISSXIIXSSSSBMMB:AHI:..MMM.
                ::.I:. . ..:"BBSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBMMMB:AHHI::.HMMI
                :..::.  . ..::":BBBBBSSBBBMMMB:MMMMHHII::IHHMI
                  "V:. ..:...:.IHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHMHHMHP'
                   ':. .:::.:.::III::IHHHHMMMMMHMHMMHHHHM"
                       "::.::.. .. .  ...:::IIHHMMMMHMV"
                         "V::... . .I::IHHMMV"'

  2. #2
    We know who you are. We know where you live. We have pictures.

  3. #3
    LOL. Looks like it'll be just you and me, dude, since I post with my actual name and have mentioned my address on occasion. I rarely use a cell phone, I've posted photos of myself, and I always look forward to birthday cards. So dox(x?) away.

    While I don't necessarily disagree with the overall sentiment, can you tell me the motivation for the doxing? Frankly, I can come up with half a dozen reasons of my own, but I'm curious as to why someone else would consider it a reasonable thing to do.

    In any event, looking forward to it. Just you and me. Should be entertaining.

  4. #4
    Something tells me the "Doxxing Dude," will be gone when Dan comes on.

  5. #5
    Sorry Redietz. You cannot have all the fun. Everyone knows me by the name Deech. Hell, 75 percent of my bills come mailed to Deech. The town I live in knows my address and telephone number, so it is not a secret. Heaven forbid, my date of birth gets out. Yeah, I know too much extraneous data gets out, then compromising things can occur, but it is what it is.

    With millions of miles driven, I have one traffic ticket in the last 35 years. Yeah, I guess one piece of dirt can get brought up.

    I think Redietz and I can call in a few favors if things occur. What a childish move.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    Sorry Redietz. You cannot have all the fun. Everyone knows me by the name Deech. Hell, 75 percent of my bills come mailed to Deech. The town I live in knows my address and telephone number, so it is not a secret. Heaven forbid, my date of birth gets out. Yeah, I know too much extraneous data gets out, then compromising things can occur, but it is what it is.

    With millions of miles driven, I have one traffic ticket in the last 35 years. Yeah, I guess one piece of dirt can get brought up.

    I think Redietz and I can call in a few favors if things occur. What a childish move.

    I'm gonna post odds on which social security number he has for me. As Mr. T used to say,

    "I pity the poor fool only has one social security number!!"

  7. #7
    I have a feeling that the OP is just trying to Troll people, laugh at the responses and then get the hell out of dodge. WOV had a similar Poster. The WOV Poster trolled WOV Members hard and then never posted again after like their very first day. In fact, they only visited WOV for like two days max snd then ran for the hills and never visited WOV again.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Actually your exact birthdate is useless information. You need much more than a birthdate to steal an identity.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Actually your exact birthdate is useless information. You need much more than a birthdate to steal an identity.
    Sure you need much more than just a birthdate to steal an identity, but people use exact birthdates for hacking financial accounts and safes. Experts say that putting an exact birthdate as a password is a horrible idea and yet many people to this day put their exact birthdays as passwords. IIRC, Experts say that if you want to use your birthdate as a password, at least put a Code that corresponds to your birthday. For example, 12/25/1967 could be XMASDAY!. This is just an example. Anyone who actually has XMASDAY! as a password, please immediately change it.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Don't worry, he won't be here long. Dan will ban doxxers. He banned Moses for plotting to meet KewlJ in real life so he could cuss him out and beat him up, so no way in hell will Dan tolerate doxxers.

  13. #13
    I should explain what's going on here.

    As we have many former WoV posters here, we have unfortunately inherited a lot of their drama. This clown first showed up in 2018, and attempted to threaten me into banning LarryS.

    I was basically told that my choices were either to ban Larry or to have this site ruined by this idiot and his supposed crew.

    Given that I've been online since 1986 and have dealt with adversaries much smarter than this chump, I told him to eat shit. He then created lots of phony accounts to spam the site and attempt to ruin it. He expected me to roll over, but instead I just wrote some countermeasures which made it very tough for him to create new phony accounts. I watched this moron flail over and over and repeatedly get his new accounts rejected. He wasted many hours unsuccessfully trying to create new accounts here. At the same time, my countermeasures still allowed legit users to register and get instantly approved.

    Finally this moron used his own IP address to register fake accounts, realizing that TOR and other proxies weren't going to cut it. I then saved this information or possible use later. However, he was getting a few accounts through this way.

    I then banned his real IP, and also temporarily put the site in a mode where all new accounts had to be approved in order to post. That put an end to the problem, and he gave up. After enough time passed, I removed all of the protections and allowed instant approval of new accounts, since there was no point to burden potential new users with these security measures anymore.

    Shortly after that, Larry posted his own full name to basically beat this asshole to the punch, and then left forums forever. I wish Larry wouldn't have given in like this, but there was nothing I could do. I think he had enough.

    Now, regarding this idiot's doxxing threat:

    This forum uses vBulletin software. The software is not 100% secure, nor is any software. However, I doubt this dummy has the technical capability to hack it, especially since I'm using a current version, and to my knowledge there are no known holes in it. I have seen no evidence that this fool can do anything besides load up TOR and other proxies, and make silly threats.

    However, I'll let you know that you have nothing to worry about. Even if this software were hacked, he could not acquire your full name, phone number, address, or any other personal information, unless you have previously given out such information here or on other forums.

    This threat is a lame attempt to kill the site, because this moron doesn't like the fact that users banned on WoV can come over here and freely post. I have nothing against WoV itself, but this is a different forum, and I do not ban people here for issues with other sites.

    If we continue to have a problem with this joker, I will simply put measures back in place like I did last year, and the situation will be over.

    I should warn him that if he continues to become too much of a headache, I will track him down, and I will do some things he won't like. So it's best he just backs off now, and leaves this place alone.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  14. #14
    Dan, I knew you would ban that Doxxing Idiot when you came on. I called it! But I feel bad that you have to deal with both a Doxxer(Doxxing Alert) and an Impersonator(KewlJason)within three days! O.O

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by DoxingAlert View Post
    *** Note from Dan Druff ***

    This idiot attempted to make a doxxing threat against all users of the site. The guy is full of shit, which I will explain in a post below (scroll down).

    I have deleted the actual threat itself, but left the 1980s-style ASCII skull pic because it's funny.

                             ..-:"''         ''"-..
                          .-'                      '-.
                        .'              .     .       '.
                      .'   .          .    .      .    .''.
                    .'  .    .       .   .   .     .   . ..:.
                  .' .   . .  .       .   .   ..  .   . ....::.
                 ..   .   .      .  .    .     .  ..  . ....:IA.
                .:  .   .    .    .  .  .    .. .  .. .. ....:IA.
               .: .   .   ..   .    .     . . .. . ... ....:.:VHA.
               '..  .  .. .   .       .  . .. . .. . .....:.::IHHB.
              .:. .  . .  . .   .  .  . . . ...:.:... .......:HIHMM.
             .:.... .   . ."::"'.. .   .  . .:.:.:II;,. .. ..:IHIMMA
             ':.:..  ..::IHHHHHI::. . .  ...:.::::.,,,. . ....VIMMHM
            .:::I. .AHHHHHHHHHHAI::. .:...,:IIHHHHHHMMMHHL:. . VMMMM
           '.  ..:..:.:IHHHHHMMHV" .AVMHMA.:.'VHMMMMHHHHHV:' .  :IHWV
            :.  .:...:".:.:TPP"   .AVMMHMMA.:. "VMMHHHP.:... .. :IVAI
           .:.   '... .:"'   .   ..HMMMHMMMA::. ."VHHI:::....  .:IHW'
           ...  .  . ..:IIPPIH: ..HMMMI.MMMV:I:.  .:ILLH:.. ...:I:IM
         : .   .'"' .:.V". .. .  :HMMM:IMMMI::I. ..:HHIIPPHI::'.P:HM.
         :.  .  .  .. ..:.. .    :AMMM IMMMM..:...:IV":T::I::.".:IHIMA
         'V:.. .. . .. .  .  .   'VMMV..VMMV :....:V:.:..:....::IHHHMH
           "IHH:.II:.. .:. .  . . . " :HB"" . . ..PI:.::.:::..:IHHMMV"
            :IP""HHII:.  .  .    . . .'V:. . . ..:IH:.:.::IHIHHMMMMM"
            :V:. VIMA:I..  .     .  . .. . .  .:.I:I:..:IHHHHMMHHMMM
            :"VI:.VWMA::. .:      .   .. .:. ..:.I::.:IVHHHMMMHMMMMI
            :."VIIHHMMA:.  .   .   .:  .:.. . .:.II:I:AMMMMMMHMMMMMI
                ::.I:.  ':"SSSSSSSISISSXIIXSSSSBMMB:AHI:..MMM.
                ::.I:. . ..:"BBSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBMMMB:AHHI::.HMMI
                :..::.  . ..::":BBBBBSSBBBMMMB:MMMMHHII::IHHMI
                  "V:. ..:...:.IHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHMHHMHP'
                   ':. .:::.:.::III::IHHHHMMMMMHMHMMHHHHM"
                       "::.::.. .. .  ...:::IIHHMMMMHMV"
                         "V::... . .I::IHHMMV"'
    Don’t Fock up my address. I actually live in Black Eagle, not Great Falls.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by DoxingAlert View Post
    *** Note from Dan Druff ***

    This idiot attempted to make a doxxing threat against all users of the site. The guy is full of shit, which I will explain in a post below (scroll down).

    I have deleted the actual threat itself, but left the 1980s-style ASCII skull pic because it's funny.

                             ..-:"''         ''"-..
                          .-'                      '-.
                        .'              .     .       '.
                      .'   .          .    .      .    .''.
                    .'  .    .       .   .   .     .   . ..:.
                  .' .   . .  .       .   .   ..  .   . ....::.
                 ..   .   .      .  .    .     .  ..  . ....:IA.
                .:  .   .    .    .  .  .    .. .  .. .. ....:IA.
               .: .   .   ..   .    .     . . .. . ... ....:.:VHA.
               '..  .  .. .   .       .  . .. . .. . .....:.::IHHB.
              .:. .  . .  . .   .  .  . . . ...:.:... .......:HIHMM.
             .:.... .   . ."::"'.. .   .  . .:.:.:II;,. .. ..:IHIMMA
             ':.:..  ..::IHHHHHI::. . .  ...:.::::.,,,. . ....VIMMHM
            .:::I. .AHHHHHHHHHHAI::. .:...,:IIHHHHHHMMMHHL:. . VMMMM
           '.  ..:..:.:IHHHHHMMHV" .AVMHMA.:.'VHMMMMHHHHHV:' .  :IHWV
            :.  .:...:".:.:TPP"   .AVMMHMMA.:. "VMMHHHP.:... .. :IVAI
           .:.   '... .:"'   .   ..HMMMHMMMA::. ."VHHI:::....  .:IHW'
           ...  .  . ..:IIPPIH: ..HMMMI.MMMV:I:.  .:ILLH:.. ...:I:IM
         : .   .'"' .:.V". .. .  :HMMM:IMMMI::I. ..:HHIIPPHI::'.P:HM.
         :.  .  .  .. ..:.. .    :AMMM IMMMM..:...:IV":T::I::.".:IHIMA
         'V:.. .. . .. .  .  .   'VMMV..VMMV :....:V:.:..:....::IHHHMH
           "IHH:.II:.. .:. .  . . . " :HB"" . . ..PI:.::.:::..:IHHMMV"
            :IP""HHII:.  .  .    . . .'V:. . . ..:IH:.:.::IHIHHMMMMM"
            :V:. VIMA:I..  .     .  . .. . .  .:.I:I:..:IHHHHMMHHMMM
            :"VI:.VWMA::. .:      .   .. .:. ..:.I::.:IVHHHMMMHMMMMI
            :."VIIHHMMA:.  .   .   .:  .:.. . .:.II:I:AMMMMMMHMMMMMI
                ::.I:.  ':"SSSSSSSISISSXIIXSSSSBMMB:AHI:..MMM.
                ::.I:. . ..:"BBSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBMMMB:AHHI::.HMMI
                :..::.  . ..::":BBBBBSSBBBMMMB:MMMMHHII::IHHMI
                  "V:. ..:...:.IHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHMHHMHP'
                   ':. .:::.:.::III::IHHHHMMMMMHMHMMHHHHM"
                       "::.::.. .. .  ...:::IIHHMMMMHMV"
                         "V::... . .I::IHHMMV"'
    Don’t Fock up my address. I actually live in Black Eagle, not Great Falls.

    Good idea. I'll help out, too.

    My address is "Forrest Dale Lane." Officially it has two R's. I'm not sure why. Either the eastern Tennessee name assigners are really bad spellers, or it was named after a Forrest Gump type guy. I vary my spelling of it because sometimes I feel weird that it looks as if I can't spell. But officially it's two R's.

    And while I don't necessarily think that making anonymous folks stand by what they post in the real world is a bad thing (except in authoritarian regimes like China), I am curious as to specific motivations.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by DoxingAlert View Post
    *** Note from Dan Druff ***

    This idiot attempted to make a doxxing threat against all users of the site. The guy is full of shit, which I will explain in a post below (scroll down).

    I have deleted the actual threat itself, but left the 1980s-style ASCII skull pic because it's funny.

                             ..-:"''         ''"-..
                          .-'                      '-.
                        .'              .     .       '.
                      .'   .          .    .      .    .''.
                    .'  .    .       .   .   .     .   . ..:.
                  .' .   . .  .       .   .   ..  .   . ....::.
                 ..   .   .      .  .    .     .  ..  . ....:IA.
                .:  .   .    .    .  .  .    .. .  .. .. ....:IA.
               .: .   .   ..   .    .     . . .. . ... ....:.:VHA.
               '..  .  .. .   .       .  . .. . .. . .....:.::IHHB.
              .:. .  . .  . .   .  .  . . . ...:.:... .......:HIHMM.
             .:.... .   . ."::"'.. .   .  . .:.:.:II;,. .. ..:IHIMMA
             ':.:..  ..::IHHHHHI::. . .  ...:.::::.,,,. . ....VIMMHM
            .:::I. .AHHHHHHHHHHAI::. .:...,:IIHHHHHHMMMHHL:. . VMMMM
           '.  ..:..:.:IHHHHHMMHV" .AVMHMA.:.'VHMMMMHHHHHV:' .  :IHWV
            :.  .:...:".:.:TPP"   .AVMMHMMA.:. "VMMHHHP.:... .. :IVAI
           .:.   '... .:"'   .   ..HMMMHMMMA::. ."VHHI:::....  .:IHW'
           ...  .  . ..:IIPPIH: ..HMMMI.MMMV:I:.  .:ILLH:.. ...:I:IM
         : .   .'"' .:.V". .. .  :HMMM:IMMMI::I. ..:HHIIPPHI::'.P:HM.
         :.  .  .  .. ..:.. .    :AMMM IMMMM..:...:IV":T::I::.".:IHIMA
         'V:.. .. . .. .  .  .   'VMMV..VMMV :....:V:.:..:....::IHHHMH
           "IHH:.II:.. .:. .  . . . " :HB"" . . ..PI:.::.:::..:IHHMMV"
            :IP""HHII:.  .  .    . . .'V:. . . ..:IH:.:.::IHIHHMMMMM"
            :V:. VIMA:I..  .     .  . .. . .  .:.I:I:..:IHHHHMMHHMMM
            :"VI:.VWMA::. .:      .   .. .:. ..:.I::.:IVHHHMMMHMMMMI
            :."VIIHHMMA:.  .   .   .:  .:.. . .:.II:I:AMMMMMMHMMMMMI
                ::.I:.  ':"SSSSSSSISISSXIIXSSSSBMMB:AHI:..MMM.
                ::.I:. . ..:"BBSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBMMMB:AHHI::.HMMI
                :..::.  . ..::":BBBBBSSBBBMMMB:MMMMHHII::IHHMI
                  "V:. ..:...:.IHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHMHHMHP'
                   ':. .:::.:.::III::IHHHHMMMMMHMHMMHHHHM"
                       "::.::.. .. .  ...:::IIHHMMMMHMV"
                         "V::... . .I::IHHMMV"'
    Don’t Fock up my address. I actually live in Black Eagle, not Great Falls.

    Good idea. I'll help out, too.

    My address is "Forrest Dale Lane." Officially it has two R's. I'm not sure why. Either the eastern Tennessee name assigners are really bad spellers, or it was named after a Forrest Gump type guy. I vary my spelling of it because sometimes I feel weird that it looks as if I can't spell. But officially it's two R's.

    And while I don't necessarily think that making anonymous folks stand by what they post in the real world is a bad thing (except in authoritarian regimes like China), I am curious as to specific motivations.
    Redietz, Hattiesburg is in Forrest County, Mississippi. You’ve probably done work on their football team, Bret Favre’s alma Mater, University of Southern Mississippi.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #18
    I just found out where the two r’s in Forrest came from. Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I should warn him that if he continues to become too much of a headache, I will track him down, and I will do some things he won't like. So it's best he just backs off now, and leaves this place alone.
    JSTAT on casinos, poker, and blackjack/baccarat card counting without charge. Saying what needs to said at

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I just found out where the two r’s in Forrest came from. Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    Thank you, mickey. That makes sense.

    Tennessee was a Confederate state, but the eastern counties were all pro-Union. Tennessee provided more Union troops than all other Confederate states put together, so it was really a family-divided scenario.

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