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Thread: Thanks Trump

  1. #1
    Trump's trade tariffs caused the stock market to crash today. I lost thousands today due to this idiot. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Trump's trade tariffs caused the stock market to crash today. I lost thousands today due to this idiot. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.
    Trump is the reason the market went from 19K to 27K in just a couple of years. Did you ever give him credit for that? Fuck no, that's how you lefties are. If Hillary would have got elected the market would probably be at 21K, maybe.

    Bitching about your fucking stocks? Sell all your stocks and the people that buy them will make out like bandits because the market is just going to go back up.

    Yeah, the Chinese should be allowed to continue to take massive advantage of us because of YOUR precious stocks, right? Wrong. I'm for total elimination of trade with China if they don't change their ways. I hope the President keeps raising the tariffs. Fuck the Chi-Comms.

    PS: If you keep voting for lefties you yourself are saying fuck your stocks. If you think this drop is bad watch what happens to your precious stocks in 2020 if the Dems win. Jeez. Wise up.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 08-05-2019 at 04:34 PM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  3. #3
    So you've finally moved on from blaming W.? And just completely skip over that guy that came between them. I always forget 2009-2016 was all sunshine and rainbows.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by ThePointWhisperer View Post
    So you've finally moved on from blaming W.? And just completely skip over that guy that came between them. I always forget 2009-2016 was all sunshine and rainbows.
    Barack told us that the jobs that went overseas aren't coming back and years of 3% economic growth are gone forever.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  5. #5
    OrAnGe MaN bAd. ImPeAcH hIm! MuH rUsSiA!!

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Trump's trade tariffs caused the stock market to crash today. I lost thousands today due to this idiot. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.
    Bump. This is how stupid libtards can be. Hey, MP, where's your stocks at today, idiot? It's 4 months later. Your stocks must be worthless now. Oh, wait! The market is at an all time high.

    Well, you gave Trump credit when the market dropped. What's your dumb ass going to do now that it has gone up to a record high? Oh, I know what your dumb ass is going to do. Your going to vote dem in 2020. What an idiot.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Trump's trade tariffs caused the stock market to crash today. I lost thousands today due to this idiot. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.
    Bump. This is how stupid libtards can be. Hey, MP, where's your stocks at today, idiot? It's 4 months later. Your stocks must be worthless now. Oh, wait! The market is at an all time high.

    Well, you gave Trump credit when the market dropped. What's your dumb ass going to do now that it has gone up to a record high? Oh, I know what your dumb ass is going to do. Your going to vote dem in 2020. What an idiot.
    Mickey funny that you brought this up again as the timing is perfect. Three days ago MWP just made a post on the bj forum talking about his results. Here it is again:

    Good for you MWP. Now will you kindly give credit where it it due?
    Last edited by BoSox; 12-31-2019 at 08:42 AM.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Trump's trade tariffs caused the stock market to crash today. I lost thousands today due to this idiot. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.
    Bump. This is how stupid libtards can be. Hey, MP, where's your stocks at today, idiot? It's 4 months later. Your stocks must be worthless now. Oh, wait! The market is at an all time high.

    Well, you gave Trump credit when the market dropped. What's your dumb ass going to do now that it has gone up to a record high? Oh, I know what your dumb ass is going to do. Your going to vote dem in 2020. What an idiot.
    With the S&P (28%), nasdaq(35%), and DOW(22%) up aprox. 30% for the year our 401k"s and IRA's are crushing it.

    Many people realize their accounts are doing great but will vote against their best interest next year. Amazing!

  9. #9
    Nobody will have to vote against Trump. Folks are going to see the light, and remove the SOB from office. Hell, he won't even be on the ballot.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Trump's trade tariffs caused the stock market to crash today. I lost thousands today due to this idiot. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.
    Bump. This is how stupid libtards can be. Hey, MP, where's your stocks at today, idiot? It's 4 months later. Your stocks must be worthless now. Oh, wait! The market is at an all time high.

    Well, you gave Trump credit when the market dropped. What's your dumb ass going to do now that it has gone up to a record high? Oh, I know what your dumb ass is going to do. Your going to vote dem in 2020. What an idiot.
    With the S&P (28%), nasdaq(35%), and DOW(22%) up aprox. 30% for the year our 401k"s and IRA's are crushing it.

    Many people realize their accounts are doing great but will vote against their best interest next year. Amazing!

    Correct Danny....people will bite their noses off to spite their faces despite the fact most are prospering....these idiots hate that he is loud and in your face but overlook that he has done, or attempted to do everything he said he would

  11. #11
    Midwest player has his head so far up his ass he can’t possibly tell north from south or night from day.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Nobody will have to vote against Trump. Folks are going to see the light, and remove the SOB from office. Hell, he won't even be on the ballot.
    I get it, you hate trump and that’s fine. But you’re just lashing out, you can’t be serious. Right? Who are these folks that are going to see the light? The ones that are working and prospering in a great economy or the majority in the Republican controlled senate that’s going to vote to convict? I mean come on man! Not even on the ballot? That’s Trumpian hyperbole there!

  13. #13
    MWP how many times after hearing of a "bombshell reporting" have you thought, "THIS TIME WE GOT HIM. TRUMP IS GOING DOWN FOR THIS. 100%!!" ?

  14. #14
    While in the gambling world, there is usually only one way to measure something and thats ROI or EV. Many ways to arrive at same thing. All these things center around a simple singular number.

    Life isn't like that. Some people care how their neighbors are treated. Some people would like to think we are doing something to preserve the environment. There are many many things in life that are not stated by a simple number, unlike gambling.

    So for you guys who really think people aren't "voting in their interest" when voting against Trump, I'd point out to you that the world is far more complicated than casino gambling games and one's values aren't necessarily led by a stock market index.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    While in the gambling world, there is usually only one way to measure something and thats ROI or EV. Many ways to arrive at same thing. All these things center around a simple singular number.

    Life isn't like that. Some people care how their neighbors are treated. Some people would like to think we are doing something to preserve the environment. There are many many things in life that are not stated by a simple number, unlike gambling.

    So for you guys who really think people aren't "voting in their interest" when voting against Trump, I'd point out to you that the world is far more complicated than casino gambling games and one's values aren't necessarily led by a stock market index.

    I guess it's a good thing the economy and market are doing great otherwise the never trumpers would really have reason to dislike him.

    But seriously, of course what you say is true regarding people's values and the stock market. That is why I said many people will vote against trump despite financial gains (personal & national), because of personal animus.

    Most people care how their neighbors are treated, up until they break into their house. Most people realize we are doing things to preserve the environment. Neither of those things are reasons not to vote for trump. They are straw man arguments.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    While in the gambling world, there is usually only one way to measure something and thats ROI or EV. Many ways to arrive at same thing. All these things center around a simple singular number.

    Life isn't like that. Some people care how their neighbors are treated. Some people would like to think we are doing something to preserve the environment. There are many many things in life that are not stated by a simple number, unlike gambling.

    So for you guys who really think people aren't "voting in their interest" when voting against Trump, I'd point out to you that the world is far more complicated than casino gambling games and one's values aren't necessarily led by a stock market index.

    I guess it's a good thing the economy and market are doing great otherwise the never trumpers would really have reason to dislike him.

    But seriously, of course what you say is true regarding people's values and the stock market. That is why I said many people will vote against trump despite financial gains (personal & national), because of personal animus.

    Most people care how their neighbors are treated, up until they break into their house. Most people realize we are doing things to preserve the environment. Neither of those things are reasons not to vote for trump. They are straw man arguments.
    This is more of the same. You guys can't admit one problem with the guy, which makes it clear to me you are held hostage mentally.

    Some people are "doing some things" for the environment, but "doing some things" doesn't really mean anything. Trump has done everything he can to roll back various efficiency standards, removed the US from the Paris agreement stuff. I'd argue he has done more AGAINST the environment. Positive economy for a few years, or fucked up planet for the rest of mankind's existence. d'oh.

    Hey, but if you guys want to lie to yourself and blame everyone else having a screwball perspective, then yea, you can blame my seeing reality on my personal animus.

    I see you didn't address the war criminal guy I mentioned. Explain to me how that was a good thing.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    While in the gambling world, there is usually only one way to measure something and thats ROI or EV. Many ways to arrive at same thing. All these things center around a simple singular number.

    Life isn't like that. Some people care how their neighbors are treated. Some people would like to think we are doing something to preserve the environment. There are many many things in life that are not stated by a simple number, unlike gambling.

    So for you guys who really think people aren't "voting in their interest" when voting against Trump, I'd point out to you that the world is far more complicated than casino gambling games and one's values aren't necessarily led by a stock market index.

    I guess it's a good thing the economy and market are doing great otherwise the never trumpers would really have reason to dislike him.

    But seriously, of course what you say is true regarding people's values and the stock market. That is why I said many people will vote against trump despite financial gains (personal & national), because of personal animus.

    Most people care how their neighbors are treated, up until they break into their house. Most people realize we are doing things to preserve the environment. Neither of those things are reasons not to vote for trump. They are straw man arguments.
    This is more of the same. You guys can't admit one problem with the guy, which makes it clear to me you are held hostage mentally.

    Some people are "doing some things" for the environment, but "doing some things" doesn't really mean anything. Trump has done everything he can to roll back various efficiency standards, removed the US from the Paris agreement stuff. I'd argue he has done more AGAINST the environment. Positive economy for a few years, or fucked up planet for the rest of mankind's existence. d'oh.

    Hey, but if you guys want to lie to yourself and blame everyone else having a screwball perspective, then yea, you can blame my seeing reality on my personal animus.

    I see you didn't address the war criminal guy I mentioned. Explain to me how that was a good thing.
    You said, “Some people would like to think we are doing something to preserve the environment.”

    I said people are doing some things. The air and water are cleaner now than when I was a kid. What is the Paris accord supposed to do if China doesn’t come along?
    The U.S. has made strides and continues to do so.
    What about India the 2nd worst polluter? Taxing carbon is just a wealth transfer.
    How long do we have, 12 years like AOC claimed? Does the clock ever start ticking or is it just one doomsday prediction after another?

    Dude you really wear your hatred of trump on your sleeve. Maybe go outside and enjoy life a little bit. It’s not going to end. Not even in 12 years.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    While in the gambling world, there is usually only one way to measure something and thats ROI or EV. Many ways to arrive at same thing. All these things center around a simple singular number.

    Life isn't like that. Some people care how their neighbors are treated. Some people would like to think we are doing something to preserve the environment. There are many many things in life that are not stated by a simple number, unlike gambling.

    So for you guys who really think people aren't "voting in their interest" when voting against Trump, I'd point out to you that the world is far more complicated than casino gambling games and one's values aren't necessarily led by a stock market index.

    I guess it's a good thing the economy and market are doing great otherwise the never trumpers would really have reason to dislike him.

    But seriously, of course what you say is true regarding people's values and the stock market. That is why I said many people will vote against trump despite financial gains (personal & national), because of personal animus.

    Most people care how their neighbors are treated, up until they break into their house. Most people realize we are doing things to preserve the environment. Neither of those things are reasons not to vote for trump. They are straw man arguments.
    “This is more of the same. You guys can't admit one problem with the guy, which makes it clear to me you are held hostage mentally.”

    I didn’t know you were looking for a laundry list of trump faults. Oh well, you can get that every night when you watch CNN so you don’t need that from me.

    And don’t try and take the “mental” high road because you’re definitely not on it.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post


    I guess it's a good thing the economy and market are doing great otherwise the never trumpers would really have reason to dislike him.

    But seriously, of course what you say is true regarding people's values and the stock market. That is why I said many people will vote against trump despite financial gains (personal & national), because of personal animus.

    Most people care how their neighbors are treated, up until they break into their house. Most people realize we are doing things to preserve the environment. Neither of those things are reasons not to vote for trump. They are straw man arguments.
    “This is more of the same. You guys can't admit one problem with the guy, which makes it clear to me you are held hostage mentally.”

    I didn’t know you were looking for a laundry list of trump faults. Oh well, you can get that every night when you watch CNN so you don’t need that from me.

    And don’t try and take the “mental” high road because you’re definitely not on it.

    Not sure what you're going on about. You people imagine too much. I don't read much about the guy and avoid most news outside of the headlines. You don't see me participating in general.

    My only issue is how he mentally owns people. It is weird seeing people defend him instead of saying "hey, this guy is really terrible, but I vote for him". That drain the swamp stuff is so beyond LOL. I don't even bother with discussing it. Why bother? Not sure if people get how accepting such corruption leads to a healthy government. Call me cynical !

    Funny I "Wear it on my sleeve" because of the few posts I make. You guys always have to construct some bs in your head when people have legitimate points.

    Even here you tell me I wear in on my sleeve, yet you make multiple posts. I don't even think I said much, just tried to point out some shit you guys can't comfortably squirm around. You are a bit above the average trumper in that you acknowledge he has faults. (cnn comment)

    Not sure what the mental high road is, but I will at least address any question aimed in my direction. I don't cowardly duck around them. I don't stand for pure shit, so I can do that.

    Danny is a perfect case in point. You bring up the environment thing and get the "well others are worse so it doesn't matter". This is TYPICALLY what you get from trumpers on subjects related to Trump. In this case, when I asked about the war criminal, it is really so bad that Trump and his team haven't been able to embed talking points in to the heads of his followers. So I get no defense on that front.


  20. #20
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    “This is more of the same. You guys can't admit one problem with the guy, which makes it clear to me you are held hostage mentally.”

    I didn’t know you were looking for a laundry list of trump faults. Oh well, you can get that every night when you watch CNN so you don’t need that from me.

    And don’t try and take the “mental” high road because you’re definitely not on it.

    Not sure what you're going on about. You people imagine too much. I don't read much about the guy and avoid most news outside of the headlines. You don't see me participating in general.

    My only issue is how he mentally owns people. It is weird seeing people defend him instead of saying "hey, this guy is really terrible, but I vote for him". That drain the swamp stuff is so beyond LOL. I don't even bother with discussing it. Why bother? Not sure if people get how accepting such corruption leads to a healthy government. Call me cynical !

    Funny I "Wear it on my sleeve" because of the few posts I make. You guys always have to construct some bs in your head when people have legitimate points.

    Even here you tell me I wear in on my sleeve, yet you make multiple posts. I don't even think I said much, just tried to point out some shit you guys can't comfortably squirm around. You are a bit above the average trumper in that you acknowledge he has faults. (cnn comment)

    Not sure what the mental high road is, but I will at least address any question aimed in my direction. I don't cowardly duck around them. I don't stand for pure shit, so I can do that.

    Danny is a perfect case in point. You bring up the environment thing and get the "well others are worse so it doesn't matter". This is TYPICALLY what you get from trumpers on subjects related to Trump. In this case, when I asked about the war criminal, it is really so bad that Trump and his team haven't been able to embed talking points in to the heads of his followers. So I get no defense on that front.

    Truth? That’s hilarious. You pawn your opinion off as some truth. That’s rich.

    It doesn’t matter though, your ideology is too ingrained. Nothing I say is going to make a difference. I’m done going back and forth with you.

    Good luck

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