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Thread: AxelWolf...come here to finish our chat

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    There's a lot of home poker games between friends. Someone is taking advantage of their friends in those games.
    They are making their financial dreams come true by hustling their friends at home poker games?

    Nah...I don't think that's true.

    Is that how your home pokers games with friends work out?

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    There's a lot of home poker games between friends. Someone is taking advantage of their friends in those games.
    They are making their financial dreams come true by hustling their friends at home poker games?

    Nah...I don't think that's true.

    Is that how your home pokers games with friends work out?
    The comparison between bacc and flipping coins is a good one. Whether the casinos flip coins or not is irrelevant. If pressing bets during streaks will work in bacc it will work flipping coins. So imagine you are flipping coins with someone. Do you think pressing bets during streaks will gain you an edge?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Do you think pressing bets during streaks will gain you an edge?
    Take a look at the "good shoe" baccarat screen shots that MDawg posted on his WOV thread.

    He asks something like .."how can you not win on a shoe like this?"

    Do you think pressing up his bets during the streaks helped him win?

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Do you think pressing bets during streaks will gain you an edge?
    Take a look at the "good shoe" baccarat screen shots that MDawg posted on his WOV thread.

    He asks something like .."how can you not win on a shoe like this?"

    Do you think pressing up his bets during the streaks helped him win?
    No, pressing the bets did not help him win. He had the same chances whether he pressed or not. It's great to say "Hey, I won 80% of my bets after pressing them." But you have the same chance of saying "Hey, I lost 80% of my bets after pressing them." Streaks are not in the future. They are in the past. And they have no bearing on the future. The cards don't have any memory.

    Mdawg is a voodoo gambler. He's going to stick a pin in it. He's playing a game that is essentially a coin flip with a little bit of juice on one side. Just enough to be deceptive as hell. One can ride a winning streak for quite awhile. But can you make a living doing it? These guys that push the "I'm a regular winner at bacc" schtick never quit there job and play the game full time for a living. When I figured out how to beat gambling I quit working for others and went full time. These bacc guys should do the same if they think they got it figured out.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    No, pressing the bets did not help him win. Streaks are not in the future. They are in the past. And they have no bearing on the future.
    I am talking about the past...I wrote "helped him win"...that's the past.

    Did winning his pressed-up bets help him win overall for the shoes that he posted photos of?

    I'm not asking what might happen, I'm asking what did happen.

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    These guys that push the "I'm a regular winner at bacc" schtick never quit there job and play the game full time for a living. When I figured out how to beat gambling I quit working for others and went full time. These bacc guys should do the same if they think they got it figured out.
    What are you saying here, that having a "regular" job proves that he doesn't win regularly at baccarat?

    Is that how it works?

    Has it ever occurred to you that some people don't want to commit their lives to working in a casino for a living?

    I guess not.

    Do you have life all figured out for everybody? if your life is the best life for you and everybody else too?

    Is your gambling advice good life advice?...that if somebody knows how to win at gambling, then they should not prefer or even consider any other career?
    Last edited by coach belly; 01-13-2020 at 01:49 PM.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    No, pressing the bets did not help him win. Streaks are not in the future. They are in the past. And they have no bearing on the future.
    I am talking about the past...I wrote "helped him win"...that's the past.

    Did winning his pressed-up bets help him win overall for the shoes that he posted photos of?

    I'm not asking what might happen, I'm asking what did happen.
    What did happen was a short term inconsequential meaningless event or said in another way selective memory.

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    These guys that push the "I'm a regular winner at bacc" schtick never quit there job and play the game full time for a living. When I figured out how to beat gambling I quit working for others and went full time. These bacc guys should do the same if they think they got it figured out.
    Originally Posted by coach belly[/QUOTE]
    What are you saying here, that having a "regular" job proves that he doesn't win regularly at baccarat?[/QUOTE]

    No, he is not, all Mickey is saying is the truth. You don't like it learn the hard way.
    Last edited by BoSox; 01-13-2020 at 02:28 PM.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    What did happen was a short term inconsequential meaningless event or said in another way selective memory.
    The events were the shoes that he posted photos of. I was asking if pressing up the bets during the streaks as shown was a major factor in the overall win for those shoes.

    You answered by talking about memory.

    The photos are on WOV to view, so memory wouldn't be a factor.

    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    What are you saying here, that having a "regular" job proves that he doesn't win regularly at baccarat?
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    No, he is not, all Mickey is saying is the truth.
    He implied that since they don't quit their jobs and play full time, then that proves they are not winning consistently.

    Do you believe that to be the truth?

    He wrote that those who claim to be consistent winners at bacc should quit their jobs and play full he did.

    Is that good advice for a lawyer? To quit their path in life and follow mickeycrimm's?

    Anybody playing baccarat is likely already doing better in their vocation than mickeycrimm is doing in his...plenty that I've seen probably have more than his life's savings on the table in front of them.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by coach belly

    [/QUOTE]Anybody playing baccarat is likely already doing better in their vocation than mickeycrimm is doing in his...plenty that I've seen probably have more than his life's savings on the table in front of them.[/QUOTE]

    Talk about a diversion answer that has absolutely nothing to do about the math of the game.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Talk about a diversion answer that has absolutely nothing to do about the math of the game.
    I wasn't asked any questions, so didn't post any answers.

    Do you mean that MC's post about gambling full time like him was a diversion?

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    These guys that push the "I'm a regular winner at bacc" schtick never quit there job and play the game full time for a living.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    The events were the shoes that he posted photos of. I was asking if pressing up the bets during the streaks as shown was a major factor in the overall win for those shoes.

    You answered by talking about memory.

    The photos are on WOV to view, so memory wouldn't be a factor.

    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    No, he is not, all Mickey is saying is the truth.
    He implied that since they don't quit their jobs and play full time, then that proves they are not winning consistently.

    Do you believe that to be the truth?

    He wrote that those who claim to be consistent winners at bacc should quit their jobs and play full he did.

    Is that good advice for a lawyer? To quit their path in life and follow mickeycrimm's?

    Anybody playing baccarat is likely already doing better in their vocation than mickeycrimm is doing in his...plenty that I've seen probably have more than his life's savings on the table in front of them.
    If you could win regularly at a gambling game you play for fun, chances are you'd put your boring career behind you.

    CB seems like a real troll or not very intelligent. Mickey says you can't beat baccarat and if people could then they'd quit their day job to beat it. CB seems to think Micky suggests someone quit their job to play bacc when it was the opposite.

    CB is slow.

  11. #31
    It’s amazing to read the arguments going on between alleged AP’s and everyone else on these forums. It appears AP’s are on these forums just to criticize and condemn anyone who isn’t one. Other than Micky who exposed some harmless plays here, the rest of the AP's seem to be members just to blow smoke up everyone’s asses including their own about all the un-confirmed/alleged money they make.

    The character DarkOz exposed an alleged play at WOV. I read that play and first thing that came to my mind was “are you fucking kidding me”? I would rather jump on a knife before I would even attempt to go through all of that. Then he wants to show off I think it was two 5K free play tickets which still aren't cash in the pocket yet, and better yet it's spread over like 20 different dates to even get the shot at changing it to cash. My only guess why people could even consider this something special is because they don’t have a clue about the real world, or they didn’t have the smarts to actually give the real world a chance in the first place.

    To make it even more special the alleged AP’s want to dox him and in so many words are telling him to watch his back. Apparently, they want to beat the shit out of him for talking about it. Then 14 or more of their top posters said their checking out of the forum because of it, declaring many livelihoods are now in jeopardy. Of course, the bullshit artist Axel is in the middle of all of it. And it wouldn’t be the same without Mission coming in and posting his long short stories confirming the loser he really is. Then the real kicker was Mike S. basically said to his valued AP’s promising to leave including Axel his star member to take a fucking walk and do what they have to do. I’m telling you folks; you CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP.

    In addition, MDawg is posting nothing more than having a good time claiming he knows what he’s doing with his baccarat play. Obviously, he has money and is showing it off while everyone knows the facts about long term and I’m sure he does also. He didn’t make his money gambling or searching out deposit bottles while homeless. But the alleged pro AP’s just can’t let it go and apparently out of jealously of his position in life are all over him.

    I’m not sure what happened or care to look into it, but both MDawg and DarkOz are both banned.

    Now the argument is coming here. Where can you get this type of entertainment without paying for it?

    I'm looking forward to the idiots here taking this to even a different level.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    The events were the shoes that he posted photos of. I was asking if pressing up the bets during the streaks as shown was a major factor in the overall win for those shoes.

    You answered by talking about memory.

    The photos are on WOV to view, so memory wouldn't be a factor.

    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    No, he is not, all Mickey is saying is the truth.
    He implied that since they don't quit their jobs and play full time, then that proves they are not winning consistently.

    Do you believe that to be the truth?

    He wrote that those who claim to be consistent winners at bacc should quit their jobs and play full he did.

    Is that good advice for a lawyer? To quit their path in life and follow mickeycrimm's?

    Anybody playing baccarat is likely already doing better in their vocation than mickeycrimm is doing in his...plenty that I've seen probably have more than his life's savings on the table in front of them.
    Who wouldn’t quit their job, make a million a week for a few months, then retire to Tahiti or wherever. It would beat doing lawyer work for 40 years.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    CB seems to think Micky suggests someone quit their job to play bacc
    Yeah, because that's what he wrote right here...

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    These bacc guys should do the same if they think they got it figured out.
    Yikes...a cunt not in question're a dumbass cunt alright
    Last edited by coach belly; 01-13-2020 at 06:11 PM.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Who wouldn’t quit their job, make a million a week for a few months, then retire to Tahiti or wherever. It would beat doing lawyer work for 40 years.
    Spoken like somebody who hated their working life.

    There are many heavy-hitters in the business world who keep working, even after they have already earned many times more than it would take to retire to Tahiti.

    How can you not be aware of that?

    I'm watching a 70-something one of them walking on the field at the Superdome right now.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Who wouldn’t quit their job, make a million a week for a few months, then retire to Tahiti or wherever. It would beat doing lawyer work for 40 years.
    Spoken like somebody who hated their working life.

    There are many heavy-hitters in the business world who keep working, even after they have already earned many times more than it would take to retire to Tahiti.

    How can you not be aware of that?

    I'm watching a 70-something one of them walking on the field at the Superdome right now.
    Forget everything I’ve said and continue beating your head against the wall trying to figure a way to beat negative expectation games. Hard to do, especially on a junior high coaches salary.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Forget everything I’ve said and continue beating your head against the wall trying to figure a way to beat negative expectation games.
    You never said anything worthwhile about the MDawg shoes pictured on WOV.

    In retrospect, after the shoes ended, was he ahead for those shoes because he bet more on the winning hands than he bet on the losing hands?

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Forget everything I’ve said and continue beating your head against the wall trying to figure a way to beat negative expectation games.
    You never said anything worthwhile about the MDawg shoes pictured on WOV.

    In retrospect, after the shoes ended, was he ahead for those shoes because he bet more on the winning hands than he bet on the losing hands?
    Sure. But did he put any examples of losing shoes up and show how pressing the bets made him lose more. There are two sides to the story but you can continue to ignore one side if you wish.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    CB seems to think Micky suggests someone quit their job to play bacc
    Yeah, because that's what he wrote right here...

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    These bacc guys should do the same if they think they got it figured out.
    Yikes...a cunt not in question're a dumbass cunt alright
    You don't even understand what you type.

    Mickey said if someone could beat baccarat they would quit their day jobs. Mickey doesn't believe people are beating baccarat. From that Coach Belly says the Mickey thinks people should quit their job to beat baccarat because Mickey gambles. lol.

    Like I said.... sllooooooooowwwwww.

  19. #39
    Everyone knows including Mdawg that you could beat baccarat on any given day or days but you’ll lose even more over consistent play. And let’s just say that a person who seems to always have their stars aligned with their lucky rabbits foot hanging from their neck and are consistently beating the game. How long would the casino put up with it till they rid that person? I don’t care how much money that person has.

    The fucking guy is posting on a gambling forum for crying out loud. He’s an alleged lawyer with obvious plenty of money. Do you really think he don’t understand the facts about the game?

    Mickey like the rest of the envious AP’s want to make an argument about what everyone knows is a fact. They just can’t stomach people that make them look like two-bit degenerate gamblers because they were able to make a ton completely outside of gambling.

    MDawg took all those fucking AP jealous assholes at WOV for a long ride. Not only did he make a fool of them, he exposed their envious jealous asses. They were literally posting they couldn’t wait till he lost, like the biggest envious bitch Once Dear. There’s over a hundred pages of posts in that thread of alleged AP’s telling him over and over again how lucky he was and how much of an idiot he was. Meanwhile he played them and exposed them for what they really are about.

    You have to give Mdawg credit for keeping all those envious idiots on the hook that long and it was still going while they all were waiting and praying for him to actually post losing everything. If you didn’t know the ending of that trip after reading his first post, you’re a bigger asshole then I could even imagine. Apparently, there is an endless amount of big assholes over there.

    Alleged AP’s might be good at making alleged money off casinos, but that thread confirms they’re just a bunch of jealous skumbags. Anyone who could drop more cash in one weekend while being treated like a king, while AP’s could only dream of making in the same time makes that person enemy #1. Especially when they could come back and do it all over again without blinking. They found a way to cut him off (ban him) before he was able to finish his last day there. They just couldn’t stomach him closing the trip bragging about all the money he allegedly made. They were to stupid to realize there wasn’t a camera following him around exposing the actual facts whatever they actually were.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Everyone knows including Mdawg that you could beat baccarat on any given day or days but you’ll lose even more over consistent play. And let’s just say that a person who seems to always have their stars aligned with their lucky rabbits foot hanging from their neck and are consistently beating the game. How long would the casino put up with it till they rid that person? I don’t care how much money that person has.

    The fucking guy is posting on a gambling forum for crying out loud. He’s an alleged lawyer with obvious plenty of money. Do you really think he don’t understand the facts about the game?

    Mickey like the rest of the envious AP’s want to make an argument about what everyone knows is a fact. They just can’t stomach people that make them look like two-bit degenerate gamblers because they were able to make a ton completely outside of gambling.

    MDawg took all those fucking AP jealous assholes at WOV for a long ride. Not only did he make a fool of them, he exposed their envious jealous asses. They were literally posting they couldn’t wait till he lost, like the biggest envious bitch Once Dear. There’s over a hundred pages of posts in that thread of alleged AP’s telling him over and over again how lucky he was and how much of an idiot he was. Meanwhile he played them and exposed them for what they really are about.

    You have to give Mdawg credit for keeping all those envious idiots on the hook that long and it was still going while they all were waiting and praying for him to actually post losing everything. If you didn’t know the ending of that trip after reading his first post, you’re a bigger asshole then I could even imagine. Apparently, there is an endless amount of big assholes over there.

    Alleged AP’s might be good at making alleged money off casinos, but that thread confirms they’re just a bunch of jealous skumbags. Anyone who could drop more cash in one weekend while being treated like a king, while AP’s could only dream of making in the same time makes that person enemy #1. Especially when they could come back and do it all over again without blinking. They found a way to cut him off (ban him) before he was able to finish his last day there. They just couldn’t stomach him closing the trip bragging about all the money he allegedly made. They were to stupid to realize there wasn’t a camera following him around exposing the actual facts whatever they actually were.
    I have private insider information that Mdawg was being baited, harassed,and insulted on purpose because they thought he was a Sock of a banned Member. It was obvious that something was going on when Mdawg got called a Fraud and a Liar and he lightly stood up for himself and he got suspended for a month. That is not normal. Now he is suspended for two months after Doxxing someone. He admitted he didn't know he was doing anything wrong until he was dragged through the mud for doing that and he subsequently removed the Doxxing link. Someone else Doxxed someone too like in 2018 and got a 7 day Suspension. 7 day Suspension vs a 60 day Suspension for doing the same thing. Seems very fair to me. WTF?!

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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