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Thread: AxelWolf...come here to finish our chat

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I have private insider information that Mdawg was being baited, harassed,and insulted on purpose because they thought he was a Sock of a banned Member. It was obvious that something was going on when Mdawg got called a Fraud and a Liar and he lightly stood up for himself and he got suspended for a month. That is not normal. Now he is suspended for two months after Doxxing someone. He admitted he didn't know he was doing anything wrong until he was dragged through the mud for doing that and he subsequently removed the Doxxing link. Someone else Doxxed someone too like in 2018 and got a 7 day Suspension. 7 day Suspension vs a 60 day Suspension for doing the same thing. Seems very fair to me. WTF?!

    Are you fucking serious??? Private inside information??? Take a fucking walk or go climb a fucking tree. Let me give you some private inside information. Go visit a doctor.

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I have private insider information that Mdawg was being baited, harassed,and insulted on purpose because they thought he was a Sock of a banned Member. It was obvious that something was going on when Mdawg got called a Fraud and a Liar and he lightly stood up for himself and he got suspended for a month. That is not normal. Now he is suspended for two months after Doxxing someone. He admitted he didn't know he was doing anything wrong until he was dragged through the mud for doing that and he subsequently removed the Doxxing link. Someone else Doxxed someone too like in 2018 and got a 7 day Suspension. 7 day Suspension vs a 60 day Suspension for doing the same thing. Seems very fair to me. WTF?!

    Are you fucking serious??? Private inside information??? Take a fucking walk or go climb a fucking tree. Let me give you some private inside information. Go visit a doctor.
    Well, I got Private Messages from someone who admitted to me that they were baiting, insulting, and harassing Mdawg on purpose because they thought he was a Sock of a banned Member. That's as close to private insider information as you can get.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #43
    Tasha, MDawg has been martingale to a 2 month suspension. I don’t follow his thread but read the posts he gets suspended for. He’s an asshole.

    And Stinkyblackhole, up until my retirement I was making about 3 times what the average Montanan makes. But there are plenty of Montanans making 5, 10, 20 times the average. If I want to be jealous I don’t have to look for an mdawg. People that make more than you and me are all around us. I could care less how much they make. I’m happy with my own position whether you like it or not.

    Stinkhole you think being treated like a king while blowing your money gambling is a joyful experience. But you could buy all those amenities for a fraction of what you pay gambling on negative games. It’s that illusion of winning and getting the freebies to that sucks compulsive gamblers like you in. You’re nothing more than a sucker to casino execs.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Everyone knows including Mdawg that you could beat baccarat on any given day or days but you’ll lose even more over consistent play. And let’s just say that a person who seems to always have their stars aligned with their lucky rabbits foot hanging from their neck and are consistently beating the game. How long would the casino put up with it till they rid that person? I don’t care how much money that person has.

    The fucking guy is posting on a gambling forum for crying out loud. He’s an alleged lawyer with obvious plenty of money. Do you really think he don’t understand the facts about the game?

    Mickey like the rest of the envious AP’s want to make an argument about what everyone knows is a fact. They just can’t stomach people that make them look like two-bit degenerate gamblers because they were able to make a ton completely outside of gambling.

    MDawg took all those fucking AP jealous assholes at WOV for a long ride. Not only did he make a fool of them, he exposed their envious jealous asses. They were literally posting they couldn’t wait till he lost, like the biggest envious bitch Once Dear. There’s over a hundred pages of posts in that thread of alleged AP’s telling him over and over again how lucky he was and how much of an idiot he was. Meanwhile he played them and exposed them for what they really are about.

    You have to give Mdawg credit for keeping all those envious idiots on the hook that long and it was still going while they all were waiting and praying for him to actually post losing everything. If you didn’t know the ending of that trip after reading his first post, you’re a bigger asshole then I could even imagine. Apparently, there is an endless amount of big assholes over there.

    Alleged AP’s might be good at making alleged money off casinos, but that thread confirms they’re just a bunch of jealous skumbags. Anyone who could drop more cash in one weekend while being treated like a king, while AP’s could only dream of making in the same time makes that person enemy #1. Especially when they could come back and do it all over again without blinking. They found a way to cut him off (ban him) before he was able to finish his last day there. They just couldn’t stomach him closing the trip bragging about all the money he allegedly made. They were to stupid to realize there wasn’t a camera following him around exposing the actual facts whatever they actually were.
    Sounds like you are not talking about Mdawg but yourself, and the truth hurts doesen't it. Just like the late Rodney Dangerfield poor little blackhole gets no respect on a gaming board. No one is jealous of, or even cares about someone with money who can afford to blow it any way they care, and that is the reality of it all. The board is all about gaming not how you made your lot in life. What is there not to understand? Why should anyone appreciate and adore someone who won a lot of money in a casino one day, all because he got lucky? Anyway it is all meaningless to the insecure individual who has the need to let everyone know how wonderful,and prosperous of a person he is. Of course meaning you.
    Last edited by BoSox; 01-14-2020 at 08:03 AM.

  5. #45
    Blackhole is obviously reflecting. The effort he puts into putting down APs is funny. What sort of successful person puts effort into that like he does?

    Blackhole strikes me as someone who has lost a lot of $$ gambling over the years. He wants to say "oh everyone is jealous of me" when I'd bet a lot of money it is more the other way around. "oh I am jealous of every AP". Reflect reflect reflect. Seen it too many times at this point in my life.

  6. #46
    Listen acuntinquestion and BOBO,

    MDawg made a fool of everyone over there and you two jackasses know it. Now you want to twist this into some phycological thing to do with me.

    Can’t wait to read what the rest of the fucking fools will say to try and pile on.

    Bottom line is, we all know oh so well what this is about, and it has nothing to do with me.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Tasha, MDawg has been martingale to a 2 month suspension. I don’t follow his thread but read the posts he gets suspended for. He’s an asshole.

    And Stinkyblackhole, up until my retirement I was making about 3 times what the average Montanan makes. But there are plenty of Montanans making 5, 10, 20 times the average. If I want to be jealous I don’t have to look for an mdawg. People that make more than you and me are all around us. I could care less how much they make. I’m happy with my own position whether you like it or not.

    Stinkhole you think being treated like a king while blowing your money gambling is a joyful experience. But you could buy all those amenities for a fraction of what you pay gambling on negative games. It’s that illusion of winning and getting the freebies to that sucks compulsive gamblers like you in. You’re nothing more than a sucker to casino execs.
    The Martingale sucks. I got a two week Martingale from WOV for the Alimony thing. Still angry about that Alimony Suspension. My first Suspension was for the Bad Casino Giveaways? Thread where I mistakenly claimed that Gulfstream Park Casino was giving a guaranteed $100 Macy's gift card for $500 coin in. I called this a bad Giveaway, because I figured,"Why would you want to play $500 coin in for a $100 Macy's gift card?" I was asked over and over if the Macy's gift card was GUARANTEED. I said,"Yes," and one particular skeptical Poster looked up the Giveaway and.... It turns out, CANDLES were what you got for $500 coin in. There were like 50 CANDLE boxes and ONE candle box had a $100 Macy's gift card and a candle. I mistakenly thought ALL of the boxes had the gift card in it. I was dragged so hard for that. I meant to say "I am so sorry. I honestly thought that ALL of the boxes had the gift card. I didn't know that only one box had it," but I fell asleep. When I woke up, I immediately thought,"Time to explain my mistake and apologize!" But it was too late as I got a rare one week suspension for Trolling Members and Admins for a very long thread. I knew something was wrong as soon as BOTH my BCG? Thread to AND The Suspension Discussion list were replied to just a little while apart from each other. My suspicions were confirmed as I saw my name was Red and saw that I was suspended for a week.

    I got a two week Suspension for hijacking a thread with Alimony twice that was about a guy trying to hide his Jackpot. Two different people brought up Alimony first, and I responded to both of them and I got a two week Suspension for mentioning Alimony twice. Hello? I was responding to two different people who brought it up first and I get the two week Martingale Suspension. Even other Posters mentioned that was a fucked up and unfair Suspension and I didn't deserve it, but I still had to serve the full two werks. I mentioned occasionally still being mad about that Alimony Suspension. At least one Person said they were surprised I didn't just leave WOV for good after that unfair Alimony Suspension.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Mickey said if someone could beat baccarat they would quit their day jobs.
    No that's not what he wrote.

    He didn't say they would quit their day jobs, he said that they should quit their day jobs.

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    When I figured out how to beat gambling I quit working for others and went full time. These bacc guys should do the same if they think they got it figured out.
    He wrote "should", he is encouraging those that claim to win at bacc to quit their day jobs and play full time.

    His inference is that because they continue to work, they must not be though winning at bacc and working for a living are mutually exclusive.

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    These guys that push the "I'm a regular winner at bacc" schtick never quit there job and play the game full time for a living.

  9. #49
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Listen acuntinquestion and BOBO,

    MDawg made a fool of everyone over there and you two jackasses know it. Now you want to twist this into some phycological thing to do with me.

    Can’t wait to read what the rest of the fucking fools will say to try and pile on.

    Bottom line is, we all know oh so well what this is about, and it has nothing to do with me.

    Actually, I agree with the second line here, me included. The most reasonable take on MDawg is that he's "making a prick" out of everybody. His continual winning tales are absurd, and his focus on little details may also be poking fun. So he gets to make asses out of the people who ooh and aah at modest suites and tales of $400 per hand bets. Plus he never loses, so he gets to tweak all of the math people in an obvious fashion. Then he holds court on personal minutia like shaving accessories, which I find really funny. If you're gonna be mesmerized by his gambling tales and gambling recommendations, here's some shaving strategy as a bonus.

    If you take it as some tongue-in-cheek presentation, and the fact it's the top thread, it's all hilarious. It exposes WoV as a collection of "little bettors," wannabees, and math experts who don't recognize sarcasm. I fell for it (of course, I'd never read any MDawg stuff before, so I have half an excuse). And I'm occasionally dumb as a rock. What made me realize was when I decided I wanted to do a parody and, upon close reading, I realized how do I parody a parody? He makes stuff up as he goes along. Last year, he said he was betting 15K a hand; now it's $400. People ooh and ahh. Why? I know guys who bet a lot more than that. His posts expose other posters as not terribly big bettors.

    And he never loses. It's comical. All poking and prodding. Yet he "follows the rules," so mods have to bend over backwards to suspend him. He exposes management as hamstrung by its own rules.

    There is no way I could beat his parody with a parody.

    And on top of it, when coach belly props up MDawg's arguments or defends the possibility of MDawg's veracity, MDawg is making a prick out of his defender(s). It's really, really funny. Coach belly is basically tilting at a windmill.

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Listen acuntinquestion and BOBO,

    MDawg made a fool of everyone over there and you two jackasses know it. Now you want to twist this into some phycological thing to do with me.

    Can’t wait to read what the rest of the fucking fools will say to try and pile on.

    Bottom line is, we all know oh so well what this is about, and it has nothing to do with me.
    Actually I don't know as I don't read that forum with any sort of regularity. I read the links there and sometimes look for active posts. I don't believe I even have an account. Good try though.

    Were you the one telling me I'd go bust or whatever because I went on a little VBJ excursion and ran good ? Maybe it was bosox, but if it was you it just goes to show how even more full of it you are. You just post stuff to get attention and be contrarian, whether on the side of the APs or the side of the ploppy gamblers. Whatevers. People should give you less attention that Tasha.

    No need to pile on, I'm just pointing out to me what was obvious.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Were you the one telling me I'd go bust or whatever because I went on a little VBJ excursion and ran good ? Maybe it was bosox, but if it was you it just goes to show how even more full of it you are. You just post stuff to get attention and be contrarian, whether on the side of the APs or the side of the ploppy gamblers. Whatevers. People should give you less attention that Tasha.

    What the fuck are you talking about here acuntinquestion???

    I think your cunt needs a good cunt cleaning. Here are a few tips I found for you.

    • When showering or bathing, wash your vulva with warm water and mild or unscented soap. ...
    • Separate your labia and let the warm soapy water clean all around the clitoral hood and between your labia. ...
    • Rinse completely and pat dry your vulva with a soft dry towel.

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Were you the one telling me I'd go bust or whatever because I went on a little VBJ excursion and ran good ? Maybe it was bosox, but if it was you it just goes to show how even more full of it you are. You just post stuff to get attention and be contrarian, whether on the side of the APs or the side of the ploppy gamblers. Whatevers. People should give you less attention that Tasha.

    What the fuck are you talking about here acuntinquestion???

    I think your cunt needs a good cunt cleaning. Here are a few tips I found for you.

    • When showering or bathing, wash your vulva with warm water and mild or unscented soap. ...
    • Separate your labia and let the warm soapy water clean all around the clitoral hood and between your labia. ...
    • Rinse completely and pat dry your vulva with a soft dry towel.
    You are obviously very successful. No doubt about it. Lots of stuff going on. Obviously.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    And on top of it, when coach belly props up MDawg's arguments or defends the possibility of MDawg's veracity, MDawg is making a prick out of his defender(s). It's really, really funny. Coach belly is basically tilting at a windmill.
    I hadn't considered that the MDawg thread might be a hoax.

    Trip reports are common enough as not to routinely question their veracity, or impugn anyone just for sharing their travel experiences with others online.

    But MDawg sure did post a lot of content, would anyone make such an extraordinary effort to prank a bunch of anonymous forum members that he doesn't know?

    And why would he duplicate everything on another forum that has no other members, and almost no viewers?

    Seems too irrationally ambitious, it doesn't make sense that it's a hoax.

    But you never make much sense anyway, ditz.

  14. #54
    Finally....something more entertaining to read than Pelosi making an impeachment fool of herself or liberals mourning an "influential and respected" Iranian terrorist's death.

    I know nothing about Mdawg or bacc. and from the little I've read, this guy could be just another internet character concoction courtesy of none other than THE most insecure poster on gaming forums: Kew....for the sole purpose of desperately seeking that much needed but elusive relevancy and attention. He's tried presenting himself as a queer "BJ pro". Why not also create the opposite end of the spectrum: the world's most successful but irritating baccarat savant? And if the pussies at WoV have trouble sleeping over it, call Hillary Clinton and ask her what it feels like spending night after night with a pervert.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    And on top of it, when coach belly props up MDawg's arguments or defends the possibility of MDawg's veracity, MDawg is making a prick out of his defender(s). It's really, really funny. Coach belly is basically tilting at a windmill.
    I hadn't considered that the MDawg thread might be a hoax.

    Trip reports are common enough as not to routinely question their veracity, or impugn anyone just for sharing their travel experiences with others online.

    But MDawg sure did post a lot of content, would anyone make such an extraordinary effort to prank a bunch of anonymous forum members that he doesn't know?

    And why would he duplicate everything on another forum that has no other members, and almost no viewers?

    Seems too irrationally ambitious, it doesn't make sense that it's a hoax.

    But you never make much sense anyway, ditz.

    But it makes sense that someone never, ever loses? LOL. I think blackhole and I may be on the same page here, coach.

    Why would anyone with money post pics of Residence Inn-level suites and shaving equipment? Yeah, coach, that makes a lot of sense. Let's just ask the question, a la coach, "Would anyone make such an extraordinary effort to (fill in here - impress, entertain, report to) a bunch of anonymous forum members he doesn't know?" But coach never makes much sense, anyway, eh?

    You know any semi-high rollers who post like MDawg? Never losing while expounding on the details of their shaving? Why would anyone make such an extraordinary effort indeed?

    Coach, I think you've been punked, man. Join the club. Only you decided to defend the "Dawg Who Never Loses." Pretty funny. Maybe pick a more realistic windmill to defend next time.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Finally....something more entertaining to read than Pelosi making an impeachment fool of herself or liberals mourning an "influential and respected" Iranian terrorist's death.

    I know nothing about Mdawg or bacc. and from the little I've read, this guy could be just another internet character concoction courtesy of none other than THE most insecure poster on gaming forums: Kew....for the sole purpose of desperately seeking that much needed but elusive relevancy and attention. He's tried presenting himself as a queer "BJ pro". Why not also create the opposite end of the spectrum: the world's most successful but irritating baccarat savant? And if the pussies at WoV have trouble sleeping over it, call Hillary Clinton and ask her what it feels like spending night after night with a pervert.
    I really don't think that Mdawg us a KewlJ Sock.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    But it makes sense that someone never, ever loses?
    He hasn't claimed that he never, ever loses. He wrote several times about losses, losing shoes and losing trips.

    Is that your straw man? Is that what's bugging you, something that he never claimed?

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    And on top of it, when coach belly props up MDawg's arguments or defends the possibility of MDawg's veracity, MDawg is making a prick out of his defender(s). It's really, really funny. Coach belly is basically tilting at a windmill.
    I hadn't considered that the MDawg thread might be a hoax.

    Trip reports are common enough as not to routinely question their veracity, or impugn anyone just for sharing their travel experiences with others online.

    But MDawg sure did post a lot of content, would anyone make such an extraordinary effort to prank a bunch of anonymous forum members that he doesn't know?

    And why would he duplicate everything on another forum that has no other members, and almost no viewers?

    Seems too irrationally ambitious, it doesn't make sense that it's a hoax.

    But you never make much sense anyway, ditz.
    Then go read everything about Baccarat79. He did much if the same stuff and was proven a fraud.

    The owner of the company he worked for was successful. His boss would invite him to Vegas with his comps and stuff. He used that information, pictures and whatnot and put a spin on it and made it his own and just make up shit as he went.

  19. #59
    With just a little effort I could produce all the pictures and documents making it look like I was beating Baccarat without spending a dime.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    With just a little effort I could produce all the pictures and documents making it look like I was beating Baccarat without spending a dime.
    Why would you do that?

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