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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #3681
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Not as good as McQueen in Le Mans but it wasn't trying to be that good or that style.

    They put in assigned seating to thwart movie hoppers and make you sit in pleather recliners so you are comfortable when the story bores you to sleep.

    I guess the last one I enjoyed was Blade Runner 2049.
    They really tried very hard to keep that movie in line with the original.
    That water, drowning scene was pretty intense seeing it at the theater
    Yeah I really loved Bladerunner 2049 also -exceptional. I hope they make another one where it is 100% off-world shit.
    If you are meeting with a group of people that are arriving at different times, this stadium seating is total crap (remember when you could just hand the cashier some money, get a ticket stub and go sit down ?).
    I liked Bullitt - haven't seen Le Mans yet.
    Last edited by tableplay; 01-15-2020 at 09:28 PM.

  2. #3682
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I haven't been keeping up on the forums for a year or so now.
    I read a few pages of posts about DarkOz and some sort of WoV Boycott lol.
    I don't see any reason to go into great detail over this because I have stated the truth many times about this type of situation.
    You and I have similar backgrounds and I have been in Vegas since the early 90s so I know what the life is all about.
    It certainly is nothing that these Forums or APs try to project.
    DarkOz gives the more factual and realistic side of the lifestyle.
    Family Members stealing from each other and everyone running 100s of player cards and fighting over money and plays.
    Partners selling Players Cards and changing pin numbers or not paying back what they owe.
    Players who play on Make-Up or Hourly who can never get ahead because they have some habit that leaks all the profit.
    The usual habits like Drugs, Alcohol, Whoremongering, Stealing their friends girlfriend, Thievery, Making Bad Bets or playing way over their Bankroll thinking the gravy train will never stop... etc etc.
    I told you before that Bagofshitbabs kept hinting at wanting me to bankroll her on any play that I needed help on but like I said I am not the Banker.
    I don't mind going partners with someone at a true 50/50 split and invested.
    This means if I put up 10k you better have 10k to put up as well and we both hammer the play till it is over win or lose.
    That isn't her bag or isn't the style of most of the players on these forums.
    Most of them are broke or looking to be sponsored but I have the feeling you already know and understand this.
    If they aren't broke it is usually just a matter of time before they ran into something too big for them and they got felted or busted.

    I can keep going on and on but like everything else in life WoV is just another scam.
    Don't believe this bullshit that Rigondeaux is trying to preach about how most APs are honest and trying to help one another.
    RS and the usual suspects preach that phony bullshit about how they are in a circle of friends holding hands singing Kumbaya all the time loving one another.
    Bologna... this game is all about money and the best are the ones who have it and keep accumulating it by just about any means necessary.
    If you don't have the mentality "kill or be killed" in this world they call AP you won't last long.
    This whole idea that Advantage Players are something different compared to Scamblers or Scambling is just Cover which some of them are good at.

    As I have said before... this isn't charity work or saving the world.
    This whole thing is about money and the LOVE of MONEY is the ROOT of all EVIL.
    Most of these guys, if not all of them are like politicians.
    They say one thing and do the other.

    Personally I have given up the type of information a person needs to know to get started if they want to do it about as straight as you can.
    However, it is a grind and it is hard work. Nothing is easy in this life or world.
    10% or 25% plays do not fall out of the sky every single day 24 hours a day like these guys would have you believe.
    This is why I am always talking about finding the 0.5% to 2% plays.
    Those are getting thinner but they are still the fundamental building block of constantly winning.
    As time goes on you will move up and find better spots but the easier it gets the more you will have to compromise any type of moral compass you may have.
    I could go on and on but I have posted all about it many times before.
    When I posted the Hot Sucker Thread those guys hated it and still hate it but they couldn't do anything about it cause this site is the real deal.
    Not like that phony bullshit that Shack runs so they can advertise and trap the suckers into online gambling.

    I remember showing a play on here that still exists.
    I have been playing it for over 4 years and I am guessing it has been around much longer, 10 to 20 years most likely.
    It is still at the 1, 2 and 5 dollar levels.
    It pays a solid 1% plus food.
    Too many lock ups at the 5 dollar level so I play lower.
    However it is a grind and the swings are in the 4k to 8k range.
    I prefer 80k cash to mess with this but realistically you don't need that much.
    The point is when I showed this play all I heard was how bad it was and that you will go broke playing that game.
    MC defended me and the play and another guy actually found it and played it.
    Not sure if he still plays it but I don't see why not since it is the best play in the house IMO.
    People don't want to grind hours into things like this... they want the fast easy money.
    To each their own.
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    What I really find funny about WoV is how you are starting to see the curtain peel back a little.
    We see that the people with some power are serious alcoholics that need the forum and support to help dry up for a few months.
    Once Dear is making it public knowledge along with Mission.
    Recently it was said that Mission not only has a problem with drinking but is upside down with fellow members or APs.
    The alcohol part is confirmed but I haven't found proof or admission of the other accusation.
    It certainly isn't hard to imagine or believe though.
    Most players either owe or are broke.
    Even the Great Axel Wolf confirmed to me in person that one of his best partners and dear friends lost 50k of team money (may have been AWs personal money and not team money... same difference) dumping it off in the pit playing Black Jack.
    The story could be exaggerated as well... we all tend to tell tall tales at times.
    So just by that admission you can see that what is said on forum boards is not even close to what happens in real life.
    As he was drinking his 3rd Captain Morgan he hit me with the... "I never drink when playing"
    LOL... yeah right!!
    I understand though cause I had a good 10 years+ drinking and playing.
    Those plays were so easy you didn't have to be sober.
    I was never addicted to the drinking though... one day my body didn't want anymore and I quit.
    Funny how my best pal didn't want to hang out with me anymore cause I stopped drinking.
    I realize now that he just wanted a drinking partner more than a friend.
    It wasn't long before he had a new pal that he latched on to that drank all the time
    He told me I wasn't fun anymore cause he couldn't have a drink with me... depressing lol.
    I know I’ve been a negative critic when Monet was posting plays in the past. I just couldn’t picture running from casino to casino with a bunch of other people’s cards, pounding hour after hour being careful to monitor coin in on each card, avoiding hand pays and hoping not to get caught. Then wait for mail with free play dispersed over a bunch of different dates and hope I earn a profit after play through.

    Just like the DarkOz play he exposed at WOV with that craps game. The work involved to generate similar results (free play) just seems to me to be a desperate way to make a buck which could always be randomly lost on a casino decision.

    Yes, I understand plays like that magic online game with pre-set positions at all stakes was clever and an alleged ton was made, but how long did it last? I’m pretty certain no different then a great stock tip that goes crazy with profit; these plays are far and few between.

    I give Monet credit for telling it like it really is in his above posts. After spending most of his life doing AP I’m guessing there is a lot more he could say about how tough of a life this type of career actually is.

    Drugs and alcohol are always a problem in any career. My guess is working inside a full-time free bar could make it even more difficult. Outside of casinos, gambling always came with a bad rap. There’s a reason for that. If I knew a person was a heavy gambler, I would be reluctant to sell them a franchise. I know that’s the kettle calling the pot black (or whatever that saying is) but, the risk of having locations run into the ground from gambling is bad for everything. Besides, I didn’t go crazy with casinos till I had the money to do it.

    I know AP’s could be successful, yet I trust what Monet is saying here to be the actual truth for the most part.

    Someone should copy and paste these posts at the WOV. It would be fun to read the denials from all the alleged AP’s there exposing even more of how much shit their all full off.

  3. #3683
    Surprised to see no response from AP pros challenging Monet’s comments. Only Axel who came out playing the violin with the full orchestra background. Shocking he never won a Noble Peace Prize over the years.

    Looks like all these conversations are long gone and already buried at WOV. I don’t even know where to look to dig them up or willing to waste time looking. Although, I did find a thread about cursing online. If you want a good FUCKING laugh go read it. I didn’t know gamblers had such a high moral standing about cursing. They act like the site is a religious forum. I understand if the site owner forbids it, but the conversations taking place over there about it is further proof of how much of the real phony frauds they all really are.

    Just one small quote: "Profanity for the sake of profanity is funny when you are like 11 years old. Then you turn 12 not so much."

  4. #3684
    I just couldn’t resist. Below are more examples of quotes. There is a time and place for everything including language. If you can’t navigate through the times and places the type of language you use, you obviously need more schooling. But, comments like below are obvious just more lies from the same crowd. They lie about everything over there. Read over again Monet’s posts and then read some of these quotes which I found on the first two pages and couldn’t go on anymore. These are the same bullshit artists talking about language.

    Of course, I don’t want to be charged with painting everyone with the same brush, but we’re talking about gamblers. Wonder what they say when a dealer gets 5 BJ’s in a row, or draws 21 with 6 cards several times. Losing 10K on a bet when a team goes for 2 points when they didn’t have to just to pile on and cost you the bet. That list could be endless.

    They just don’t know or understand how phony they are. All they want to do is convince everyone to believe their bullshit. Like Monet said “WoV is just another scam”. Coming from a long time pro carries a lot of weight.

    Simple minds swear, I think we want a more educated and eloquent crowd here.
    Why can’t people just make there points without using foul language ?
    It is about composing yourself as an adult.
    civility and avoidance of gratuitous vulgarity are good goals to have.
    I can say in my life the more foul the mouth the lower the social class.

  5. #3685
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Surprised to see no response from AP pros challenging Monet’s comments. Only Axel who came out playing the violin with the full orchestra background. Shocking he never won a Noble Peace Prize over the years.

    Looks like all these conversations are long gone and already buried at WOV. I don’t even know where to look to dig them up or willing to waste time looking. Although, I did find a thread about cursing online. If you want a good FUCKING laugh go read it. I didn’t know gamblers had such a high moral standing about cursing. They act like the site is a religious forum. I understand if the site owner forbids it, but the conversations taking place over there about it is further proof of how much of the real phony frauds they all really are.

    Just one small quote: "Profanity for the sake of profanity is funny when you are like 11 years old. Then you turn 12 not so much."
    To be fair, a lot of children cuss when they want to be seen as more "Grown up,". Ironically, many actual "Grown ups," think that cussing makes someone look immature. Go figure.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  6. #3686
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I just couldn’t resist. Below are more examples of quotes. There is a time and place for everything including language. If you can’t navigate through the times and places the type of language you use, you obviously need more schooling. But, comments like below are obvious just more lies from the same crowd. They lie about everything over there. Read over again Monet’s posts and then read some of these quotes which I found on the first two pages and couldn’t go on anymore. These are the same bullshit artists talking about language.

    Of course, I don’t want to be charged with painting everyone with the same brush, but we’re talking about gamblers. Wonder what they say when a dealer gets 5 BJ’s in a row, or draws 21 with 6 cards several times. Losing 10K on a bet when a team goes for 2 points when they didn’t have to just to pile on and cost you the bet. That list could be endless.

    They just don’t know or understand how phony they are. All they want to do is convince everyone to believe their bullshit. Like Monet said “WoV is just another scam”. Coming from a long time pro carries a lot of weight.

    Simple minds swear, I think we want a more educated and eloquent crowd here.
    Why can’t people just make there points without using foul language ?
    It is about composing yourself as an adult.
    civility and avoidance of gratuitous vulgarity are good goals to have.
    I can say in my life the more foul the mouth the lower the social class.
    Aren't you the guy who posts really vulgar stuff and now you're trying to talk about higher social classes and such nonsense? One can't make this shit up.

    Intelligence and "cussing" are actually correlated. It is the simple types who have been given a list of "bad" words to avoid which they obey. Granted, that isn't social class, but we're gamblers so who fucking cares.

  7. #3687
    Slow down a little while your reading or read something twice so maybe you could comprehend what was said. Don’t rush to respond without trying to think some.

    I read your post 5 times and still don’t get it.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Aren't you the guy who posts really vulgar stuff and now you're trying to talk about higher social classes and such nonsense? One can't make this shit up.

    Intelligence and "cussing" are actually correlated. It is the simple types who have been given a list of "bad" words to avoid which they obey. Granted, that isn't social class, but we're gamblers so who fucking cares.
    I said “If you can’t navigate through the times and places the type of language you use, you obviously need more schooling.”

    So, when I respond to your nonsense it’s the time and place to be vulgar. Don’t take it personal.

    In addition stop trying to be witty. You don't have it. You're just a stupid lying gambler like the rest of them. Only difference you're a cunt.

  8. #3688
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I read your post 5 times and still don’t get it.
    The dumb cunt doesn't realize that the last paragraph of your post includes 4 different quotes from the WOV anti-profanity thread.

  9. #3689
    It's amazing how much a moron aq is. Even Tasha has it more together than that dumbass.

  10. #3690
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    It's amazing how much a moron aq is. Even Tasha has it more together than that dumbass.
    For the record Rob, if I had access to that poker play you had, I would’ve road that wave till the machine disappeared just for the thrill.

    I find that move no different than fucking a lawyer or an insurance company.

    Trust me, there are a lot more people I could think of I would screw if I had the chance. So my righteous AP good doers, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  11. #3691
    I’m still very surprised to see no response from all the WOV AP frauds who post here with any attempt to challenge Monet’s facts of AP life posts.

    It appears unless their piling on knocking non-AP challenges against their majority of bullshit stories, they are nowhere to be found. You could only assume they don’t want to go up against a real pro with real facts that could expose their bullshit.

    It’s also interesting not to read about all the money their making from offshore casino promotions. You would think with all those offshore promotions they have access to over there from being a member, at least one anonymous AP would brag about all the profits they made. Of course, the king of AP Axel bragged in the past how well he was doing with offshore casinos to the point he didn’t care if he got paid or not. The fact that he made so much money with them he considered not getting paid nothing more than the cost to learn where to play. Then again this is the generous King we’re talking about.

    I’m also surprised after paying over a million dollars to take over WOV sites and have access to all these existing and up and coming pros with endless gaming math facts how offshore casinos could still be in business. Especially after offering and still offering the most generous promos ever for any casinos both online and land.

    Something stinks in Denmark and it’s the odor traveling through the atmosphere from the WOV sites.

  12. #3692
    I just read some of that interview at WOV where Mission interviews DarkOz a day or so ago. I did the best I could to read it all but started glancing through it after reading 25% of it.

    What was a little interesting in the beginning was how a homeless DarkOz figured out in desperation how to AP Burger King out of whoppers. There were a few other clever homeless AP moves with beating free play coupons out of bus trips to casinos. There may have been other homeless moves but, that’s when I started speed reading.

    I don’t think Mission ever asked but I was waiting for him to ask him why not just get a fucking job instead of sleeping in subways, grubbing free food when possible, and washing in public bathrooms.

    I’m pretty sure I recall Mission giving DarlOz credit in that interview for having a genius mentality. This shit you really can't make up.

    What Mission does leave out of the beginning when he first meets DarkOz in person after he already was established at WOV as an accomplished AP was who the third person was at that meeting. It was none other than the great WOV AP scammer known as Wizard of Vegas. I remember the story back in the day when all the commotion was going on about him and when he got banned for fucking over members and other people for cash.

    The clever DarkOz and righteous Mission were there to get in on a scam offered by WOV with free play cards. DarkOz bought and sold thousands of dollars worth of them to his daughter who got screwed because there was nothing on them. Don’t know if Mission also got screwed, but I don’t think he went to the meeting to talk about the weather.

    This fits right in with Monet’s claim of AP’s true meaning is to be out for themselves. I could only imagine what those meet ups with WOV members could be like. I guess this is the time they form a circle holding hands singing Kumbaya.
    Last edited by blackhole; 01-18-2020 at 12:07 PM.

  13. #3693
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I just read some of that interview at WOV where Mission interviews DarkOz a day or so ago. I did the best I could to read it all but started glancing through it after reading 25% of it.
    That was an interview?

    More like Mission rambling, and DarkOz mumbling one word responses...huh?...what?...yeah...uh huh...

    I stand by what I wrote after viewing Mission's nugget fiasco video...he's autistic.

  14. #3694
    Mission is precisely the type of going-nowhere loser who would be impressed by the "homeless AP exploits" of a bum like Dark. His pants moisten whenever anyone raises the prospect of coupons becoming available. Then, he'll come up with the most boring, longest short story of all time to explain intent.

  15. #3695
    In my post 3692 I said the AP scammer was Wizard of Vegas twice. It should have said Wizard of Nothing.

  16. #3696
    Found this footage of a get together of a WOV meet. Right after the song they all went to casinos and pounded them as a team.

    That's Axel on bongo. BBB on the rattler, (she was young then) that's DarkOz second from the left in the front row. What you don't see is behind that wall is Shank on a unicycle juggling assorted casino chips.

  17. #3697
    Just wanted to stop in right quick and thank you guys for reading the interview!

    "I don’t think Mission ever asked but I was waiting for him to ask him why not just get a fucking job instead of sleeping in subways, grubbing free food when possible, and washing in public bathrooms. "-Blackhole

    ***It wasn't relevant to me or the interview. We know that he did not get a regular job, for all I know it wasn't for a lack of trying and it just didn't occur to me to ask the question.

    "I’m pretty sure I recall Mission giving DarkOz credit in that interview for having a genius mentality. This shit you really can't make up."-Blackhole

    ***That's not correct. I said some AP plays require a high logical intelligence to figure out, but having a high logical intelligence does not automatically make a person a genius.

    "What Mission does leave out of the beginning when he first meets DarkOz in person after he already was established at WOV as an accomplished AP was who the third person was at that meeting. It was none other than the great WOV AP scammer known as Wizard of Vegas. I remember the story back in the day when all the commotion was going on about him and when he got banned for fucking over members and other people for cash.

    The clever DarkOz and righteous Mission were there to get in on a scam offered by WOV with free play cards. DarkOz bought and sold thousands of dollars worth of them to his daughter who got screwed because there was nothing on them. Don’t know if Mission also got screwed, but I don’t think he went to the meeting to talk about the weather.

    This fits right in with Monet’s claim of AP’s true meaning is to be out for themselves. I could only imagine what those meet ups with WOV members could be like. I guess this is the time they form a circle holding hands singing Kumbaya."-Blackhole

    ***I can pretty much reveal this now, since you're so interested in my life and events that happened nearly four years ago. I'll tell you this, though, for some autistic guy who isn't really that interesting and rambles all the guys are sure interested in my activities.

    Anyway, I was in Atlantic City to get players cards for WoN and help him run some play on some cards, that's it. There was also a certain casino more-or-less on my way back where he had some free play pickups. What DarkOz and WoN had to do with one another, or the underlying purpose of them meeting, I really have no idea because it had nothing to do with me. As I recall, Darkoz showed some mail to WoN, not the other way around. I do know that there was general talk of maybe working together on some stuff, but no talk of one selling free play to the other. Further, what I was working with WoN on also had nothing to do with Darkoz.

    Anyway, Darkoz could even tell you that I had nothing to do with any business between him and WoN. The whole thing with his daughter, or what have you, was quite some time later, I think, but you'd really need to ask him about that.

    In any case my, "Scam," and Darkoz, "Scam," had nothing to do with one another.

    ---Rob Singer is an interesting person because Darkoz revealed an excellent play in his one thread over on WoV. Then you have Singer, who allegedly participated in the greatest exploit of all-time when it comes to flawed machines, who thinks nothing of Darkoz' play.

    Maybe one key difference is that Darkoz can and is actually willing to prove his happened, I don't know.

    Anyway, thanks again for reading, see you guys next time!

  18. #3698
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    I'll tell you this, though, for some autistic guy who isn't really that interesting and rambles all the guys are sure interested in my activities.
    And I'll tell you this...retards like you can be interesting.

    Are you telling us that you're not autistic?

    Maybe the booze or drugs fucked you up.

    Have you been evaluated recently?

  19. #3699
    In that case, I appreciate you taking an interest. I’m glad we seem to share the opinion that most people are interesting.

    I don’t recall claiming that I’m not autistic. If the question is whether or not I have been formally diagnosed with autism, the answer is no.

    I don’t know what drugs you’re referring to. I’ve used marijuana fewer than ten times and I could count the number of times I’ve used cocaine on one hand. No other drugs whatsoever aside from legally obtained prescriptions, none of which were the, “Good stuff,” unless you count low-grade muscle relaxers. I took muscle relaxers once for a shoulder injury and another time for wrist tendinitis. The tendinitis was when I worked at the distribution center. I was also prescribed...I think Vicodin...on both of those occasions, but I didn’t fill that prescription.

    Maybe the booze did have some kind of lasting effect, who knows?

    You’d have to be more specific on, “Evaluated.” Are you really so interested in me that you’d like to hear my full medical history? I might get some dates wrong. I’m particularly prone to ear infections, so I’ve had too many to remember the dates of each specific one. I donated blood just three days ago, so my vitals and iron content in blood were, “Evaluated.” Blood pressure is the best it has been in years.

  20. #3700
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    You’d have to be more specific on, “Evaluated.”
    Evaluated for autism is what I meant.

    You wrote above that you have not been diagnosed, but have you been evaluated recently?

    For case you were still confused, or in denial, about what I meant.

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