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Thread: The Adventures of MDawg (in progress)

  1. #221
    Yesterday the end chip count was

    This was before I went back downstairs to pay off the markers and take a trip to VIP to pick up some Pellegrinos, tip the VIP staff, and make a sumptuous dining reservation (was feeling VERY celebratory).

    Of this $28,000. only $1000. was my win for 3/1/2020, but still a win is a win. The winner's envelope is now bursting at the seams

    and the totes ahead for the trip is about $31K.

    All markers from yesterday paid of course.

    A few interesting things happened yesterday. I was actually ahead over $5K and trying to get to $6K when things started going awry and before you knew it I was betting five grand a hand with mixed results after I dipped to as low as -13K at one point. At that moment while I was heavy hitting the cigar/cigarette girl came by, and I grabbed two tubed cigars from her.

    I don't even smoke, and I hate all smoking, but I was feeling ornery and wanted to flex my comp muscles. I had a trip a while back at this same casino where I asked for a cigar for a friend and they made a big deal out of having to get it approved. When I grabbed the two cigars the girl asked the pit boss if I could have two.

    "I can have ten!" I answered for him, and then of course the pit boss nodded his consent.

    While I was playing, this Asian guy with a half million line (I figured this out later by myself even before the pit boss mentioned it after he left, because he bet one hand at $30,000. which is allowed only for a special limits high credit line player) came up and noticed my watch.

    "Is that the platinum?"


    He rolled up his sleeve. He was wearing the Rolex Daytona platinum with the chocolate bezel, this watch:

    and of course I recognized it instantly. It is called, the "Platina."

    Mine is the latest 40mm Rolex Day Date platinum.

    We took off watches and let each of us hold them, comparing weights. Both extremely heavy - we decided that mine must be a tad heavier. The pit boss got in on it too.

    "Let me hold those too." And then, after holding them, "Wow!"

    That's the thing about wearing a platinum versus a white gold Rolex. It is low key and no one knows what it is - except your peer group. In fact one dipshit WOV member (the former, possibly still current, drunk, I banned from my view at this VCT forum) thought my platinum Rolex watch was a fake when he first saw a pic of it at WOV.

    The third thing that happened of interest was that I won one hand just $300. with a bank 6 on a commissionless table (at this casino a bank 6 win at the commissionless table gets paid half). Dealer paid me full. Nearly a half hour later a pit boss came out of nowhere had me cough up the $150. So they are definitely on me, watching closely. It is also a testament to how good surveillance is these days versus about twenty years ago when I was paid $3750. for a $2500. BJ bet when I threw down a king and queen with exultation and the dealer hit to 21. Back then, no one ever came up later to tell me that I had actually LOST -$2500. versus getting paid 3:2 for a BJ I didn't even have.

    Last night we were out late dining and had too much fun afterwards back in the suite.

    Today is the last day of gaming. Leave tomorrow. Sad, but even good things must come to an end.

    Good for me anyway. The fat guy lost pretty much everything. He was playing with only purple chips today. He told me that his friend had lost everything last night too. Now this fat guy, when he loses (which is frequently), forgettaboutit. He starts crumpling cards, throwing them at the dealer, and cursing in a foreign language. But afterwards, as he walks away from the table, he does come around and apologize to the dealer.

    I don't believe in getting upset when losing.

    In fact, afterwards, after this fat guy had lost everything and left, the pit boss pointed out, talking to me, that "I don't believe I've ever seen you mad."

    How does getting steamed help anything? Must play cooly, analytically. And anyway what is there to get mad about? Even when I get down I come back to win in the end.

    This always winning in the end goes for both gambling, and the stock market, which incidentally although there will be ups and downs along the way is on its inevitable course back to record highs.
    Last edited by MDawg; 03-03-2020 at 08:59 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #222
    What a bunch of BS. Pictures of a measly $40k in cash or chips is supposed to impress whom? A chump like you would have melted away if you ever saw the cash piles I built for the 10-12 years I played hi limits. And I have a diamond white gold rolex that I purposely DON'T wear because I'm not the faker you are.

    No wonder the mensas at WoV shoved you away. All talk & stupid pictures that anybody could post/no action. Just another foolish California flake running his "look at me! look at me" mouth.

  3. #223
    Final results for this trip, $32,000. to the good!

    That brings the total between even just the past two trips, at almost sixty K. MDAWG IS A WINNER.

    I won those fifty cent pieces on a couple of odd amount Bank 6 winners where I was paid half (I was playing the commissionless Bacc. table again today). The dealer suggested I hold on to them as continued luck for the next trip.

    Today was a bit tumultuous though. I was up, just like yesterday, around $6K but it was after just two or three shoes, and I kept playing. I was trying to get to ten K today, thinking okay that will make up for the 4K I didn't get yesterday where I ended up only $1K ahead. Next thing you know I was down $8K! I pulled a ten K marker, lost a thousand here and there, pressed into a player run, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500 and had the whole 8K back immediately (I did lose the last hand for 4000 with 300 on the side for the dealer, that hurt, but still that run got me back to 18000), and I then paid back the ten. Then, not so long afterwards, I was down 8K again! I pulled a ten again. I then put 4000 on bank, WON, 4000 on bank again, WON, and repaid the second ten K marker.

    From that point on I played very conservatively. By the end of the fifth shoe, things weren't really going anywhere, I was ahead $1000. just like yesterday, and I quit. Bam! $32,000. to the good for the entire trip. I will cash the 15,000 in chips just before we leave for a check. They will temp close my line for cashing so much, but the way to do that is upon departure, when it no longer matters.

    Pit boss told me he gave me credit for five hours today, at 1500 average.

    We leave tomorrow, and I do not play on checkout days. MDAWG PREVAILS YET AGAIN.

    Wife didn't want to go out so I got some high end restaurant food from the second level, and brought it up to the suite. This morning the host already texted me that she was comp'ing everything except tips and retail, including all spa services that my wife got. Nice. Can you see why when I get to Vegas I never want to leave?

    Over two weeks in Vegas first class in the top suites, fun gambling, and winning. And I am able to handle my business while away as well as attend to the office building we bought here.
    What's not to like?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #224
    Rob, you keep talking shit about Mdawg. Rob, have you not noticed that Mdawg no longer responds to you and hasn't responded to you in days? Has it occured to you that maybe, just maybe Mdawg has you on Ignore? Wise up!

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  5. #225
    What? there's still something coming from the Nosebleed Section?

    Yes I put both Rob and Axel on the Pay No Mind list days ago.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #226
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What? there's still something coming from the Nosebleed Section?

    Yes I put both Rob and Axel on the Pay No Mind list days ago.
    Obviously putting me on your ignore list is the proper thing to do since you know I've been on to you since day one. Come on now, you can count cards, shuffle track, ece sequence, hole card, edge sort, card steer(yeah, yeah, I know you didn't say you could do all of those things, but you would have had you thought of them all). Yet, you choose to play -EV Baccarat.

    So here's what I believe is going on(at least something along these lines) I believe you work for some type of Jeweler or Rolex dealer who gives you cash to come to Las Vegas in order to buy and sell Rolexes. Since it's not a good idea to carry around that much cash you put it up as front money and then you take it in and out as markers. Perhaps somebody even helped you set you up a line of credit so you can have access to funds.

    Hey, I know you made it clear you didn't want to meet up with me. That's a smart move since you know I would quickly figure out it's all bullshit and it be fairly hard to snow me. However, you claim that you wanted to meet with Michael Shackleford and let him witness your play and perhaps some others you don't mind could tag along as well. It's been a long time since that discussion and you've been here to Vegas multiple times sense. You have had plenty of opportunity to do so. Last I recall, he said that he was more than willing to meet up with you. I don't mind facilitating discussions of a Meetup. You can be assured that nobody would tell me the time and place, especially since I wouldn't be asking. It would be so simple for you to prove me and others wrong. I don't mind being wrong and having to eat my words and apologize.

    Here's another idea, they make a Nifty little spy pen that cost about 50 bucks(It will go well with a collared pocket shirt and your Rolexes) you can record an hour's worth of actual play and no one would ever know. I will even donate it to the cause. In all of your pictures you posted I don't ever recall seeing a picture of an actual hand of baccarat being paid out. Of course I wouldn't trust that but you could easily just give up the commission and do some partner bedding to make it look like you're risking that type of money. That's the reason I think I meet up with a few people observing the situation would be a lot better.

  7. #227
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Rob, you keep talking shit about Mdawg. Rob, have you not noticed that Mdawg no longer responds to you and hasn't responded to you in days? Has it occured to you that maybe, just maybe Mdawg has you on Ignore? Wise up!
    You idiot. He's just the same as kew when it comes to me--a weakass loser with no self-control. I'm the FIRST poster they look for....every single time.

    This new flamboyant poster only loses credibility with every post that includes cash and chips. That stuff might impress a dweeb like you, but it's most likely not even his and isn't at all related to any play of his. The clown says he comes to LV a lot, so his ducking meets with people like axel tells the tale.

    Wise up.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 03-04-2020 at 08:35 AM.

  8. #228
    Funny stuff!

    First I have no idea about MDawg. Nor care that much. I find his trip report interesting and entertaining. I assume him to be a guy with disposable funds that comes to Vegas periodically to gamble. Funny that he doesn't like fat guys.

    As for Rob, typical Rob. His jealousy immediately comes through. If Rob says he is not impressed, you can be sure he is impressed and JEALOUS.

    Axelwolf is pretty good at figuring out the trolls. A jeweler or Rolex dealer that comes to Vegas to sell Rolexes. Seriously Axel, that seems kind of out of the blue. You are surmising this because the guy has some Rolexes? You have been in Vegas for decades Axel, you know how Vegas works. If you have forgotten swing by the airport (level 0) almost any time, but especially say Friday afternoon and evening. There are about 15-20 limos from every strip casino waiting to pick up these type of guys that MDawg appears to be to me. Whales is the term. And if MDawg doesn't qualify as "whale", the fat guys that he is talking about surely do. Maybe MDawg is a Jr whale? But I am sure every one of these guys that the limos are waiting for has a Rolex or several.

    And finally we are back to Mdawg apparently didn't want to meet with Axel, so that means he is not who he says. Know what that means to me? It means he didn't want to meet with Axelwolf. As someone who has dealt with Axelwolf for a few years and reads him on WoV, I am not surprised one bit that someone wouldn't want to meet with him. He is a bit of a jerk and nasty and sneaky at times. So some gambler, whale or Jr whale coming into Vegas to play, why would they want to meet with Axelwolf? What advantage?

    Anyway, I don't really care who MDawg is or what his story turns out to be. I don't believe the "win every trip" crap. That is either a typical gambler exaggeration type thing, selective memory at play (also common with gamblers} or there is something he isn't telling us, something he is doing that he isn't willing to share about his play. I don't play baccarat, don't even know how, so I have no idea. Is there a hole card opportunity with baccarat?

  9. #229
    Really? So this guy I have on ignore thinks I am a Rolex dealer. That almost makes me want to read his post. Almost, not quite.

    As far as not meeting him in Vegas, I never said that I would meet with him, I never even considered the possibility. He does seem like a mean spirited a-hole at times, so, why would I want to meet with him. At WOV I did say something about how I wouldn't mind meeting Soopoo because he is a retired doctor and seemed like a legitimate person, but then Soopoo got offended when I repeated something that someone else had posted about how people who wear fake Rolexes are supporting the black market and are bad people, because apparently his deceased mother used to wear a fake Rolex.

    Then there was another WOV guy Michael99000 that challenged that I could be winning at Baccarat, and I challenged him to show up in Vegas with $50,000. and play side by side with me, or at any game he chose in Vegas, and that I would win more than he would by the end of the trip. Of course, he whiffed at the challenge and slunk away.

    By the way, on the topic of watches, Axel admitted to having a fake Rolex too (besides Soopoo's mother). So who's the phony here? the guy who posts a verifiable video of a dozen genuine Rolexes and other expensive timepieces, or the guy who admits that he has a fake.

    I recall skimming this forum before joining, and Axel had said something about how he could fabricate pictures to make believe that he was a high roller in Vegas. That tells me that he is not any kind of high roller, which I already know anyway and I posted about at GF, but also tells me that he has a devious mind, because he would have to pretend, to appear as a high roller. This also tells me that he is always thinking along the lines of subterfuge, another reason I'd not want to meet him - he is devious. Also, MIGHT AS WELL BE FRANK MONSIEUR, there is no way Axel or anyone else could fabricate the pics and supporting story I am posting here. NO one, INCLUDING Axel, seriously believes that any of my Adventures are other than the trip report of a high roller. The only issue some have is with HOW MDawg could be such a consistent winner.

    Whale or mini (Jr.) whale? I recall one week in Tahoe when my host told me that I was the biggest player in Tahoe that week. Of course, (1) my average back then was around three thousand a hand, and (2) it was during the week, not weekend.

    I'd say that I am a Jr. Whale, as far as my level of play. I am playing with $50K credit lines at each casino. That is not unsubstantial, but it is by no means whale levels.

    However, back then (by back then I mean over a decade ago before I took my decade or so long hiatus from all gaming), I would say that there was pretty much no comp that I couldn't receive - my friends were talking $800. shots of cognac (more expensive than Louis XIII) and drinking up to $5000. bottles of wine on the house, at one point a relative charged a $5000. meal to my suite, and I wasn't happy about that, but the casino comp'ed it off. In Vegas, I wasn't staying in the 5000 square feet suites, but I was staying in the 2000 square feet suites. In Tahoe, I was staying in the largest suites in Harvey's, Harrah's and Caesar's, no questions asked.

    What is interesting though, is that back then most of my lines were "only" $20K (a couple were $25K and one was $50K), and yet I played harder to higher averages than I do today with exclusively $50K lines. Back then if I lost a line at one casino I used to run across the street to a different casino and more often than not, win it right back and pay back the first casino, and keep gambling. So, while I had smaller lines, $20K, I was often playing to $60K levels by blowing the lines out once or even twice and, as far as the casino was concerned, paying them off immediately to play more - paying them back with money I won elsewhere. Over all, back then, this multiple line multiple casino play action worked out for me, and I had more than a few six figure wins that more than covered any losses on some trips.

    These days, richer than before, and with higher credit lines, I actually play smaller. Yes during this trip I did have one $15,000. hand I won, one $8000. hand I won (both were during a sort of catch up period, so I didn't end up $23K ahead due to those wins, more like just came back to even for those particular sessions), and many $2000. - $5000. hands with mixed results, but most of my hands this trip were around $300., mmm, maybe more like around, $500. (Those larger hands brought my averages up though, for the sessions.)

    Anyway, getting back to Whale or Jr. Whale. Has any of you seen the 2000 Discovery documentary on Vegas? "High Roller's Vegas." I haven't been able to find it online lately. If it is online, please post the link. I recall that in that documentary one of the casino hosts was saying that a "premium" player is one who may gamble and blow $20,000. in one trip, and come back again for this same action. I was surprised to hear that she mentioned that there are only a couple thousand such players in the world. I was definitely of that caliber at that time already, in 2000, and am well beyond that caliber today. Now, in 2000, our economy wasn't the greatest. Dot com bust, and so on. Maybe today, there are far more than two thousand such players today. But in any case, I am definitely then and now a premium player by that definition.

    One thing I will say - anyone who was high rolling a while back and is still high rolling today must either have a ton of money, or be very good at gambling. Both are true in my case. I'd say that the average life of most high rollers is just a couple years - most get blown out in that time.

    I haven't run across even one of the high rollers I used to play with over a decade ago, again.
    Last edited by MDawg; 03-04-2020 at 11:11 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #230
    I spent two weeks at the Bellagio with my wife and tried to hook up with Axelwolf. He said he didn’t trust meeting me because I always called him out on his alleged claims. Maybe he feared my wife and I were going to mug him.

    He’s just another LV hustler friendly with all the fucking idiots from WOV. He always plays the role of a special advantage player, and gets away with it on these stupid forums because most members are all broken down shoe wanna-bes.

    Trust me, if anyone is posting on these forums about AP’ing you know their low-end. You never read about a big-time well-known AP ever posting on these type garbage forums. It’s like people who claim to be in the mob or how connected they are with the mob. As soon as that type of talk comes about, you know they are full of shit and are the furthest anyone could be from it.

  11. #231
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Funny stuff!

    First I have no idea about MDawg. Nor care that much. I find his trip report interesting and entertaining. I assume him to be a guy with disposable funds that comes to Vegas periodically to gamble. Funny that he doesn't like fat guys.

    As for Rob, typical Rob. His jealousy immediately comes through. If Rob says he is not impressed, you can be sure he is impressed and JEALOUS.

    Axelwolf is pretty good at figuring out the trolls. A jeweler or Rolex dealer that comes to Vegas to sell Rolexes. Seriously Axel, that seems kind of out of the blue. You are surmising this because the guy has some Rolexes? You have been in Vegas for decades Axel, you know how Vegas works. If you have forgotten swing by the airport (level 0) almost any time, but especially say Friday afternoon and evening. There are about 15-20 limos from every strip casino waiting to pick up these type of guys that MDawg appears to be to me. Whales is the term. And if MDawg doesn't qualify as "whale", the fat guys that he is talking about surely do. Maybe MDawg is a Jr whale? But I am sure every one of these guys that the limos are waiting for has a Rolex or several.

    And finally we are back to Mdawg apparently didn't want to meet with Axel, so that means he is not who he says. Know what that means to me? It means he didn't want to meet with Axelwolf. As someone who has dealt with Axelwolf for a few years and reads him on WoV, I am not surprised one bit that someone wouldn't want to meet with him. He is a bit of a jerk and nasty and sneaky at times. So some gambler, whale or Jr whale coming into Vegas to play, why would they want to meet with Axelwolf? What advantage?

    Anyway, I don't really care who MDawg is or what his story turns out to be. I don't believe the "win every trip" crap. That is either a typical gambler exaggeration type thing, selective memory at play (also common with gamblers} or there is something he isn't telling us, something he is doing that he isn't willing to share about his play. I don't play baccarat, don't even know how, so I have no idea. Is there a hole card opportunity with baccarat?
    As soon as an internet concoction like you comes on and posts a long-winded rap about how you "don't care much about what mdawg says or claims" it's a sure thing that it keeps you up at night.

    Your other nightmare is axel. If you didn't have so many crossed wires in that thing you call a head, rather than wasting your time on myself etc., you'd be dreaming about girls.

  12. #232
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Really? So this guy I have on ignore thinks I am a Rolex dealer. That almost makes me want to read his post. Almost, not quite.

    As far as not meeting him in Vegas, I never said that I would meet with him, I never even considered the possibility. He does seem like a mean spirited a-hole at times, so, why would I want to meet with him. At WOV I did say something about how I wouldn't mind meeting Soopoo because he is a retired doctor and seemed like a legitimate person, but then Soopoo got offended when I repeated something that someone else had posted about how people who wear fake Rolexes are supporting the black market and are bad people, because apparently his deceased mother used to wear a fake Rolex.

    Then there was another WOV guy Michael99000 that challenged that I could be winning at Baccarat, and I challenged him to show up in Vegas with $50,000. and play side by side with me, or at any game he chose in Vegas, and that I would win more than he would by the end of the trip. Of course, he whiffed at the challenge and slunk away.

    By the way, on the topic of watches, Axel admitted to having a fake Rolex too (besides Soopoo's mother). So who's the phony here? the guy who posts a verifiable video of a dozen genuine Rolexes and other expensive timepieces, or the guy who admits that he has a fake.

    I recall skimming this forum before joining, and Axel had said something about how he could fabricate pictures to make believe that he was a high roller in Vegas. That tells me that he is not any kind of high roller, which I already know anyway and I posted about at GF, but also tells me that he has a devious mind, because he would have to pretend, to appear as a high roller. This also tells me that he is always thinking along the lines of subterfuge, another reason I'd not want to meet him - he is devious. Also, MIGHT AS WELL BE FRANK MONSIEUR, there is no way Axel or anyone else could fabricate the pics and supporting story I am posting here. NO one, INCLUDING Axel, seriously believes that any of my Adventures are other than the trip report of a high roller. The only issue some have is with HOW MDawg could be such a consistent winner.

    Whale or mini (Jr.) whale? I recall one week in Tahoe when my host told me that I was the biggest player in Tahoe that week. Of course, (1) my average back then was around three thousand a hand, and (2) it was during the week, not weekend.

    I'd say that I am a Jr. Whale, as far as my level of play. I am playing with $50K credit lines at each casino. That is not unsubstantial, but it is by no means whale levels.

    However, back then (by back then I mean over a decade ago before I took my decade or so long hiatus from all gaming), I would say that there was pretty much no comp that I couldn't receive - my friends were talking $800. shots of cognac (more expensive than Louis XIII) and drinking up to $5000. bottles of wine on the house, at one point a relative charged a $5000. meal to my suite, and I wasn't happy about that, but the casino comp'ed it off. In Vegas, I wasn't staying in the 5000 square feet suites, but I was staying in the 2000 square feet suites. In Tahoe, I was staying in the largest suites in Harvey's, Harrah's and Caesar's, no questions asked.

    What is interesting though, is that back then most of my lines were "only" $20K (a couple were $25K and one was $50K), and yet I played harder to higher averages than I do today with exclusively $50K lines. Back then if I lost a line at one casino I used to run across the street to a different casino and more often than not, win it right back and pay back the first casino, and keep gambling. So, while I had smaller lines, $20K, I was often playing to $60K levels by blowing the lines out once or even twice and, as far as the casino was concerned, paying them off immediately to play more - paying them back with money I won elsewhere. Over all, back then, this multiple line multiple casino play action worked out for me, and I had more than a few six figure wins that more than covered any losses on some trips.

    These days, richer than before, and with higher credit lines, I actually play smaller. Yes during this trip I did have one $15,000. hand I won, one $8000. hand I won (both were during a sort of catch up period, so I didn't end up $23K ahead due to those wins, more like just came back to even for those particular sessions), and many $2000. - $5000. hands with mixed results, but most of my hands this trip were around $300., mmm, maybe more like around, $500. (Those larger hands brought my averages up though, for the sessions.)

    Anyway, getting back to Whale or Jr. Whale. Has any of you seen the 2000 Discovery documentary on Vegas? "High Roller's Vegas." I haven't been able to find it online lately. If it is online, please post the link. I recall that in that documentary one of the casino hosts was saying that a "premium" player is one who may gamble and blow $20,000. in one trip, and come back again for this same action. I was surprised to hear that she mentioned that there are only a couple thousand such players in the world. I was definitely of that caliber at that time already, in 2000, and am well beyond that caliber today. Now, in 2000, our economy wasn't the greatest. Dot com bust, and so on. Maybe today, there are far more than two thousand such players today. But in any case, I am definitely then and now a premium player by that definition.

    One thing I will say - anyone who was high rolling a while back and is still high rolling today must either have a ton of money, or be very good at gambling. Both are true in my case. I'd say that the average life of most high rollers is just a couple years - most get blown out in that time.

    I haven't run across even one of the high rollers I used to play with over a decade ago, again.
    All that rambling....truth is, if this guy were truly a "premium player" he would never EVER be posting about any of it here or on any forum.

    Think about it: he not only tries to impress with cash, chips, markers comps and jewelry--and because he isn't satisfied with that level of deception, he expands it into his personal life being that of a multi-millionaire. And if THAT doesn't get the rise he's looking for from forum degenerates, he throws in talk of being a successful yuppie businessman who buys buildings in Vegas.

    I believe him when he says he put me and axel on ignore. He just can't handle immediate reading when people give negative reviews. But he ALWAYS goes back and reads sure as kew rubs his balls when he gets home after failing to hook up with the smelly loser sitting next to him at the table.

    You people are being punked.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 03-04-2020 at 12:47 PM.

  13. #233
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Trust me, if anyone is posting on these forums about AP’ing you know their low-end. You never read about a big-time well-known AP ever posting on these type garbage forums. It’s like people who claim to be in the mob or how connected they are with the mob. As soon as that type of talk comes about, you know they are full of shit and are the furthest anyone could be from it.
    Let's see. From the blackjack community.

    Tommy Hyland. Don Schlesinger, James Grosjean, Don Johnson, Richard Munchkin, Stanford Wong. Among MANY others. All known professional players, most for many decades and all members of the Blackjack Hall of Fame. And all participate regularly on various forums for decades even still today.

  14. #234
    I think you will find all kinds on the internet these days. I mean, nowadays people don't even talk - they text - and most youngsters meet their mates online. To say that only "..." post online is an anachronistic attitude, HOWEVER, I do know for a fact that Axel is low end and Rob is a bankrupt. Details have been posted by many both here and at GF.

    Converted the three flags to a check, and with the cash, equals a $32K take-home win. I spent some and tipped a lot along the way, so the total win was actually a fair amount higher.

    Pretty much the entire hotel bill at this hotel too was comp'ed, including spa. All that was left were tips (some of which I tipped in cash along the way) and a tiny bit of retail. BEAUTS! I mean my total bill charged to credit card is coming in under a couple hunny! for six nights in a 1200 square foot suite all food and bev included. DOUBLE BEAUTS!

    And that concludes MDawg's Feb. 2020 two week plus Vegas adventure.

    We'll be traveling in non-casino destinations in April, so the next trip report will be in May.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  15. #235
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I recall that in that documentary one of the casino hosts was saying that a "premium" player is one who may gamble and blow $20,000. in one trip, and come back again for this same action. I was surprised to hear that she mentioned that there are only a couple thousand such players in the world.
    That $20K figure seems too low.

    There's gotta be way more than a couple thousand players worldwide that regularly drop $20K per trip...unless I'm not understanding what defines a "trip".

  16. #236
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Let's see. From the blackjack community.

    Tommy Hyland. Don Schlesinger, James Grosjean, Don Johnson, Richard Munchkin, Stanford Wong. Among MANY others. All known professional players, most for many decades and all members of the Blackjack Hall of Fame. And all participate regularly on various forums for decades even still today.
    Their all has-beens from the good old past. They never were posting while they were actually gambling. Only when they decided to sell books or whatever to idiots like you. Why do you think BJ is pretty much a dead deal today? You have to realize casino people were able to read also.

  17. #237
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I think you will find all kinds on the internet these days. I mean, nowadays people don't even talk - they text - and most youngsters meet their mates online. To say that only "..." post online is an anachronistic attitude, HOWEVER, I do know for a fact that Axel is low end and Rob is a bankrupt. Details have been posted by many both here and at GF.

    Converted the three flags to a check, and with the cash, equals a $32K take-home win. I spent some and tipped a lot along the way, so the total win was actually a fair amount higher.

    Pretty much the entire hotel bill at this hotel too was comp'ed, including spa. All that was left were tips (some of which I tipped in cash along the way) and a tiny bit of retail. BEAUTS! I mean my total bill charged to credit card is coming in under a couple hunny! for six nights in a 1200 square foot suite all food and bev included. DOUBLE BEAUTS!

    And that concludes MDawg's Feb. 2020 two week plus Vegas adventure.

    We'll be traveling in non-casino destinations in April, so the next trip report will be in May.

    Congrats, MDawg. If you're traveling by car for your next destinations, great. If not, beware of the virus. They're talking possible March Madness with limited attendance. Personal vehicle will be safest way to travel.

  18. #238
    Probably the best thing MDawg could do to prove the doubters wrong would be to post Win/Loss statements from 2019 from Vegas casinos. We all understand these reports on table games are never exact,but it would show he isn’t lying about his trips and they would certainly show winnings before tips. While he could explain any losses from ratholing, it would still show he is smart at hiding winnings.

    All of the casinos he lists as playing at offer these statements. Like his markers, it’s easy to cover any personal information.

    Or he can continue to expect us to believe he wins every trip against all odds.

    Still a believer he plays like he says, just don’t believe he wins like he says.

  19. #239
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Let's see. From the blackjack community.

    Tommy Hyland. Don Schlesinger, James Grosjean, Don Johnson, Richard Munchkin, Stanford Wong. Among MANY others. All known professional players, most for many decades and all members of the Blackjack Hall of Fame. And all participate regularly on various forums for decades even still today.
    Their all has-beens from the good old past. They never were posting while they were actually gambling. Only when they decided to sell books or whatever to idiots like you. Why do you think BJ is pretty much a dead deal today? You have to realize casino people were able to read also.
    4 of the 6 are still active players! Well let's make that 3. Although Tommy claims to still be active, I think that is in regards to running his team. I don't know how much actually "playing" he does.

    You people just seem to make up shit to suit yourself. I guess THAT is the world we live in.

  20. #240
    Mdawg es muerte en wizard of Vegas. Chinga!

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