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Thread: The Coronavirus Scam

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post

    A barcode on my ass...I could never decide what kind of tattoo to get. Takes a lot of pressure off...
    This could happen...
    Actually some of it is happening.
    NY just put up a 1 mile quarantine zone.
    Travel Restrictions have been implemented and I would expect more of them.

    If they want Martial Law they will probably just call it a State of Emergency and you might see things like this...

    The suspension of the Constitution, probably starting with the first and second amendment.
    Confiscation of firearms; it has happened and it will happen again.
    Suspension of Habeas corpus: Imprisonment without due process and without a trial.
    Travel Restrictions, including road closures and possibly, even quarantine zones.
    Mandatory Curfews and Mandatory Identification.
    Automatic search and seizures without a warrant.

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post

    A barcode on my ass...I could never decide what kind of tattoo to get. Takes a lot of pressure off...
    This could happen...
    Actually some of it is happening.
    NY just put up a 1 mile quarantine zone.
    Travel Restrictions have been implemented and I would expect more of them.

    If they want Martial Law they will probably just call it a State of Emergency and you might see things like this...

    The suspension of the Constitution, probably starting with the first and second amendment.
    Confiscation of firearms; it has happened and it will happen again.
    Suspension of Habeas corpus: Imprisonment without due process and without a trial.
    Travel Restrictions, including road closures and possibly, even quarantine zones.
    Mandatory Curfews and Mandatory Identification.
    Automatic search and seizures without a warrant.

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    In a few months it will be a footnote in history and the media will be looking for the next story to overhype.
    When you refer to "the media" do you mean media world-wide? Are they the reason Italy has shutdown cities and such? Is it the Illuminati? Curious what you think....

    China literally controls their media and their populations access to all external media. Why did they overhype CV so much they shutdown large cities?

    Explain to me, wise man.

    Thank you.
    Yes Italy overreacted and their economy will pay for it for years. The world goes on and all they did was hurt hard working citizens.

    And our media is overhyping it for multiple reasons, all to their benefit. And plays into fear mongers like it appears you are. Amazing that people who understand odds are losing sleep over this.

    Only upside if you are right and end up happy is funeral homes are going to make serious cash. Always winners and losers in life, and in your case, “victims”.

    As I’ve said before, wake me up when the first person comes back alive as a zombie.

    Meanwhile I’m sitting in an airport right now and it’s business as usual other than a few fools wearing masks. And I say fools because odds are they have no clue why they are wearing them. Same people who buy extended warranties and wonder why they are broke in life. And thought Bernie would fix all their poor life choices.
    In an ABC news interview, the head of infectious diseases at Milan's Sacco Hospital said that they are admitting a new patient every 5 minutes, virus free patients are discharged every 2 to 3 hours.

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post

    A barcode on my ass...I could never decide what kind of tattoo to get. Takes a lot of pressure off...
    This could happen...
    Actually some of it is happening.
    NY just put up a 1 mile quarantine zone.
    Travel Restrictions have been implemented and I would expect more of them.

    If they want Martial Law they will probably just call it a State of Emergency and you might see things like this...

    The suspension of the Constitution, probably starting with the first and second amendment.
    Confiscation of firearms; it has happened and it will happen again.
    Suspension of Habeas corpus: Imprisonment without due process and without a trial.
    Travel Restrictions, including road closures and possibly, even quarantine zones.
    Mandatory Curfews and Mandatory Identification.
    Automatic search and seizures without a warrant.
    Mehhhh...... it's to usher in NESARA

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post

    A barcode on my ass...I could never decide what kind of tattoo to get. Takes a lot of pressure off...
    This could happen...
    Actually some of it is happening.
    NY just put up a 1 mile quarantine zone.
    Travel Restrictions have been implemented and I would expect more of them.

    If they want Martial Law they will probably just call it a State of Emergency and you might see things like this...

    The suspension of the Constitution, probably starting with the first and second amendment.
    Confiscation of firearms; it has happened and it will happen again.
    Suspension of Habeas corpus: Imprisonment without due process and without a trial.
    Travel Restrictions, including road closures and possibly, even quarantine zones.
    Mandatory Curfews and Mandatory Identification.
    Automatic search and seizures without a warrant.
    Mehhhh...... it's to usher in NESARA
    NESARA....Strange read
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  6. #86
    This Coronavirus thing is getting really scary. Trump is declaring a State Of Emergency right now. Wow. Just about a month ago this seemed so far away and no big deal at least for the U.S. Now it's a really really horrifying and scary HUGE deal.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  7. #87
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    This Coronavirus thing is getting really scary. Trump is declaring a State Of Emergency right now. Wow. Just about a month ago this seemed so far away and no big deal at least for the U.S. Now it's a really really horrifying and scary HUGE deal.

    Can you believe just three days ago some poster on some gambling forum said something like "It's just a media event meant to scare the hell out of people and tank the economy."?

  8. #88

    it wasn't liberals who took the country into a recession, almost a depression, in 2008

    it was conservatives who believed in lax regulation of the financial industry

    then the bankers and mortgage brokers really effed up - offering up all these subprime loans to some people who couldn't even make the first mortgage payment

    nobody watching - regulators marginalized - then the scammers wearing suits started to rock and roll - big sales - big commissions

    and the bankers, brokers, etc. showed it on their books as a big positive - a sale - a gigantic scam
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post

    it wasn't liberals who took the country into a recession, almost a depression, in 2008

    it was conservatives who believed in lax regulation of the financial industry

    then the bankers and mortgage brokers really effed up - offering up all these subprime loans to some people who couldn't even make the first mortgage payment

    nobody watching - regulators marginalized - then the scammers wearing suits started to rock and roll - big sales - big commissions

    and the bankers, brokers, etc. showed it on their books as a big positive - a sale - a gigantic scam

    Bullshit! Remember who ran the Federal Banking Committee idiots Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. They demanded almost everyone qualify for Fanny Mae, and Freddy Mac loans. Please don't put all those problems on conseratives.

  10. #90
    CNN pissed cause no one in the airports to prop their ratings up. Their ratings have fallen to nothing. Hahaha!!!!
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post

    it wasn't liberals who took the country into a recession, almost a depression, in 2008

    it was conservatives who believed in lax regulation of the financial industry

    then the bankers and mortgage brokers really effed up - offering up all these subprime loans to some people who couldn't even make the first mortgage payment

    nobody watching - regulators marginalized - then the scammers wearing suits started to rock and roll - big sales - big commissions

    and the bankers, brokers, etc. showed it on their books as a big positive - a sale - a gigantic scam

    Bullshit! Remember who ran the Federal Banking Committee idiots Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. They demanded almost everyone qualify for Fanny Mae, and Freddy Mac loans. Please don't put all those problems on conseratives.

    maybe so - I haven't researched it - but it's really irrelevant anyway

    lax or little regulation of the financial industry, (and other industries), is a conservative philosophy - not a liberal one

    there are exceptions, of course, but liberals generally favor strong regulation of corporate entities and conservatives generally favor weak regulation

    this philosophy was also responsible for the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 80s and 90s

    I have a link here, in case you're young, and don't remember this

    "Deregulation of the S&L industry, combined with regulatory forbearance, and fraud worsened the crisis."
    Last edited by Half Smoke; 03-13-2020 at 03:45 PM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  12. #92
    If I recall I’m pretty sure it was Clinton era when they went a little overboard on deregulation, spiraled out of control under Bush obviously then Obama had a rather easy job in improving the economy somewhat in his first 4 years because it’s the only direction it could go really. Clinton was alright for a dem overall though.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    CNN pissed cause no one in the airports to prop their ratings up. Their ratings have fallen to nothing. Hahaha!!!!
    Pretty sad this is one of the only sort of positives you can try to cling to right now. You do realize by fudging up the testing availability with no legitimate excuse and then lying to us almost daily for about two weeks now Trump likely handed the election to Biden, D’s will overreact and over-reach and it’ll take us years longer to pull back out of this than it should since the D’s will turn back most positives Trump had done in three years. Dude appears to have massively mishandled the reaction to a pretty obviously developing situation over the last month. Most other countries have too though I guess if you can defend it, pretty much only South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan don’t look like incompetent morons now.

    Shit is depressing, we’re going to end up with a president recognizably starting on the senility slope. Hope he dies and picked a decent VP I guess.
    Last edited by mcap; 03-13-2020 at 04:01 PM.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    If I recall I’m pretty sure it was Clinton era when they went a little overboard on deregulation, spiraled out of control under Bush obviously then Obama had a rather easy job in improving the economy somewhat in his first 4 years because it’s the only direction it could go really. Clinton was alright for a dem overall though.
    mcap, how is it that you can have the political savvy to correctly remember that Bill Clinton did indeed participate in the deregulation that eventually culminated in the 2008/2009 crash, but don't actually remember what happened during that crash. There was not only one way for that economy to go and it was sinking fast. A depression was debated as whether it was probable or merely possible. The turnaround certainly was not easy. Today a stimulus package is widely recognized as necessary to help the economy. Then, both Bush and Obama had to fight for it. Fortunately a compromise was made and enough money got funneled in to fund a slow recovery, which was still better than what most of the rest of the world was experiencing.

    I appreciate your take on the lack of testing. It seems that a lot of people spend there energy refusing to engage facts and finding someone convenient to blame when they finally do. I wish we acted like South Korea. Test, recognize the extent of the problem, and introduce rational and effective interventions. We are one of the worst at testing and are still largely flying blind. Even though it isn't convenient for you, you're willing to testify to what you see.

    I think that this does hurt Trump's reelection chances. To be fair, though, even if Trump or any other sitting President had enacted a South Korea type response, the things out of his control would still hurt the economy and hence his reelection chances. Americans give Presidents too much credit and blame.

    I realize that your angry about these events. Rest assured that I am not happy about them either. I only have a small pension and my 401K is in mostly in the market. I would have lost money under any administration, but every misstep cost me more. I also love to travel. We're actually all harmed by this and I don't know anyone who is celebrating.
    Anyway... just wanted to give you some due credit, while reminding you of what the start of that recession was really like.

  15. #95
    Thanks for the compliment Wasila. I wasn’t old enough to vote during Clinton years or Bush’s first term, just what I remember reading/recalling at the time, and my interpretation of it. My interpretation of most of the first Obama term was that it felt like artificial gains to me, I didn’t have an education or much job skills and the type of entry level low pay factory jobs I was able to get were horrible. It didn’t feel like things were actually better to me, felt like they bailed out the people responsible for it and the rest were left to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. That’s what it felt like from my perspective. Last half of his first term I was doing real estate foreclosure valuations for a foreclosure broker representing banks. It appeared from my perspective that both the banks and consumers shared responsibility for the real estate fall. Those loans and assumptions appeared irresponsible on both ends. In my youth it felt like I was being punished for both consumers and businesses recklessness. The biggest learning experience trying to find my way in it instilled in me the obvious need to build sufficient emergency funds and not voluntarily live month to month with finances.

    It seemed obvious to me when the recovery appeared real, late 2011 into 2012 i went from routinely turning away some lower paid secondary valuations of properties held by other brokers I simply couldn’t complete in 40 hours to having maybe 20-25 hours a week of work to do. Was obvious it was time to find a new field or move into different area of real estate.

    That’s just how I recall that whole period through the lens of my experiences. I’m not a republican I just generally consider them lesser evil than democrats at least as far as being able to have the option to hold onto what I’ve earned. I would consider myself libertarian. There’s some things I liked about a couple of the D candidates that fell out of the race relatively early, hate all of the remaining Biden/Lizzie/Bernie/Pete/Klobuchar crew.

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    CNN pissed cause no one in the airports to prop their ratings up. Their ratings have fallen to nothing. Hahaha!!!!
    Pretty sad this is one of the only sort of positives you can try to cling to right now. You do realize by fudging up the testing availability with no legitimate excuse and then lying to us almost daily for about two weeks now Trump likely handed the election to Biden, D’s will overreact and over-reach and it’ll take us years longer to pull back out of this than it should since the D’s will turn back most positives Trump had done in three years. Dude appears to have massively mishandled the reaction to a pretty obviously developing situation over the last month. Most other countries have too though I guess if you can defend it, pretty much only South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan don’t look like incompetent morons now.

    Shit is depressing, we’re going to end up with a president recognizably starting on the senility slope. Hope he dies and picked a decent VP I guess.
    Yes, I’m a real clinger. Not. I watched the press conference today. Very impressive. Big list of companies coming together to fight CV. I think the President has done an outstanding job. And I’m in the high risk group. I’m not sniveling like the snot nosed twenty somethings that don’t have a damn thing to fear from CV
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    CNN pissed cause no one in the airports to prop their ratings up. Their ratings have fallen to nothing. Hahaha!!!!
    Pretty sad this is one of the only sort of positives you can try to cling to right now. You do realize by fudging up the testing availability with no legitimate excuse and then lying to us almost daily for about two weeks now Trump likely handed the election to Biden, D’s will overreact and over-reach and it’ll take us years longer to pull back out of this than it should since the D’s will turn back most positives Trump had done in three years. Dude appears to have massively mishandled the reaction to a pretty obviously developing situation over the last month. Most other countries have too though I guess if you can defend it, pretty much only South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan don’t look like incompetent morons now.

    Shit is depressing, we’re going to end up with a president recognizably starting on the senility slope. Hope he dies and picked a decent VP I guess.
    Yes, I’m a real clinger. Not. I watched the press conference today. Very impressive. Big list of companies coming together to fight CV. I think the President has done an outstanding job. And I’m in the high risk group. I’m not sniveling like the snot nosed twenty somethings that don’t have a damn thing to fear from CV

    But it's still a scam right?

  18. #98
    Kudos to Nancy Pelosi who used CV scare to try and and get abortion funding. That’s some real representation there. Thank you, Nancy. That abortion funding might come in handy for me against carona virus.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post

    Pretty sad this is one of the only sort of positives you can try to cling to right now. You do realize by fudging up the testing availability with no legitimate excuse and then lying to us almost daily for about two weeks now Trump likely handed the election to Biden, D’s will overreact and over-reach and it’ll take us years longer to pull back out of this than it should since the D’s will turn back most positives Trump had done in three years. Dude appears to have massively mishandled the reaction to a pretty obviously developing situation over the last month. Most other countries have too though I guess if you can defend it, pretty much only South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan don’t look like incompetent morons now.

    Shit is depressing, we’re going to end up with a president recognizably starting on the senility slope. Hope he dies and picked a decent VP I guess.
    Yes, I’m a real clinger. Not. I watched the press conference today. Very impressive. Big list of companies coming together to fight CV. I think the President has done an outstanding job. And I’m in the high risk group. I’m not sniveling like the snot nosed twenty somethings that don’t have a damn thing to fear from CV

    But it's still a scam right?
    You don’t get it. I was getting bored sitting around the hospital room so decided to start some shit on VCT. You guys responded. Thanks for all the entertainment since none of the nurses will give me a feel.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  20. #100

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