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Thread: Solicitation Evidence -- Free Money

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Yes. My guess is Keystone is a guy owned by rightwing propaganda. Thats a standard thing they all do. IIRC Rush Limbaugh does something similar. Democrats are dimocrats, lberals are libtards, and Accountinquestin is acuntinquesiton. Endless cleverness from the brains of brainiacs.

    Funny thing is, I even put in a disclaimer in hopes no one would bother with the obvious comment. It is true though, I have too much going on in life to care much about KewlJ or Redietz or whomever else.
    Great analysis �� a dick you idiot
    Yah I should not bring up politics even indirectly. Regardless, I'd still put up $1000 to your $100 that you *are* the guy I mentioned. You've probably done this misspelled name gimmick many times elsewhere. Of course this bet can never be settled so it is moot, but thats about how I feel about my accuracy above.
    Correct, I have done it numerous’re amazing, pay yourself $1000

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    "Rob Singer" has repeatedly stated that I solicit clients via text or PM or email. In fact, he claims I texted HIM, but he of course lost the text.

    So here's the deal. If anyone on this forum, past or present, has evidence of me texting them, PMing them, or emailing them, trying to solicit them as clients, please send it along to Dan Druff ASAP. I will give 5K to the person providing the evidence.

    Free money to someone if "Rob Singer" is telling the truth.

    If he's lying, well, I don't even get a cup of coffee. Such is life.

    Coming up on two months. It's a shame, really.

  3. #23
    There are well known brands that do not advertise. Their claim to fame is that they don't advertise. These brands run the gamut from the restaurant The Forge in Miami Beach which doesn't even have a sign, to the auto maker Lamborghini.

    Here are five top brands that pride themselves for not having to advertise:

    1. Rolls-Royce
    2. Zara
    3. Costco
    4. Krispy Kreme
    5. Robert Dietz

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    There are well known brands that do not advertise. Their claim to fame is that they don't advertise. These brands run the gamut from the restaurant The Forge in Miami Beach which doesn't even have a sign, to the auto maker Lamborghini.

    Here are five top brands that pride themselves for not having to advertise:

    1. Rolls-Royce
    2. Zara
    3. Costco
    4. Krispy Kreme
    5. Robert Dietz
    Good Morning Mr Alan.

    I was wondering if you are going to tape a special of your show with only Coronavirus prevention products? Seems to be the type show your “Advertisers” would do for a buck.

    And it would be a good use for all that Toilet Paper out here since like your regular show, it would be full of shit.

  5. #25
    Robert Dietz is brilliant. He advertises by saying he doesn't advertise.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Robert Dietz is brilliant. He advertises by saying he doesn't advertise.
    Brilliant. Something no one ever said about Alan Mendelson.

    Deadbeat Dad, Bad Husband, Degenerate Gambler. Business Failure. Lying Reporter. The Founder of Fake News. And many more, but never Brilliant.

  7. #27
    Actually, the only reason I mention this is because Rob "Singer" lied. Flat-out lied. Then came up with some lame, " I lost the text" excuse. Lame even for the glitch master.

    So through all of the forums, over all of the years, I never advertised. I appreciate a fine, upstanding citizen like Alan, oops, AndrewG, verifying that Rob "Singer" is a liar. Thanks, Andrew!

    Much appreciated. Finally, some of that journalistic instinct shining through!

  8. #28
    Mr Dietz you are a really smart man. You saw an opportunity to exploit and you exploited it well. Anyone who does a Google search on you can see you don't advertise. And pointing out that you don't advertise only increases the interest in the results of various contests that you do mention.

    Yes, in many ways you are like Rolls-Royce. By not advertising but by mentioning your contest succeses, and then by saying you don't solicit customers only raises interest and your "stock price" so to speak.

    It's really brilliant. You're saying "I'm so good at what I do only a select group gets my advice, and you can't buy it." What sports bettor wouldn't want to be part of your "in crowd." Well done.

  9. #29
    What was that joke you all used to talk about Hitler and his bread recipe??

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Mr Dietz you are a really smart man. You saw an opportunity to exploit and you exploited it well. Anyone who does a Google search on you can see you don't advertise. And pointing out that you don't advertise only increases the interest in the results of various contests that you do mention.

    Yes, in many ways you are like Rolls-Royce. By not advertising but by mentioning your contest succeses, and then by saying you don't solicit customers only raises interest and your "stock price" so to speak.

    It's really brilliant. You're saying "I'm so good at what I do only a select group gets my advice, and you can't buy it." What sports bettor wouldn't want to be part of your "in crowd." Well done.

    Well, I'd like to take credit for "not advertising," but the fact is that I simply have never PM'ed anybody, texted anybody, cold-called anybody, or emailed anybody without them emailing me first. And I have never recruited anyone via forums. That isn't "not advertising." It's "not PM'ing, texting, using emails as solicitation, or cold-calling anyone."

    Forum recruitment, by the way, would be silly. Very few people wager large sums on sports.

    Back in my youth, I had an ad in GamePlan's annual magazine, I used direct mail, I wrote and designed brochures. I was in a contest on satellite television out of New York, which I still have a beta tape of...somewhere. I just never advertised the way Rob "Singer" said I did -- recruiting forum members or sending bulk emails or any of that. And for the last decade or so, the only "outreach" I've done is including my email or phone number when required for public contest results. Those public contests are technically considered a form of advertising, as any costs for entering them can be deducted as business expenses if there are contact numbers or email addresses or website addresses included.

    If you'll notice, I have been, as always, 100% open and honest in my response regarding how I do or do not advertise. I simply have not done what Rob "Singer" claims I have done.

  11. #31
    Mr Dietz I stand corrected. But why don't you show up in Google?

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Mr Dietz you are a really smart man. You saw an opportunity to exploit and you exploited it well. Anyone who does a Google search on you can see you don't advertise. And pointing out that you don't advertise only increases the interest in the results of various contests that you do mention.

    Yes, in many ways you are like Rolls-Royce. By not advertising but by mentioning your contest succeses, and then by saying you don't solicit customers only raises interest and your "stock price" so to speak.

    It's really brilliant. You're saying "I'm so good at what I do only a select group gets my advice, and you can't buy it." What sports bettor wouldn't want to be part of your "in crowd." Well done.
    Think about it, Alan. He's been asked multiple times to put up his picks to prove he's good. But he has some inside group that gets those picks and his income from them is based on his results. What would that inside group think if they got wind that Redietz was giving away free picks? Think they might get pissed? Maybe quit doing business?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #33
    Mr Mickeycrimm this has nothing to do with Mr Dietz posting picks in advance on public forums. I just asked why he doesn't show up in a Google search?

    My name is Andrew.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Mr Mickeycrimm this has nothing to do with Mr Dietz posting picks in advance on public forums. I just asked why he doesn't show up in a Google search?

    My name is Andrew.
    At least you are admitting you are a liar from the start. The rest we already know.

    And since you are saying you are not Alan, I can clearly state I would never wish the Coronavirus on any member here.

    However if the weak immune system Alan gets it, it would be poetic justice after all the people he fucked over the years with his shilling for criminals. Criminals who prey upon minorities with poor credit and a lack of other options.

    Business owners so desperate for cash they will rip off those who can least afford it. 29.9% interest rates on cars that they get all the money they have in them down and still charge the customers thousands more in sale price, plus interest.

    Scam home improvement businesses with as low a rating as you can find. All these find a home on Alan’s Best Buy’s.

    So I’m glad you are not Alan, he is truly one of a kind.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I simply have never PM'ed anybody, texted anybody, cold-called anybody, or emailed anybody without them emailing me first.
    You sent me some unsolicited PMs in the past.

    Reading back through them, your intentions could have been to recruit me as a client.

    Shall I post them here, and have the other members try to figure out what you were up to?

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I simply have never PM'ed anybody, texted anybody, cold-called anybody, or emailed anybody without them emailing me first.
    You sent me some unsolicited PMs in the past.

    Reading back through them, your intentions could have been to recruit me as a client.

    Shall I post them here, and have the other members try to figure out what you were up to?

    RE does have an offer out there if you really think he was soliciting you. Maybe you can get some money and buy that musical buddy of yours Shorty a new guitar.
    Last edited by The Boz; 03-15-2020 at 03:23 PM.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I simply have never PM'ed anybody, texted anybody, cold-called anybody, or emailed anybody without them emailing me first.
    You sent me some unsolicited PMs in the past.

    Reading back through them, your intentions could have been to recruit me as a client.

    Shall I post them here, and have the other members try to figure out what you were up to?

    I assume you're talking about when you thought I was scared to meet you in person. Be my guest posting them, but be good enough to post all of them including your side of the conversation. Those PMs were the result of your saying in posts that people who insulted you were too frightened to meet you.

    I'm not frightened of much of anything, so I PMed you. As I say in one of the responses, nothing to be scared of, everybody dies.
    Last edited by redietz; 03-15-2020 at 04:14 PM.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I PMed you. As I say in one of the PMs, nothing to be scared of, everybody dies.
    You sent me unsolicited PMs on at least 3 occasions...correct?

    I can't find any where you wrote "nothing to be scared of, everybody dies."

    So go right ahead and post that PM, and off we go.

  19. #39
    Coach is always looking to argue with someone. So come on little man from Jersey, pull that little dick out and show where RE solicited you for his picks.

    We know you can’t. Take Red’s cash if you can.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I PMed you. As I say in one of the PMs, nothing to be scared of, everybody dies.
    You sent me unsolicited PMs on at least 3 occasions...correct?

    I can't find any where you wrote "nothing to be scared of, everybody dies."

    So go right ahead and post that PM, and off we go.
    I immediately corrected that to "responses" in the post above, as you see. I posted that in the forum; didn't PM it. Sorry, my memory wasn't perfect.

    Go ahead and post the PMs with your side of the conversation. If you have the time, track down the posts where you say people are scared to meet you in person, which resulted in my PMing you.

    Yeah, I was soliciting you, all right. LOL.

    For the peanut gallery, coach has challenged me on various occasions to engage in some athletic tests of ability. So I know he's a younger guy. He's also said, on occasion, that the people on this forum who insult him are scared to meet him. Now if I recall the particular exchange correctly, he remembered me as having said something that someone else had said about him. And he said if the people insulting him actually met him, they'd be scared to death and would keep their mouths shut.

    Well, frankly, I've been around some people in my life who are genuinely bad men, so I took it upon myself to PM coach to explain to him that I, for one, was not scared to meet him. I know, I've watched too many Clint Eastwood movies.

    That was the setting for the PMs. Not a percentage move on my part -- I'm old, using my real name, not able to carry because any meet would be interstate, on other, anonymous person's turf and all that. But I felt obligated to at least explore the idea because coach evidently feels that he looks like a real bad man.
    Last edited by redietz; 03-15-2020 at 04:15 PM.

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