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Thread: The Coronavirus Scam

  1. #161
    CDC recommending no gatherings of 50 or more for next eight weeks. Looks like a brutal stretch ahead for many small business owners and those with too much debt.

  2. #162
    Is this the right thread for this?

  3. #163
    This thread is already in the wrong subsection boz.

  4. #164
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Just the fact that you think capitalism is going to fix the shortage of ventilators shows how out of touch you are with how things really work. Previously, there will not have been a need for the level of ventilators we'll see in the coming weeks. Explain the business case for all these extra ventilators just waiting in the closet for decades...
    This is the type of phony shit by you that I'm talking about. I challenge you to show us all just once sentence on this forum where I used the word ventilator. Here you are, you phony bastard attributing me saying I think capitalism is going to fix a shortage of ventilators. This is what you are good at, putting words in people's mouths, making the shit up as you go.

    Was there a shortage of ventilators during the H1N1 pandemic? I don't recall hearing about it. As a matter of fact, the lame stream media covered for Obama and he let 1100 Americans die before declaring an emergency. That's your fucking science guy right there. Totally fucking incompetent. Now, as for all those other Dems you think believe in science. Fuck off. They believe in impeachment. Because that's all they've done in 3 years.
    You posted a link about Italy where they are having to make calls on who to treat because their hospitals are at full capacity. What do you think hospitals do for people when they need them and have Corona? Fluids and ventilators. When they are out of ventilators they can give them Oxygen. Perhaps if you got your news from a variety of sources and not from whatever fake news source, you would have come across these accounts and not started threads calling the Coronavirus a scam. So given my understanding and reading your article, I knew that is what is going on. They're not turning people away because they are evil socialists.

    So no, I was not trying to put words into your mouth. Yes I put the word ventilator into your mouth, but I don't feel like I was being misleading in the slightest.

    Hobokken was like first place to use a curfew to shut down bars. They referenced the fact that ambulances couldn't get to the bar within 30 minutes because of all the calls elsewhere. This shit is going to happen. It has to be paid for one way or another. Capitalism doesn't just make things teleport into existence when the load is too high and capacity isn't there. Capacity costs $$$ and given how happy people are to pass off debts to future genertions, I don't really think there is the will for people to work hard and pay for it. Although perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps you did work hard and paid all your taxes, Mickey.

    You said these viruses come around every 10 years. You're about to learn how wrong you are yet again. (No, it was in another post.)

    H1N1 was a virus but it isn't comparable. Virus A is not equivalent o Virus B because they are both viruses. Not sure about Obama, but pretty sure his closing of the borders had nothing to do with H1N1 not doing much. We'll see where we are in 6 months and this has run a really deep course through the world. Talk about strawmen. I barely remember h1n1. Geez - I looked it up and it was less lethal than the typical flu. Read it right here. I'll assume you have the ability to read it and aren't just this fucking lazy.

    One thing that pisses me off about Trump fans is they'll defend him to the end and they always use some variation of the argument that is basically "Someone did something somewhere that was vaguely similar, why are you and the media picking on Trump." So played out and a most worthless excuse if you could ever find one. Can and is used to justify anything. Here we see it with the Obama bullshit.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 03-15-2020 at 09:41 PM.

  5. #165
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    This debate is Bernie taking it in the ass from Biden and shoving his cock in every Bernie Bros mouth.

    He never had it and never will. Socialism never wins.
    "he never had it". Whatever that means. He has been a senator for a great many years. What have you accomplished? Hmm? lol. I'm sure something more impressive. Lets not go into how he has made many changes, including help fix the super-delegate bullshit.

    Anyway, first debate I've watched. It is fun to see them head to head and you can see the reaction of one as the other is speaking. haha! Really though, not an impressive display. The fact that Corona virus is totally dominating daily American life and they get it confused with Ebola ! WHAT THE FUCK. Bernie picked it up from Biden. How can we complain about Trump with that shit!?!

  6. #166
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post

    I have a confession to make. From early January until I got home from Vegas, I had been traveling a lot and had only spent a couple weeks at home. I had consumed a lot less news than usual. One of the things that I missed completely was the explanation that Trump was referring to politicizing when he said it was their new hoax. When Mickey claimed that Trump didn't call the Coronavirus a Democratic hoax, I thought he was shamelessly lying about something that was beyond dispute. I looked up the SC rally to be sure. The site I got had to have been spliced together, because it condensed the words into back to back sentences while deleting close to a minute of what was said in between. So when I responded to Mickey, I mischaracterized Trump's statement as a sentence, which it was not. I also characterized it as only interpretable in the way I saw it, and that is not true. When I went back to get a link that Mickey requested, I discovered the fuller version. I still didn't see how that changed anything. Eventually, I got to a fact check site, that explained what I assume is Mickey's position. It made sense. I am puzzled as to why no one on this board, didn't just say that Trump meant the politicizing and you're missing a minute of the rally. What I did was my fault. It just seems that some of you would have enjoyed supplementing the name calling with something more substantial.

    I apologize to any one I mislead. I apologize particularly to you Mickey for inappropriately and rudely dismissing your protests as a lie. You had previously mentioned context as important and I should have looked for the context before I responded to you. I shouldn't have been as rude regardless.
    Let me get this straight. So your belief is that if the virus is called a "Democratic hoax" then it isn't actually being called a hoax? I don't understand at all.

    It is also weird to me that his followers would believe that "Democrats are politicizing it". Yes, they are fighting for those of us who believe in science. Personally, I am thankful for that.
    and that we're discussing this on a thread titled Corona Virus Scam. I hear the virus being called a hoax, so do a lot of other people, some Trump supporters including. I'm conceding that what Trump was referring to is a matter of opinion rather than fact. Others may honestly hear him calling the politicization a hoax. I don't make a habit of rudely calling people liars because they don't share my opinion. I try to reserve that for people who misrepresent the facts. I'm better off not being rude regardless. I'm capable of disagreeing with someone in a much less disagreeable way. I also misrepresented how Trump said what he said. Hence the apology. I suspect that Mickey and I will disagree on most things that don't involve gambling or traveling.
    I am at a loss how it wasn't being called a hoax because it was a Democratic hoax. So the virus wasn't a hoax, just a Democratic hoax? I still don't follow that. I mean, how can that logically be true. I'm still scratching my head there.

    If you want to appease Mickey out of some sense of kindness then feel free.

  7. #167
    accountinquestion, I'm not sure what you're looking for here. I don't think that the virus is a hoax. I do think that many people do. I also think that number is shrinking. I can't explain other people's thoughts and beliefs. I've had some crazy conversations in Wasilla with people I had thought I understood. Thinking that someone is wrong is not the same as calling them a liar. I apologize when it is appropriate. I've got no issue with you calling it appeasement. That's an opinion and I'm not going to call you a liar for expressing it. If I haven't expressed this clearly enough, I'll try to restate. Some people are saying that Trump was referring to the pollicization as the new hoax as opposed to the coronavirus. I'm not arguing it is a logical opinion, I'm arguing that it is an opinion. I don't think that your opinion that I use apologies for appeasement is a logical opinion, but it is still an opinion.

  8. #168
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    accountinquestion, I'm not sure what you're looking for here. I don't think that the virus is a hoax. I do think that many people do. I also think that number is shrinking. I can't explain other people's thoughts and beliefs. I've had some crazy conversations in Wasilla with people I had thought I understood. Thinking that someone is wrong is not the same as calling them a liar. I apologize when it is appropriate. I've got no issue with you calling it appeasement. That's an opinion and I'm not going to call you a liar for expressing it. If I haven't expressed this clearly enough, I'll try to restate. Some people are saying that Trump was referring to the pollicization as the new hoax as opposed to the coronavirus. I'm not arguing it is a logical opinion, I'm arguing that it is an opinion. I don't think that your opinion that I use apologies for appeasement is a logical opinion, but it is still an opinion.
    I'm not sure what you're referring to regarding the liar stuff. I just think Trump needs to finally be held accountable for the mountains of shit he has shoveled out either verbally or via twitter. I liked traditional Republicans far more than this guy.

    Thats what people like Boz and Mickey can't comprehend. People are opposed to Trump because of who he is, what he has said and how he has treated people. His values and lack of expected values. His lack of real leadership. It isn't because everyone is just hyper-liberal. It is a classic case of reflection. All these types of people tend to sit around in echo-chambers all day and are likely more partisan than the rest of us.

    There are plenty of respectable Republicans who have little use for Trump.

    He definitely said the virus was a hoax. A Democratic hoax is still a hoax by any definition or traditional logic.

    My guess is he just had people kicking him in the shins real fast telling him to back that line up as he didn't continue down that path for long.

  9. #169
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    accountinquestion, I'm not sure what you're looking for here. I don't think that the virus is a hoax. I do think that many people do. I also think that number is shrinking. I can't explain other people's thoughts and beliefs. I've had some crazy conversations in Wasilla with people I had thought I understood. Thinking that someone is wrong is not the same as calling them a liar. I apologize when it is appropriate. I've got no issue with you calling it appeasement. That's an opinion and I'm not going to call you a liar for expressing it. If I haven't expressed this clearly enough, I'll try to restate. Some people are saying that Trump was referring to the pollicization as the new hoax as opposed to the coronavirus. I'm not arguing it is a logical opinion, I'm arguing that it is an opinion. I don't think that your opinion that I use apologies for appeasement is a logical opinion, but it is still an opinion.
    I'm not sure what you're referring to regarding the liar stuff. I just think Trump needs to finally be held accountable for the mountains of shit he has shoveled out either verbally or via twitter. I liked traditional Republicans far more than this guy.

    Thats what people like Boz and Mickey can't comprehend. People are opposed to Trump because of who he is, what he has said and how he has treated people. His values and lack of expected values. His lack of real leadership. It isn't because everyone is just hyper-liberal. It is a classic case of reflection. All these types of people tend to sit around in echo-chambers all day and are likely more partisan than the rest of us.

    There are plenty of respectable Republicans who have little use for Trump.

    He definitely said the virus was a hoax. A Democratic hoax is still a hoax by any definition or traditional logic.

    My guess is he just had people kicking him in the shins real fast telling him to back that line up as he didn't continue down that path for long.
    Classic Trump Derangement Syndrome. You need to be held accountable for the lies you spread. You should be horsewhipped. Trump did not say the virus was a hoax. But you've got your head so far up your ass you are going to continue to hold that lying position. Fake, phony, bullshit.

    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #170
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Let me get this straight. So your belief is that if the virus is called a "Democratic hoax" then it isn't actually being called a hoax? I don't understand at all.

    It is also weird to me that his followers would believe that "Democrats are politicizing it". Yes, they are fighting for those of us who believe in science. Personally, I am thankful for that.
    and that we're discussing this on a thread titled Corona Virus Scam. I hear the virus being called a hoax, so do a lot of other people, some Trump supporters including. I'm conceding that what Trump was referring to is a matter of opinion rather than fact. Others may honestly hear him calling the politicization a hoax. I don't make a habit of rudely calling people liars because they don't share my opinion. I try to reserve that for people who misrepresent the facts. I'm better off not being rude regardless. I'm capable of disagreeing with someone in a much less disagreeable way. I also misrepresented how Trump said what he said. Hence the apology. I suspect that Mickey and I will disagree on most things that don't involve gambling or traveling.
    I am at a loss how it wasn't being called a hoax because it was a Democratic hoax. So the virus wasn't a hoax, just a Democratic hoax? I still don't follow that. I mean, how can that logically be true. I'm still scratching my head there.

    If you want to appease Mickey out of some sense of kindness then feel free.
    He's just telling the truth. Something you don't know anything about.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #171
    It didn't take me long to find exactly what Trump said so far as the coronavirus being a hoax. I knew I was right. Its an easy google. One that accountinquestion won't make because it doesn't fit his lying narrative.

    Trump didn't call the coronavirus a hoax. He called the criticism democrats leveled at him over his efforts to combat coronavirus a hoax. He was actually quoting someone else that said it.

    The democrats criticism is typical. It depends on the way Trump goes. If he bans travel to China he's a racist. If he allows the travel to continue he's threatening the lives of the American people. He's going to get criticized by idiots like accountinquestion no matter what he does.

    Can't you hear accountinquestion now: "Wait! Wait! He said it was a hoax!" Whine, snivel, snivel. "He said it was a hoax" Whine, snivel, snivel. "I want my candy" WAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAHHH! Sniff! Sniff!
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-16-2020 at 12:47 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #172
    Listen to this six minute interview of Dr. Drew Penske on the coronavirus panic recorded March 10, 2020:

    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #173
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    accountinquestion, I'm not sure what you're looking for here. I don't think that the virus is a hoax. I do think that many people do. I also think that number is shrinking. I can't explain other people's thoughts and beliefs. I've had some crazy conversations in Wasilla with people I had thought I understood. Thinking that someone is wrong is not the same as calling them a liar. I apologize when it is appropriate. I've got no issue with you calling it appeasement. That's an opinion and I'm not going to call you a liar for expressing it. If I haven't expressed this clearly enough, I'll try to restate. Some people are saying that Trump was referring to the pollicization as the new hoax as opposed to the coronavirus. I'm not arguing it is a logical opinion, I'm arguing that it is an opinion. I don't think that your opinion that I use apologies for appeasement is a logical opinion, but it is still an opinion.
    I'm not sure what you're referring to regarding the liar stuff. I just think Trump needs to finally be held accountable for the mountains of shit he has shoveled out either verbally or via twitter. I liked traditional Republicans far more than this guy.

    Thats what people like Boz and Mickey can't comprehend. People are opposed to Trump because of who he is, what he has said and how he has treated people. His values and lack of expected values. His lack of real leadership. It isn't because everyone is just hyper-liberal. It is a classic case of reflection. All these types of people tend to sit around in echo-chambers all day and are likely more partisan than the rest of us.

    There are plenty of respectable Republicans who have little use for Trump.

    He definitely said the virus was a hoax. A Democratic hoax is still a hoax by any definition or traditional logic.

    My guess is he just had people kicking him in the shins real fast telling him to back that line up as he didn't continue down that path for long.
    Classic Trump Derangement Syndrome. You need to be held accountable for the lies you spread. You should be horsewhipped. Trump did not say the virus was a hoax. But you've got your head so far up your ass you are going to continue to hold that lying position. Fake, phony, bullshit.

    Chillax goofball.

    He did call it a Democratic hoax, but the context of the quote does show that he believes the virus is real. It is another side of the same coin. I was somewhat wrong. Snopes calls it a mixture. Admitting I was half wrong one time puts me miles ahead of you. You're too weak to ever admit you are wrong and you are wrong far far far far far far far more than me.

    I will admit that I was also wrong because I seem to have heard a lot of the "Trump thinks the virus isn't real" - Look at the thread title. It is hard to keep straight all the crap he says and a waste of time. There are clips of there out there time and time again playing the virus down in some fashion (although some are in very subtle ways). Are there equal clips where he plays it up until it has been clear this shit is spread all over? No- because he was interested in the stock market. Thats what people hired him to do.

    The guy has been anti-government leadership since the day he was elected. Public health is one of the few areas you really really need leadership. The fact that his followers actually expect him to do a decent job is another fail in reasoning.

    Find me clips in the early weeks where he was telling people to prepare and take it seriously and I'll take this whole step a bit farther and admit, 'yea, he did a good job'.

    Here's the quote so you can wind yourself down, silly.

    Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

    One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that.

  14. #174
    I'm going to go out on another limb here. The 3,000 count for Americans with the virus is so useless and phony that it shouldn't even be publicized. At minimum, the actual count, once we start testing, is going to be many times that. I'm going to guess that it's at least 20 times that.

    Using that figure serves no useful purpose, so news outlets should simply say "unknown." It's more ominous and, in terms of getting Americans to change their behaviors, may be more useful.

  15. #175
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I'm going to go out on another limb here. The 3,000 count for Americans with the virus is so useless and phony that it shouldn't even be publicized. At minimum, the actual count, once we start testing, is going to be many times that. I'm going to guess that it's at least 20 times that.

    Using that figure serves no useful purpose, so news outlets should simply say "unknown." It's more ominous and, in terms of getting Americans to change their behaviors, may be more useful.
    Yes. The fact that America has so little testing. I read that when it became a national health emergency (probably have some minor detail wrong.) it made it so the feds have to approve every state test. It is the most crazy thing. How did that ever become a CDC rule!?! During emergencies increase red tape. WTF x 20.

    I know one person who has it. Probably in their late 40s maybe early 50s. He told me people could hear him breathing at the poker tables. Given how chips work and how transmissible this is, pretty sure it is all around. The problem is the lack of available testing. So we really have no clue how many people are asymptomatic. So not only are many sick people staying at home uncounted, we don't even begin to have a clue about how many people get this and are asymptomatic and yet still spreading it. This is why it is so offensive to hear we only have 15 cases and so forth. Public health is a matter of life or death. It is just as serious as war. I want real leadership.

  16. #176
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    That goofy guy Tom steyer had one thing right....term limits! We need a whole new crop of politicians on BOTH sides every few years. Don't just leave the same clowns in there for decades enriching themselves at our expense.
    KJ, I have come around to this position on term limits. I didn't use to, out of fear that "my side" would lose some "good ones". And while that is a valid concern, I think the self enrichment and the stagnation that we get as a nation from having decades long career politicians (pick a side) needs to change. I mean some of these people are a complete embarrassment. I guess that is what you get when you have our electorate.

    I could be completely wrong and rue the day that I wished for change like this. For instance, I'm a big 2nd amendment guy and with more frequent political turnover that could be curtailed. I dunno.

    I think it's time though.

  17. #177

  18. #178
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Did Trump Call the Virus a Hoax
    Here is your answer.
    Thanks for the honesty, MWP. One thing snopes missed here is that the quote of Trump saying "this is their new hoax" was actually Trump quoting what someone else had said. I personally consider all unfounded allegations to be hoaxes. When dems said Trump's travel ban on China was "racist" I considered that to be a hoax. The least bit of common sense tells you it's not true.It was a move to protect the American public so therefore a hoax.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #179
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Did Trump Call the Virus a Hoax
    Here is your answer.
    Thanks for the honesty, MWP. One thing snopes missed here is that the quote of Trump saying "this is their new hoax" was actually Trump quoting what someone else had said. I personally consider all unfounded allegations to be hoaxes. When dems said Trump's travel ban on China was "racist" I considered that to be a hoax. The least bit of common sense tells you it's not true.It was a move to protect the American public so therefore a hoax.

    It's not particularly important but I'm curious, what do you think are the odds that Trump was actually paraphrasing someone as opposed to just manufacturing a quote from someone that doesn't exist?

  20. #180
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I'm not sure what you're referring to regarding the liar stuff. I just think Trump needs to finally be held accountable for the mountains of shit he has shoveled out either verbally or via twitter. I liked traditional Republicans far more than this guy.

    Thats what people like Boz and Mickey can't comprehend. People are opposed to Trump because of who he is, what he has said and how he has treated people. His values and lack of expected values. His lack of real leadership. It isn't because everyone is just hyper-liberal. It is a classic case of reflection. All these types of people tend to sit around in echo-chambers all day and are likely more partisan than the rest of us.

    There are plenty of respectable Republicans who have little use for Trump.

    He definitely said the virus was a hoax. A Democratic hoax is still a hoax by any definition or traditional logic.

    My guess is he just had people kicking him in the shins real fast telling him to back that line up as he didn't continue down that path for long.
    Classic Trump Derangement Syndrome. You need to be held accountable for the lies you spread. You should be horsewhipped. Trump did not say the virus was a hoax. But you've got your head so far up your ass you are going to continue to hold that lying position. Fake, phony, bullshit.

    Chillax goofball.

    He did call it a Democratic hoax, but the context of the quote does show that he believes the virus is real. It is another side of the same coin. I was somewhat wrong. Snopes calls it a mixture. Admitting I was half wrong one time puts me miles ahead of you. You're too weak to ever admit you are wrong and you are wrong far far far far far far far more than me.

    I will admit that I was also wrong because I seem to have heard a lot of the "Trump thinks the virus isn't real" - Look at the thread title. It is hard to keep straight all the crap he says and a waste of time. There are clips of there out there time and time again playing the virus down in some fashion (although some are in very subtle ways). Are there equal clips where he plays it up until it has been clear this shit is spread all over? No- because he was interested in the stock market. Thats what people hired him to do.

    The guy has been anti-government leadership since the day he was elected. Public health is one of the few areas you really really need leadership. The fact that his followers actually expect him to do a decent job is another fail in reasoning.

    Find me clips in the early weeks where he was telling people to prepare and take it seriously and I'll take this whole step a bit farther and admit, 'yea, he did a good job'.

    Here's the quote so you can wind yourself down, silly.


    Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

    One of my people came up to me and said, "Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax."

    But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that.

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

    I put the quote marks where they should be. I will ask you again to put up the quote where Trump said the coronavirus was a hoax. He obviously didn't say that here. But this is the quote that Dems used out of context to say he said the virus was a hoax. And it was just another Dem hoax. If you lie to me you are pulling a hoax. You lefties pull this same shit over and over again. Like you won't get caught. You're busted you lying piece of shit.

    Now, another thing, Mr. Vox News. You revealed a little something about yourself when you told Dan he should read Vox News. You pervert Bernie dick sucker. You're a socialist piece of shit, comrade. Hey what did Bernie tell us? "Castro taught literacy to the Cubans." Yeah, sure, he made sure they could read so he could indoctrinate them. You know what the difference is. In America we have some people that are poor. In Cuba everyone is poor, except for the ruling 1%.

    The problem with your socialistic bullshit is it doesnt work. It does not bring the poor up to the level of the middle class. It takes the middle class down to the level of the poor. Hey, everyone is poor but at least we have just one class. Whoopee!!!!

    Despite the coming recession that the mainstream media driven coronavirus panic will bring we will beat your ass in November.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-16-2020 at 01:04 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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