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Thread: Las Vegas casino temporary closures

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Notice how the mainstream media is very careful not to show side by side mortality numbers between influenza and the Coronovirus (Ron, you made a good point about the much larger death numbers of standard influenza) ? Influenza would dwarf the number of Corona deaths.
    It is not about the numbers right now. Hell 100 dead (half in one senior community) is nothing anymore. That is a couple mass shootings. It is about what is projected in the very near future, 30 days from now.

    Look on Friday (March 13) we hit 1000 cases in the US. Today 4 days later we went over 6000 cases. That is a 600% increase! Influenza is never, ever on that kind of trajectory. They use models that tell what is likely to happen, similar to how AP's use simulations. And the models indicate a pretty beak picture. Now maybe something will happen that will change that trajectory. But for now those models are the best predictor of what is coming and not all that far down the road.

    You comparing the current death and infection rate, very early in this pandemic to influenza YEARLY totals is ridiculous. The analogy I used on another forum is it would be like standing on the deck of the Titanic 10 minutes after it had hit the iceberg and saying "I don't see what the big deal is, so far no one has died".

    If you want to compare apples to apples, get back to us at years end and compare Covid-19 to influenza. And if somehow it turns out disaster is averted, or even that the experts were somehow wrong or over reacted.....GREAT. But for now you go with the models and prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
    Everybody knows the number of infected people is far far below what's being reported. Few have been tested, many show zero symptoms, and many more refused to go for the test because if it comes back positive they likely lose their livelihood.

    Either way, I like that the public is finally getting a good JOLT on how best to not transmit or pick up germs, and why it's a great idea to move away from coughers & sneezes and to shame them if they're too stupid to completely cover their faces with their arm or clothes.

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And one more thing for those that want to compare this to the flu. We have a flu vaccine every year and millions of people get a flu shot and still 30,000 people in this country die. Imagine if there was no flu shot vaccine. What would that number be? And that is what we are dealing with....there is no vaccine (yet).
    If there were no flu vaccine deaths would be in the hundreds of thousands. This new virus will eventually be vaccined right out of sight.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    there is no vaccine (yet).

  4. #44
    When they force all Casinos to close down in Vegas and the Casinos comply... you know something is serious.

    What are the odds they are simply lying to the general public about how serious it really is?
    Isn't that what China did in the beginning and now they kicked all US Journalist's out.
    China has also threatened to stop sending the US medicine or pills.

    At the rate they are shutting everything down, it won't be long till the food supply stops.
    Once people can't get food you will start to see all the gun play.
    This is one reason why I wonder if what they are doing is going to cause more deaths than just letting everyone catch it.

    They tell us they will only shut down for 2 weeks or a month but I am pretty sure we are going to be shut down 4 to 6 months at minimum.
    Martial Law is right around the corner as they are starting to deploy the National Guard.
    If they come to your door and demand your guns are you going to comply??

    I was watching 12 monkey's again and I found it funny when they stated everyone just thought it was some weird fever at first.
    Vegas will be in huge trouble because we ship all the food in and at the rate they are going, they are going to shut all transport down.
    If they don't shut it down it won't be long till the transporters get sick and can't work which will slow or halt the food supply.
    I guess all cities are pretty much screwed as most food is shipped in?
    Perhaps all the hype is creating some panic inside of me as well but watching the run on the grocery stores kinda creates that.
    I was laughing about how it was a run on the banks in 1929 and now its a run on the grocery stores as I was stocking up on supplies.
    Nobody wanted Oatmeal but I bought it lol.
    El Super had a huge line waiting as they changed the store hours from 7 to 8am.
    What is upsetting is that I used to go to a 24 hour grocery store at 3am and now they changed their hours to close at night.
    First time I ever seen the parking lot full at 6am lol.
    I miss the 80s.
    Last edited by monet; 03-18-2020 at 05:37 AM.

  5. #45
    Nevada casinos ordered to close for 30 days. That's damn drastic.

    China controls way to much of the American pharmaceutical market. We are dependent on them for way to much medicine. Trump has said he doesn't blame China for this. He blames past American Presidents for allowing it to happen. Hopefully, he's doing something to get production back in the U.S.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  6. #46
    If you study World History this is nothing new.
    It has happened time and time again.
    Hey! We had a good run till they started to let the women and homosexuals take over.
    Allowing 12 year olds to transgender was just too much.
    Notice how after the NHL had an All Woman Broadcast everything got shut down.
    God is not happy.
    Party's Over.

  7. #47
    Right now cash is King. I know manny blackjack players keep big chip inventories(worthless to most people at this time, other than perhaps other advantage players). I wonder if they went out to cash them all in(that might cause some suspicion) or they'll just keep them until afterwards.
    Last edited by AxelWolf; 03-18-2020 at 06:30 AM.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Right now cash is King. I know manny blackjack players keep big chip inventories(worthless to most people at this time, other than perhaps other advantage players). I wonder if they went out to cash them all in(that might cause some suspicion) or they'll just keep them until afterwards.
    Does Vegas gaming force casinos to have cash-like assets to back all their chips? I've heard of casinos being shutdown because they didn't have enough cash on hand for general operations, but not sure about the inevitable large amount of cash chips some vegas places might have. Could a place go bankrupt and just not honor their chips. Or never open back up?

    I don't expect this to happen on the strip, but seems reasonable it could happen somewhere. Gaming is so different across the country.

  9. #49
    Mr AxelWolf asked excellent questions. Yes, for every chip there must be the dollar equivalent on hand at the property. But the casinos are closed so this is a moot point. Casinos are allowed temporary closings but they must follow regulations. In a bankruptcy you would expect chip holders to be paid unless it's found that there isn't enough cash.

    Now a real situation: last night I heard from players who went to cash out comp balances and free play after the Governor's announcement but could not. Accounts were locked immediately and not at midnight which was the closing time.

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Mr AxelWolf asked excellent questions. Yes, for every chip there must be the dollar equivalent on hand at the property. But the casinos are closed so this is a moot point. Casinos are allowed temporary closings but they must follow regulations. In a bankruptcy you would expect chip holders to be paid unless it's found that there isn't enough cash.

    Now a real situation: last night I heard from players who went to cash out comp balances and free play after the Governor's announcement but could not. Accounts were locked immediately and not at midnight which was the closing time.
    But are there laws with bite that prevent casinos from spending that money? Probably not everywhere.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Right now cash is King. I know manny blackjack players keep big chip inventories(worthless to most people at this time, other than perhaps other advantage players). I wonder if they went out to cash them all in(that might cause some suspicion) or they'll just keep them until afterwards.
    I am one of those blackjack AP that keeps and plays with a chip inventory for most of my Las Vegas Rotation, which numbers over 30 casinos. Some of the smaller places that I only play a couple times a months, I don't keep a chip inventory, but for about 2/3 of my rotation I do. When I made the decision to cease playing almost 2 weeks ago, the first thing I did was spend a day and a half cashing in not all but most of my chip inventory. I am still sitting on some chips but not a lot.

    The reason was less about having more cash, but more about a worse case scenario. At that time, I saw a strong possibly that the casinos would be forced to shut down for a period and they may need to replace all chips when they are able to reopen, being that chips are highly contagious. If that were to happen they have to be able to allow players to cash in the old chips, but that is the point I though having thousands and thousands of chips (at numerous casinos) might raise suspicion. I mean regular players aren't sitting on thousands of dollars in casino chips. That is kind of an AP thing, because the benefit is great for AP as far as entering and exiting games quickly and avoiding the cage cash out.

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