Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
Got a call from my host and she said you do get the $500 "folio" credit (ie: bill-to-room credit) plus $1200 in RC's, redeemable at 125 RC's = $1 FP. She also said it has to be booked before Dec. 31'st but used before Jan. 31'st. But then again, I don't trust that sneaky bitch, so I'll probably just do it some random time in December.

BTW, either I'm retarded or they just changed this or I've been left in the dark -- but apparently you can bill stuff to your room from a different property. So if you're staying at Caesar's Palace, you can go eat at the Paris Buffet or some other place, and bill it to your room at CP. I never knew this. I haven't done this (yet?), but a person at the TR desk told me, and I was flabbergasted....didn't think that was possible. Can anyone confirm or deny?
I can confirm that you can do this. I've done it many times at restaurants. I've just used the list of where you can use your Diamond/Seven Stars dining credit coupons at as a guide.
I've also done gift shop purchases as room charges if they can do it. It's all been at those little hotel shops that are like Emperors Essentials for purchases I'd be making anyway. If you're buying something specifically to use up a credit that you wouldn't necessarily buy otherwise ask first, because not all can.
It works the same as when you do it at CP - they just need your hotel, room number and ID. Then it all shows up on your hotel folio - or goes against your folio credit if you have one.