Originally Posted by jdog View Post
I agree with what you guys are saying about machines in general. Why illegally modify a machine to lower RTP? But a VP machine is not a slot in critical ways. The main difference is RTP is advertised, and it attracts a different type of player. We already know casinos dislike VP because of it's high RTP and low volatility variants. But most operators understand they must have some around to keep certain players. Since they can't lower the advertised RTP too much or risk losing VP enthusiasts, and they're stuck with keeping some of these games, I think it would be attractive for them to gaff the payback.

Definitely riskier in a state like Nevada but AFAIK Indian casinos essentially regulate themselves. So what would be the downside for them? Of course it would be bad press if something got out, but who's actually going to investigate and report it? I would think an Indian gaming regulator would just be more interested in their cut.
And the idea it would be harder to do in modern times may be naive. It might be even easier to hide something like this considering games run on exponentially more lines of code than they used to.
I'm not against the idea, I was just responding to someone throwing around insinuations without having thought through the topic sufficiently.