Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by redietz View Post
And here comes the ominous, on cue:


Lambda and other variants are undoubtedly in the US but haven't yet reached significant numbers. Anything short of shutting down will spread these variants. The unvaccinated will spread them. The vaccinated will spread them. If the vaccinated loosen their behaviors and engage in riskier "normal" behaviors, the debate becomes which population, the vaccinated or unvaccinated, is spreading the variants to what degree.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
This was mickey's refrain during the original wave. Good to know that 600,000 American dead wasn't the sky falling. Some people are optimists, I guess.

Anyway, the latest out of Israel is that Pfizer two-doses provide about 35% efficacy against getting the Delta variant. So that's not very good. Israel was ahead of the curve getting everyone vaccinated, so they'll be first in line when efficacy wanes. The good news is that the Pfizer provides about 90% efficacy against very severe forms of the illness. So you get sick, you transmit the virus, you can get long Covid, but you're much less likely to die if vaccinated versus the Delta variant.

Next up is the Lambda variant, which showed up in Houston last week. Lamda is allegedly more vaccine resistant than previous varieties.