Rob, this is big time projection on your part saying that I'm broke. Everyone who knows me in poker and gambling will assure you that's not anywhere near the case.

Anyway, if the driver's license thing wasn't your idea, why didn't you simply meet Max at a public place of your choosing, and show him the Newell? Why all the other nonsense terms and conditions?

I drive a certain type of luxury car. Axel has ridden in it. If anyone were to offer me $3k to meet them with it and proof of ownership, I would snap agree to it. I would not put forth restrictive terms or rigid instructions. My question would be, "Where and when?", and I'd be there. Maybe I'd have the money escrowed first so they don't cheat me, but aside from that, I'd go out of my way to make it easy for them to meet me.

Why didn't you do the same?

We all know the truth.

I will admit that I enjoy the comedy of all this, though. You do bring a lot of entertainment value to the forum. I have gotten so many messages over time demanding that I ban you, and I just can't bring myself to do it. Lots of unintentional laughs.