Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
Rob is right though about this new crop of ultra-liberal commercials being a sop; never saw this amount of blacks, or multi-racial couples in commercials til the BLM nonsense started.
What you are seeing is the disappearance of woke white male actors, writers and producers from the film industry. The woke white male idiots were extremely vocal in their support of BLM/Antifa and other left wing causes to the point of screaming about it. One of the fruits of their movement was industry leaders put a premium on women and minority actors, writers, and producers, eliminating white males as much as possible.

But guess what. The woke white male idiots talked themselves out of their own jobs and now they are complaining about it. There are articles about it online.


It's funny as shit to me. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of idiots.
This is like"The Onion"?

Lol, you righties aren't taking this shit seriously are you?
BLM is not about everyone rising up to a higher level. They are about carving up the wealth of the middle class and distributing it to the lower class. They got no shot at the oligarch money, like Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the rest so they have to go after the middle class. White males are the last minority in this country that it is politically correct to discriminate against. What has happened to white males in Hollywood is what is going to happen to white males everywhere in this country if BLM has its way.

They intend to take your wealth, darkoz. They consider you to be no more than a useful idiot in supporting them. They hold you in contempt. At some point you will become expendable. At that point they will quickly lop your head off. That is, after they've taken from you everything they could steal.