You've written quite a lot omg
You've written quite a lot omg
They all decided they wanted to go have some fun and wanted to go to a bar. Axl bought 6 hard plated bulletproof vests and made them all put them on along with motorcycle helmets. At the bar, there was early Karaoke.
Axl wanted to drop a hint to Billy that he loved him, so he sang,"Sweet Child Of Mine," and just changed the "She's," and the "her," to ,"You/you've" and "Your," Billy had blue eyes so he kept the lyric about blue eyes. He was extremely emotional at the "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Part, knowing Billy loved that part. He briefly looked at Billy and Billy was enjoying the song. Billy was smiling happily..The crowd and Cake Cream loved it too. Axl smiled. He really was enjoying himself and enjoying the fact he was able to give Billy a hint that he loved him using Sweet Child. Of Mine.
After Sweet Child Of Mine, Cake Cream and Axl drank some Coke and Rum. They laid back and relaxed and Billy and Axl were sitting next to each other. Billy was actually having a good time. This was definitely the fun outing Billy needed to get his mind off of the traumatizing fact that John had tried to murder him. Axl smiled at Billy, seeing how happy Billy was. Billy smiled back at Axl. Jimmy, Andy, Mike, and James looked deeply at Axl and Billy. Was there something going on between Axl and Billy? They all decided not to ask Billy or Axl about what they were wondering. After the bar, they went back home.
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
At home, Jimmy spoke to Axl in private. That was an interesting twist on the Sweet Child Of Mine song you sang at karaoke today. Axl blushed.
"Who did you have in mind when you sang that altered version today?"
"No one in particular," Axl said, blushing and looking at the ground shyly.
"Sure you weren't thinking about someone special to you?" Jimmy questioned.
"I wasn't thinking about anyone special when I sang that altered version today," Axl lied, still looking at the ground shyly.
Jimmy then said,"Billy has blue eyes. Just like the "Sweet Child," in your song.
Axl had a caught look in his body language and face, but chose to lie. He responded,"I thought Billy's eyes were gray."
"No, Billy's eyes are blue. Just like the sky," Jimmy said pointedly.
Axl said,"The alternate version of Sweet Child Of Mine I sang today wasn't about Billy. It was just a silly little thing I did for fun."
"And your name is really Michael Randall Johnson," Jimmy said wryly.
Axl blushed.
"Whatever you want to confess to me, I'll keep it a secret," Jimmy promised.
Axl took a deep breath and said,"All right. I love Billy. The alternate Sweet Child Of Mine song I sang today is about Billy. Please don't tell anyone else," Axl pleaded.
Jimmy promised to keep it a secret. Axl thanked him and was welcomed.
Jimmy asked, "Does Billy know you love him?"
Axl replied,"I haven't told him."
Jimmy responded, "The way you guys were smiling at each other at the bar today looked like two guys in love."
Axl blushed. "Do you think I should tell him how I feel?"
"Let's just say, Billy might be receptive to you loving him."
Axl looked at Jimmy in surprise. "Is Billy Gay?" Axl asked.
"Let's just say that Billy has dated at least one guy before."
Axl smiled. Jimmy said,"You didn't hear that from me." He winked at Axl.
Axl thanked him and was welcomed.
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Jimmy went to his room. Soon, Billy came into the kitchen and saw Axl. Axl looked intently at Billy.
Axl said, "Can we talk, just us two?"
Billy said,"Sure." Axl and Billy sat at the table and Axl said,"I have a confession to make."
Billy prompted him to make the confession.
Axl took a deep breath and said,"I love this guy, I'll call him Kenny. I always thought I was Straight until I realized I love Kenny. Kenny's really sweet, kind, warm, smart, friendly, and he's cute. I want him to be boyfriend but I don't know how to tell him how I feel about him. I've never wanted a Man before meeting Kenny, so this is new to me."
Billy asked," Maybe Kenny loves you too. Maybe Kenny thinks you're also really sweet, kind, warm, smart, friendly, and cute. All you have to do is tell him. You won't know unless you tell Kenny how you feel."
What does Kenny look like? Billy asked him.
Axl replied,"Kenny has beautiful blue eyes, like the sky or a beautiful blue ocean. He has beautiful blond hair like the sun." Billy replied,""Hey, me and Kenny have the same features," " Billy said, wryly.
Axl smiled at him. "Yep, you and he have the same gorgeous features." Billy sat really close to him and said,"So ready to tell,"Kenny," how you really feel? "Billy gave him a knowing smirk. Billy hugged Axl. Axl hugged him back. "I know who "Kenny," is, Billy said smiling. "I'm sure,"Kenny," loves you too. "All you have to do is tell "Kenny," how you feel about him. Axl said, "I love you, "Kenny," to Billy. Billy replied happily, "I know. I love you too, Axl." Billy kissed Axl right on the mouth. Axl kissed him back.
Axl couldn't believe he'd just kissed a guy on the mouth but it felt right. "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?" Axl asked,"Kenny," Billy laughed.
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
They ate dinner, just the two of them, really enjoying each other's company. Was this technically a date? It was. After the dinner date, they showered and got ready for bed. Axl asked Billy if he wanted to sleepover in Axl's bed again. Billy said,"Yes, I want to sleepover in your bed again." Axl smiled and they both climbed into Axl's bed. Billy put his head on Axl's chest and Axl caressed Billy's hair again. "I love you, Billy. Axl told him softly. "I love you too," Axl, Billy repeated softly. They both drifted off to sleep in that position.
Jimmy once again went to check on Billy and Billy wasn't in his room. He then went to Axl's room to check on Billy and Billy had his head on Axl's chest and Axl had his arm around him. They were both asleep and smiling peacefully and serenely. Jimmy smiled, surmising that Axl told Billy how he felt about him and Billy was receptive and loved him too.
Jimmy shut the door and went back to his room.
The next day, they all woke up and ate breakfast and showered and got ready for the day. On Social Media, Fans were getting anxious that Cake Cream hadn't performed in a couple of days. Axl asked Cake Cream if they wanted to do an impromptu performance at the local Marriott Hotel. He especially looked at Billy who looked shy. Billy, if you're not ready to perform yet, that's okay. You had a very traumatic experience. Billy said,"I love performing. I don't like disappointing our Fans. Axl said," "So, are you up for an impromptu performance at the Marriott Hotel?" Billy shyly said,"Yes. But can we put better protection for the stage?" Axl agreed. Cake Cream also agreed. They all decided to do the impromptu performance at the local Marriott Hotel. Tickets were $25 again. For the same day.
Axl made everyone wear the hard plated bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and they went to the local Marriott Hotel. Axl had the Marriott Hotel Staff put bulletproof plexiglass barriers on the stage to separate Axl and Cake Cream from the Audience. They also asked Marriott Hotel Staff to make Fans do Fans pass gun checks before being allowed in and the Marriott Hotel Staff did. Cake Cream and Axl thanked the Marriott Hotel Staff for doing that and they were welcomed. They all felt better protected. They practiced for the show, and soon it was time for the Show.
30,000 Fans showed up to see Cake Cream and Axl and Cake Cream were happy at the support of their Fans and happy they were protected. They performed their set behind the bulletproof plexiglass barrier and they were really good. Fans loved the performance. After the Show, they did the final send off to thunderous applause. Billy and Axl were standing really close to each other, but the rest of Cake Cream had some distance between each other. Soon, the show was over and they left. They went home and ate and showered and got ready for bed.
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Axl took another swig of his trusty Mad Dog, dropped trou, and shit in the toilet.
Then much to his shock a woman emerged from his shower with a large spoon in her hand.
"OOOOh, Axl..." she moaned as he stood by only to watch her scoop his shit out of the toilet and put it in her handbag.
"Thanks for this...I'll eat well tonight" she said as she climbed out the bathroom window and departed into the night.
What, Me Worry?
A foghorn sounded in the foggy distance as the thief hunched down and began to eat her ill-gotten gain.
"Mmmm...tastes like chicken" she thought, but then realized her meth-infused mind had long ago forgotten what a chicken was, let alone what it tasted like.
"What's this, corn? Yay, a bonus" she said out loud.
"Today Axl, tomorrow The World!"
What, Me Worry?
Mr. V, please stop hijacking my thread. :/ I am asking you politely. :/
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
How are you "flattering me?" You are Trolling and antagonizing me with your ridiculous hijacking of my Thread. And about imitation, I have NEVER hijacked anyone's thread in the ridiculous and deliberate way like like you are hijacking my thread. I accidentally hijacked someone's homeless thread by going on a ridiculous long tangent about the Mama's Family Homeless episode and the OP told me to stop hijacking and I realized I hijacked his thread and stopped. That's the closest I have ever come to hijacking a thread.
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Tasha, just because you start a thread does not mean you own it.
VCT is not the best venue for budding creative writers to practice on, a fact you are well aware of.
Perhaps if your story had Axl in a Las Vegas casino (this IS a Vegas-related board) I might show you some mercy, but otherwise buckle up for heavy weather.
What, Me Worry?
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
I'm not sure I cotton to her vision of a gay Axl, but if she wants to run with it how about having him come to sin city to play blackjack, and he meets KJ who takes him under his wing and teaches him the ropes.
Nothing sexual, mind you, but when he's up to speed Axl is unleashed and soon eclipses Archie Karas' record for winnings in Vegas casinos.
What, Me Worry?
Axl does gamble if you read my first Fictional Axl Rose story. He placed a $3 bet and won $5,000, and walked away with $4,000 in take home winnings!He did a shady deal under the table.
"Axl's money was running low. Axl wondered how he could make some more money quick. He passed by a Convenience store that said it does Lottery. Axl decided to play 1987, the year he was from, 1962, his birthyear, 1997, his fake birthyear, and 2022, the current year. All straight. He went to a movie theater to go see a movie and have some popcorn and a Coke. After the movie, Axl went to a nearby Convenience Store and checked his Lottery tickets. 2022 came up, and it was a $5,000 winner! He was excited! He went to the Lottery Clerk who congratulated him on his big win. Axl thanked him and asked him for the $5,000. The Lottery Clerk pointed out that Lottery wins over $599 were paid at a Lottery Office or mailed in. He would have to mail it to a Lottery office or go to Lottery Office to claim it and wait 30 days to get his money and would most likely pay about $1,600 in taxes. And his identity would need to be verified by The Lottery Officials before he could get any money.
Axl didn't want to wait 30 days for his money. Not did he want to pay about $1600 in taxes. Nor did he want his identity to be verified. He was pretty sure he could land in jail in 2022 if he gave the Lottery Officials a copy of his fake ID. He asked if there was a way he could just sell the ticket itself under the table. The Lottery Clerk told him,"I'll help you out if you promise not to tell anyone what I'm thinking of doing for you." Axl was interested and asked what it was. The Lottery Clerk says,"I'll pay you $4,000 cash for that ticket right now. Please promise to not tell anyone.
Axl was desperate for money, so he promised not to tell anyone. So desperate he was willing to take a $1,000 cut from the $5,000! Still better than paying about $1650 in taxes, he reasoned. He agreed, and he handed the Lottery Clerk the $5,000 ticket and received $4,000. He thanked the Lottery Clerk and was welcomed."
Last edited by Tasha; 12-04-2022 at 10:17 AM.
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Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Axl immediately ubered to the airport and caught the first flight to Las Vegas.
Walking through the airport the slots caught his eye: "Why not?" he muttered.
Six hours later his winnings were gone, poof...into the maws of the machines.
"Gee, that sucks" mused poor Axl.
Broke as a joke he wrote "will sing for food" on a scrap of cardboard and took up a spot in from of PH: nobody cared, they didn't recognize him after his sex-reassignment surgery.
What, Me Worry?
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Mellow on weed and lugging suitcases filled with cash, Axl asked a fellow gambler at MGM about the best game to play.
"Why, that would be the stock market."
Eureka, an epiphany.
"WTF? Why am I wasting my time in a casino, basically mentally jerking off, when I can bet big in the real world?"
Axl took his money, left, and now runs a hedge fund.
What, Me Worry?
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