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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #1181
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    yeah, then have Cake Cream hire ten year old Jake.

    He needs to experience the delights of life in America, since he's from England: he'll especially relish DQ strawberry blizzards, as do we all.

    Maybe have Jake, old Axl and new Axl on stage at the same time: they'd be beside themselves.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #1182
    Originally Posted by pinchingyourballs View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    The next day, Billy, Axl, Jimmy, and James got up. They ate pancakes and eggs and drank orange juice and water. They all chatted about Andy and Mike moving out together. They wanted to go visit them today.

    Meanwhile, Andy and Mike got up and ate waffles and eggs. They drank apple juice and water. They chatted about Andy's crush on Axl.
    Nice details Tasha. I'm really curious about how Andy is going to turn Mike gay. Is Mike secretly bisexual or something? I just don't see how Andy is going to avoid getting his heart broken again since Mike is straight. Maybe Andy needs to branch out both musically and personally, meet new people and get a fresh start somewhere where there isn't all this bad blood. Maybe it is time to inject some new blood into Cake Cream with Andy's replacement.
    Mike is Straight. He just decided to take care of Andy because he knew Andy needed his help. Andy did get temporarily fired from Cake Cream when he stole 1.4 Billion from Cake Cream and Axl gave him a scathing email and fired him. Axl asked Cake Cream if Andy should be voted out of Cake Cream for stealing 1.6 Billion from them and Cake Cream said yes. As Cake Cream's Manager, Axl didn't HAVE to ask them if Andy should be voted out of Cake Cream, he could have just fired him on his own with no input from Cake Cream, but he wanted this to be a group decision.

    Axl let Andy back to Cake Cream after Andy gave Cake Cream their money back plus interest and showed regret and remorse over stealing from them.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #1183
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by pinchingyourballs View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    The next day, Billy, Axl, Jimmy, and James got up. They ate pancakes and eggs and drank orange juice and water. They all chatted about Andy and Mike moving out together. They wanted to go visit them today.

    Meanwhile, Andy and Mike got up and ate waffles and eggs. They drank apple juice and water. They chatted about Andy's crush on Axl.
    Nice details Tasha. I'm really curious about how Andy is going to turn Mike gay. Is Mike secretly bisexual or something? I just don't see how Andy is going to avoid getting his heart broken again since Mike is straight. Maybe Andy needs to branch out both musically and personally, meet new people and get a fresh start somewhere where there isn't all this bad blood. Maybe it is time to inject some new blood into Cake Cream with Andy's replacement.
    Mike is Straight. He just decided to take care of Andy because he knew Andy needed his help. Andy did get temporarily fired from Cake Cream when he stole 1.4 Billion from Cake Cream and Axl gave him a scathing email and fired him. Axl asked Cake Cream if Andy should be voted out of Cake Cream for stealing 1.6 Billion from them and Cake Cream said yes. As Cake Cream's Manager, Axl didn't HAVE to ask them if Andy should be voted out of Cake Cream, he could have just fired him on his own with no input from Cake Cream, but he wanted this to be a group decision.

    Axl let Andy back to Cake Cream after Andy gave Cake Cream their money back plus interest and showed regret and remorse over stealing from them.
    Axl should not have let Andy back in. That shows a lack of resolve, poor judgment and puts Andy at odds with the rest of the band because they secretly want him out (and voted so) but now have to act like they are cool with Andy because Axl was weak.

  4. #1184
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Axl farted in Billie's mouth as his concubine was rimming him: "Oops...'scuse me."

    Billie came up for air, smiled, and taking a deep breath he dove back in.

    While Billie was "tickling his fancy" and working on a Dirty Sanchez Axl decided that the time had come to cast off Andy and get a new band member for Cake Cream.

    Axl called Andy and told him he was out of Cake Cream: Andy cried tears of woe while Axl howled in quasi-orgasmic glee: "Thanks Billie, I needed that."

    The boys took all of Andy's things and put them outside their luxurious penthous suite; all pumped up they brayed, mooed and farted languidly.

    Axl decided to add some young blood to the band, to capture the hearts and wallets of the upcoming generation: he called Jake in England and soon worked out a deal where Axl would home school 10 year old Jake while Jake became one of the Band of Brothers.

    Soon Jake arrived and it was obvious that he would be a perfect fit; they all feasted on DQ strawberry blizzards to celebrate.

    Axl posted this video to familiarize the fans with the latest and arguably greatest edition to Cake Cream.

    Last edited by MisterV; 07-10-2024 at 03:00 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #1185
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    Jake quickly mastered all of the Cake Cream repertoire; "it's easy...even a nine year old could do it" he smirked between gulps of his DQ strawberry blizzard.

    Axl was stunned with Jake's prowess: "Holy shit Billie, this kid's got chops!"

    They played a gig at the James L. Knight center and as expected a horde of seven to twelve year old pre-pubescent fans showed up, screaming "Jake...Jake" ala Beatlemania.

    The band toured Europe and the throng grew exponentially, crushing mobs of kids shouting "Jake...Jake."

    While Axl welcomed the money the fans paid he bristled at the fawning over Jake; he privately mused "I'm the star, not this kid."

    Things came to a head when Time magazine named Jake "Kid of the Year:" Axl fired the youngster and rehired a grateful Andy.

    "There can be only one." said Axl, "and I am that one. Hell, I didn't travel through time just to be upstaged by a ten year old."

    Cake Cream all tooted stinkeroos as a sign of support, then played a rousing game of Candy Land,fluffed their pillows and fell into la la land.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #1186
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    Jake didn't take his sudden dismissal from Cake Cream lightly.

    Ensconced in his bedroom in Jolly Old England the phenom worked his phone til he put together a Super Group to rival Cake Cream.

    They stopped to play a gig in Miami, the same night Cake Cream was playing at the James L. Knight center and only three fans showed up to watch Axl and his merry men: everyone else drooled over 'Everything's Jake."

    Axl was so depressed he wanted to time travel back to where he started, and after he took a good, long stinky shit he realized that it was in fact finally over.

    He called a meeting with Cake Cream and announced he was disbanding the band.

    The lads farted farts of remorse but blithely accepted their fate; their last act as a group was to wolf down a copious amount of DQ strawberry blizzards.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #1187
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    Ah, but there's zero "future" in playing the tunes of others.

    ---> Esther Before Ahasuerus (Tintoretto).,%20but....?partial=true

    Ahasuerus is described as ‘clothed in the full array of his majesty, all covered with gold and precious stones’; in the painting his golden robe originally had more orpiment - a bright yellow pigment. Esther enters with two maids, ‘leaning daintily on one, while the other followed carrying her train’; she is ‘radiant with perfect beauty, but her heart was frozen in fear’. Tintoretto was one of the first artists to show her fainting, a motif that linked her to that of the Virgin collapsing at the foot of the Cross.
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    Garnabby is offline
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    1,178 goes to 1178 = 19*62, to form 1961, by adding the 1, to the 1, 9 and 6, and, goes to 1602 ---> 2061, by adding the 0, to the 1, 6 and 2.

    As well, 1,100 ---> the 1's overlapped, or, to the 1's added = (1 + 1) = 2, after the 78-part, for 781, or 782, respectively, about the number of posts where old, old Garnabby stopped posting, temporarily, before. Moreover, this post is in spot #1187, as 11 ---> 1, or (1 + 1) = 2, for 187, or 287, respectively. I liked the numeral, #781, for some unknown reason, but felt compelled, a bit later on, to add the bonus post of #782, and, hence, reworked the 1's, from 1100 above, to allow for both numerals. (Post #781) (Post #782)

    Looking at the last paragraph of the latter post above, there's a reference to "the eggy man", which is sort of like "chicken man", to describe MrV, in my immediately previous post, at , except that eggy means lightly annoyed, I guess, at MrV. Notice, in that post, how the "So I aMchickenAN" may be read. Ha. Interestingly, the word manly to follow, which I didn't have to rely on.

    Now put a 6 for the g, and a backwards one for the one, d, which is in the middle, and, lastly, one for a p on the end, sort of in symmetrical fashion, in the very last line of that post #782.

    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    6otta love the three triple syllables in these names at the ens of the hrases.
    ---> Theatre of the Relatively Talentless (T.O.R.T.)

    Perhaps that woman fainted because it's Garnabby's final, final, final, ....... , final post, anywhere!

    And, so, you are let to make any, and all, of the corrections. Ha.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 07-12-2024 at 04:08 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  8. #1188
    Mr. V, what kind of irresponsible Parents would allow their TEN YEAR OLD CHILD to join a Band in the first place, let alone in another CONTINENT?
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  9. #1189
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Mr. V, what kind of irresponsible Parents would allow their TEN YEAR OLD CHILD to join a Band in the first place, let alone in another CONTINENT?
    English parents, silly girl.

    Bad food, bad teeth, bad weather and VERY bad parenting.
    Last edited by MisterV; 07-13-2024 at 10:22 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #1190
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Mr. V, what kind of irresponsible Parents would allow their TEN YEAR OLD CHILD to join a Band in the first place, let alone in another CONTINENT?
    Fictional parents, that's who. Speaking of, I think it's about time Axl and Billy took their relationship to the next level by gay marrying and gay adopting a child. Unless you have a new gay love storyline up your sleeve...?? Still waiting to find out if Andy turns Mike gay. I think Andy will have to become a tranny in order to make it work. That way Mike can tell himself it's not gay. (Even though it is totally gay.)

  11. #1191
    Andy stood in the fruit section of the supermarket eyeing the honeydew melons. He pondered if splitting one in half and affixing both hemispheres to his chest would look enough like boobs so that Mike would want to fuck him. But what to do about his lack of a warm, moist gash to receive a turgid member? Suddenly he espied a produce worker cutting up watermelon to sell in the form of prepackaged fruit cups at a significant markup. That gave him an idea. He quickly grabbed the biggest seedless watermelon he could find and took his fruits to the self checkout.

    At the luxurious penthouse suite, Andy got to work attaching pieces of fruit to himself in order to attain the functionality of a woman. Then he called Mike into his boudoir to "kill a spider." When Mike entered the boudoir, Andy asked him is his most seductive falsetto "What do you think?"

    Mike was aroused by the honeydew melons wreathed in a veritable hedge of Andy's chest hair, but confused by the cut open watermelon Andy clasped between his equally hairy thighs. The watermelon's exposed flesh held a gash just big enough to accommodate the ol' in-out.

    "What's with the watermelon, bro?" Mike asked.

    "Put your dick in it and find out."

    Mike complied and was pleasantly surprised to discover that putting your dick in a warm watermelon was pretty nice. But little did Mike know that on the other side, Andy had carved out another hole for his own dick, so that when Mike thrust in and out the tips of their dicks touched.

  12. #1192
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    C'mon Karen, give us another chapter, we're chomping at the bit here.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #1193
    After these two fruits were finished love making, they pondered what to do with the fruit. You see, dear reader, Cake Cream subsisted solely on a diet of frozen pizza, drugs and alcohol and had no need of any more fruit than the minuscule amounts of tomato sauce on said frozen pizzas. Also, Dear Leader Axl had informed the gang that margaritas totally counted as fruit. After much discussion and thanking and welcoming and shaking hands and shaking wieners, Andy and Mike decided to donate the cut up and deflowered fruit to a homeless shelter. The asked the concierge of the James L Knight Center to take it to the nearest homeless shelter so that the room temperature and semen soaked melons might not go to waste.

    "Sure," said the concierge, who had no intention of doing anything other than passing it off to the nearest cleaning lady.

    The nearest cleaning lady was Karenita, who had earlier espied some hobos in the back alley. She chucked it out the service door, yelling "Buen provecho!"

  14. #1194
    Mike had been avoiding Andy for the past few days. His strange encounter with Andy and the fruits left him feeling confused about his sexuality. Was he attracted to Andy? Was he actually attracted to fruit? The entire time he fucked the watermelon he was thinking of a giant banana covered in labia, tits, penises and ballsacks that were themselves made of other fruits. Out of politeness he had called out "Andy" during the act, but his mind was definitely on the weird sexualized fruit salad creature he had conjured. Mike decided to call up his therapist, Nathan, for an appointment.

    In Nathan's office, a wave of relief washed over Mike. Seeing his therapist in his ever present penis costume helped Mike relax and let his guard down. Nathan asked Mike what was troubling him of late.

    "My gay bandmate Andy totally has the hots for me, even though I am nominally the only straight member of Cake Cream. But lately I think I am more sexually attracted to abstract bigendered fruit-people who don't actually exist."

    Nathan cocked an eyebrow, "Are you certain they don't exist?"

    "What do you mean?" Mike sat up from the fainting couch and faced his therapist.

    "Although HIPAA regulations prevent me from going into too much detail, I have another patient, a disgraced lady scientist, who confessed to performing atrocious genetic experiments involving fruits and hobos."

    "Did she successfully make a fruit person covered in fruit genitals?"

    Nathan, the therapist in the penis costume, wiggled his eyebrows up and down then jotted something on a post-it. He folded the note and passed it to Mike. "Times up for today. Don't tell anyone you got that information from me."

    As Mike read the note his eyes widened and his mouth widened into a grin.

  15. #1195

  16. #1196
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    karen plopped her tired, worried ass down in the beat yet still sort of comfortable living room chair and pondered recent developments.

    "These guys have totally derailed my Axl / Cake Cream saga, but I don't really mind, at least I get some attention."

    Her mama came in after a hard day cleaning rich peoples' homes: upon espying her daughter she smacked her across the face, saying "Girl, ever since you started this Bingo shit you ain't doin' none of the chores around here. Why should I have to clean up your piles of shit from the kitchen floor?"

    Karen blushed furiously: she espied the gnawed chicken bones and the piles of shit which they had spawned, and knew that there was no good reason for it.

    "And the weirdos you meet of those dating sites: why, a guy in a penis costume showed up one time. What is wrong with you, girl?"

    Karen was at a loss as to how to respond because she just knew that deep inside there most certainly was something wrong with her, but she lacked the education and experience to identify it.

    "Now mama, please: you know I work so's we don't has to live in the streets: let me enjoy my free time, OK?"

    "Don't back talk your mama, Karen: now go to your room!"

    Karen went to her dank room wondering what ever happened to the blind date in the penis costume: it was fun til he bedecked himself in a rubber sheet and said "Ready to build the beast with two backs? No worries, I'm wearing a rubber."

    Karen put the grim thought of having narrowly missed defoliation out of her mind the way she always did: by turning to the wit, wisdom and comfort offered her at VCT and the other gambling forums she haunted.
    Last edited by MisterV; 07-15-2024 at 04:10 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #1197
    After his shower Mike worked up the courage to follow the lead Dr. Nathan had given him. He sneaked out of the luxurious penthouse suite and took several buses to get to his destination, a dank alleyway that appeared blocked by dumpsters. Ever determined, Mike squeezed between the fetid trash receptacles and was rewarded with a welcome sight: a small red door. He crouched down low and knocked on it. A woman in a lab coat appeared behind the door, opening it just a crack.

    "Are you the calzone delivery guy? Leave the calzones by the door, your money is in under that wooden pallet over there. Don't worry, there are no spiders."

    "No, I'm not the delivery guy. I got your info from Dr. Nathan. You see, I really like fruit. As in, I REALLY REALLY like fruit, if you catch my drift." Mike then farted and let it drift toward the scientist lady. The scientist lady did indeed catch all the drifts.

    "Come in."

    Mike squeezed through the small door and followed the lady down a dark hallway. She lead him to a small living room and motioned toward a couch. "My name's Dr. Abby Garn. Dr. Nathan told me about you. Please have a seat by Tangerine Man."

    Mike's jaw dropped when he saw Tangerine Man. It was a humanoid figure with an orange for a head, fully articulated limbs and extremities, all covered in skin that looked and smelled like the skin of a tangerine. He noted with dismay that Tangerine Man lacked genitals, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Mike sat down next to Tangerine Man, and TM deftly handed Mike a plate of crunchy butter cookies, his favorite.

    "How does he know to pass me a plate of cookies if he doesn't have eyes or ears?" Mike asked the scientist lady.

    "When I cross breed fruits and hobos, I select hobos who used to be normal people. I believe the gestures are instinctual, though I haven't worked out the exact mechanism how they know how to act like normal people around people." the scientist replied.


    "Oh yes, take a look over there."

    Mike looked where the scientist pointed and saw a Lime person and Lemon person sitting at a table playing chess or checkers. They had the same structure as Tangerine Man, except being made of lime and lemon respectively.

    "Do they have brains? How are they able to play board games?" Mike asked in awe.

    "No brains whatsoever. In fact, if you're hungry, you can peel their skin and dig out some citrus flesh for a light snack. They fully regenerate within a few minutes and don't seem to feel pain." Lime person and Lemon person turned their head-forms in Mike's direction. The Lime one gave a small wave and the Lemon one nodded to acknowledge Mike's presence. Then they turned back to their game. Mike couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw the Lime person ever so slightly lift a butt cheek to fart.

    "It's incredible. But why don't they have genitals? Haven't you ever been curious what it would be like to fuck one of them? Or get fucked by one?"

    "These citrus dudes are my special pets. I don't want anyone doing freaky shit to them. But if you come to the back room, I have some specimens that are more to your taste. Just one thing though, I only take cash up front. Don't even thing about trying to pay me in Bingo Free Play or Cake Cream concert tickets.

  18. #1198
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    Mike felt the sweat of his brow flow down his body, lubricating his johnson: "Ho-ho, this could be IT..."

    The Mad Doctor used a skeleton-headed key to open the massive oak door, then said "Money up"

    Mike venmoed the brilliant yet hideously ugly head-shrinker the agreed upon sum and entered the dimly lit back room.

    He first espied what looked like a massive NFL lineman fucking a pumpkin; in the corner a CPA was having at it with a cantaloupe.

    Mike's heart pounded fiercely until it nearly burst out of his chest: in the center of the room, lit by a weak Klieg light, was the sexiest honeydew he'd ever seen, chained to the edge of a platform with a hole drilled where the stem had been: the hole was actually winking at him.

    Mike ripped off his clothes, panting and shouting in glee as he impaled the feisty fruit with his turgid member, yelling "Honey, do me..."

    It didn't last long yet it seemed to last forever.

    Zipping up Mike asked "Can I leave a tip?" and was told "Are you fucking crazay? How can you tip a fruit you fucked?"

    Mike admitted he had no idea.
    Last edited by MisterV; 07-16-2024 at 11:52 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #1199
    The next day, Axl, Billy, James, and Jimmy got up and ate Corn Pops cereal. They drank orange juice and water. They chatted for a while. Jimmy and James went back to sleep.

    Meanwhile, Mike and Andy got up and ate bagels with cream cheese and lox. They drank lemonade and water.

    On Social Media, Fans were clamoring for another Cake Cream Show for tomorrow. Mike and Andy panicked. They had forgotten that Cake Cream Fans would still want to see Cake Cream Shows.

    Meanwhile, Axl panicked when he saw that Fans of Cake Cream wanted a Cake Cream Show for tomorrow. Billy asked him what was wrong with Fans wanting to see a Cake Cream Show for tomorrow.

    Axl shook his head. He knew that he and Andy shouldn't be doing a Cake Cream Show for tomorrow, not with Andy having a crush on him. Out loud he said,"Maybe we shouldn't do a Cake Cream Show tomorrow.

    Billy asked,"What the hell is going on Axl?"

    Axl panicked and told Billy he was going to go to Older Axl's house in a few minutes.

    Billy suspiciously pointed out that Older Axl was doing a Wild Guns Show.... In BRAZIL.

    Axl said,"I'm going to Sam's house in a few minutes!"

    Billy said,"Sam is part of Wild Guns!"

    Axl said,"I REALLY don't want to do a Cake Cream Show tomorrow!"

    Billy said,"Was that so hard to admit? You could have just said you don't want to do a Cake Cream Show tomorrow." Billy smiled and answered on Social Media that they didn't want to do a Cake Cream Show tomorrow."

    The Fans were disappointed, but reluctantly understood.

    Axl breathed a sigh of relief.

    Meanwhile, Mike and Andy chatted about how bad of an idea doing a Cake Cream Show tomorrow really would be. They checked Social Media again and breathed sighs of relief that Bly basically prevented tomorrow's Cake Cream Show.

    Mike and Andy chatted about possibly becoming a Duet, just Mike singing the songs and Andy playing Keyboard. Axl the secondary Singer of Cake Cream could become lead Singer of Cake Cream and Billy could play drums, James could play Lead Guitar, and Jimmy could play Rhythm/Bass Guitar.

    Mike answered on Social Media that there would be a Cake Cream Show after all tomorrow. The Fans were delighted.

    Axl immediately called Mike and said,"What FUCK, Mike? Why'd you tell the Fans there would be a Cake Cream Show tomorrow?"

    Mike told Axl Andy and his plan.

    Axl said,"You guys want to split up Cake Cream? Are you guys out of your FUCKING minds? "

    Mike said,"Let's face it, you and Andy shouldn't be around each other right now and Fans will still get to see Cake Cream perform, just in different capacities. "

    Axl said,"Splitting up Cake Cream is a HUGE risk."

    Mike said,"It's the right thing to do."

    Axl said," But you know, I am sole owner of the Cake Cream name, rights, songs, copyright, royalties. If I say no, you and Andy do not get to become a Duet and are forced to only perform with Cake Cream in its usual capacity."

    Mike said,"Please say yes. You and Andy shouldn't be around each other now. "

    Axl said, "Meet me at my Lawyer's Firm in about two hours and we can make a new Contract that states that you and Andy are going to be a Duet."

    Mike smiled and agreed. Axl and Mike chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Jimmy and James got up and Axl told Billy, Jimmy, and James that he was going to his Lawyer's law firm. They immediately said they were going with him.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Axl screamed inhumanly.

    Jimmy, James, and Billy pondered why he reacted in that beyond weird way.

    Axl said,"I just want to go alone."

    James, Jimmy, and Billy said,"We're still going with you "

    Axl said,"Changed my mind. I'm going to go to Walmart and do some shopping."

    James, Billy, and Jimmy said,"We're going to Walmart with you!"

    Axl said,"Leave me alone, I clearly want to go out by myself!"

    James, Jimmy, and Billy said,"We want to go with you!"

    Axl said,"I'm going to go meet Mike at the Law Firm!"

    James, Jimmy, and Billy wondered why Axl was going to go meet Mike at the Law Firm.

    Axl made a lie on the top of his head and claimed that there was unfinished business from the Mike Smith Vs Rebecca Martin case and only Axl and Mike could be there alone in the Law Firm.

    Jimmy said,"But you're no longer Mike's Lawyer, Axl. James and Billy backed up Jimmy.

    Axl got tired of the third degree and said,"I'm out of here!" He put on his bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmet and went to the Law Firm.

    Mike came about three minutes later. Mike and Axl chatted and spoke to Axl's Lawyer and Axl provided the Contract stating that he was sole owner of the Cake Cream name, rights, royalties, copyrights, and songs.

    Axl's Lawyer said that although the Contract stated that Axl was sole owner of the Cake Cream name, rights, royalties, copyrights, and songs, he should REALLY get all six Members to agree in writing to split off Cake Cream into being Andy and Mike and Billy, himself, James, and Jimmy.

    Axl and Mike chatted about getting all six Members of Cake Cream to sign that Contract. Axl, Mike, and Axl's Lawyer all chatted for a while and then Mike and Axl left Axl's Lawyer's Law Firm. They pondered about what to do..
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  20. #1200
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    While pondering, a dog shit on Axl's boot.

    "Fucking mangy cur" snarled the incensed doppelganger; he pulled out his Glock and blasted the hound into doggie heaven.

    "I'm outa here:" and with two twitches of his nose he disappeared, much like Samantha in "Bewitched."

    He'd transported himself to Elon Musk's bedroom, surprising the hell out of the zillionaire who was in the process of being peed on by black woman of Jamaican heritage.

    "Oh, hello again Axl" said Elon with a trace of a South African accent, "care to join us? For the usual fee, I suppose?"

    Axl smiled and without further ado he dropped trou and then dropped a smelly deuce on the pale male.

    "Whoa" said the Nubian with a now-empty bladder, "You ever go to Church's Chicken?"

    "Yes, and I believe I've seen your work."

    The three agreed to repeat their performance tomorrow at Church's: "Be there or be square" they all said simulataneously, this causing uproarious laughter syncopated with loud blasts of gas.
    What, Me Worry?

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    Last Post: 09-29-2017, 07:02 PM
  5. Thrifty Ice Cream
    By Alan Mendelson in forum Whatever's On Your Mind
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: 02-27-2013, 10:44 PM

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