Good to see you posting here Half smoke. But I don't think this is right. Line movements are not designed to reflect the true odds or advantage of a game. They are designed to have as close to 50% wagers on both sides.
Maybe I am looking at this through card counters eyes, but I am going to introduce the term "points of data". In card counting we know that at a true count of +2, the player will have between .5 and 1% advantage, depending on exact rules. Now how do we KNOW this? Well there are mathematical formulas based on card removals. Now that stuff is really above my head. So someone like me relies on simulations to PROVE the same thing. And simulations will show an exact advantage or expected value (EV) for a true count of +2 (and every true count), for each set of rules.
Now the simulations use points of data, past data to determine this. It is millions and millions, 10's and 100's of millions of points of data to determine this. Anything less than multiple millions of points of data and it is deemed too small a sample size to have any real meaning.
So move over to sports betting. How exactly is EV figured? I am not aware of any such formula, like in card counting. If there is, please correct me. It appears to me it is all based on past results, each one being a point of data. For example, they look at similar +3.5 point games to try to figure out something about todays +3.5 game. Well how many +3.5 games is someone looking at? Even using computers, it is only thousands of games (or points of data) not millions. And to me, again, maybe my card counter brain at play, but that is just not a large enough sample size for any significance.
I used your (Half smoke's) first two week NFL underdog play as an earlier example. I like that play. Have made money the last 2 years on it (more 2 years ago than this year). And I am looking forward to playing in next season. But that play which is 30 games (15 for 2 weeks) each years, is based on about 12 years data or 360 games or "points of data". That is not enough to realistically figure expected anything going forward to my card counting mentality thinking.
Maybe I am missing something. Maybe I am not looking at it correctly, maybe through those card counter glasses, but until someone shows me in a way I can understand, I just don't think EV, which is based on a mathematical formula really translates to sports betting. It translates with the bonus whoring aspect of sports betting, but the handicapping or how ever some picks games, I don't see it.