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Thread: My Casino back-rooming.

  1. #281
    KJ, is your attorney filing a separate, i.e. wholly different law suit against the fired guard, or simply naming him as an individual / responsible party in the original suit?

    It certainly seems to me that only one suit would be needed, naming both the guard and his employer as parties; SP would be liable for his actions under the doctrine of respondeat superior.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #282
    It is a separate case and it hasn't been filed yet, but will be soon. The reason it is separate is that we didn't want anything occurring that could delay the primary case, the example given that the individual involved disappears back to California or South America. (that is off the record lol).

    Collecting any financial reward from the guard is going to be difficult. I can probably get a judgement easy enough but then what, I am going to follow him around to each new low paying job trying to garnish his wages?

  3. #283

    Willing to show whatever amount of money you like so you can see how much of a waste your life has been. Call it what you will to make yourself feel better about basically having nothing. You don’t know anything about staking. You don’t even have the money for yourself let alone anyone else. I’ve been backing poker players since about 2009. I know infinitely more about basically everything in the poker world then you, because my money is in play everyday.

    I don’t like frauds, or left wing freaks like you. I don’t like low functioning people who say things like people who brag about their wealth or accomplishments are insecure. That comes out of the mouth of broke losers who look for reasons not to do anything. Successful people hang out and gravitate toward other people who
    are successful. We all brag and talk shit to each other. It what normal successful highly competitive people do. You wouldn’t understand obviously.

    Now some facts for you. Big tits Bart momma’s boy Hanson posted a graph recently of about 4600 hours of play at 5/10 NL. His hourly was around 125 per. Remember you seem to think $50 per hour is obtainable in standard 1/3 games lol. I made my first million at poker playing only cash games online. I played live for 3 years after Black Friday I know what the fucking win rates are. Poker is not easier today it’s orders of magnitude harder then it was back then. No shot at beating 1/3 live for $50 per over 2500 hours or so today. Maybe back during the original boom. Not today

    Nothing I’m saying is false.
    Wise up as Rob would say
    I am on my phone so don't care to properly trim down your wall of defensiveness. Your first claim is most poker players are brokr and deep in makeup. Then you brag how you're so invested in them that you know all about poker. Lol. Not very sharp or you are just totally full of shit.

    I'm not going to argue with you. You're clueless in this area and that is that.

  4. #284
    Also - you are stuck on the idea that sharp poker players can't possibly make 50 an hour grinding lowstakes good games. You argue how much 50 an hour is(it is not) while also talking about how rich people brag about how much money they have. Maybe the AP goofs you know but people in business don't talk about amounts in general.

    And 50 isn't that much for the best player in a weak game. It has seemed like you think anyone who takes a course will get there but if you knew much there are far more mediocre players out there who won't make near 50.

  5. #285
    KJ: Per your request I attempted to send a PM here but it does not show that it got through, for whatever reason; did you get it?
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #286
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ: Per your request I attempted to send a PM here but it does not show that it got through, for whatever reason; did you get it?

    I did get it and read it. I appreciate your thoughts. And I know you asked for a peice of info in an unrelated matter. I have to look that up and will dodo shortly and get that to you.

  7. #287
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ: Per your request I attempted to send a PM here but it does not show that it got through, for whatever reason; did you get it?

    I did get it and read it. I appreciate your thoughts. And I know you asked for a peice of info in an unrelated matter. I have to look that up and will dodo shortly and get that to you.

    The issue is that I see no confirmation on my end that the early email was sent.

    No worries.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #288
    I have zero idea why anyone would bother with a retired lawyer, let alone a disgruntled nutty stranger on the internet who "gets off" on the totally fucked posters.

    In Ontario, there's something called "the Law Society referral service", by which anyone may receive a free half-hour legal consultation, usually over the phone, with a qualified lawyer in just about any area of practice.

    I recall that it's limited to twice a year, but, I have personally employed it, on several occasions in a year, without any negative feedback. A computerized menu, with immediate referrals. If you don't like the lawyer's response, you may ask the Law Society online, in writing, for another referral.

    Surely there is something like it in the US.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  9. #289
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    I have zero idea why anyone would bother with a retired lawyer, let alone a disgruntled nutty stranger on the internet who "gets off" on the totally fucked posters.
    First of all, the guy with a numbers related form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, who uses a dozen different names and personalities, calling anyone a nutty stranger is just rich.

    I obviously have not hired MrV. I have a very good attorney who happens to specialize in the case I am involved with. But I have a hundred questions and thoughts as we work through this process that is completely new to me. Some I ask my attorney, But I don't want to ask him a million questions every day. "Why is this happening"? "What do you make of this"?. "What does this mean"? Have you ever seen this happen before"? "Why do you think they did this"?

    Anyone lucky enough to have an attorney friend or family member, or even someone from an internet forum that they are friendly with, that has demonstrated a pretty good knowledge of different things involving the law and legal cases, who didn't graduate from an online Law School, should feel lucky to have such a person to hear their thoughts. THAT is what experience is all about. And I feel lucky that MrV shares some of his thoughts with me.

    You not understanding the value of that is why you are Bill Yung. That says it all!

  10. #290
    I also happen to be fortunate enough to have an AP friend that went through all of this process. It was a number of years ago and the case was not exactly the same, but not all that different either. I am fortunate enough to be in communication with him regularly and seek his opinion on just what is happening and what different things might mean.

  11. #291
    Sorry, but, my post above stands. There were no numerals in it (other than zero), and, if more than one sequential account here is crazy, then Dan was crazy to allow it.

    In other words, V is a fucked as you are.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  12. #292
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    and, if more than one sequential account here is crazy, then Dan was crazy to allow it.
    On this we can agree.

  13. #293
    Computer science Dan, is crazy? Professional poker player Dan, is crazy? Internet forum creator Dan, is crazy? Bah! I don't see your name in Wikipedia.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  14. #294
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Computer science Dan, is crazy? Professional poker player Dan, is crazy? Internet forum creator Dan, is crazy? Bah! I don't see your name in Wikipedia.
    Ok, I did not say Dan Druff is crazy. Nor do I know everything he has done or accomplished or hangs his hat on. You said: "Dan was crazy to allow you to use multiple accounts." I agreed with that specific statement. So this nonsense above is just you lying and being dishonest.

    And if you think wikipedia is the measuring stick of anything, well again, that says all anyone need know about bill yung.

    Now I am done with you nonsense for today. Go bother someone else, with your phsyco-babble, you silly gnat.

  15. #295
    Well, you have to be crazy to try to reason, the way that you do.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  16. #296
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Well, you have to be crazy to try to reason, the way that you do.
    Absolutely 100% wrong!

    Normal people in normal society reason and discuss things with one another.

    Probably the mistake I have made and continue to make is thinking that these forums represent any kind of reasonable society or people. They have increasingly become some sort of alternative, online society or community, where those norms are out the window. Sort of an evil alternative reality. Kind of like the nasty evil Pine Valley that Biff controlled in Back to the Furture 2.

    I have never really adjusted to this Bizzaro world (Seinfeld reference), where people lie and say things they know are lies, BS and nonsence. This complete make believe world of people claiming years worth of winning every day while living at a casino FOR YEARS and the casino doesn't care. Or claims of an RV with proof from a picture taken at the RV dealership of an RV that the person does not own. Or pictures of fake money bought from Amazon. I admit, I have never adjusted to this kind of bizarre alternative reality that has been created here and other forums.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 05-27-2023 at 01:01 PM.

  17. #297
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    V is a fucked as you are.
    Nothing wrong with fucking or being fucked.

    Were you not too "fucked up" to attract a decent partner you'd understand the pleasures of the flesh.

    Keep playing with those numbers, maybe one day you'll actually understand "69." {but I doubt you'll ever "get it."}
    Last edited by MisterV; 05-27-2023 at 01:27 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #298
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    Nothing wrong with fucking or being fucked.

    Were you not too "fucked up" to attract a decent partner you'd understand the pleasures of the flesh.

    Keep playing with those numbers, maybe one day you'll actually understand "69." {but I doubt you'll ever "get it."}
    You seem to have strayed off topic here V. Or more precisely, off topic of the already off topic....topic.

    But since you have I am not a big fan of that number "69". I find it problematic (was going to say "hard" but) to concentrate on both doing a good job pleasing as well as thoroughly enjoying the pleasure being given, at the same time. I am much more a you do me and then I will do you, kind of guy. And sometimes even a you do me and I will roll over and go to sleep and talk to you in the morning, kind of guy.

  19. #299
    Numerals exist in nature, chemistry, and physics, and so on, but, words must be made up. The reason that physics comes down to a bunch of equations, and, conversely, that philosophy is dead.

    In other words, words are for assholes like you guys further slipping away into oblivion. No one of any import really, or actually, cares about the words.

    P.S. Speaking of 69, it's interesting, from the Brunson death thread, that Regnis' post was #2632 = (56 X 47) = [(2^3 X 7) X 47] ---> 2/7_47; and the one of V's that I quoted, later on, was #4503 = [(96 X 47) - 9] = [-10 + (96 X 47) + 1] ---> 1961_47. With the 47 ---> post #74 of mine here, and, spot#74 there at Same as 5875 = (5^3 X 47) went to 555, and 47 ---> 74, spread over two posts instead of the one for 7766 ---> 76 ---> 67. Tight, numerologically speaking.

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    Last edited by OppsIdidItAgain; 05-27-2023 at 03:40 PM.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  20. #300
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Numerals exist in nature

    Go jump in the lake and find number 492.

    Or better yet, sit around the campfire and look for 78230.

    Just WHERE do you find numbers in nature?
    What, Me Worry?

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