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Thread: MGM properties are revoking Noir status and freeplay from perceived advantage players

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Yea I don't disagree just depends on your income. I tend to have gone more your route past several years. But if the money really matters to you then the cheap tier is useful. I think cheapest never has many stars on reviews .. but there is simple logic that the cracked out down on their luck are going to be in the cheapest place.
    I guess that you missed my point above, with

    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    $10 a night can ensure you don't have the crazies like garanbby walking around at night.
    Originally Posted by 1Hit1der View Post
    P.S. Just, had a really funny thought. What when we are the only two posters remaining here? Holy cow!
    Can't stop fate now! Or, can we?

    I mean, here we are, on one of the cheapest forums, on the internet. Where posters have so little to contribute even about the gambling stuff, despite the efforts of the very few who tried to expand our horizons.

    So, please, give up your part of the clown show, about being a knowledgeable, etc., poster. That you will never be.
    Last edited by MHF; 09-30-2024 at 07:29 AM.

  2. #62
    The lunatic who despises everyone. Off his meds again. Posting just to tell everyone he despises them and despises gambling talk.

    The best way to look at it is asylums can't be cheap. We are saving society a few pennies keeping him entertained.

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I think cheapest never has many stars on reviews ..
    Not sure if anyone else has noticed this but hotel reviews seem to have taken a bit of a nosedive over recent years. It goes without saying that the majority of our stays are in casino hotels, but on the occasion we've needed to grab a room, it can be challenging to find reasonably priced properties with even 3.5 stars on Google in many areas.

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I know what he said.
    It's very unlikely that he said you have a torn rotator cup, you misheard him.

    You can be stubborn and insist that he did, but that damages your credibility.

  5. #65
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    It's "cuff," not "cup:" please make a note of it.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    It's "cuff," not "cup:" please make a note of it.
    Axel is insisting that the doctor said rotator cup, and now claims that his wife heard it too.

    I think he's making it up.

    That's why I referenced tewlj's "plaintiff" debacle.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    It's "cuff," not "cup:" please make a note of it.
    Axel is insisting that the doctor said rotator cup, and now claims that his wife heard it too.

    I think he's making it up.

    That's why I referenced tewlj's "plaintiff" debacle.
    I miss pronounce it. I stand corrected, the doctor said rotator cuff. If your willing to make a wager I feel is worthwhile I'm willing to show Dan whatever papperwork I got from the hospital. I don't know if there's a more technical description or whatever but the gist of it will be that they believe my problem was due to an injured rotator cuff.

    I don't need to make up shit, I have had a very interesting, exciting, sometimes crazy life with the good, great, wonderful, bad and ugly. I have documentation of many things and legit people who can verify. I have hundreds of interesting true stories. You haven't the slightest Idea of what kinda stuff I have done, do, or what I'm capable of. I generally keep the good shit to people I know in person.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    whatever papperwork I got from the hospital
    If you have papperwork from a hospital, and it says "cuff", then why did you post "cup"? There's no pronunciation involved in transcription, that claim is a diversion, and the details of your story don't add up.

    As for a wager...there's no point, you don't trust anyone to produce legitimate written proof (anything can be faked - that's your motto) so why would anyone trust you?

    If it's so much trouble to verify your ridiculous story that you need to be paid for it, that just means you value money more than credibility.

    It's clear that all of your adventures cannot begin to mitigate the paramount failure of your life.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    It's clear that all of your adventures cannot begin to mitigate the paramount failure of your life.
    What's telling about the Wolf is his need to give us a rehash of whatever achievements he feels he has achieved or abilities he feels he has, in order to try to impress us in so many of his posts.

    Just as UNKewLyingJ must repeat the well worn lie about how He's a Professional Player, for Twenty Years, and has Earned over One Point Five Million, Wolf doesn't feel right unless many of his posts mention something or other about how

    he came up from the streets
    owns a condo or some such in Vegas
    was screwing girls right and left in college
    has a fit wife
    (Could get a 19 year old replacement if his wife left him)
    and is in the process of, has recently, or is about to, buy something or other

    (He's even the kind of dickhead who tells us about how he used to drive a Porsche).

    All of this, and more that comes out of his mouth, add up to the typical ego / low self esteem of the alkie that he is, who needs to make his swagger known lest he somehow come up short.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Obviously, I am Axel Fabulous
    Last edited by MDawg; 09-30-2024 at 05:16 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    typical ego / low self esteem of the alkie that he is
    The members here, who have met him and posted about it, don't have much good to say.

    Doubtful that they got involved with him expecting him to be a dickhead, but that's what happened.

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    The lunatic who despises everyone. Off his meds again. Posting just to tell everyone he despises them and despises gambling talk.

    The best way to look at it is asylums can't be cheap. We are saving society a few pennies keeping him entertained.
    You should change your life, to get off the pills, instead of take the pills, to hang onto whatever of your life remains. The courage, and resolve, that will never be found here.

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    It's clear that all of your adventures cannot begin to mitigate the paramount failure of your life.
    What's telling about the Wolf is his need to give us a rehash of whatever achievements he feels he has achieved or abilities he feels he has, in order to try to impress us in so many of his posts.

    Just as UNKewLyingJ must repeat the well worn lie about how He's a Professional Player, for Twenty Years, and has Earned over One Point Five Million, Wolf doesn't feel right unless many of his posts mention something or other about how

    he came up from the streets
    owns a condo or some such in Vegas
    was screwing girls right and left in high school
    has a fit wife
    (Could get a 19 year old replacement if his wife left him)
    and is in the process of, has recently, or is about to, buy something or other

    (He's even the kind of dickhead who tells us about how he used to drive a Porsche).

    All of this, and more that comes out of his mouth, add up to the typical ego / low self esteem of the alkie that he is, who needs to make his swagger known lest he somehow come up short.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Obviously, I am Axel Fabulous
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    typical ego / low self esteem of the alkie that he is
    The members here, who have met him and posted about it, don't have much good to say.

    Doubtful that they got involved with him expecting him to be a dickhead, but that's what happened.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    Axelwolf was drunk 80% of the time I worked with him. He used to have me order his drinks for him, so that he could have two drinks at the same time. Always captain morgan.
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Axel, You are a dirty sleezeball nobody.
    Nobody knows who you are either.
    Mickeycrimm should be calling you the step and fetch it because that is what you are.
    You're a scammer bro and you know it.
    Get back to doing things like leaving a 4oak on a machine and claiming it over and over again while you claim to lose TITOs.
    Get back to WOV.
    How many Casinos have 86'd you because you are nothing but a Greedy Scambler??
    Scamble on Fucker but stop acting like you are somebody.
    Drink another Captain Morgan and tell us all how you scammed the Flush Attacks at Circus Circus again.
    Using an 18 year old boy to accomplish your grift.
    Sounds very kewlJ of you.
    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    I don't like to badmouth anybody. But after reading this post, I see now that I am not alone in my opinions of axelwolf. Everyone held him in such high regards that I felt like I could blindly trust him. That was a mistake.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    whatever papperwork I got from the hospital
    If you have papperwork from a hospital, and it says "cuff", then why did you post "cup"? There's no pronunciation involved in transcription, that claim is a diversion, and the details of your story don't add up.

    As for a wager...there's no point, you don't trust anyone to produce legitimate written proof (anything can be faked - that's your motto) so why would anyone trust you?

    If it's so much trouble to verify your ridiculous story that you need to be paid for it, that just means you value money more than credibility.

    It's clear that all of your adventures cannot begin to mitigate the paramount failure of your life.
    The ridiculous story is the rv with the tire that wouldn't stay attached? What's so ridiculous about that? Pretty standard story imo and not even that exciting. Coach must have had one dry ass boring life.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by MHF View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    The lunatic who despises everyone. Off his meds again. Posting just to tell everyone he despises them and despises gambling talk.

    The best way to look at it is asylums can't be cheap. We are saving society a few pennies keeping him entertained.
    You should change your life, to get off the pills, instead of take the pills, to hang onto whatever of your life remains. The courage, and resolve, that will never be found here.
    I post on a site where I like most of the posters and the other part I find to be fascinating characters. You're just a nut who doesn't belong in either group.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    What's so ridiculous
    The ridiculous story is that he insisted that a doctor told him that he had a torn rotator cup, and that his wife heard it too. And despite having the info written in a report, he still thought it was "cup", wrote cup here, then doubled and tripled down on it.

    Axel implied that you have met each English not his primary language, or is he just an airhead, or what?

  17. #77
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    You're just a nut who doesn't belong in either group.
    While you are of course entitled to voice your opinion about MHF, aka garnabby, the fact is that he's got a long history of participating vigorously in various gambling forums over the decades.

    Back at the glen he was a bit of a "lightning rod," same as here, but Back in the Day garnabby didn't seem preoccupied with non-gambling "deep thoughts" the way he is now: must have fallen down a rabbit hole.

    He's harmless.
    Last edited by MisterV; 10-01-2024 at 10:55 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    What's so ridiculous
    The ridiculous story is that he insisted that a doctor told him that he had a torn rotator cup, and that his wife heard it too. And despite having the info written in a report, he still thought it was "cup", wrote cup here, then doubled and tripled down on it.

    Axel implied that you have met each English not his primary language, or is he just an airhead, or what?
    It is a simple mistake to make and if someone has only dealt with the injury once then the confusion about the name is irrelevant. Maybe you don't grasp that. He could have said cup a dozen times and I'd never notice he is wrong.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    He could have said cup a dozen times and I'd never notice he is wrong.
    That's because you're simple, and didn't notice or know either way.

  20. #80
    You guys should stop arguing and chill out together over a couple cuffs of coffee

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