Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
The gambling world is a small world. Everybody seems to know everybody or know of everybody. .
That cuts both ways. Playing devil's advocate here, surely someone would have noticed something amiss, especially since Rob wasn't a low profile person to begin with.

And to add to that, one of the key elements to the double up bug glitch regarding the bill validator lighting while double up was initiated.... was not top secret, I found out about that aspect independent of Rob and well before he ever posted about any of this.

There's some things that make me believe he did in fact play the double up bug, but there are other things that leave me puzzled.
I do remember that being the key question you asked of me in our telecon. I don't know and always wondered where you heard about that. Can you explain?

But that wasn't the only key. Did anyone ever tell you or did you know somehow that the bug could be played without needing a handpay jackpot? I don't believe anybody anywhere ever knew that. Maybe Kane and Nestor, but I never saw it mentioned anywhere. And, were you aware of the fact that while the "bug" activated with the double up mode turned on, in the newer machines (around 2007-up) where the question did not show up on the screen in Yes/No format and simply had the double up yellow tag at the bottom of the screen, you had to first activate the double up before you could work the bug. It merely being there with the option turned on was meaningless.

Also, what's your take on why I posted my retirement from professional play about when Kane got caught? Devil's advocate would say coiincidence, right?

And if I may in another area, I've always wondered this (asking for your opinion): the day Kane made a fool of himself and got nailed at the Silverton--how could it possibly be that the guy upstairs who noticed he was using the same hand a second time to get paid, AND THE INVESTIGATORS INCLUDING THAT 25-YR OLD COMPUTER FORENSICS GENIUS, could not figure out right then and there what steps Kane was using to make the machine pay out a duplicate jackpot? It is all on very clear video. But they couldn't easily trace his steps? Kew the expert claims upstairs watches winners like a hawk.

To me there is and always has been something funny in Denmark. This 25-year old had to go to a lab to figure it all out when it was on digital video all along upstairs? BS! These idiots busted up the play for me and my life instantly changed. The incompetence here is mind boggling. There's got to be more to the story. And the article Wired wrote from their investigation totally misconstrued the process of the play. As far as I know, only I know these things.
I really don't want to stay where I got the information from publicly, however, others know this person as well, so no, I'm not just making up something and saying I don't want to reveal my source.

I did not know you didn't have to create hand-pay jackpots for this to work, when I found that information out I was amazed that anybody ever actually took hand-pay jackpots. I would avoid taking hand-pay jackpots while doing the double up bug at all cost. I wouldn't want to take the chance the casino might find out by looking in the camera. However, when I brought this up to my source they also confirm that was the case as well, they claim they actually told me that information, but I guess I must have missed it, it's obviously not the only thing I was discussing. These machines with the glitch were found recently in a Nevada Casino and some were found a few years ago as well.

Back in the day when you were playing these how many different casinos, bars, 7-Elevens, supermarkets and whatever else you can think of do you believe had the glitch enabled? Aside from that assuming somebody wanted to take the initiative, how many more locations or machines do you think one could have the double up enabled to where the glitch would work? I know I used to ask the floor people to change my settings all the time, usually the speed, including adding double up. Some would, some couldn't because of their policy, it really just depending on the situation.

As far as the Nester and Kane, I don't know if I can even comment or speculate about those fools. The only reason the glitch was found by him in the first place was because he was an addicted obsessive gambler that all kinds of crazy wacky theories, that's why he was switching in and out of games and moving up and down in denominations while feverishly adding bills to the bill validator. This might make sense why you figured it out

It was pure luck and his gambling addiction that caused a situation that allowed him to figure it out. It was such a waste that those two guys got involved and f***** it all up.