Originally Posted by GOD View Post
Originally Posted by redietz View Post
Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
My point is Rob was exposed, on many fronts including addresses and tax records. Including unproven claims of fraud charges.

Christopher Mitchell had his home address, previous porn star career and more exposed on one of Dan’s forums.

Is “MDawg” different? And why do you feel this way?

And IF someone paid to find this information out and has it, should they expose it? And if you think they shouldn’t, also explain why?
As I chow down yesterday's BOGO Buffalo Wild Wings (since I could not locate one of them fancy 5K buffets MDawg's buddy suggested), I agree with Boz regarding the MDawg effect, if you will. MDawg brings up some interesting ethical questions, not so much about himself, but about how others tolerate or react to him.

MDawg made a mockery of the WoV forum pretty effectively while also getting Shackleford to create Rube Goldberg posting rules that protect him. That's quite an accomplishment. I suspect it's because Shackleford is too lazy to really monitor the forum on a post by post basis, so he'd rather coast by with rules that allow MDawg to clearly mock the alleged math-based raison d'etre of that forum. MDawg is effectively trolling all APs, or even any recreational math-based casino goers.

He's tried to do the same thing here, with recruiting wing men and all that, and he's had some success. The mocking here comes through less clearly unless you get mickey and Axelwolf and kewlJ rumbling with the dawg.

The question is, why do site owners tolerate gambling fantasy on their sites when, like Witteles, you're a math-immersed poker pro or, like Shackleford, your whole gig is math? Why do they allow their readers to have to cope with a dominant poster who thumbs his nose at math? That, in my opinion, is the real question for debate.

But, to Boz's point. Should MDawg be exposed? If you'll notice, the Dawg doesn't directly go after me, probably because I'm a real person who frequents LV as many a hundred days a year, so odds are if I want to figure out who he is, I can, with or without my retired P.I. brother-in-law's guidance.

Book plug for the brother-in-law:


I have zero issue with doxxing anyone who steps on my toes, and I have said this on many occasions. I'll stick your name in USA Today if properly motivated. So I have no reticence regarding "Doxxing the Dawg (that should be an album title)." But I have suspicions about why he's involved in this gig, and I have no issue with the rationales. He has, however, taken it more than a mite too far. If you're going to prove that somebody's girlfriend is cheating on them, it's best to not provide them with crayon-drawn caricatures of the alleged cheating as your proof.

I realize MDawg may have Shackleford in his pocket, and I do not appreciate my fine "Adventures of E.R.Dietz" thread being locked on MDawg's command, more or less, but I'm not going to blow up his car for it. At least not this week.

And for those who wonder about who keeps tabs on whom in LV, I will let you in on a little secret. Remember when, after 9/11, all the people visiting LV and checking in to hotels automatically went into a fed data base that was actively monitored. And same with manifests for incoming planes. Remember that stuff? It has not disappeared. And the feds are not beyond sharing that information. So bear that in mind the next time you think you can hide in LV.

It’s all fun and games until you dox the wrong guy, and he takes it out on people you love. Some of you need to realize that many in the AP world are criminals that have little to no remorse. Everyone thinks forum games are funny online until shit hits the fan in real life. Personally I hope MDawg turns out to be a criminal who retaliates with violence for doxing him
Criminals? Did someone say criminals? To quote Curly, "I resemble that remark!"

LOL, GOD (all caps -- I love consistency). And some of us have dealt with bad men our entire lives. Now GOD, are you suggesting that criminals with remorse are better than criminals without? LOL. Remorse as a mitigation of violence is vastly overrated.

Brief anecdote. The first time I placed a sports bet with a bookmaker, a friend (who was also 16) took me to a restaurant on a Sunday morning. The restaurant was closed, but not really. My friend and I sat at one table while a 30-some-year-old acquaintance of his and another guy sat at a table about five feet away. They started discussing what to do about someone who owed them $400. They said taking his television wasn't going to cover the debt. They didn't really want to hurt him, but they needed to get $400 worth of something. Being a smart 16-year-old, I thought they were putting on a show for our benefit -- they wanted us to know debts were serious. So anyway, they started talking about taking the guy's wooden leg. They had to be making shit up, right? Could not be serious. They settled, I assumed for our benefit, on taking the guy's leg as a way to leverage him into paying the money. Well, my friend and I made our $12 bets, said our good-byes, and walked out the door. A guy with a wooden leg was walking up the street towards the restaurant. We waved and headed to the car.

GOD, have you read the Old Testament, dude? Violence is always on the table. 24/7. Bakes into the fabric of life. My first trip to LV, that bomb went of in Lefty Rosenthal's car at the steakhouse. Made the front page.

Jesus, you're GOD. You should know this stuff. This is my real name. It's all real life, Jehovah. Any sense of anonymity is a mirage. If the feds want to know who you are this afternoon, they'll know by this evening.

Fifty years from now, AI will be able to forensically attach real life names to virtually every online persona that ever existed. If that's an embarrassment to your grandchildren, that's on you.