Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
I could care less if you're a fag or not. You don't shove it down the forums throat( pun intended) like 98% of Onestep posts like a real faggot. It's the fact that your a whiny emotionally unstable attention whore. Although you have improved a lot in recent weeks. Keep it up, you will return to being Kew again in the near future
I think what you mean to say is that you perceive me as a whiny emotional unstable attention whore. And that is because that is the path I lead you down. (not you specifically)

Like Rob, who you admire so much, you seem to be having a hard time grasping what is going on. Maybe that is why you like him so much. You think alike. And that is not a compliment.
Is it possible that after 15000+ posts between here, GF and Rusty's sewer for the last 8 years( guessing start date at Rusty's dive) that this is a completely fabricated persona, maybe, but the odds are stacked HEAVILY AGAINST THAT. Your back is completely against the wall, with no escape and this is your way out of the mess, by trying to deny almost everything you have said about yourself. Some was fudged and fabricated to be sure but NOT ALL OF IT !
Ozzy, step back a bit and apply Ockham's Razor. I think your sense of the odds will change.

Just look up Moses' posts on GF. He gets it. And if anybody hated the inestimable "kewlJ," it was Moses.