Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
Any state, territory, or race who votes in a guiding governmental faction like Hamas--who then supports these "leaders" as they rape, torture and burn Israeli women alive, chop babies heads off in front of their parents, and indiscriminately shoot & kill any Israeli including the sick and the elderly....while live-streaming these savage acts on the internet--are asking for the powerful Israeli military to wipe them all out.

"Oppressed" people, "people living in an open-air prison", "people who feel their land was taken away"? All complex issues that needed to be solved. But no more. Israel doesn't mess around when attacked, and when it's a terrorist attack on this unprecedented level the world will no longer see a military worried about if there's collateral damage or not. Even Hamas executing hostages won't make them walk on eggshells.

Palestinians are proven sub-humans. Every one of them is either committing these crimes or supporting them. Even that wretched US Congresswoman Talib is cheering for what her people did. So we all should be grateful for every single Palestinian animal who goes down in this war.
How can anyone be your age and believe the chopping heads off babies claims? Lol.