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Thread: Vegas Mayor Goodman on CNN

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Anderson Cooper has been sucking on too many penises.

  3. #3
    While I'm in favor of getting things going ASAP via the proper planning, this big mouth lady obviously has every LV table and machine degenerate ringing her phones off the hook.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    While I'm in favor of getting things going ASAP via the proper planning, this big mouth lady obviously has every LV table and machine degenerate ringing her phones off the hook.
    Or just one calling relentlessly under different names. Coincidentally they all start with “A”.

  5. #5
    How did Reporters and the News turn into this?
    Two Fags doing shots on 24hr News.
    jbjb has a good point.

    New Years Eve 2018

    One Year Later...

    Too Busy Partying to worry about the News.
    DEC 31, 2019
    Chinese authorities reporting that they are treating dozens of cases of pneumonia from an unknown cause.

    Last edited by monet; 04-22-2020 at 05:06 PM.

  6. #6

    This rarely gets mentioned, but I understand that having something defined as a "pandemic" has certain legal ramifications for liability. I know nothing about it. To what degree are casinos going to have to get people to sign away liability for illness upon entrance? Or does the fact that something is a "pandemic" alleviate them of legal responsibility? I know, for example, that hotels were sued for Legionnaires disease. But that was not a "pandemic."

    You may have the contacts to properly address these questions, because they are big ones. If you open during a pandemic, are your legal liabilities relieved or greater than before that definition? What happens to your insurance costs?

    Implicit in the mayor's spin is that the city itself doesn't want to be the accountable party, either in total or as a regulator of what's allowed.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    This rarely gets mentioned, but I understand that having something defined as a "pandemic" has certain legal ramifications for liability. I know nothing about it. To what degree are casinos going to have to get people to sign away liability for illness upon entrance? Or does the fact that something is a "pandemic" alleviate them of legal responsibility? I know, for example, that hotels were sued for Legionnaires disease. But that was not a "pandemic."

    You may have the contacts to properly address these questions, because they are big ones. If you open during a pandemic, are your legal liabilities relieved or greater than before that definition? What happens to your insurance costs?

    Implicit in the mayor's spin is that the city itself doesn't want to be the accountable party, either in total or as a regulator of what's allowed.
    You are allowed to talk to MendlBread at WoV.
    Heck they even have a thread about the same political subject.
    I am not allowed... I'm banned like most of the conservatives.
    Seems the Moderators are getting lax on the No Politics Theme.
    Just don't use a Putin Avatar.

  8. #8
    Anderson Cooper and his ilk are out to sabotage the economy of the United States. He is the moral equivalent of a terrorist.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #9
    Goodman publicly called for casinos to be reopened back in March within a week of the governor shutting them down. It was an easy cheap punching bag for Cooper to have on, similar to when Tucker has on Cathy Areu.

  10. #10
    How you guys actually watch either Entertainment News Source is beyond me.
    I just want people to report the news and not give me their ideas or emotions.
    I have tried to watch CNN, MSNBC and FOX recently but I usually can't make it too far.
    It seems more like propaganda compared to News.
    On Sundays they have a few shows that seem a little more News Oriented that I can suffer through a bit longer.
    One of them allows just regular folk calling in and they let them talk uninterrupted for a long time lol.
    Actually it is on C-SPAN.
    A few weeks ago they had this 80 year old guy call in all upset about the lock down.
    He was talking about how his sister has one foot in the grave already and this lock down is a bunch of hooey.
    He finished his call by telling them yeah whatever... we ain't got no virus round here!
    Funniest shit I heard on those channels.
    Last edited by monet; 04-22-2020 at 06:05 PM.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    This rarely gets mentioned, but I understand that having something defined as a "pandemic" has certain legal ramifications for liability. I know nothing about it. To what degree are casinos going to have to get people to sign away liability for illness upon entrance? Or does the fact that something is a "pandemic" alleviate them of legal responsibility? I know, for example, that hotels were sued for Legionnaires disease. But that was not a "pandemic."

    You may have the contacts to properly address these questions, because they are big ones. If you open during a pandemic, are your legal liabilities relieved or greater than before that definition? What happens to your insurance costs?

    Implicit in the mayor's spin is that the city itself doesn't want to be the accountable party, either in total or as a regulator of what's allowed.
    Hi Mr Redietz. I don't have any contacts in the hotel business or in the casino business. I will ask the attorney I work for, but I make no promises if he'll have something I can make public.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Goodman publicly called for casinos to be reopened back in March within a week of the governor shutting them down. It was an easy cheap punching bag for Cooper to have on, similar to when Tucker has on Cathy Areu.
    Thanks mcap! That was better than most SNL skits I've watched. I laughed more watching that, then when I go to comedy movies. If she wasn't so good looking, I'd think she might be related to our own bomber thrower, MidWest Player.

    I hope Dan doesn't move all this quality material to sub-forums. Even MWP's bombs are great for entertainment value!

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    This rarely gets mentioned, but I understand that having something defined as a "pandemic" has certain legal ramifications for liability. I know nothing about it. To what degree are casinos going to have to get people to sign away liability for illness upon entrance? Or does the fact that something is a "pandemic" alleviate them of legal responsibility? I know, for example, that hotels were sued for Legionnaires disease. But that was not a "pandemic."

    You may have the contacts to properly address these questions, because they are big ones. If you open during a pandemic, are your legal liabilities relieved or greater than before that definition? What happens to your insurance costs?

    Implicit in the mayor's spin is that the city itself doesn't want to be the accountable party, either in total or as a regulator of what's allowed.
    Hi Mr Redietz. I don't have any contacts in the hotel business or in the casino business. I will ask the attorney I work for, but I make no promises if he'll have something I can make public.
    America the Great where you have to sign a Waiver to go outside.
    Next thing they are going to make you carry a Chinese Virus ID around.
    AndrewG, Redietz and LMR are completely onboard.
    Thanks Dems!

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Goodman publicly called for casinos to be reopened back in March within a week of the governor shutting them down. It was an easy cheap punching bag for Cooper to have on, similar to when Tucker has on Cathy Areu.
    Thanks mcap! That was better than most SNL skits I've watched. I laughed more watching that, then when I go to comedy movies. If she wasn't so good looking, I'd think she might be related to our own bomber thrower, MidWest Player.

    I hope Dan doesn't move all this quality material to sub-forums. Even MWP's bombs are great for entertainment value!
    It’s almost enough to make you want to decide to be a woman isn’t it? Maybe that head of health services heshe from PA is onto something.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How you guys actually watch either Entertainment News Source is beyond me.
    I just want people to report the news and not give me their ideas or emotions.
    I have tried to watch CNN, MSNBC and FOX recently but I usually can't make it too far.
    It seems more like propaganda compared to News.
    On Sundays they have a few shows that seem a little more News Oriented that I can suffer through a bit longer.
    One of them allows just regular folk calling in and they let them talk uninterrupted for a long time lol.
    Actually it is on C-SPAN.
    A few weeks ago they had this 80 year old guy call in all upset about the lock down.
    He was talking about how his sister has one foot in the grave already and this lock down is a bunch of hooey.
    He finished his call by telling them yeah whatever... we ain't got no virus round here!
    Funniest shit I heard on those channels.
    monet, I ,moved about 4 months ago, and believe it or not, I still haven't got my tv set up. But I do listen to CNN, CNBC and Fox News everyday driving to and from work on my car satellite radio. I flip between channels. It's amazing how different the news is on these three channels.

    It seems like CNN has the most extremest "experts" on that is possible. The other day, they had some guy on who said we should lock down till 2022. It seems like everyday CNN and CNBC pushes the envelope on how bad they claim it is. It's almost like they are out of touch with reality. And, yes, Fox News has sometimes pushed the envelope the other way,

    Meanwhile, all the states are slowly opening up, and it's only April 2020. CNN and CNBC have pretty much lost touch with reality, just like the Democrat party.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How you guys actually watch either Entertainment News Source is beyond me.
    I just want people to report the news and not give me their ideas or emotions.
    I have tried to watch CNN, MSNBC and FOX recently but I usually can't make it too far.
    It seems more like propaganda compared to News.
    On Sundays they have a few shows that seem a little more News Oriented that I can suffer through a bit longer.
    One of them allows just regular folk calling in and they let them talk uninterrupted for a long time lol.
    Actually it is on C-SPAN.
    A few weeks ago they had this 80 year old guy call in all upset about the lock down.
    He was talking about how his sister has one foot in the grave already and this lock down is a bunch of hooey.
    He finished his call by telling them yeah whatever... we ain't got no virus round here!
    Funniest shit I heard on those channels.
    I keep forgetting that I can stream C-Span through the internet - I had forgotten to watch it, since I moved and now just use over the air free TV 9 (which doesn't have C-span) instead of cable (which did have C-Span) which I had before I moved. I love how the hosts on C-Span just sit there passively and let people voice their opinions - "The caller before me has got it all wrong . . . . ". It's like a forum except vocally and in real-time. Also, they let callers ask questions of the guests they have on so you get to hear some hard ball questions (from the call-ins) for a change instead of the scripted shit on main stream media.
    Last edited by tableplay; 04-22-2020 at 07:46 PM.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I keep forgetting that I can stream C-Span through the internet - I had forgotten to watch it, since I moved and now just use over the air free TV 9 (which doesn't have C-span) instead of cable (which did have C-Span) which I had before I moved. I love how the hosts on C-Span just sit there passively and let people voice their opinions - "The caller before me has got it all wrong . . . . ". It's like a forum except vocally and in real-time. Also, they let callers ask questions of the guests they have on so you get to hear some hard ball questions (from the call-ins) for a change instead of the scripted shit on main stream media.
    No doubt it is sort of like talk radio without the comedy and sarcasm.
    I completely agree with you on how amazing they can sit there and listen and let the caller go on and on and on.
    This one is pretty good where this lady has a rooster in the background.
    The host has her finger on the kill call switch but doesn't use it as the lady rambles on about the end of the world, one world government... etc etc lol.
    This call wasn't a prank as I am sure you know they get plenty of on air prank calls.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Goodman publicly called for casinos to be reopened back in March within a week of the governor shutting them down. It was an easy cheap punching bag for Cooper to have on, similar to when Tucker has on Cathy Areu.
    Thanks mcap! That was better than most SNL skits I've watched. I laughed more watching that, then when I go to comedy movies. If she wasn't so good looking, I'd think she might be related to our own bomber thrower, MidWest Player.

    I hope Dan doesn't move all this quality material to sub-forums. Even MWP's bombs are great for entertainment value!
    Bob, she is so correct. I don't know why you mock her when so many studies prove men are much more violent. Bob, your testosterone must be kicking in if all you can think about is screwing her.

  19. #19
    The mayor came off like an idiot in that interview.

    I knew this showdown was coming.

    Vegas is a one-note economy. With casinos shut down, the city is in huge trouble. There's no way there's just going to sit there quietly closed for many months straight.

    I thought it would be the state government versus the federal government, but now it's looking more like local versus state.

    However, the city of Vegas has no jurisdiction over Paradise, which is unincorporated territory where the strip is located.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The mayor came off like an idiot in that interview.

    I knew this showdown was coming.

    Vegas is a one-note economy. With casinos shut down, the city is in huge trouble. There's no way there's just going to sit there quietly closed for many months straight.

    I thought it would be the state government versus the federal government, but now it's looking more like local versus state.

    However, the city of Vegas has no jurisdiction over Paradise, which is unincorporated territory where the strip is located.
    Some people don't do very well in front of the camera in a hostile environment/interview.
    It's the same thing with Trump, Biden and many other politicians.
    It isn't hard to understand what she was trying to say.
    Opponents just want to point the finger and argue with her and those that think we should open up the country and take are chances.
    Plain and simple that is all she was trying to say.
    Open up and if people want to go out and take their chances... let them.
    This forced lock down shit has got to end.
    She is a puppet of her husband and the powers that control Vegas.
    Everyone understands that in Vegas and pays no attention.
    They have been Mayor for decades.
    ZenKing, Myself and others know that the Mob runs this town/state anyway.
    The point is that she isn't in favor of Forced Lock Down like many of us.
    Might as well fly the Red Commie Flag if we are going to let the Government control every aspect of our lives and give us a 1000 dollars a week for life.
    Publishers Clearing House?
    Last edited by monet; 04-23-2020 at 09:55 PM.

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