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Thread: Finding Grandpa's Newell

  1. #501
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Yes, I PM'ed mickey in hopes of sweet talking him into becoming a socialist. That was my goal in using a private message -- to reach my most vulnerable target audience.

    I wish mickey wouldn't use his interpretation of what I say or mean and put it in quotes. That's completely dishonest, as some readers might think I actually said those things, when clearly I did not. Everyone who can get a vaccine should get a vaccine. Pointing out a few weeks before it hit the mainstream media how limited the vaccines' effectiveness is -- that was completely accurate, certainly more accurate than anything mickey has posted regarding covid or the vaccines. Pointing out ethnic differences -- completely accurate on my part. Pointing out the U.S. only does genome testing for less than half a percent of those positive as opposed to Denmark, which tests 100% -- all completely accurate. Length of vaccine effectiveness being unknown -- completely accurate.

    Now compare than to hundreds of mickey crimm posts for the past year, both in what they said and what they predicted. He's done a stellar job. Go back and read some of his stuff. I bet mickey avoids reading his own greatest hits from last March and April and May and get the picture.

    Get a vaccine when you can. Instead of relying on mickey's twisted interpretations of what I say, have the integrity to actually check out my blog and read what I say.

    And yes, as Michael Osterholm said and as Fauci has warned, we are a month out from the worst of it. It will get worse.

    Meanwhile, since mickey takes advantage of tens of thousands of dollars in socialized medicine (which I never have), I offer a no-prize to any reader who can identify the source of this quote, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
    Redietz the lefty thinks everyone would be lost without his advice. Effectiveness of the covid vaccine? Fuck, I been taking the flu vaccine for years and it's only 50% effective. So here's redietz thinking he is delivering a breaking story that the covid vaccine ain't 100% effective. Get lost.

    Pretty convenient for the Chinese that a virus got out of control in their country that ruined the American economy. Especially since Trump was in a trade war with them. Covid may not have been a hoax but it sure worked out for the Chinese and the Democrats. Go back to late 2019 and the economy was humming. Going gangbusters. Trump was a shoe-in for re-election.

    Then boom! Covid! Shutdowns! Economy ruined! Made redietz' day. Whoopeee!! Take that, capitalism! Biden didn't beat Trump. Covid, beyond his control, beat him. redietz and the lefties blamed the whole thing on Trump. If Trump zigged he should have zagged, they said. If he zagged they said he should have zigged. No matter what Trump did the left was going to pounce. But they let the Chinese off the hook.

    I hope you are happy redietz. The Biden Crime Family is in and they are doing their best to ruin the economy even more. Canceling the fucking pipeline is just the beginning in his war on good jobs. Sending them back overseas again. And importing the cheap labor from Mexico again. Fucking really taking care of the middle class.

    And did you here the latest? The Biden Administration is brokering a deal with the Taliban to allow a pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to India. Can you believe that shit? Hell, no fiction writer could make this stuff up.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #502
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I think I finally figured out what happened over the past four or so years.

    Trump had a Vulcan mind meld with a turnip.

    That explains everything.
    Bingo!!! No prize to Mr V. ---> Abortion in Oregon.
    n .....................{Thank God}.........................
    Last edited by Garnabby; 02-09-2021 at 09:11 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  3. #503
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    The multiple photos of Rob in the Newell never get old, classic !
    Yeah,,, don't forget this goat with the stock standard Newell squeegee.


    This is the best though. Reminds me of a Jack in the Box customer going to Bazaar meats for the first time.


    Remember that's the original standard Newell bedspread
    I thought RS was the GOAT?

    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #504
    Wish I played with them Cosmo dice! 3 & 4 adjacent, also 2 & 5

  5. #505
    When you're out of gas, it makes no difference what you drive.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  6. #506
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Rob, this is big time projection on your part saying that I'm broke. Everyone who knows me in poker and gambling will assure you that's not anywhere near the case.

    Anyway, if the driver's license thing wasn't your idea, why didn't you simply meet Max at a public place of your choosing, and show him the Newell? Why all the other nonsense terms and conditions?

    I drive a certain type of luxury car. Axel has ridden in it. If anyone were to offer me $3k to meet them with it and proof of ownership, I would snap agree to it. I would not put forth restrictive terms or rigid instructions. My question would be, "Where and when?", and I'd be there. Maybe I'd have the money escrowed first so they don't cheat me, but aside from that, I'd go out of my way to make it easy for them to meet me.

    Why didn't you do the same?

    We all know the truth.

    I will admit that I enjoy the comedy of all this, though. You do bring a lot of entertainment value to the forum. I have gotten so many messages over time demanding that I ban you, and I just can't bring myself to do it. Lots of unintentional laughs.
    Dan, it must be that you skip around and read only parts of postings. The DL thing was brought up by max, not me, after my ad posted and I told him to contact me for the meet time and address in Gilbert. How much more simple can it get? It was your easy "where and when". No conditions, restrictions, terms, or anything--exactly as he asked for over and over again. I even deleted any money requirement either way! Is it getting thru to you yet?

    But....he immediately backed out of coming over (which he constantly proclaimed he'd do "within 24hrs.") with his requirement to instead post yet another picture so he could claim it was fake, and he'd send me a copy of his DL if I did that.

    He OBVIOUSLY was never gonna come over here to face me in the first place. And you're supporting someone like this? Now I see he's still going on and on about alternate issues because people like you give him the strength to welch out without consequence. Which is why he keeps promising to post more bogus snoop info on me thinking it affects anything or matters. He knows how he looks after this, and because forum life drives his existence, he needs to do something to alleviate the pain.

    Your claim about my RV Trader ad being "fake" is odd. There's a requirement for some states to provide a VIN and proof of ownership on vehicles being posted for over a certain amount. And what else could max claim other than I took shots of some wayward Newell last summer for the ad? Really? Then why'd I wait so long to claim I was selling it? The only part of this nonsense I agree is a little loose is the interior pics from last year, but that's because max, in his inimitable wisdom and haste, chose to throw out proclamations instead of ever asking questions--which is typical on forums.

    I know how most of you people want this story to be told. I'm trying to get on the road to S. Dakota but the weather is making us wait a few days. Some people here are using my email address and phone no. from my ad to try and get me to return for responses because they love conflict. But no more. I got the feeling that if you actually take the time to read everything comprehensively all your questions and criticisms will be your and others' chagrin.

    Max happy posting! chickenshit coward.

    And everybody wise up.
    Rest In Peace gramps...... There is no coming back from the Newell lie. You supplied all the proof You should just apologize for trying to deceive everyone and move on. If you do that by February 15th I will not unleash the Reckoning Upon You.

    You got one chance to
    Wise Up
    Grandpa Newell has not apologized for his lies on this forum and others. He has disappeared from posting though. Which he should as it is his only chance for salvation without making an apology.

    As long as Grandpa Newell remains silent. Should he be given a pass from having to pay for his sins?

    I am inclined to release a shit storm to rain down upon him. Causing him many problems I am sure. Really, I have no pity for the lying sack of shit. But I would value the opinion of others as to whether or not he should get a pass before the games commence.

  7. #507
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Grandpa Newell has not apologized for his lies on this forum and others. He has disappeared from posting though. Which he should as it is his only chance for salvation without making an apology.

    As long as Grandpa Newell remains silent. Should he be given a pass from having to pay for his sins?

    I am inclined to release a shit storm to rain down upon him. Causing him many problems I am sure. Really, I have no pity for the lying sack of shit. But I would value the opinion of others as to whether or not he should get a pass before the games commence.
    Thanks for asking MaxPen. I vote no mercy.

    Rob has been way over the line on his attacks of people, myself included, but many, many others, including some that have now formed an alliance with him. Yes, I am talking about mickey crimm. Just because Mickey now supports Rob, for whatever that is worth, does not excuse the nasty attacks rob spewed at mickey for years. And some of us, myself, Redeitz, Arci, maybe others that I am not familiar with, these nasty lies extended to spouses that had passed away. How low can a person go?

    And these attacks were simply about deflecting away from legitimate challenges to his claims that weren't true and as such didn't make sense.

    Furthermore, while Rob has disappeared for the time being, he has done so many times before when he has gotten "caught" and embarrassed, only to return at some point after the heat dies down, with the same old, and sometimes new ridiculous claims. It is time to put the nail in the coffin and close this book of fables for my opinion. But ultimately, it is your call MaxPen.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #508
    If it's relevant to his past claims...the Newell, the double up bug, etc. - then, yes. Otherwise, no.

    In other words, to rebut anything he's opened the door to with further evidence, would be fair game, but if you're implying simply outing him in general, I'd think he's already outed himself sufficiently.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  9. #509
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Dan, it must be that you skip around and read only parts of postings. The DL thing was brought up by max, not me, after my ad posted and I told him to contact me for the meet time and address in Gilbert. How much more simple can it get? It was your easy "where and when". No conditions, restrictions, terms, or anything--exactly as he asked for over and over again. I even deleted any money requirement either way! Is it getting thru to you yet?

    But....he immediately backed out of coming over (which he constantly proclaimed he'd do "within 24hrs.") with his requirement to instead post yet another picture so he could claim it was fake, and he'd send me a copy of his DL if I did that.

    He OBVIOUSLY was never gonna come over here to face me in the first place. And you're supporting someone like this? Now I see he's still going on and on about alternate issues because people like you give him the strength to welch out without consequence. Which is why he keeps promising to post more bogus snoop info on me thinking it affects anything or matters. He knows how he looks after this, and because forum life drives his existence, he needs to do something to alleviate the pain.

    Your claim about my RV Trader ad being "fake" is odd. There's a requirement for some states to provide a VIN and proof of ownership on vehicles being posted for over a certain amount. And what else could max claim other than I took shots of some wayward Newell last summer for the ad? Really? Then why'd I wait so long to claim I was selling it? The only part of this nonsense I agree is a little loose is the interior pics from last year, but that's because max, in his inimitable wisdom and haste, chose to throw out proclamations instead of ever asking questions--which is typical on forums.

    I know how most of you people want this story to be told. I'm trying to get on the road to S. Dakota but the weather is making us wait a few days. Some people here are using my email address and phone no. from my ad to try and get me to return for responses because they love conflict. But no more. I got the feeling that if you actually take the time to read everything comprehensively all your questions and criticisms will be your and others' chagrin.

    Max happy posting! chickenshit coward.

    And everybody wise up.
    Rest In Peace gramps...... There is no coming back from the Newell lie. You supplied all the proof You should just apologize for trying to deceive everyone and move on. If you do that by February 15th I will not unleash the Reckoning Upon You.

    You got one chance to
    Wise Up
    Grandpa Newell has not apologized for his lies on this forum and others. He has disappeared from posting though. Which he should as it is his only chance for salvation without making an apology.

    As long as Grandpa Newell remains silent. Should he be given a pass from having to pay for his sins?

    I am inclined to release a shit storm to rain down upon him. Causing him many problems I am sure. Really, I have no pity for the lying sack of shit. But I would value the opinion of others as to whether or not he should get a pass before the games commence.

    In terms of people who used their actual names on this board, myself and Alan have probably been the target of the nastiest Singer posts. He also has been ridiculously nasty regarding kewlJ and Arcimede$. For me personally, he claimed my late wife died via suicide, which is really a sick thing to invent. He's also told very specific outright lies regarding me, such as that I solicited him for business and such. He told similar specific lies regarding kewlJ. Why he feels it necessary to make up precise, specific lies without any shred of proof is beyond me. It suggests mental illness.

    The only saving grace is that nobody believes anything he has to say any longer. Alan propped him up for a long time, but then "Singer" went all double-up bug and the result is minimal credibility.

    Of course, it would warm my heart to hear how horrified his family was if his fairy tales were presented to them, but what do I know? Maybe they know "Singer" is mentally ill and it would just be an excuse to increase grandpa's meds.

    If I go back and actually re-read his lines about my late wife, I'd probably say MaxPen should bury the idiot. Somebody who publicly lies about gambling for 30 years should get annihilated, I suppose.

    He's a vicious old idiot. Occasionally, I feel for sorry for him, as long as I don't revisit some of his posts.

  10. #510
    You want to do something Evil but first you want Mob Approval???
    Oh please God let me do murder or let me rob this bank!?
    Personally, I will not let you blame your Sin on my approval.
    Make your own choices and live with them.
    I have enough blood on my own hands form my own selfishness, I don't want your wrongs on my head too... geesh!

  11. #511
    Guys, I've made amends with Rob. We've crewed up in the Newell and are beating this game for 4 figures an hour. I can't give out anymore deets at the moment, I'm sure the other APs understand.

  12. #512
    MaxPen, I already gave my opinion on page 18 post #344 of this thread and I stand by it. Why are you looking for approvals anyway?

  13. #513
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    But I would value the opinion of others
    Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me.

    I agree with monet and BoSox.

    Fuck you crap game, you piece of shit.

  14. #514
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post

    Say's the man who Dan Druff completely ignores, yet protects, and is on the losing end of a poll where people do not believe you.

    MaxPen, I realize this is none of my business but whatever you have to unleash on Singer could you possibly limit it to only information on the Newel itself as a show of real class. It does not matter if the man deserves it or not. The point of the matter is that some sick individuals will relish in something that may be said that benefits no one, do not give them the satisfaction.
    Bosox, hope you don't mind, but I am quoting your post #344, just so we are all on the same page.

    The problem is that these things are all tied together. I mean, I personally am only interested in the Newell claim, because Rob himself tied it to the double-up bug claim. After the interview Rob did with Shackleford last year, both Dan Druff and Shackleford asked Rob for some kind of proof or documentation to support his claim. What Rob himself came up with was that he used the money to buy a 1.6 million Newell (and his lame attempts at phony documentation).

    At that point Rob's finances become fair game. He opened that door. So anything about his finances or lack there of that disputes the Newell is fair game, because that then goes to that the double up bug claim is bogus, and that is what I am really interested in...proving these gambling related claims are bogus.

    That is why the food stamp issue (since removed), at just about the time Rob claims to have finished winning all this money from the double up bug, at just the time he claims to have spent 1.6 million on a Newell, is relevant. Because it indirectly says the double up claim is bogus. I mean I know info about Rob's career and his education, that doesn't match up with his claims. I have chosen not to go there, but you know it is sort of relevant as it is all tied together. I mean if you can show that they guy had no real money at such and such a date, not only is the whole newel thing proven false, but the claims of grander from winnings of the double up bug, and the magical Singer progression system before that also proven bogus...and that is what it is all about and makes it fair game.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  15. #515
    Oh and one more thing to consider and this is fairly new...but just too funny not to mention.

    Rob's Newell claim isn't true, but let's just say it was. The story goes like this: Rob wins 2.9 million playing the double-up bug. Spends 1.6 million of it on the "Newell" in 2011. In 2021, he now claims to sells the "Newell" for half a million, on the first day that it was advertised, sight unseen, to someone that wired him money, again, sight unseen. So forget all the bizarreness of that and just focus on the money.

    Rob's "Newell" would have depreciated a million dollars....100k per year. We are to believe a guy that owns no property, has no real money, except some SS income, purchased an RV that has depreciated 100k a year for 10 years. If true it would make Rob about the stupidest person alive. But it isn't true. His finances prove that. and yes, it is fair to look into his finances... because he himself tied these ridiculous claims together. You caught in his own web of lies.

    So his latest defense amounts to that he is the stupidest person alive.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-20-2021 at 10:34 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #516
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Oh and one more thing to consider and this is fairly new...but just too funny not to mention.

    Rob's Newell claim isn't true, but let's just say it was. The story goes like this: Rob wins 2.9 million playing the double-up bug. Spends 1.6 million of it on the "Newell" in 2011. In 2021, he now claims to sells the "Newell" for half a million, on the first day that it was advertised, sight unseen, to someone that wired him money, again, sight unseen. So forget all the bizarreness of that and just focus on the money.

    Rob's "Newell" would have depreciated a million dollars....100k per year. We are to believe a guy that owns no property, has no real money, except some SS income, purchased an RV that has depreciated 100k a year for 10 years. If true it would make Rob about the stupidest person alive. But it isn't true. His finances prove that. and yes, it is fair to look into his finances... because he himself tied these ridiculous claims together. You caught in his own web of lies.

    So his latest defense amounts to that he is the stupidest person alive.

    Or, to put it another historical way, using his various letter systems, he made a million dollars in 10 years of playing video poker, and his Newell depreciated a million dollars in ten years.

    Easy come, easy go. Like James Bond, only more well hung.

  17. #517
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I am inclined to release a shit storm to rain down upon him. Causing him many problems I am sure. Really, I have no pity for the lying sack of shit. But I would value the opinion of others as to whether or not he should get a pass before the games commence.
    Just when you thought any of the obvious snake members here couldn’t swivel any deeper into the anonymous hole. What a fucking coward.

    I wonder what a look into whoever MaxPen really is would reveal. Fucking coward.
    Last edited by blackhole; 02-21-2021 at 05:43 AM.

  18. #518
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You want to do something Evil but first you want Mob Approval???
    Oh please God let me do murder or let me rob this bank!?
    Personally, I will not let you blame your Sin on my approval.
    Make your own choices and live with them.
    I have enough blood on my own hands form my own selfishness, I don't want your wrongs on my head too... geesh!
    Form my own selfishness??
    I hate typos.
    I will burn in the invisible fire for this shit.

  19. #519
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    As long as Grandpa Newell remains silent. Should he be given a pass from having to pay for his sins?

    I am inclined to release a shit storm to rain down upon him. Causing him many problems I am sure. Really, I have no pity for the lying sack of shit. But I would value the opinion of others as to whether or not he should get a pass before the games commence.
    At least you established that all of this is just a game to you. I excuse myself for thinking that you may have some hidden character somewhere within yourself.

  20. #520
    It's been sad to watch the degeneration of KewlJ, redietz and maxpen into obsessive madness. Their obsession with Rob Singer has ruined their lives. They are forever ensconsed in a mental illness. THEY HAVE BECOME THE MONSTERS THEY SAY THEY DESPISE.

    This is and has always been a forum full of trolling idiots. For anyone to take anything anyone says in this forum seriously is an exercise in massive stupidity. Rob says he has/had a Newell. Big fucking whoopdeedo! Who gives a fuck? For sure I don't give a fuck. Do you think I would take one minute out of my life to trace down whether he has a Newell or not? I'm not stupid enough to waste my time on something that means nothing to me.

    But if you want liars let's start with maxpen. He said if Rob didnt' come clean he would release information on Feb 15. Well, guess what. It's Feb 21. He's released nothing. SO HE FUCKING LIED!

    It's time for kewlj, maxpen and redietz to grow up and start acting like men again.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

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