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Thread: Finding Grandpa's Newell

  1. #681
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think it is clear to everyone with a functioning brain that Rob does NOT have a Newell, never had a Newell, and has made some weak but very unconvincing attempts to keep the lie going. (The pics of him in a showroom Newell are hilarious, as is the fake for-sale ad.)...

    ...It is very clear to me that Rob never made big money through the double-up bug. If he did exploit that bug, he did so for relatively small money -- or at best he won via that bug, and then blew the money gambling later. Whatever the case, Rob never accumulated any real money assets via gambling, or otherwise he would have shown us by now. It's pretty obvious that all of Rob Singer's controversial stories are complete bullshit. Anyone who believes him at this point is either stupid or trolling. I actually believe coach belly is just a troll, and doesn't believe a word of what he writes about Rob.

    Some people ask me why I don't ban Rob. I have stated time and time again that he's just a clown who enjoys aggravating people on forums. He isn't dangerous, isn't trying to sell anything, and isn't trying to scam anyone. He just enjoys telling tall tales and loves attention.

    Anyway, I think this is all very clear, and Max proved what he set out to prove.

  2. #682
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Alan loved Rob until one day he decided he hated Rob lol.
    Life's Hard.
    That is not really accurate, nor fair to Alan.

    Alan believed Rob's claims of being able to win with progression wagering, stop limits and "special plays". Why wouldn't Alan believe that as he is a losing -EV player, who believes in that kind of voodoo. So for years Alan provided Rob the platform, both this forum and through videos they did to make his voodoo-ish gambling claims, that seemed reasonable to Alan.

    Then one day, they met for breakfast and Rob, changed his whole story...a story he had been pushing for 2 decades about making millions over 10 years playing this "system". He changed his story to make room for yet another fantastic claim, the double up bug claim.

    That is when Alan saw the light. Nothing wrong with that. Better late than never. And as soon as Alan, a longtime supporter began to question Rob, in a very reasonable manner, it was Rob who went berserk and turned on Alan attacking everything from his marriages to making up a story about Alan being charged with beating his girlfriend. This was typical Rob Singer playbook attacks.

    Alan may be everyone's favorite punching bag, mine too to some degree as it is fun to pick on Alan about the 18 y.o.'s in a row and his voodoo-ish gambling beliefs, but he doesn't deserve that.

  3. #683
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    That is not really accurate, nor fair to Alan.

    Alan believed Rob's claims of being able to win with progression wagering, stop limits and "special plays". Why wouldn't Alan believe that as he is a losing -EV player, who believes in that kind of voodoo. So for years Alan provided Rob the platform, both this forum and through videos they did to make his voodoo-ish gambling claims, that seemed reasonable to Alan.

    Then one day, they met for breakfast and Rob, changed his whole story...a story he had been pushing for 2 decades about making millions over 10 years playing this "system". He changed his story to make room for yet another fantastic claim, the double up bug claim.

    That is when Alan saw the light. Nothing wrong with that. Better late than never. And as soon as Alan, a longtime supporter began to question Rob, in a very reasonable manner, it was Rob who went berserk and turned on Alan attacking everything from his marriages to making up a story about Alan being charged with beating his girlfriend. This was typical Rob Singer playbook attacks.

    Alan may be everyone's favorite punching bag, mine too to some degree as it is fun to pick on Alan about the 18 y.o.'s in a row and his voodoo-ish gambling beliefs, but he doesn't deserve that.
    Stop sticking up for Alan.
    You bashed him harder than anyone on this forum.
    You are not his buddy.
    You flip flop more than the bass and trout out of water I used to catch back in PA.

  4. #684
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Mr Mickeycrimm, why do you believe Mr Singer's claim that he discovered the double up bug?
    Hey, Alan. What's up? Good to see you back.

    My opinion at the time was I thought it highly likely Rob put down the Double Up play. You asking me why I "believe" he did it is taking what I said out of context. I said "highly likely" not "he absolutely" put the play down. How could I possibly know for a 100% fact, since I wasn't there.

    How long ago was that? A Couple of years ago? I've forgotten. And I've forgotten some of the evidence. I'm trying to remember.

    I think one of the big pieces of evidence to me was Rob announcing his retirement from what he considered professional video poker play in 2009 just a couple of months after the two idiots got busted. I was the one that put two and two together on that. No one else around here knew Rob made that announcement back in 2009 or didn't remember it. I did. I was the one that brought it to everyone's attention.

    Another piece of evidence was Rob knew the sequence of events to get the higher jackpot that was published in a news article was wrong. He explained in great detail the exact sequence.

    Also, the bug didn't occur on just any Game King. Rob told everyone here what to look for in the casinos around the United States.

    Rob knows more about the double up bug than any person in gambling or manufacturing of the machines.

    I put out a $1000 reward for information that anyone taught Rob anything about the double up bug. That's been at least a couple of years ago and no one has come forward.

    I think my take on the evidence is more credible than:

    1) Someone saying Singer announcing his retirement in 2009 at almost the exact same time as the two idiots got busted is mere coincidence.

    2) Someone saying Singer's expertise on the double up bug was learned on the internet.

    3) Someone saying that some phantom person taught Singer the sequence long after the two idiots got busted.

    Alan, there is no doubt that KJ will jump in here now and continue on with wild cockeyed fantasies about how it was all a diabolical plot by Singer. He uses no evidence, mind you, just wild cockeyed theories. My poor old granddaddy would say about him "That boy is tetched" (touched).

    I stand by my original opinion that Singer most likely put down the double up play. Since I made that judgement KJochio has thrown every insult in the book at me to get me to change my opinion. His tactics have not and will not work. He's offered nothing but wild conjecture.

    If it ever comes to fruition that I'm totally wrong on this issue then I will stand corrected. I'll take it like a man then move on. Life is filled with mistakes. Alan, you know that for sure. But until someone can prove Singer did not put down the double up play I stand by my opinion.
    Mr Mickeycrimm I appreciate your take on Mr Singer's claim and how he supports it, but will you concede that none of it is proof?

    Retirement date is not proof.
    Identifying machines is not proof.
    Providing details on the procedure is not proof because there is no way to know if even Mr Singer's method is correct.

    Retirement dates could very well be circumstantial. Everyone knows only certain machines (older) had the bug and that was in the original article. And providing missing procedures is a claim that can't or has not been confirmed. In fact, I could simply say that the missing link to the procedure of the bug was that a $2 bill must be inserted.

    (By the way, what happens if you do insert a $2 bill into a machine?)

  5. #685
    Rob has had his laughs over the years, but eventually he realized the consequences of the catastrophic mistake he made in being a keyboard warrior and a wannabe VP AP instead of working hard and saving for old age.

    Time marches on, and his mistake has come back to haunt him.

    These days it's the high point of his day to snag a few extra ketchup packets from Jack in the Box.

    Hell, he's trying to figure out how to AP vending machines.

    How low the once flighty have fallen.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #686
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Rob has had his laughs over the years, but eventually he realized the consequences of the catastrophic mistake he made in being a keyboard warrior and a wannabe VP AP instead of working hard and saving for old age.

    Time marches on, and his mistake has come back to haunt him.

    These days it's the high point of his day to snag a few extra ketchup packets from Jack in the Box.

    Hell, he's trying to figure out how to AP vending machines.

    How low the once flighty have fallen.
    Must be tough hiding in your house and not being able to gamble away at the dice pit.
    Eventually, you will have to toughen up and brave it out there in the cold, dark world.
    Fuck... Even ZenKing isn't a scared little bitch like you are.
    He is out there making 150+ dollars an hour counting cards!
    Long Live The King!

  7. #687
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    To clarify, I asked a lot of Italians not guinea pigs.
    You asked the wrong people. Guinea is an African area/coast.

  8. #688
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Singer, said on a number of occasions that there was a necessary motive behind the worse days of his trolling. All the trolling was an act, more a diversion for himself for dealing with the hidden knowledge of the double up bug. I do not know what was behind Singer's thought process in all of this but to suffice it all, according to him everything that was said wasn't personal. Rob S, accomplished what he wanted by keeping a secret fully understanding that when the statute of limitations ran its course everything would be revealed, and people would understand and forgive and forget. He was wrong on this, which he really did not care if two people did not accept the story or not and forgive him as his bundle of money made up for any hard feelings. THAT IS HIS STORY and no one proved that he did not do the double up bug.
    I could care less one way or the other.
    I am curious why he keeps stringing the sale of this Million Dollar Newell Coach along.
    If the guy tells the truth and is honest, which he very well may be... why all the hoopla about selling the RV or proving that the RV exists and he owns it?
    Doesn't it seem harder to believe someone when they string you along for months on end?
    Just Asking.
    Like I say, I don't have any Beef with the guy and I really don't care.
    More of an Observation I suppose.

    A few years ago I sold some Guns and a Used Car.
    I posted up the pictures on the proper sites and it didn't take very long for me to meet up with buyers and sale everything I wanted to sale.
    It was pretty easy.
    I guess its different when you are selling a 400k RV.

    I mean Singer started the whole thing right?
    It wasn't like people were asking him if he had a Newell and if he wanted to sell it.
    Didn't he volunteer all the information?
    I guess the whole thing is an elaborate joke.
    Perhaps an inside joke that he and his family/friends enjoy.
    I dunno... whatever... I just lost 7000 dollars so I'm licking my wounds right now.

    I'm sort of in the market for an RV but 400k is out of my price range.
    40k is a bit steep as well but probably my ceiling.
    Correction 519k asking price SOLD IN 1 DAY TO ISRAELI !!
    Just curious--how do you get the Newell to Israel from here??

  9. #689
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    To clarify, I asked a lot of Italians not guinea pigs.
    You asked the wrong people. Guinea is an African area/coast.
    Oh I thought New Guinea was a part of Australia not Africa.
    You learn something new every day.

  10. #690
    In keeping with the theme of the thread (which I'm a stickler for) this is for you monet. The real deal (sorry about the production value)
    Take off that stupid mask you big baby.

  11. #691
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    In keeping with the theme of the thread (which I'm a stickler for) this is for you monet. The real deal (sorry about the production value)
    Nice Uploads.
    I'm guessing a Clam Bake like that is better than Fried Clams.
    If I drank enough beer I'd suck down those clams too!

  12. #692
    Originally Posted by monet
    Must be tough hiding in your house and not being able to gamble away at the dice pit... scared little bitch like you are.
    Who's "hiding," douchenozzle?

    I gambled last week at Spirit Mtn. (day trip: combined with a trip to Dallas, Oregon to view an Aston Martin DB9 that caught my eye), and the week before that I stayed the night at Chinook Winds and gambled there and at Spirit Mtn.

    Yeah, I take precautions to try to avoid contracting Covid-19: why wouldn't I?

    Half a millin American deaths from Covid-19 and counting.

    Yes, the surge seems to have finally ended but it is still a potential killer.

    But hey, keep living the dream ...
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #693
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    Just curious--how do you get the Newell to Israel from here??
    Bring Israel to the Newell.

    Robert Harry Argentino. ---> Abort, Retry, Ignore.

    Robert Harry D'Argentino. ---> Antibody generator.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

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    Blog at

  14. #694
    Anyone that believes that half a million deaths FROM covid number is a complete and utter moron! The actual amount FROM covid is well under 1 hundred!

  15. #695
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    That is not really accurate, nor fair to Alan.

    Alan believed Rob's claims of being able to win with progression wagering, stop limits and "special plays". Why wouldn't Alan believe that as he is a losing -EV player, who believes in that kind of voodoo. So for years Alan provided Rob the platform, both this forum and through videos they did to make his voodoo-ish gambling claims, that seemed reasonable to Alan.

    Then one day, they met for breakfast and Rob, changed his whole story...a story he had been pushing for 2 decades about making millions over 10 years playing this "system". He changed his story to make room for yet another fantastic claim, the double up bug claim.

    That is when Alan saw the light. Nothing wrong with that. Better late than never. And as soon as Alan, a longtime supporter began to question Rob, in a very reasonable manner, it was Rob who went berserk and turned on Alan attacking everything from his marriages to making up a story about Alan being charged with beating his girlfriend. This was typical Rob Singer playbook attacks.

    Alan may be everyone's favorite punching bag, mine too to some degree as it is fun to pick on Alan about the 18 y.o.'s in a row and his voodoo-ish gambling beliefs, but he doesn't deserve that.
    Stop sticking up for Alan.
    You bashed him harder than anyone on this forum.
    You are not his buddy.
    You flip flop more than the bass and trout out of water I used to catch back in PA.
    I didn't "bash" Alan.
    I simply pointed out that his investigation into my tracking of two tables was dishonest. Shyster-ish if you will.
    Yes, I am sure you will now bring up that I made the "mendelbread" comment. Heat of the moment. Low of me. I regret it. I am big enough to say those kind of things.
    Do I still bust on Alan for the 18 y.o.'s Hell yeah. It is mostly in fun. I am not sure he is intentionally being dishonest on this one, I think he just is not remembering correctly. He thinks he saw 18 y.o. in a row.

    I will tell you what is honest about Alan is that he freely admits that he isn't playing with an advantage, isn't a long-term winner. He doesn't claim "special plays" or rabbits feet that allow him to make millions playing -EV.

  16. #696
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Didn't Mr Singer claim that he bought a Newell only because of his success with the double up bug?
    I recall that Singer claimed to own a Class A RV many times, long before the DU bug was publicized.

  17. #697
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    I've never been able to find the meaning of guinea in regards to Italians and I've asked a lot of them. Anybody got any ideas?
    Here's what I found using Google...

    region along the west coast of Africa, presumably from an African word (perhaps Tuareg aginaw "black people"). As a derogatory term for "an Italian" (1896) it is from Guinea Negro (1740s) "black person, person of mixed ancestry;" applied to Italians probably because of their dark complexions relative to northern Europeans, and after 1911 it was occasionally applied to Hispanics and Pacific Islanders as well.

  18. #698
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I was shocked when I first heard of Grinders.
    I told them, I'm from PA... those are Hoagies!
    I was shocked when I first heard of Hoagies...those are Subs.

  19. #699
    Oldie but goodie:

    OK, now take a look at the last page, and note where he says he lives ... Merry old England!

    "Bond, James Bond..."
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #700
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    how do you get the Newell to Israel from here??
    Maybe Gene Simmons bought it to tour in the US.

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