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Thread: Lab Theory

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Nothing new as we see this all throughout history.

    I was ignoring all of this because I don't worry about the Chink Virus.
    However, after you brought all this to my attention I find it very interesting to listen to the doctors on the front lines with experience.

    I will finish that podcast with Timothy though.
    Yes, it's a great lesson in blatant corruption even for those not interested in Covid. People who don't think this amount of corruption can occur can follow this story and basically get red-pilled into what really goes on in the establishment. I.e. follow the money (if people can't see it from following this story they never will).

    I'm looking forward to the debate between Kory and his ivory tower opponent which Kory stated (during the Rogan podcast) would be up on that site soon.

    I think you will get a good laugh when the Nguyen podcast is completed (and you probably have already).

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Here is Timothy Nguyen's youtube refutation of Eric Weinstein's Theory of Everyting (TOE) - it was not deleted:
    So I finished this podcast and obviously I'm not smart enough to follow the math.
    I can only be sarcastic and summarize for comedic value.

    It is impossible to put a ship inside of a bottle, within 14 dimensions, if you do not do your homework.
    And always remember to complexify and check your minus signs so you can have proper anomalies.
    Otherwise, you will never be able to define the Shiab Operator.
    And if you cannot define the Shiab Operator, you cannot prove the Theory of Everything.

    That being said, I now have to dig deeper and find podcasts where Eric either rebuts, attacks or makes fun of his detractors.
    Pull that up Jamie!
    Last edited by monet; 06-24-2021 at 01:34 AM.

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Here is Timothy Nguyen's youtube refutation of Eric Weinstein's Theory of Everyting (TOE) - it was not deleted:
    So I finished this podcast and obviously I'm not smart enough to follow the math.
    I can only be sarcastic and summarize for comedic value.

    It is impossible to put a ship inside of a bottle, within 14 dimensions, if you do not do your homework.
    And always remember to complexify and check your minus signs so you can have proper anomalies.
    Otherwise, you will never be able to define the Shiab Operator.
    And if you cannot define the Shiab Operator, you cannot prove the Theory of Everything.

    That being said, I now have to dig deeper and find podcasts where Eric either rebuts, attacks or makes fun of his detractors.
    Pull that up Jamie!
    Yes that's a about it - anyone who listens to the podcast will from then on view Eric as a source of comedy. I guess he didn't anticipate that one of the very small number of people like Timothy, who have a thorough understanding of Gauge Theory would actually take the time out of their busy schedule of advancing the world, to vet his shit. One of the greatest things about this video is how they pulled some excerpts of Eric getting hyper-defensive when he gets asked some revealing questions.

    I'm sure you'll find plenty of podcasts of Eric fitting the criteria you mentioned above. I believe some of the Lex Fridman podcasts with Eric fit this description - although in those podcasts you will have to listen to the other parts where he is not commenting on his detractors. I would also recommend you take a look at some of the Dr. Brian Keating podcasts with Eric Weinstein - as with the Lex Fridman podcasts there will be other content besides him commmenting on his detractors that will have to be waded through (but the nuggets are there). So thank you Timothy - I don't know Gauge Theory so I had no idea that Eric did not really know what he was doing in this regard. The podcast crew interviewing Timothy had some insightful comments - such as the comment where one of them says (I'm paraphrasing here) "Eric likes to present himself as an exiled genius".

    I forgot to mention another point made during the Rogan/Weinstien/Kory podcast that I thought was terrific - that Ivermectin can actually treat the spiked proteins (which a significant number of people have highly adverse or even fatal reactions to like blood clots) that the vaccines use to block Covid from attacking human cells. Or more tersely, Ivermectin can treat not only Covid, but adverse Covid vaccine reactions.

    Cheers, TP.

  4. #64

    I already posted these links before but wanted to post an update after I viewed the interview.
    The bashing of Trump was minor.
    He made a comment or two about it but certainly not bashing.
    He was a little more offensive or off-putting with a bit of gloating but tolerable.

    The first 25 minutes or so was a bit dull and I almost turned it off.
    I cannot stress enough how glad I am that I watched the whole interview and you have to read the questions being asked.
    The interview really ramped up and confirmed many of the things I had suspected.
    However, it went further and educated me on many things I didn't know.
    I definitely recommend this interview if you have the hour and 45 minutes to give it your attention.
    For the most part I don't like doctors but I wish I had this guy as my own personal doctor.

  5. #65
    The FDA on Wednesday said it plans to add a warning to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after a CDC advisory panel said data suggests a "likely association" between the vaccines and rare cases of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults. Despite the warning, doctors and researchers say they still strongly recommend that all Americans 12 and older get vaccinated, noting that the heart problems are uncommon and in most cases very mild.

    The CDC tracked more than 1,200 cases of myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, which is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. More than 800 of the cases occurred after the second dose, and 65% were linked to the Pfizer vaccine. The largest share of the cases occurred in men under the age of 24, according to the report.

  6. #66
    That’s fucked up. Still recommended for the quite low risk groups. They’re recommending young people to sacrifice themselves for old or unhealthy people now.

  7. #67
    Thank you Monet. I watched the podcast and thought it was tremendous. It is clear that there is a global effort to force vaccinations on as many people as possible. The deliberate suppression of safe effective therapies like Ivermectin and the use of a vaccines with unknown safety levels leads me to believe that this is likely an attempt at population control by global powers. The fact that doctors who want to use these safe therapies are threatened with medical license revocation and jail time says a lot. Same with forcing people to take the vaccine under threat of losing there job or the inability to travel unless they do. Like the Bret Weinstien/Pierre Kory video, it is clearly delineated by Dr. McCullough, that these vaccines will likely create a superbug(s) (escape variants is the term used in the Weinstein video). It is hard to escape the idea that eliminating people from earth is not a goal of this whole thing.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thank you Monet. I watched the podcast and thought it was tremendous. It is clear that there is a global effort to force vaccinations on as many people as possible. The deliberate suppression of safe effective therapies like Ivermectin and the use of a vaccines with unknown safety levels leads me to believe that this is likely an attempt at population control by global powers. The fact that doctors who want to use these safe therapies are threatened with medical license revocation and jail time says a lot. Same with forcing people to take the vaccine under threat of losing there job or the inability to travel unless they do. Like the Bret Weinstien/Pierre Kory video, it is clearly delineated by Dr. McCullough, that these vaccines will likely create a superbug(s) (escape variants is the term used in the Weinstein video). It is hard to escape the idea that eliminating people from earth is not a goal of this whole thing.
    I don't even know where to begin.
    That interview had so much information that the best thing anyone can do is watch the whole thing and pay attention.
    He got on a roll about 30 minutes in.
    Brought tears to my eyes around the 54 minute mark.
    And just dropped bombshell after bombshell after that.

    The debate and rollercoaster of Hydroxychloroquine is amazing.
    Turns out mickeycrimm was right all along.
    I haven't cared too much but I found it amazing how social media and the powers that be have demonized it.
    Basically eradicated the use of it and brainwashed doctors and the masses to believe it will do serious harm to Covid patients.
    Turns out that it is still a very strong medicine if used properly and combined with other medicines that can save your life if taken in the early stages of exposer to the Vid.
    I listened to an hour podcast/discussion where Dr. John Campbell questioned Dr. Tess Lawrie and about halfway through he mentioned Hydroxychloroquine.
    He casually asked/stated that the general consensus is that Hydroxychloroquine does not work and does more harm than good!?
    She hadn't done the analysis on the drug just yet but she definitely stated that she wasn't so sure.
    It seems that she suspects that the drug does work against Covid but she needs to analyze the data and hasn't had the proper amount of time.
    So it is obvious that most doctors are just going by the emails and what their overlords mandate on procedure .
    Doctors cannot actually doctor right now and if they try to they can be fined, jailed or banished from their profession.
    The Iron Lung was mentioned which correlates with your Ulcer/NSAID example of supression.

    And we get into the debate with 12 year olds.
    I can't believe they are changing the laws to allow 12 year olds to make medical decisions.
    Oddly enough, 8/9 weeks after this interview with Dr. McCullough the FDA comes out today and warns against minors taking the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine because it can cause heart inflammation.
    But they still highly recommend for minors to take the vaccine(s) because they believe the reward outweighs the risk lol???

    We can go on and on about this but it seems clear they are marking the population and creating a database.
    For what exact purpose?
    We don't know just yet but it can't be for the common good of mankind.

    I've been looking into telemedicine sites to get ahold of some of these drugs for storage.
    It seems the proper Ivermectin supply will cost me about 300 to 500 dollars for 2 to 3 people in my household.
    The consultation is what costs the most.
    My only worry is that the pharmacy will refuse to fill my script.
    I'd like to get a few of these other pills as well just as a percaution.
    It appears that early detection and treatment is key.
    Obviously, this Corona Virus is preventable and treatable.
    That is very clear now.
    Last edited by monet; 06-24-2021 at 02:20 PM.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I've been looking into telemedicine sites to get ahold of some of these drugs for storage.
    It seems the proper Ivermectin supply will cost me about 300 to 500 dollars for 2 to 3 people in my household.
    The consultation is what costs the most.
    My only worry is that the pharmacy will refuse to fill my script.
    I'd like to get a few of these other pills as well just as a percaution.
    It appears that early detection and treatment is key.
    Obviously, this Corona Virus is preventable and treatable.
    That is very clear now.
    The telemedicine angle is a great idea Monet. I guess what one could do is get an Ivermectin script under the guise of a parasitic infection (i.e. its conventional usage) to ensure that the pharmacy will fill it (and then take the dosage and regimen protocol for the covid virus).

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The telemedicine angle is a great idea Monet. I guess what one could do is get an Ivermectin script under the guise of a parasitic infection (i.e. its conventional usage) to ensure that the pharmacy will fill it (and then take the dosage and regimen protocol for the covid virus).
    For me personally, I struggle with the idea of taking it as a prevention.
    Not that I am against it or don't believe it, I just feel more comfortable having it on hand in case of emergency.
    Start taking it, along with the other protocol, if I come down with a sniffle, fever or other symptoms.
    The main reason is that I don't want to have to pop this pill/medicine every week.
    I'd rather exercise, eat better, take vitamins, get sunshine, build up the immune system... etc. etc.
    I don't like taking any "medicine."
    I struggle with supplements/vitamins because I can't prove that what I have is genuine.
    Good with the Bad.
    Take your chances.
    You can't live forever.
    Every individual must go through death.
    I'm not like David Sinclair, trying to reverse the aging process, find the fountain of youth or live forever.
    I still believe that the most important thing is what happens after death.
    Or, what I should say, is the choices you make before death.
    However, I like the idea of being able to purchase these pills and have the option to take them at my own discretion.
    Screw the Government!
    Last edited by monet; 06-24-2021 at 02:54 PM.

  11. #71
    If you get the time, tableplay, go through some of the recent Eric Weinstein Tweets lol.
    Not sure if he is losing it but I laughed a bit.
    Had to stop scrolling as it was never-ending paranoia or something.

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    If you get the time, tableplay, go through some of the recent Eric Weinstein Tweets lol.
    Not sure if he is losing it but I laughed a bit.
    Had to stop scrolling as it was never-ending paranoia or something.
    Will do Monet, thanks for the tip. I guess the house of cards is coming down now that someone with extreme Gauge Theory knowledge actually vetted Eric's TOE. I'd be interested in getting Timothy's take on Stephen Wolfram's TOE (inventor of Mathematica software which is incredible software). I mean, no doubt Wolfram is the real deal so that is why my curiosity is sparked. On the Timothy Nguyen podcast, the commentators astutely observed that Eric is getting met with increasing skepticism even on the Joe Rogan show with each successive appearance. It must suck to have to rely on audience credibility to make a living for most people who make a living that way (obviously Rogan is one of the exceptions and is wealthy beyond belief now).

    edit:found the tweets - yes it looks like he is losing it a bit. For example, he angered Nassim Taleb who was a long-time friend for awhile I guess.
    Last edited by tableplay; 06-24-2021 at 03:40 PM.

  13. #73
    Anti-parasitic medications have been known for awhile amongst the natural medicine community.

    if you get cancer fenbendazole can work miracles.

    This will send you down another rabbit hole.....enjoy

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Anti-parasitic medications have been known for awhile amongst the natural medicine community.

    if you get cancer fenbendazole can work miracles.

    This will send you down another rabbit hole.....enjoy
    This example is completely different compared to the case for Ivermectin.
    I'm not saying that it doesn't work but its much more difficult to accept.
    I suppose if I had terminal cancer I would buy some Horse Medication and swallow it.
    I've also read stories of people curing cancer with nothing but carrot juice.
    I've read that the science is about oxygen.
    In theory, you could cure cancer with nothing but water, according to the claim.
    In the end, we all have to experience death.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Anti-parasitic medications have been known for awhile amongst the natural medicine community.

    if you get cancer fenbendazole can work miracles.

    This will send you down another rabbit hole.....enjoy
    Very interesting Max, thanks for posting this.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Anti-parasitic medications have been known for awhile amongst the natural medicine community.

    if you get cancer fenbendazole can work miracles.

    This will send you down another rabbit hole.....enjoy
    This example is completely different compared to the case for Ivermectin.
    I'm not saying that it doesn't work but its much more difficult to accept.
    I suppose if I had terminal cancer I would buy some Horse Medication and swallow it.
    I've also read stories of people curing cancer with nothing but carrot juice.
    I've read that the science is about oxygen.
    In theory, you could cure cancer with nothing but water, according to the claim.
    In the end, we all have to experience death.
    As far as cancer cures go, I believe one clinically proven method that, if I understand correctly, is seldom used, is to induce a very high fever, usually via infection. It looks like Google did a good job of scrubbing a lot of info about this. But I did find this:
    Name:  UsJMhZ6.png
Views: 454
Size:  14.9 KB

  17. #77
    I've done ballpark math for myself regarding vaccine versus non-vaccine. The fact I have a left ventricle bundle delay and my family has a history of severe auto-immune problems makes it close to a toss-up because those are two wheelhouse issues of the vaccines. But I'm speculating and using ballpark math that may or may not be completely correct.

    However, the following study, which I know very little about and which just appeared today, addresses some of the questions and tries to pin down some of the math. I'm hoping medically savvy people may comment on the quality of the journal and quality of the peer review.

    As I have been saying, you will get better information from non-U.S sources earlier. That's more or less the story of the pandemic overall.

    Check out Harold Walach as lead author of "The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations."

  18. #78
    Here's a calm assessment and explanation of the latest meta-analysis published regarding Ivermectin. It's certainly worth taking a look at:

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I've done ballpark math for myself regarding vaccine versus non-vaccine. The fact I have a left ventricle bundle delay and my family has a history of severe auto-immune problems makes it close to a toss-up because those are two wheelhouse issues of the vaccines. But I'm speculating and using ballpark math that may or may not be completely correct.

    However, the following study, which I know very little about and which just appeared today, addresses some of the questions and tries to pin down some of the math. I'm hoping medically savvy people may comment on the quality of the journal and quality of the peer review.

    As I have been saying, you will get better information from non-U.S sources earlier. That's more or less the story of the pandemic overall.

    Check out Harold Walach as lead author of "The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations."
    Don't forget that the experimental vaccines will effect your pussy in a negative manner.

  20. #80
    haven 't listened to it yet:

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