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Thread: Omicron 500%?

  1. #1
    500% more infections compared to Delta?
    Blood Moon!
    The End is Nigh.

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    500% more infections compared to Delta?
    Blood Moon!
    The End is Nigh.

    I get a kick out of the "see no evil/the pandemic is over" crowd. All to keep the wheels of commerce turning.

    Evidently people have no real idea what a pandemic is.

    What historically happens is that viruses become more infectious and less lethal as they adapt to whatever is thrown in their way. This was to be expected.

    Unless you shut everything down for an extended period of time (at least 90 days), largely shut down international travel, and impose an effective vaccine (which now we do not have), this is what happens. This is why Michael Osterholm said that trying to implement piecemeal vaccination while a pandemic is ongoing is like "trying to paint a train going 300 mph." Not likely to work.

    The U.S. missed its opportunity to save lives with a 90-120 day shutdown 18 months ago. It's going to face the same situation, only worse because the virus transmits easier and vaccination will be no more than 50% effective.

    All eminently predictable and the most likely consequences. Surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle used to say.

  3. #3
    Rearrange the letters and you spell Moronic,,,,, perfect,,,,, RIP

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    500% more infections compared to Delta?
    Blood Moon!
    The End is Nigh.

    I get a kick out of the "see no evil/the pandemic is over" crowd. All to keep the wheels of commerce turning.

    Evidently people have no real idea what a pandemic is.

    What historically happens is that viruses become more infectious and less lethal as they adapt to whatever is thrown in their way. This was to be expected.

    Unless you shut everything down for an extended period of time (at least 90 days), largely shut down international travel, and impose an effective vaccine (which now we do not have), this is what happens. This is why Michael Osterholm said that trying to implement piecemeal vaccination while a pandemic is ongoing is like "trying to paint a train going 300 mph." Not likely to work.

    The U.S. missed its opportunity to save lives with a 90-120 day shutdown 18 months ago. It's going to face the same situation, only worse because the virus transmits easier and vaccination will be no more than 50% effective.

    All eminently predictable and the most likely consequences. Surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle used to say.
    Lockdowns could have saved multi-millions of lives from all kinds of diseases over the years. What the fuck is so special about covid? Why do you still preach lockdown bullshit? Melbourne, Australia has spent about 260 days locked down since March 2020. Six lockdowns. Every time they got the infection rate down to zero. They open up and the infections come back. They lock down again, infection rate goes to zero. Open up and it comes back. Over and over again.

    There's only one thing thats going to stop covid....herd immunity. Lockdowns will do nothing but postpone the inevitable. Repeat, LOCKDOWNS WILL DO NOTHING BUT POSTPONE THE INEVITABLE.

    That 90 to 120 day lockdown you talk about redietz wouldn't have done jackshit. But go ahead and continue your self imposed lockdown in your basement.

    All in the name of commerce, eh? Do you like to eat, red? Do you have a bug out shelter all set up with food for the next decade so you can stay in your self imposed lockdown? Or do you get your groceries from the store? People keep producing food to feed your fat fucking face during the pandemic.

    If you and your ignorant friends want to lockdown then go ahead. But don't fuck with the rest of us.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  5. #5
    Just caught a news item that South African doctors are saying the effects of Omicron are very mild, last just a couple of days, and no hospitalizations.

    This news story didn't come from the main stream media. We'll see how long MSM plays "the sky is falling."
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Just caught a news item that South African doctors are saying the effects of Omicron are very mild, last just a couple of days, and no hospitalizations.

    This news story didn't come from the main stream media. We'll see how long MSM plays "the sky is falling."
    While fucknut Fauci is on ABC this morning saying to not rule anything out including more lockdowns. I agree, we shouldn’t rule anything out, including his public execution.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Just caught a news item that South African doctors are saying the effects of Omicron are very mild, last just a couple of days, and no hospitalizations.

    This news story didn't come from the main stream media. We'll see how long MSM plays "the sky is falling."
    Just get in line for your next booster.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Just caught a news item that South African doctors are saying the effects of Omicron are very mild, last just a couple of days, and no hospitalizations.

    This news story didn't come from the main stream media. We'll see how long MSM plays "the sky is falling."
    Just get in line for your next booster.
    Didn't have to stand in line for the last booster. I take the regular flu vaccine every year even tho its rated only about 40% effective. I took the booster at Walmart with an appointment. The next day my primary gave me the regular flu vaccine during my checkup. Taking a periodic booster for covid doesn't bother me. But like I said, I've never had even a small reaction to a vaccine.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #9
    Hopefully omnicron turns out to not have many symptoms. That could possibly be improvement even if more transmissible.

    Lockdowns do something and thats temporarily slow the spread so that certain systems like healthcare aren't completely overrun with sick people. Having an overflowing hospital full of an infectious disease is 100% mitigated by lockdowns. That is just pretty apparent truth.

    I don't know whether they're worth it or not but those who say they do absolutely nothing are simply wrong. Just like people who have suggested lockdowns could have gotten rid of this thing. Not a chance either IMO.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 11-28-2021 at 04:52 PM.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Just caught a news item that South African doctors are saying the effects of Omicron are very mild, last just a couple of days, and no hospitalizations.

    This news story didn't come from the main stream media. We'll see how long MSM plays "the sky is falling."
    Just get in line for your next booster.
    Didn't have to stand in line for the last booster. I take the regular flu vaccine every year even tho its rated only about 40% effective. I took the booster at Walmart with an appointment. The next day my primary gave me the regular flu vaccine during my checkup. Taking a periodic booster for covid doesn't bother me. But like I said, I've never had even a small reaction to a vaccine.

    Of course, CON (Cable Opinion News) will report something worse.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  11. #11
    I heard that everyone is overreacting, that most 90 some odd percent of cases are very mild.
    Most of this Corona is the damn sniffles.
    Locking everything down for the sniffles??
    Everyone I know that caught it has beaten it with nothing but Tylenol and Nyquill.
    Except for my wife's Father in Law who is in his 70s and had to be hospitalized and even he beat it.
    Unless you count the famous people who swear by some medications and monoclonal antibodies.
    Stuff gets expensive but I hear they are giving it out for free in Florida.
    Of course nothing is actually Free.
    Last edited by monet; 12-02-2021 at 08:13 AM.

  12. #12
    Do you understand what survivorship bias is monet?

    Anyways just two more weeks...then they’ll tell us more stuff about omnibus, allegedly.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Do you understand what survivorship bias is monet?
    Let's talk about Survivorship Bias...

    In 2018, 7,000 newborn babies died every day... EVERY DAY!!
    About a third died on the day they were born and nearly three quarters in the first week alone.
    According to the latest estimates on child mortality, newborns accounted for around half of the 5.3 million under-five child deaths in 2018.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    You beat the odds just making it out of the womb.
    If you live past 40 years old you have beat the odds.
    Stop trying to save people from death.
    Everyone has to go through it.

    Covid is not the Black Plague.
    Not even close.
    88% will experience mild symptoms.
    You'll be sick for about 3 or 4 days.
    And that is with basic Water, Food and Tylenol.
    Homemade Chicken Soup and Tea with Honey/Lemon are luxuries.
    etc. etc. all the way up to Monoclonal Antibodies for people willing to spend 1500 US Dollars.
    Last edited by monet; 12-02-2021 at 03:01 PM.

  14. #14
    Anyways, I'm pretty sure I finally caught a version of one of these strains over Thanksgiving.
    The first 35 hours I couldn't sleep.
    I was wired.
    I started with a very soar throat in the morning.
    Brushed it off and got some cough drops.
    That night I was blowing my nose and one nostril was plugging up.
    I could feel the virus moving into my bronchial tubes and chest.
    Felt that same exact process before many times.
    I was getting sticky yellow phlegm and a good amount.
    I new something was wrong.
    Finally fell asleep but I could feel the sweats and slight fever starting.
    Never took any medicine and refused to get tested or go to the doctors.
    I had about 48 hours of foggy brain or inability to concentrate or desire to concentrate.
    Just ride the wave.
    Not my first rodeo as I've had many chest colds much worse than this over the years and had many cases of the flu as well.
    This seemed like nothing.
    Day's 2, 3 and 4 I was out like a light.
    Literally slept 70 out of the next 72 hours.
    Day 5 I finally broke down and started to take some Tylenol, Nyquil and a bunch of vitamins.
    I was feeling better so no need to see a doctor IMO.
    I isolated in one of the rooms, in the house and went into quarantine.
    I had the wife make me hot tea with honey/lemon and homemade chicken soup for the week.
    After day 6 it was clear that it was basically over.
    After day 8 I'm out of quarantine and back to normal and unmasked.
    Nobody else in my house caught it.
    I suppose it could of just been the common cold or regular flu but I doubt it.
    Anyways, that's my story... don't bother me.
    Stupid Sniffles for about 96% of people.
    I think about 4% will need hospitalization.
    I'm untested and unvaccinated by the way.
    Now TP knows why I've been watching so many movies this last week!
    One really good thing is that I tested out some of my camping equipment like my bag, bedroll and cot.
    So that was nice.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Anyways, I'm pretty sure I finally caught a version of one of these strains over Thanksgiving.
    The first 35 hours I couldn't sleep.
    I was wired.
    I started with a very soar throat in the morning.
    Brushed it off and got some cough drops.
    That night I was blowing my nose and one nostril was plugging up.
    I could feel the virus moving into my bronchial tubes and chest.
    Felt that same exact process before many times.
    I was getting sticky yellow phlegm and a good amount.
    I new something was wrong.
    Finally fell asleep but I could feel the sweats and slight fever starting.
    Never took any medicine and refused to get tested or go to the doctors.
    I had about 48 hours of foggy brain or inability to concentrate or desire to concentrate.
    Just ride the wave.
    Not my first rodeo as I've had many chest colds much worse than this over the years and had many cases of the flu as well.
    This seemed like nothing.
    Day's 2, 3 and 4 I was out like a light.
    Literally slept 70 out of the next 72 hours.
    Day 5 I finally broke down and started to take some Tylenol, Nyquil and a bunch of vitamins.
    I was feeling better so no need to see a doctor IMO.
    I isolated in one of the rooms, in the house and went into quarantine.
    I had the wife make me hot tea with honey/lemon and homemade chicken soup for the week.
    After day 6 it was clear that it was basically over.
    After day 8 I'm out of quarantine and back to normal and unmasked.
    Nobody else in my house caught it.
    I suppose it could of just been the common cold or regular flu but I doubt it.
    Anyways, that's my story... don't bother me.
    Stupid Sniffles for about 96% of people.
    I think about 4% will need hospitalization.
    I'm untested and unvaccinated by the way.
    Now TP knows why I've been watching so many movies this last week!
    One really good thing is that I tested out some of my camping equipment like my bag, bedroll and cot.
    So that was nice.
    Glad you're feeling back up to snuff Monet. Yes, I had originally wrongly figured you were just watching a lot of movies only because, like me, you love watching movies - but in reality it was because you love watching movies and you weren't feeling well.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Anyways, I'm pretty sure I finally caught a version of one of these strains over Thanksgiving.
    The first 35 hours I couldn't sleep.
    I was wired.
    I started with a very soar throat in the morning.
    Brushed it off and got some cough drops.
    That night I was blowing my nose and one nostril was plugging up.
    I could feel the virus moving into my bronchial tubes and chest.
    Felt that same exact process before many times.
    I was getting sticky yellow phlegm and a good amount.
    I new something was wrong.
    Finally fell asleep but I could feel the sweats and slight fever starting.
    Never took any medicine and refused to get tested or go to the doctors.
    I had about 48 hours of foggy brain or inability to concentrate or desire to concentrate.
    Just ride the wave.
    Not my first rodeo as I've had many chest colds much worse than this over the years and had many cases of the flu as well.
    This seemed like nothing.
    Day's 2, 3 and 4 I was out like a light.
    Literally slept 70 out of the next 72 hours.
    Day 5 I finally broke down and started to take some Tylenol, Nyquil and a bunch of vitamins.
    I was feeling better so no need to see a doctor IMO.
    I isolated in one of the rooms, in the house and went into quarantine.
    I had the wife make me hot tea with honey/lemon and homemade chicken soup for the week.
    After day 6 it was clear that it was basically over.
    After day 8 I'm out of quarantine and back to normal and unmasked.
    Nobody else in my house caught it.
    I suppose it could of just been the common cold or regular flu but I doubt it.
    Anyways, that's my story... don't bother me.
    Stupid Sniffles for about 96% of people.
    I think about 4% will need hospitalization.
    I'm untested and unvaccinated by the way.
    Now TP knows why I've been watching so many movies this last week!
    One really good thing is that I tested out some of my camping equipment like my bag, bedroll and cot.
    So that was nice.
    That was pretty much my experience with it. No problems since. I was tired afterwards for a couple weeks. But that could have been from just enjoying too much sleep.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    That was pretty much my experience with it. No problems since. I was tired afterwards for a couple weeks. But that could have been from just enjoying too much sleep.
    I rate it about a 4/10 out of severity.
    The media has really brainwashed us into thinking its a death sentence.
    I didn't even have a textbook fever.
    No real cold chills.
    Just light sweaty at times.
    I probably exaggerated 70 out of 72 hours.
    It was more like 60 hours of sleep.
    I really can't distinguish it any different than a cold or mild flu.
    After watching a bunch of testimonials and research I realized that over 90% of infected people can beat it with sleep and time.
    Fluids, Food, Medicine and Vitamins help to speed up the healing process.
    All and all its a nothingburger.

  18. #18
    Omnicron MAY pretty much be the end of this thing as far as deaths unless you New World Order folks are right. All indications are it’s relatively mild AND spreading like wildfire, so it could be what gets us towards herd immunity with minimal deaths IF the powers that be can give up their obsession with case counts and focus more on outcomes.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Omnicron MAY pretty much be the end of this thing as far as deaths unless you New World Order folks are right. All indications are it’s relatively mild AND spreading like wildfire, so it could be what gets us towards herd immunity with minimal deaths IF the powers that be can give up their obsession with case counts and focus more on outcomes.
    So far I don't think there is a reported death worldwide from Omicron.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  20. #20

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