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Thread: Alan vs. KJ

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    KJ really went after Alan hard on WoV. It was really uncalled for. Alan asked him to stop so KJ poured it on harder. And per the usual, KJ made shit up. Here's a KJ quote on page 8:

    "But when a person says they 'have looked into' giving up their home and possesions to live at casinos so they have more money to gamble, I will always say 'that is a terrible idea" and I am disappointed won't and aren't stepping up voicing that."

    Alan never said he looked into it so he would have more money to gamble. That is a fiction/lie made up by KJ. But you know KJ. He always has to pull that shit. KJocchio.

    And then the sentence about other people stepping up. KJ is literally begging other people to pile on Alan.

    The bottom line is KJ bitch trolled Alan on purpose and made up a ton of shit in doing it. And all the while feigning concern for Alan's well being.

    But don't expect KJ to admit it's a troll.
    Come on Mickey! A person, a losing gambler, is looking into or considering giving up his apartment, because the rent is too high, and living in casinos bouncing around casinos, what do you think they are going to do with that $1200 a month savings? Open a retirement account? Buy hookers? Buy cocaine? No, he was looking for a way to have more money to gamble. Even Rob recognizes that.

    Look Alan moved to Las Vegas to be close to the craps tables and video games he loves. He loses whatever extra money he has at the casinos and they chills for the next 3 weeks. Like I said there are only about a million folks like that. But come on Alan is neither an AP, nor a young man. This bouncing around the casinos is a terrible idea for him.

    There is actually another issue with Alan that makes this a terrible idea...even to look into, that I haven't wanted to mention. That is health. Alan is a double organ transplant recipient. As such he is on anti-rejection medication for life. Anti-rejection medication lowers and weakens the immune system. That is how it works. It tricks the immune system into not attacking and rejecting those organs, which lowers immunity and resistance all around. In short, someone on these medications is in the highest of high risk categories, even if he is managing everything well. We all hope this virus is weakening and winding down, but anyone in this situation even "looking into" living at and bouncing around casinos is simply making horrible decisions.

  2. #42
    I don't doubt that kew is stirring the pot with his constant lying over at WoV about Alan. But one thing's for sure: Alan is a HELLUVA lot better looking than he is.

    Everybody has their own issues. We don't need the likes of the most hated poster on internet forums, to keep creating false scenarios about others when his lies about himself have failed so miserably.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Not sure how things work in Nevada, but in Pac NW you can serve a lawsuit (typically a summons and complaint) without first filing it / paying the filing fee.
    Who issues the summons without a filed complaint?
    The lawyer prepares the summons, it is not issued by the court.

    No permission is needed to serve an unfiled summons and complaint.

    Basically all the summons does is notify you that you are being sued and that you only have so much time to respond or else you're fucked.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    . But one thing's for sure: Alan is a HELLUVA lot better looking than he is.
    Rob, if nothing else I give you credit for your sense of humor.

    Fact is YOU have no idea what I look like. I suspect a few do, thanks to the databases, but YOU don't. But everyone does know what you and Alan look like thanks to those informative videos where you talk about the machines teleporting information to you. And I can honestly say Alan is a HELLUVA lot better looking than you. And don't anyone read anything more than what the statement says. I have had my "daddy" phase and am over that and have no interest in a grandpa phase. I am just saying Larry Fine looking bastard are the last person that should be bringing up looks.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    No permission is needed to serve an unfiled summons and complaint.
    Is the summons preparer required to be licensed to practice law?

    For instance, can the plaintiff prepare the summons?

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    . But one thing's for sure: Alan is a HELLUVA lot better looking than he is.
    Rob, if nothing else I give you credit for your sense of humor.

    Fact is YOU have no idea what I look like. I suspect a few do, thanks to the databases, but YOU don't. But everyone does know what you and Alan look like thanks to those informative videos where you talk about the machines teleporting information to you. And I can honestly say Alan is a HELLUVA lot better looking than you. And don't anyone read anything more than what the statement says. I have had my "daddy" phase and am over that and have no interest in a grandpa phase. I am just saying Larry Fine looking bastard are the last person that should be bringing up looks.
    All men are ugly. Even the ones that women think are sexy.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by kewlJ
    I am just saying Larry Fine looking bastard are the last person that should be bringing up looks.
    'Nyuk 'nyuk 'nyuk.

    Woo woo woo woo woo.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #48
    Rob is definitely a Larry Fine wannabe !

  9. #49
    So I read some of that thread over on that site. I don't have an accoutn there but...

    I'd like to add if you're living out of a casino without a fridge (like on strip), you can get a little plastic insulated foldable thing. Then just a couple of those big plastic ziploc bags. Put ice in ziploc bags and drain as needed. It saved a lot of time given how there is so often a line or food places are closed. Then you can have whatever you want and it takes up little space when drained. There is a Target on the strip now that'll make do. Or just keep buying those $12 sandwiches in the deli because you don't want to wait in line or whatever places aren't open when you want to eat.

    You're kinda unwelcome being a single person in these places. Tables are at a premium. Ugh the strip is a pretty piss poor experience in a lot of ways. Wonder if it'll ever go back to what it used to be. I guess I'm also more picky so fast food court doesn't really cut it. Especially when it is the same exact same bullshit 4 places as the previous MGM property.

    Anyway, back to the thread...

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Rob is definitely a Larry Fine wannabe !

    is who I thought you were referencing.

  11. #51
    A lot of pressure on Las Vegas renters right now. $1200 is for a fairly average crap 1 bedroom apartment. Feel sorry for a guy like
    Alan in his 70's that owns nothing and not having any semi responsible hardworking kids to mooch off of.

    That is where Grandpappy Newell succeeded.

    Vegas and gambling has destroyed many people that otherwise could have maintained some modicum of success....RIP

  12. #52
    Anyone who buys a 70k watch is a complete fucking tard, no matter how much money they have.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen
    Feel sorry for a guy like Alan in his 70's that owns nothing and not having any semi responsible hardworking kids to mooch off of.
    Think again.

    *edited excerpts snipped from Alan's post at WoV*

    "My son lost his business. He filed for bankruptcy. He was losing his house...My son has a new business. He has recovered. He buys $70,000 watches now. Most importantly we've made up and I've forgiven him."

    How high the once low have risen, and so quickly, too.
    Glad to see things turning around for the son. Guess good things happen to those that break away from working for a generate gambler.

    Will his son tolerate him mooching off him now though?

    Doesn't seem likely....

  14. #54
    Note: I deleted the quoted post shortly after making it.

    I own it.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #55
    Kew, I know what you look like and it isn't flattering. And I know a LOT more about you and that ain't flattering either. You have the look and background of someone who's just MADE to bullied. Why do you think I enjoy it so much?

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew, I know what you look like and it isn't flattering. And I know a LOT more about you and that ain't flattering either.
    No you don't. You were going to post where I live, but you could never figure it out. Mdawg figured it out. He is a better troll than you. You can't do anything well. I even remember several times you threated to post where I worked. I was looking forward to that because I wanted to know what kind of work I do.

    Rob you are too stupid to even have a clue that I have won every step of the way. Oh sure you can call people names like the insecure little perv that you are. But I have kicked your ass every single step of the way. I know everything about you and you know nothing about me....unless Mdawg has been kind enough to throw you a bone and share something. But you on your own have figured out zilch. Every freaking step of the way I have kicked your ass. Take that to your grave, you Larry Fine retard looking village idiot.

  17. #57
    KewlJ....J for Jason
    38 years old
    155-160 lbs
    Blond hair
    Blue eyes

    Is that the description Rob?

    Ozzy, is that the description?

    Where did each and every one of those bread crumbs come from? Yeah, that is right....I dropped them all along the way, and you all scooped them up thinking you have solved the puzzle. I wonder why no one has found me. You guys are trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and you have the wrong damn pieces to the wrong puzzle. And not just ya'll but half the pit critters in Vegas. Tell me again, who is uneducated and stupid.

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I actually feel bad for Tomg. I would have been PISSED if my innocent thread about living out of hotels suddenly got closed over that.
    If Rusty closes Tom's thread, he can continue it over here. He's a member of this fine site, who hasn't posted in several months.
    The thread is only temporarily closed why mods discuss if I need a time out or not. It will reopen.
    The WOV Admins should have just taken out the Kewlj and Alan arguments and split them into their own Thread and leave the on topic replies about living in Hotel Rooms alone and kept that thread open like they have done to MANY threads.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    KJ really went after Alan hard on WoV. It was really uncalled for. Alan asked him to stop so KJ poured it on harder. And per the usual, KJ made shit up. Here's a KJ quote on page 8:

    "But when a person says they 'have looked into' giving up their home and possesions to live at casinos so they have more money to gamble, I will always say 'that is a terrible idea" and I am disappointed won't and aren't stepping up voicing that."

    Alan never said he looked into it so he would have more money to gamble. That is a fiction/lie made up by KJ. But you know KJ. He always has to pull that shit. KJocchio.

    And then the sentence about other people stepping up. KJ is literally begging other people to pile on Alan.

    The bottom line is KJ bitch trolled Alan on purpose and made up a ton of shit in doing it. And all the while feigning concern for Alan's well being.

    But don't expect KJ to admit it's a troll.
    Come on Mickey! A person, a losing gambler, is looking into or considering giving up his apartment, because the rent is too high, and living in casinos bouncing around casinos, what do you think they are going to do with that $1200 a month savings? Open a retirement account? Buy hookers? Buy cocaine? No, he was looking for a way to have more money to gamble. Even Rob recognizes that.

    Look Alan moved to Las Vegas to be close to the craps tables and video games he loves. He loses whatever extra money he has at the casinos and they chills for the next 3 weeks. Like I said there are only about a million folks like that. But come on Alan is neither an AP, nor a young man. This bouncing around the casinos is a terrible idea for him.

    There is actually another issue with Alan that makes this a terrible idea...even to look into, that I haven't wanted to mention. That is health. Alan is a double organ transplant recipient. As such he is on anti-rejection medication for life. Anti-rejection medication lowers and weakens the immune system. That is how it works. It tricks the immune system into not attacking and rejecting those organs, which lowers immunity and resistance all around. In short, someone on these medications is in the highest of high risk categories, even if he is managing everything well. We all hope this virus is weakening and winding down, but anyone in this situation even "looking into" living at and bouncing around casinos is simply making horrible decisions.
    You said that he said he looked into it so he would have more money to gamble with. That was a plain out lie. YOU said he did it to have more money to gamble with. You stated it as fact he said that. He didn't. That is what is so messed up. You don't stick with the facts. You make shit up. Knock it off.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Why on earth does goofy Garnabby think we care about what happens in a third world country like Canada?
    No wonder I'm amazed that Redietz has hitched his "buggy" to yours. Ha, for some reason I think of the time that Alan reminded him that anthrax isn't a contagious disease.

    In general, the lack of knowledge and understanding, let alone experience, in any area of study, on the gambling sites has been a constant source of amusement. Apparently, the so-called AP's never learn any "lesson". I guess the reason there are 730 "ghost" members hanging on to cheer you on. Nothing like "friends".

    Oh, as for third-world countries, I've been told by immigrants, it's easier to get into the States to get into Canada, then to to come directly. Personally, I've seen both countries up close. As corrupt as also this one is, well, there's no decision to where I want to live.

    P.S. As for posting here, well, it's something I do for myself. A bit of motivation with the "goofy" stuff. I fully realize that nobody reads this type of site, let alone this one in particular. Nobody is ever going to.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-06-2022 at 06:59 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

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