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Thread: The Coronavirus Scam

  1. #741
    Oh you bastards make us pay to watch part 2 through 5 huh lol?

  2. #742
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Should be interesting Monet, thanks for posting.
    I'm not positive as I just watched the first 15 seconds but it looks free as it starts with Fauci.
    This is the link I used.
    Once this dailywire doc ages and gets putlockered, I'll get the putlocker link and post it here.

  3. #743
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I don't buy this for a second though. One can put up all sorts of conspiratoral thinking. Sometimes it is true, but the people who get into this stuff are typically wrong. I'm fairly certain the effectiveness of the vaccines is far beyond ivermectin, even though they didn't work as well as we had hoped. The fact that you seem to argue otherwise is pretty telling. If you want to take Ivermectin all the time as a prophilaptic (sp?) be my guest.

    You do seem to fluctuate between what it should be used for.. treatment for active cases or prophilactic. Again, this suggests to me you're just wanting Ivermectin to be some magic potion. The study you gave me was for prophilaptic use. These things matter in a big way.

    I suspect MSM has been very resistent to even give Ivermectin a fair shake. That's true. I don't think doctors are owned by pharmaceutical companies. No, they didn't go to school for 8+ years to help people just to be controlled by some industry. Nonsense. This is a meh medication that has been latched onto by anti-vaxxer because it gives them an out psychologically.
    No I don't seem to fluctuate in what it should be used for. It should be used for both. Please feel free to find a post where I said it should only be used for one but not the other. You won't be able to, because I never wrote that anywhere. With regard to the mRNA vaccines, I believe I wrote that they have bad side effects like heart inflammation and made no comment on their effectiveness for Covid-19. Given the safety profile of Ivermectin there would be no reason not to try it, even if vaccinated. However it is very difficult to get in this country legally for this purpose. The examples of thalidomide,phen-fen and other harmful medications was already mentioned, but you either forgot about this or ignored it, so there is no point in posting counter-arguments - they will be ignored or forgotten.
    We were talking about using Ivermectin as treatment and then you show me a study about propylactic usage. Fluctuating might be the wrong word, but the discussion here seems to often conflate the 2.
    For starters, if Ivermectin were ineffective as a treatment, there would be no need for the current ongoing studies to investigate its efficacy (Monet had posted that there were 5 ongoing studies and I believe it is at least this number). Secondly, apparently Doctors were willing to risk their 8 years of med school in order to prescribe Vioxx,Thalidomide and fen-phen (tip of the iceberg here). All of them were quite effective in treating the primary ailment. The ancillary effects of having babies born with flippers instead of arms and legs (Thalidomide), heart attacks (Vioxx and other Cox 2 anti-inflammatories) and damaged heart valves (fen-phen) are indicative of the risks that new medications can have and which can manifest when they first come on the market. These medications went through the standard protocols (rigorous) for safety in order to receive FDA approval for wide-spread use. And yet despite this, you seem to think it is unreasonable to believe that a hastily deployed, poorly vetted mRNA vaccine that had no where near the vetting of these three medications would cause a good proportion of people to be reticent to take the "vaccine" (IIRC you referred to this as being used as some sort of anti-vaxxer psychological crutch). Now billboards and ads are going up all over the place encouraging children to get heart inflammation screens and the protocols for administering the "vaccine" now call for more spacing between shots due to this same concern for both adults and children.
    Finally you link a study with a p-value of .25 as evidence that ivermectin-treated and untreated groups have no difference. That same study shows that it is half as likely to require a ventilator if one is taking Ivermecton and 50% more likely to require ICU care (if one is hospitalized) if one is not.
    Ignoring the fact that there are several ongoing studies to see if Ivermectin is effective, many people would be satisfied with using Ivermectin for its prophylactic power alone (p-value < 0.0001). Even so, I had linked to several Covid treatment studies compared in a meta-analysis in an earlier post showing that it is effective as a treatment (which you ignored in your recent posts over the week).

  4. #744
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    For starters, if Ivermectin were ineffective as a treatment, there would be no need for the current ongoing studies to investigate its efficacy (Monet had posted that there were 5 ongoing studies and I believe it is at least this number). Secondly, apparently Doctors were willing to risk their 8 years of med school in order to prescribe Vioxx,Thalidomide and fen-phen (tip of the iceberg here). All of them were quite effective in treating the primary ailment. The ancillary effects of having babies born with flippers instead of arms and legs (Thalidomide), heart attacks (Vioxx and other Cox 2 anti-inflammatories) and damaged heart valves (fen-phen) are indicative of the risks that new medications can have and which can manifest when they first come on the market. These medications went through the standard protocols (rigorous) for safety in order to receive FDA approval for wide-spread use. And yet despite this, you seem to think it is unreasonable to believe that a hastily deployed, poorly vetted mRNA vaccine that had no where near the vetting of these three medications would cause a good proportion of people to be reticent to take the "vaccine" (IIRC you referred to this as being used as some sort of anti-vaxxer psychological crutch). Now billboards and ads are going up all over the place encouraging children to get heart inflammation screens and the protocols for administering the "vaccine" now call for more spacing between shots due to this same concern for both adults and children.
    Finally you link a study with a p-value of .25 as evidence that ivermectin-treated and untreated groups have no difference. That same study shows that it is half as likely to require a ventilator if one is taking Ivermecton and 50% more likely to require ICU care (if one is hospitalized) if one is not.
    Ignoring the fact that there are several ongoing studies to see if Ivermectin is effective, many people would be satisfied with using Ivermectin for its prophylactic power alone (p-value < 0.0001). Even so, I had linked to several Covid treatment studies compared in a meta-analysis in an earlier post showing that it is effective as a treatment (which you ignored in your recent posts over the week).
    Let's be real clear about something.
    96% of people under 75 will never need to go to the hospital for this virus.
    If you have access to Early Treatment Protocols like Trump, Rogan and others you will recover within 2 to 5 days.
    95% of us either vaxxed or unvaxxed won't need anything but fluids and rest.
    These people do realize the vaccine only lasts for 12 weeks before it rapidly declines in efficacy, don't they?
    And we really can't believe most of the numbers being thrown around because they are completely skewed.
    Its a big difference dying From covid or dying With Covid but they are only recently starting to separate the two.
    No matter Vaxxed or UnVaxxed if you are under 75 you have less than a 1% chance of hospitalization.
    One thing is for sure.
    If you start eating better, exercise, lose weight, hydrate, and get 8 hours of rest per day your overall odds of living longer will skyrocket.
    But you know, whatever... wear two masks, get 3 shots and stay away from life.
    You might actually make it to 90 before you croak.
    It's not the Plague.
    Millions have not died FROM the virus.
    They died WITH the virus.
    Big Difference.
    Many of them didn't even have the virus till they went to the hospital for some other reason and caught it.
    As Dr. Fauci has already said... Everyone and I mean Everyone will likely catch this virus.
    It is unavoidable.
    My Uncle and Wife have been able to escape its clutches so far but they don't go anywhere.
    That being said, they did go to the LVAC to shower every day for 5 months and still never caught it.
    Which is pretty impressive being inside those locker rooms and showers around all those unmasked people who were sneezing and coughing.
    Heck, they even were able to avoid it for the week that I had it in our house.
    Although, according to one study, they only had a 12% chance to catch it from me anyway.
    Last edited by monet; 02-21-2022 at 09:17 PM.

  5. #745
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    For starters, if Ivermectin were ineffective as a treatment, there would be no need for the current ongoing studies to investigate its efficacy (Monet had posted that there were 5 ongoing studies and I believe it is at least this number). Secondly, apparently Doctors were willing to risk their 8 years of med school in order to prescribe Vioxx,Thalidomide and fen-phen (tip of the iceberg here). All of them were quite effective in treating the primary ailment. The ancillary effects of having babies born with flippers instead of arms and legs (Thalidomide), heart attacks (Vioxx and other Cox 2 anti-inflammatories) and damaged heart valves (fen-phen) are indicative of the risks that new medications can have and which can manifest when they first come on the market. These medications went through the standard protocols (rigorous) for safety in order to receive FDA approval for wide-spread use. And yet despite this, you seem to think it is unreasonable to believe that a hastily deployed, poorly vetted mRNA vaccine that had no where near the vetting of these three medications would cause a good proportion of people to be reticent to take the "vaccine" (IIRC you referred to this as being used as some sort of anti-vaxxer psychological crutch). Now billboards and ads are going up all over the place encouraging children to get heart inflammation screens and the protocols for administering the "vaccine" now call for more spacing between shots due to this same concern for both adults and children.
    Finally you link a study with a p-value of .25 as evidence that ivermectin-treated and untreated groups have no difference. That same study shows that it is half as likely to require a ventilator if one is taking Ivermecton and 50% more likely to require ICU care (if one is hospitalized) if one is not.
    Ignoring the fact that there are several ongoing studies to see if Ivermectin is effective, many people would be satisfied with using Ivermectin for its prophylactic power alone (p-value < 0.0001). Even so, I had linked to several Covid treatment studies compared in a meta-analysis in an earlier post showing that it is effective as a treatment (which you ignored in your recent posts over the week).
    Let's be real clear about something.
    96% of people under 75 will never need to go to the hospital for this virus.
    If you have access to Early Treatment Protocols like Trump, Rogan and others you will recover within 2 to 5 days.
    95% of us either vaxxed or unvaxxed won't need anything but fluids and rest.
    These people do realize the vaccine only lasts for 12 weeks before it rapidly declines in efficacy, don't they?
    And we really can't believe most of the numbers being thrown around because they are completely skewed.
    Its a big difference dying From covid or dying With Covid but they are only recently starting to separate the two.
    No matter Vaxxed or UnVaxxed if you are under 75 you have less than a 1% chance of hospitalization.
    One thing is for sure.
    If you start eating better, exercise, lose weight, hydrate, and get 8 hours of rest per day your overall odds of living longer will skyrocket.
    But you know, whatever... wear two masks, get 3 shots and stay away from life.
    You might actually make it to 90 before you croak.
    It's not the Plague.
    Millions have not died FROM the virus.
    They died WITH the virus.
    Big Difference.
    Many of them didn't even have the virus till they went to the hospital for some other reason and caught it.
    As Dr. Fauci has already said... Everyone and I mean Everyone will likely catch this virus.
    It is unavoidable.
    My Uncle and Wife have been able to escape its clutches so far but they don't go anywhere.
    That being said, they did go to the LVAC to shower every day for 5 months and still never caught it.
    Which is pretty impressive being inside those locker rooms and showers around all those unmasked people who were sneezing and coughing.
    Heck, they even were able to avoid it for the week that I had it in our house.
    Although, according to one study, they only had a 12% chance to catch it from me anyway.
    Great points. Isn't it amazing how all these unvaxxed people are still alive and commenting on forums about the dangers of the "vaccine" ? I mean holy fuck, talk about defying the odds in regards to this deadly virus. You would think there would be no one unvaccinated left to comment on the vaccine given how deadly Covid-19 is.

  6. #746
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Great points. Isn't it amazing how all these unvaxxed people are still alive and commenting on forums about the dangers of the "vaccine" ? I mean holy fuck, talk about defying the odds in regards to this deadly virus. You would think there would be no one unvaccinated left to comment on the vaccine given how deadly Covid-19 is.
    No doubt!
    Another fascinating topic is how they appear to be counting exact deaths in real time for the entire world!?
    With the exception of China because China isn't sharing any sort of information.
    And maybe North Korea.
    lol remember when Russia didn't update their infections or deaths for the first 6 months or so?
    Anyways, that kind of data used to take weeks if not months.
    Now it appears they can update each death within minutes with complete accuracy of cause of death.
    CNN used to have a death ticker that would refresh within seconds lol.
    I'm pretty sure the more reliable data is annual death rates.

  7. #747
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Great points. Isn't it amazing how all these unvaxxed people are still alive and commenting on forums about the dangers of the "vaccine" ? I mean holy fuck, talk about defying the odds in regards to this deadly virus. You would think there would be no one unvaccinated left to comment on the vaccine given how deadly Covid-19 is.
    No doubt!
    Another fascinating topic is how they appear to be counting exact deaths in real time for the entire world!?
    With the exception of China because China isn't sharing any sort of information.
    And maybe North Korea.
    lol remember when Russia didn't update their infections or deaths for the first 6 months or so?
    Anyways, that kind of data used to take weeks if not months.
    Now it appears they can update each death within minutes with complete accuracy of cause of death.
    CNN used to have a death ticker that would refresh within seconds lol.
    I'm pretty sure the more reliable data is annual death rates.
    I'm sure the insurance companies would love to get access to these real-time data sources for their life insurance premium calculations ;-).

  8. #748
    Another reason to pack up and go live in the woods or at the least live in a rural area.
    Unfortunately I'm pretty locked into Vegas and my current situation.
    I'd literally have to burn it all down and do it alone.
    I'd also have to get into Archery more so than firearms to actually have any longevity.
    I'm a Fucking Idiot... should of bought a 50 acre farm 25 years ago.
    Blinded by the lights and ease of the Vegas Lifestyle.
    Oh well... always death and the lake of fire to look forward to.

  9. #749
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    No I don't seem to fluctuate in what it should be used for. It should be used for both. Please feel free to find a post where I said it should only be used for one but not the other. You won't be able to, because I never wrote that anywhere. With regard to the mRNA vaccines, I believe I wrote that they have bad side effects like heart inflammation and made no comment on their effectiveness for Covid-19. Given the safety profile of Ivermectin there would be no reason not to try it, even if vaccinated. However it is very difficult to get in this country legally for this purpose. The examples of thalidomide,phen-fen and other harmful medications was already mentioned, but you either forgot about this or ignored it, so there is no point in posting counter-arguments - they will be ignored or forgotten.
    We were talking about using Ivermectin as treatment and then you show me a study about propylactic usage. Fluctuating might be the wrong word, but the discussion here seems to often conflate the 2.
    For starters, if Ivermectin were ineffective as a treatment, there would be no need for the current ongoing studies to investigate its efficacy (Monet had posted that there were 5 ongoing studies and I believe it is at least this number). Secondly, apparently Doctors were willing to risk their 8 years of med school in order to prescribe Vioxx,Thalidomide and fen-phen (tip of the iceberg here). All of them were quite effective in treating the primary ailment. The ancillary effects of having babies born with flippers instead of arms and legs (Thalidomide), heart attacks (Vioxx and other Cox 2 anti-inflammatories) and damaged heart valves (fen-phen) are indicative of the risks that new medications can have and which can manifest when they first come on the market. These medications went through the standard protocols (rigorous) for safety in order to receive FDA approval for wide-spread use. And yet despite this, you seem to think it is unreasonable to believe that a hastily deployed, poorly vetted mRNA vaccine that had no where near the vetting of these three medications would cause a good proportion of people to be reticent to take the "vaccine" (IIRC you referred to this as being used as some sort of anti-vaxxer psychological crutch). Now billboards and ads are going up all over the place encouraging children to get heart inflammation screens and the protocols for administering the "vaccine" now call for more spacing between shots due to this same concern for both adults and children.
    Finally you link a study with a p-value of .25 as evidence that ivermectin-treated and untreated groups have no difference. That same study shows that it is half as likely to require a ventilator if one is taking Ivermecton and 50% more likely to require ICU care (if one is hospitalized) if one is not.
    Ignoring the fact that there are several ongoing studies to see if Ivermectin is effective, many people would be satisfied with using Ivermectin for its prophylactic power alone (p-value < 0.0001). Even so, I had linked to several Covid treatment studies compared in a meta-analysis in an earlier post showing that it is effective as a treatment (which you ignored in your recent posts over the week).
    If Covid vaccine was more analagous to a drug that you take repeatedly, then you'd have a lot more of a point. If you want to show me where a vaccine has caused all these issues, feel free. Don't give me that causing autistic bullshit people of your ilk were bandying about for years.

    There are many studies. I'm not going to read just yours. To read all of them requires many hours and I suspect it is something you haven't done. My guess would be that you have only really read the studies that came to you via a certain pathway or the one I posted. You use the whole thing to confirm your beliefs, contrary to what you wish to convey with your writing. Of course, I may very well be wrong here. I don't really know you, and I do appreciate your sincere effort to talk like normal people. I've tried to do the same in return.

    I believe that Ivertmectin works. I just don't think it is some panacea that is being covered up by the medical elite establishment. Very marginal medication. It would not get near the press it does, but it is seen as an alternative to the government controlin' vaccines.

    Likewise, I suspect the coverage from CNN and msm of their ilk have been too harsh on the medication.

    After more and more studies come out, we'll see. What is the criteria you measure "success" by? I believe they will see a very slight/marginally better outcome. For you, any positive outcome will likely be seen as victory, no? It is kinda a yes/no I told you so sorta deal. Whatever

  10. #750
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    If Covid vaccine was more analagous to a drug that you take repeatedly, then you'd have a lot more of a point. If you want to show me where a vaccine has caused all these issues, feel free. Don't give me that causing autistic bullshit people of your ilk were bandying about for years.

    There are many studies. I'm not going to read just yours. To read all of them requires many hours and I suspect it is something you haven't done. My guess would be that you have only really read the studies that came to you via a certain pathway or the one I posted. You use the whole thing to confirm your beliefs, contrary to what you wish to convey with your writing. Of course, I may very well be wrong here. I don't really know you, and I do appreciate your sincere effort to talk like normal people. I've tried to do the same in return.

    I believe that Ivertmectin works. I just don't think it is some panacea that is being covered up by the medical elite establishment. Very marginal medication. It would not get near the press it does, but it is seen as an alternative to the government controlin' vaccines.

    Likewise, I suspect the coverage from CNN and msm of their ilk have been too harsh on the medication.

    After more and more studies come out, we'll see. What is the criteria you measure "success" by? I believe they will see a very slight/marginally better outcome. For you, any positive outcome will likely be seen as victory, no? It is kinda a yes/no I told you so sorta deal. Whatever
    First off my apologies for saying that vaccines cause autism. I was totally wrong about that. Oh wait, I never said or wrote anything like that. Regarding the success of Ivermectin, I would say I define it as a success since it has been used repeatedly as a front line treatment for covid-19 by emergency doctors such as Dr. Pierre Kory* and cities in Brazil and India have used it to eradicate Covid-19. Since the mRNA "vaccine" is not a vaccine (it has no dead or weakened virus) I can not compare it to a vaccine. I gave examples of situations where Doctors were prescribing a regimen that caused severe damage, but of course now the goal posts have been moved. In any case I believe Thalidomide is a one and done deal with regard to severe birth defects - that is, if a pill is taken by a women when a developing fetus is present, the DNA of the fetus is damaged. Anyway Rotashield (rotovirus vaccine) was pulled from the market because it caused intestinal obstruction in infants - so there is your vaccine example. Since Ivermectin is a marginal medication, you should make sure you set the principal investigators of the several ongoing Ivermectin efficacy studies straight so they stop wasting their time and study grant money.
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    Last edited by tableplay; 02-22-2022 at 05:51 PM.

  11. #751
    CNN should now have a death ticker for it's station.

  12. #752
    CNN's ratings will go up a bit now due to the Ukraine conflict, but beyond that yeah, their ratings have tanked.

    They need Trump!

    I don't, but they do.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #753
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    CNN's ratings will go up a bit now due to the Ukraine conflict, but beyond that yeah, their ratings have tanked.

    They need Trump!

    I don't, but they do.
    You sure about that? You sure do mention him a lot.

  14. #754

  15. #755
    Funny how Russia starts a War and Covid is over in the MSM News Cycle.
    And nobody reporting in Ukraine or Russia was wearing a mask.
    I seen a few citizens with masks on but that was about it.
    I guess the virus can not spread in make shift bomb shelters.
    CNN thanked Putin today for saving their ratings.
    I literally watched 3 hours of FOX, CNN, and MSNBC before I had enough of the War Coverage.
    Normally I can only stand about 5 minutes of them combined on my daily consumption.
    I kind of hope Putin invades NATO so we can get this party started.
    And you all told me the Four Horseman was a Fairy Tale!?

  16. #756
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Funny how Russia starts a War and Covid is over in the MSM News Cycle.
    And nobody reporting in Ukraine or Russia was wearing a mask.
    I seen a few citizens with masks on but that was about it.
    I guess the virus can not spread in make shift bomb shelters.
    CNN thanked Putin today for saving their ratings.
    I literally watched 3 hours of FOX, CNN, and MSNBC before I had enough of the War Coverage.
    Normally I can only stand about 5 minutes of them combined on my daily consumption.
    I kind of hope Putin invades NATO so we can get this party started.
    And you all told me the Four Horseman was a Fairy Tale!?
    Perhaps when they are in the bomb shelters they are in a seated position while eating,drinking and/or smoking.

    BTW the Canadian bitch Chrystia Freeland wants to make the emergency powers act permanent so that if anyone ever asks questions, the government just freezes their bank accounts (per the latest Russell Brand podcast) and destroys their lives.
    Last edited by tableplay; 02-25-2022 at 01:15 AM.

  17. #757
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Perhaps when they are in the bomb shelters they are in a seated position while eating,drinking and/or smoking.

    BTW the Canadian bitch Chrystia Freeland wants to make the emergency powers act permanent so that if anyone ever asks questions, the government just freezes their bank accounts (per the latest Russell Brand podcast) and destroys their lives.
    It seems that this is in the Governmental Playbook these days.
    Invoke Emergency Powers illegally.
    Revoke SOME of the Emergency Powers and keep others like being able to De-Bank any citizen at anytime.
    In the Criminal World we call this bait and switch.

  18. #758
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Perhaps when they are in the bomb shelters they are in a seated position while eating,drinking and/or smoking.

    BTW the Canadian bitch Chrystia Freeland wants to make the emergency powers act permanent so that if anyone ever asks questions, the government just freezes their bank accounts (per the latest Russell Brand podcast) and destroys their lives.
    It seems that this is in the Governmental Playbook these days.
    Invoke Emergency Powers illegally.
    Revoke SOME of the Emergency Powers and keep others like being able to De-Bank any citizen at anytime.
    In the Criminal World we call this bait and switch.
    The Patriot Act is their template.

  19. #759
    You can't get Ivermectin unless you are the Queen of England...

  20. #760
    LOL CDC holding back information because they fear the citizens can't interrupt it correctly lol lol lol

    Keep your mouth shut and do what you're told! - Science -

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