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Thread: Nahh, enough is enough. Cali is officially rigged

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I'd be bitter too if I never had the capacity to start a dream when I was younger and continuously be wrong about someone's downfall. Imagine being a corporate drone your whole life lmaoo.
    Your whinings on this board show your "dream" is a nightmare.

    As for your success as a card counter, measure it against other well-educated white guys who went the traditional route: most are married, have a family, a steady job, a know, part of the "American Dream."

    Have you bought a home yet?

    Have you found a woman who would even consider having a long term relationship with you?

    Gotta think the way you bitch and moan about things would not play well with a well-grounded woman, as they'd want a man with some stability and a level head: you seem to lack both.

    But hey, if that's what you really like, have at it: lotta lone wolves roaming the world these days; but remember: "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    Meanwhile I'll just munch popcorn and laugh at your ridiculous screeds.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #42
    Bro you’re retired, no need to keep trying to keep trying to bait dudes into ending up in divorces.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Bro you’re retired, no need to keep trying to keep trying to bait dudes into ending up in divorces.
    Old habits are hard to break.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Bro you’re retired, no need to keep trying to keep trying to bait dudes into ending up in divorces.
    The best women are the ones you kick out in the morning.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I'd be bitter too if I never had the capacity to start a dream when I was younger and continuously be wrong about someone's downfall. Imagine being a corporate drone your whole life lmaoo.
    Your whinings on this board show your "dream" is a nightmare.

    As for your success as a card counter, measure it against other well-educated white guys who went the traditional route: most are married, have a family, a steady job, a know, part of the "American Dream."

    Have you bought a home yet?

    Have you found a woman who would even consider having a long term relationship with you?

    Gotta think the way you bitch and moan about things would not play well with a well-grounded woman, as they'd want a man with some stability and a level head: you seem to lack both.

    But hey, if that's what you really like, have at it: lotta lone wolves roaming the world these days; but remember: "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    Meanwhile I'll just munch popcorn and laugh at your ridiculous screeds.

    I can show you 8 college students I recently helped make enough to bank 100k to 250k in two year or less. Results vary because conditions change but successful gamblers in the current market have unlimited earning potential if they put in the work. The professional drone class Closet homo V talks about is for losers.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I'd be bitter too if I never had the capacity to start a dream when I was younger and continuously be wrong about someone's downfall. Imagine being a corporate drone your whole life lmaoo.
    Your whinings on this board show your "dream" is a nightmare.

    As for your success as a card counter, measure it against other well-educated white guys who went the traditional route: most are married, have a family, a steady job, a know, part of the "American Dream."

    Have you bought a home yet?

    Have you found a woman who would even consider having a long term relationship with you?

    Gotta think the way you bitch and moan about things would not play well with a well-grounded woman, as they'd want a man with some stability and a level head: you seem to lack both.

    But hey, if that's what you really like, have at it: lotta lone wolves roaming the world these days; but remember: "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    Meanwhile I'll just munch popcorn and laugh at your ridiculous screeds.

    I can show you 8 college students I recently helped make enough to bank 100k to 250k in two year or less. Results vary because conditions change but successful gamblers in the current market have unlimited earning potential if they put in the work. The professional drone class Closet homo V talks about is for losers.

    College education means less as information is essentially a commodity now. Gate keepers are worried so they must indoctrinated the youth with political ideologies. Climate change and shit like that. Anything to keep them thinking like a slave

  7. #47
    Note to Seed: you're wrong if you believe the average putz can make more by casino gambling than by becoming a white collar professional or a tradesman such as an electrician, plumber, or crane operator.

    Sure, a few do well but most flame out.

    The thing that irks me about guys like you and zendingbat is how you both seem to denigrate the normal path; you birds seem to believe that AP is the best path, and for all but a few that is incorrect.

    Nothing wrong with being an AP, just don't bullshit yourself or others about it.
    Last edited by MisterV; 11-26-2022 at 02:46 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    The professional drone class Closet homo V talks about is for losers.
    Again, you reference homosexuality in nearly every post you make. You really need to work through this with your therapist.

  9. #49
    He's an aggressive, self-aggrandizing SOB, no question about it.

    Calling me "homo" is hysterical: I think he's projecting.

    He probably takes it up the ass in his much-ballyhooed three ways.

    Not that there's anything "wrong" with that...
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Note to Seed: you're wrong if you believe the average putz can make more by casino gambling than by becoming a white collar professional or a tradesman such as an electrician, plumber, or crane operator.

    Sure, a few do well but most flame out.

    The thing that irks me about guys like you and zendingbat is how you both seem to denigrate the normal path; you birds seem to believe that AP is the best path, and for all but a few that is incorrect.

    Nothing wrong with being an AP, just don't bullshit yourself or others about it.
    Some of these guys lack the personality traits to succeed in a white collar area. Some will be bored and depressed with any of these jobs. Some are way too smart + lack social skills to want to work for others. Many are just too crazy. There are a lot more factors to what is the best path for one. I've never been a real AP though I just dabble but maybe getting more serious. We'll see.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Note to Seed: you're wrong if you believe the average putz can make more by casino gambling than by becoming a white collar professional or a tradesman such as an electrician, plumber, or crane operator.

    Sure, a few do well but most flame out.

    The thing that irks me about guys like you and zendingbat is how you both seem to denigrate the normal path; you birds seem to believe that AP is the best path, and for all but a few that is incorrect.

    Nothing wrong with being an AP, just don't bullshit yourself or others about it.
    You're the one that attacked me years ago so don't fucking reverse the script and make it out to be like I talk down to people who work a normal job. I mean I'd be bitter too knowing I worked a job I hated just to be bored to death in so called 'retirement'. How does it feel that your whole life is already gone and you spent it working 50 hours a week like a rodent on a wheel just to lay on your couch bored to death for the next 20 years until you die. Imagine dying with no personal accomplishments or goals that you set out to do other than doing what everyone else does. The lack of fulfillment you must have along with the 99% of drones out there who chased the so called 'American Dream'. Lmao pretty hard to go after your goals when society tells you to get married before 30. Get married, have kids, and work 40 hours a week. Your life is already over lmao. You were sold a dream that wasn't a dream. I don't feel bad for people like you. You deserve it. You're the same people destroying society with your ignorant beliefs. Real retirement is doing something you enjoy EVERY DAY. Money naturally follows if you enjoy what you do because if you enjoy what you do, you'll be good at it. Retirement is a state of mind and comes from doing activities and work that you enjoy. You're the typical drone that fell for the bait. All your bitterness shows in every post as you rot in denial. I also never said this was my 'dream'. Keep putting words in my mouth and then arguing with yourself. I enjoy what I do, but never said it was my dream. My dream was to play soccer professionally, but I destroyed my knee apart.

    As for your woman comment lmao. It's not me that hasn't found a woman, it's the woman that hasn't found me. I'm the prize. I'm not some droned out societal retard that thinks the American dream is getting married, having a family, a house I can't afford without a loan, and a drone job. First off, most people that are married are secretly miserable. Second of all, those so called white males you want me to compare to, none of them actually bought the house. They're ridden in debt and need handouts from lenders and the government to get everything they want. The illusion of success on their social media. They didn't buy shit. The bank bought it. The lenders bought it. And that's exactly why it's hard for me to actually buy a house. All you drones artificially created a housing market that inflates every fucking year with high demand and low supply since anyone can get a 500k loan with the strike of a pen as long as you're a good little factory worker with credit and a 'job'. Imagine if mortgages didn't exist. Do you think the average house would be pushing towards 500k? It would be 100k. Take your little credit card and credit score along with your so called white males and shove it up your faggot ass.

    The guys you're praising. The so called standard of success. It doesn't surprise me, because you're also part of the problem, are the same guys that are actually fucking up the world with inflated prices on everything. And guess what? Society praises these people, just like you're doing lmao. That's the so called standard lmao. And guess who respects the standard the most? WOMEN. Women are the biggest drones of them all. Whatever society tells them is normal, that's what they respect. You and these so called successful white males you praise, are the exact poster children for this credit inflationary fiat system in place to function properly. You guys are the exact factory workers they preyed upon with these public schools a century ago. Crafted to perfection. You're a joke. Fuck you faggot. Go rot in retirement after society sold you a dream that was bullshit.
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 11-28-2022 at 02:14 AM.

  12. #52
    Wow, and til now I thought you were an inarticulate moron.

    I pretty much was able to do what I wanted to do pre-retirement, and it has only improved since.

    I keep busy; beats working.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Wow, and til now I thought you were an inarticulate moron.

    I pretty much was able to do what I wanted to do pre-retirement, and it has only improved since.

    I keep busy; beats working.
    Doesn't Matter.
    You die in the end just like everyone else.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Note to Seed: you're wrong if you believe the average putz can make more by casino gambling than by becoming a white collar professional or a tradesman such as an electrician, plumber, or crane operator.

    Sure, a few do well but most flame out.

    The thing that irks me about guys like you and zendingbat is how you both seem to denigrate the normal path; you birds seem to believe that AP is the best path, and for all but a few that is incorrect.

    Nothing wrong with being an AP, just don't bullshit yourself or others about it.
    You're the one that attacked me years ago so don't fucking reverse the script and make it out to be like I talk down to people who work a normal job. I mean I'd be bitter too knowing I worked a job I hated just to be bored to death in so called 'retirement'. How does it feel that your whole life is already gone and you spent it working 50 hours a week like a rodent on a wheel just to lay on your couch bored to death for the next 20 years until you die. Imagine dying with no personal accomplishments or goals that you set out to do other than doing what everyone else does. The lack of fulfillment you must have along with the 99% of drones out there who chased the so called 'American Dream'. Lmao pretty hard to go after your goals when society tells you to get married before 30. Get married, have kids, and work 40 hours a week. Your life is already over lmao. You were sold a dream that wasn't a dream. I don't feel bad for people like you. You deserve it. You're the same people destroying society with your ignorant beliefs. Real retirement is doing something you enjoy EVERY DAY. Money naturally follows if you enjoy what you do because if you enjoy what you do, you'll be good at it. Retirement is a state of mind and comes from doing activities and work that you enjoy. You're the typical drone that fell for the bait. All your bitterness shows in every post as you rot in denial. I also never said this was my 'dream'. Keep putting words in my mouth and then arguing with yourself. I enjoy what I do, but never said it was my dream. My dream was to play soccer professionally, but I destroyed my knee apart.

    As for your woman comment lmao. It's not me that hasn't found a woman, it's the woman that hasn't found me. I'm the prize. I'm not some droned out societal retard that thinks the American dream is getting married, having a family, a house I can't afford without a loan, and a drone job. First off, most people that are married are secretly miserable. Second of all, those so called white males you want me to compare to, none of them actually bought the house. They're ridden in debt and need handouts from lenders and the government to get everything they want. The illusion of success on their social media. They didn't buy shit. The bank bought it. The lenders bought it. And that's exactly why it's hard for me to actually buy a house. All you drones artificially created a housing market that inflates every fucking year with high demand and low supply since anyone can get a 500k loan with the strike of a pen as long as you're a good little factory worker with credit and a 'job'. Imagine if mortgages didn't exist. Do you think the average house would be pushing towards 500k? It would be 100k. Take your little credit card and credit score along with your so called white males and shove it up your faggot ass.

    The guys you're praising. The so called standard of success. It doesn't surprise me, because you're also part of the problem, are the same guys that are actually fucking up the world with inflated prices on everything. And guess what? Society praises these people, just like you're doing lmao. That's the so called standard lmao. And guess who respects the standard the most? WOMEN. Women are the biggest drones of them all. Whatever society tells them is normal, that's what they respect. You and these so called successful white males you praise, are the exact poster children for this credit inflationary fiat system in place to function properly. You guys are the exact factory workers they preyed upon with these public schools a century ago. Crafted to perfection. You're a joke. Fuck you faggot. Go rot in retirement after society sold you a dream that was bullshit.
    So much anger in this one.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Note to Seed: you're wrong if you believe the average putz can make more by casino gambling than by becoming a white collar professional or a tradesman such as an electrician, plumber, or crane operator.

    Sure, a few do well but most flame out.

    The thing that irks me about guys like you and zendingbat is how you both seem to denigrate the normal path; you birds seem to believe that AP is the best path, and for all but a few that is incorrect.

    Nothing wrong with being an AP, just don't bullshit yourself or others about it.
    You're the one that attacked me years ago so don't fucking reverse the script and make it out to be like I talk down to people who work a normal job. I mean I'd be bitter too knowing I worked a job I hated just to be bored to death in so called 'retirement'. How does it feel that your whole life is already gone and you spent it working 50 hours a week like a rodent on a wheel just to lay on your couch bored to death for the next 20 years until you die. Imagine dying with no personal accomplishments or goals that you set out to do other than doing what everyone else does. The lack of fulfillment you must have along with the 99% of drones out there who chased the so called 'American Dream'. Lmao pretty hard to go after your goals when society tells you to get married before 30. Get married, have kids, and work 40 hours a week. Your life is already over lmao. You were sold a dream that wasn't a dream. I don't feel bad for people like you. You deserve it. You're the same people destroying society with your ignorant beliefs. Real retirement is doing something you enjoy EVERY DAY. Money naturally follows if you enjoy what you do because if you enjoy what you do, you'll be good at it. Retirement is a state of mind and comes from doing activities and work that you enjoy. You're the typical drone that fell for the bait. All your bitterness shows in every post as you rot in denial. I also never said this was my 'dream'. Keep putting words in my mouth and then arguing with yourself. I enjoy what I do, but never said it was my dream. My dream was to play soccer professionally, but I destroyed my knee apart.

    As for your woman comment lmao. It's not me that hasn't found a woman, it's the woman that hasn't found me. I'm the prize. I'm not some droned out societal retard that thinks the American dream is getting married, having a family, a house I can't afford without a loan, and a drone job. First off, most people that are married are secretly miserable. Second of all, those so called white males you want me to compare to, none of them actually bought the house. They're ridden in debt and need handouts from lenders and the government to get everything they want. The illusion of success on their social media. They didn't buy shit. The bank bought it. The lenders bought it. And that's exactly why it's hard for me to actually buy a house. All you drones artificially created a housing market that inflates every fucking year with high demand and low supply since anyone can get a 500k loan with the strike of a pen as long as you're a good little factory worker with credit and a 'job'. Imagine if mortgages didn't exist. Do you think the average house would be pushing towards 500k? It would be 100k. Take your little credit card and credit score along with your so called white males and shove it up your faggot ass.

    The guys you're praising. The so called standard of success. It doesn't surprise me, because you're also part of the problem, are the same guys that are actually fucking up the world with inflated prices on everything. And guess what? Society praises these people, just like you're doing lmao. That's the so called standard lmao. And guess who respects the standard the most? WOMEN. Women are the biggest drones of them all. Whatever society tells them is normal, that's what they respect. You and these so called successful white males you praise, are the exact poster children for this credit inflationary fiat system in place to function properly. You guys are the exact factory workers they preyed upon with these public schools a century ago. Crafted to perfection. You're a joke. Fuck you faggot. Go rot in retirement after society sold you a dream that was bullshit.
    So much anger in this one.
    He probably lost another $4.35 of his meager $1326.56 bankroll.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Note to Seed: you're wrong if you believe the average putz can make more by casino gambling than by becoming a white collar professional or a tradesman such as an electrician, plumber, or crane operator.

    Sure, a few do well but most flame out.

    The thing that irks me about guys like you and zendingbat is how you both seem to denigrate the normal path; you birds seem to believe that AP is the best path, and for all but a few that is incorrect.

    Nothing wrong with being an AP, just don't bullshit yourself or others about it.
    You're the one that attacked me years ago so don't fucking reverse the script and make it out to be like I talk down to people who work a normal job. I mean I'd be bitter too knowing I worked a job I hated just to be bored to death in so called 'retirement'. How does it feel that your whole life is already gone and you spent it working 50 hours a week like a rodent on a wheel just to lay on your couch bored to death for the next 20 years until you die. Imagine dying with no personal accomplishments or goals that you set out to do other than doing what everyone else does. The lack of fulfillment you must have along with the 99% of drones out there who chased the so called 'American Dream'. Lmao pretty hard to go after your goals when society tells you to get married before 30. Get married, have kids, and work 40 hours a week. Your life is already over lmao. You were sold a dream that wasn't a dream. I don't feel bad for people like you. You deserve it. You're the same people destroying society with your ignorant beliefs. Real retirement is doing something you enjoy EVERY DAY. Money naturally follows if you enjoy what you do because if you enjoy what you do, you'll be good at it. Retirement is a state of mind and comes from doing activities and work that you enjoy. You're the typical drone that fell for the bait. All your bitterness shows in every post as you rot in denial. I also never said this was my 'dream'. Keep putting words in my mouth and then arguing with yourself. I enjoy what I do, but never said it was my dream. My dream was to play soccer professionally, but I destroyed my knee apart.

    As for your woman comment lmao. It's not me that hasn't found a woman, it's the woman that hasn't found me. I'm the prize. I'm not some droned out societal retard that thinks the American dream is getting married, having a family, a house I can't afford without a loan, and a drone job. First off, most people that are married are secretly miserable. Second of all, those so called white males you want me to compare to, none of them actually bought the house. They're ridden in debt and need handouts from lenders and the government to get everything they want. The illusion of success on their social media. They didn't buy shit. The bank bought it. The lenders bought it. And that's exactly why it's hard for me to actually buy a house. All you drones artificially created a housing market that inflates every fucking year with high demand and low supply since anyone can get a 500k loan with the strike of a pen as long as you're a good little factory worker with credit and a 'job'. Imagine if mortgages didn't exist. Do you think the average house would be pushing towards 500k? It would be 100k. Take your little credit card and credit score along with your so called white males and shove it up your faggot ass.

    The guys you're praising. The so called standard of success. It doesn't surprise me, because you're also part of the problem, are the same guys that are actually fucking up the world with inflated prices on everything. And guess what? Society praises these people, just like you're doing lmao. That's the so called standard lmao. And guess who respects the standard the most? WOMEN. Women are the biggest drones of them all. Whatever society tells them is normal, that's what they respect. You and these so called successful white males you praise, are the exact poster children for this credit inflationary fiat system in place to function properly. You guys are the exact factory workers they preyed upon with these public schools a century ago. Crafted to perfection. You're a joke. Fuck you faggot. Go rot in retirement after society sold you a dream that was bullshit.
    This is some great shit right here lol

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Wow, and til now I thought you were an inarticulate moron.

    I pretty much was able to do what I wanted to do pre-retirement, and it has only improved since.

    I keep busy; beats working.

    You know, I swore I wouldn't read this stuff, then I read this stuff.

    I gotta admit, if you tease out the misogyny, angry tone, and general hatred for society, Seedvalue has got a lot of this what I would call correct. He lacks the polish of Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender, but nobody ever said Magneto was wrong. They just couldn't handle the way he stated things.

    It's funny, in my life I think I started out when I was 18-25 pitying the suits, then I envied the suits for awhile because life as not-a-suit is often hard, then I pitied them again because life became not so hard, now I kind of envy them again, because most don't know that there are options other than being a suit and ignorance is bliss.

    But I digress. Seed, if you tamp down the anti-femaleness a bit, I think you have a movie script in here some place. No offense meant, and I'm as anti-woke as anyone, but I think your argument works better if you don't separate the genders as much.

    Have a good day, folks. And yeah, buying a house while not paying cash is one of those idiot angles the culture has roped half its members into doing even though it's usually a bad idea for working stiffs. "Indentured servitude" and all that.

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Have a good day, folks. And yeah, buying a house while not paying cash is one of those idiot angles the culture has roped half its members into doing even though it's usually a bad idea for working stiffs. "Indentured servitude" and all that.
    What do you recommend, renting?

    At least when you buy a home you usually wind up getting some value other than simply maintaining a roof over your head.

    But not always: case in point, a guy I know.

    He closed on a house at the height of the market, just before interest rates went up.

    His plan was to flip it, and sell it.

    The house had been a rental for years and needed a lot of work; he did a lot of it but the work was extensive and expensive.

    Then came the perfect storm to fuck him and his hope of making a profit go up in flames: interest rates went up and property values have started to go down.

    He paid $550K to buy it, and must have over $150K in time and materials into it, and now he's fucked, at least until and unless interest rates come down and property values go up.

    Timing is everything, so they say.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #59
    For someone who doesn’t believe in being a debt slave the prudent thing would be to stack cash quickly and gtfo out of America while you’re not too old to qualify for first time healthcare in South America.

    Living within your means in America you’re gonna get chewed up and spit out, it’s a cult of excess and greed, max leverage and just declare bankruptcy if it doesn’t work. You’re gonna get fucked without the leverage no ifs ands or buts. You can leverage people or finances without either you are going to get fucked.
    Last edited by mcap; 11-28-2022 at 03:14 PM.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    if you tease out the misogyny, angry tone, and general hatred for society, Seedvalue has got a lot of this what I would call correct.
    Do tell.

    Can't tell the players without a scorecard.

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