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Thread: Olive Branch to Mickey

  1. #1
    You know, mickey, I have always defended your lifestyle, goals, and accomplishments. Why you think you've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me.

    I'll be in Las Vegas several times in the next few months if you want to get together. You can put together a list of 20 or 25 questions and I'll answer them extemporaneously. I'll basically explain why you're wrong about most things. If you want to bring a video guy, that's fine. At some point, I'll have a young documentary filmmaker with me, but probably not until July. So if you want to put it on film, cool, or if you want me to arrange it, that works also.

    I have a handful of interesting projects the next so many months, so I don't really have time to read the repetitive junk on this forum on an ongoing basis. A script of mine has been validated for The Gangster Chronicles, which are true stories, and I'll be working on a couple more.

    Meanwhile, I just discovered that a bookmaker from my youth is the subject of a film in a production pipeline. Evidently, another acquaintance I hadn't seen in 40 years is one of the people putting it together.

    I can be reached at

    Have a good one.

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You can put together a list of 20 or 25 questions and I'll answer them extemporaneously. I'll basically explain why you're wrong about most things.
    He knows you're wrong before you ask the questions...

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  3. #3
    This whole I wont answer questions except in person in Las Vegas sure sounds like Singer.

  4. #4
    Calling this an "olive branch" is disingenuous. Anyone reading it immediately sees it as an embellished CV from someone applying for some sort of job. A simple but shameless move by redietz to try and salvage some dignity out of the mess he's made of himself in the last few months.....while ALWAYS needing to be arrogant in the process.

    At last however, he recognized that demeaning someone like mickey over a gambling issue isn't helping his brand.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    This whole I wont answer questions except in person in Las Vegas sure sounds like Singer.
    That's odd. When red wanted to ask me a bunch of questions in an interview by meeting me "anywhere in the country I chose" I set the meet up in Maine. He never showed.

  6. #6
    Young documentary film maker aka some kid off craigslist getting a full hundo a day to follow redietz around with their phone cam.

  7. #7
    Is it trolling if you're not doing anything intentional?

  8. #8
    The AOL address is a nice touch.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You know, mickey, I have always defended your lifestyle, goals, and accomplishments. Why you think you've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me.

    I'll be in Las Vegas several times in the next few months if you want to get together. You can put together a list of 20 or 25 questions and I'll answer them extemporaneously. I'll basically explain why you're wrong about most things. If you want to bring a video guy, that's fine. At some point, I'll have a young documentary filmmaker with me, but probably not until July. So if you want to put it on film, cool, or if you want me to arrange it, that works also.

    I have a handful of interesting projects the next so many months, so I don't really have time to read the repetitive junk on this forum on an ongoing basis. A script of mine has been validated for The Gangster Chronicles, which are true stories, and I'll be working on a couple more.

    Meanwhile, I just discovered that a bookmaker from my youth is the subject of a film in a production pipeline. Evidently, another acquaintance I hadn't seen in 40 years is one of the people putting it together.

    I can be reached at

    Have a good one.
    Fuck all that.
    Let's go out to the desert and shoot all my guns.
    I haven't even taken them out of their cases for 2 years!

  10. #10
    As you can see redietz is just going to continue with his intransigence. He's on a vendetta. The insecurity is glaringly apparent. Sports betting semi-expert? Strawman.

    I won't be in Las Vegas. I never go to Las Vegas and I made that clear on this forum and in GWAE interviews. But we have an easily available forum right here that redietz could answer questions at his leisure. The problem is he has been asked many questions by members here and he won't answer them. He repeatedly ignores questions. Redietz, you don't even have to put your pants on to answer questions on the internet. Why the fuck would you want to travel 2000 miles to answer a set of questions? It's stupid.

    I think what we have here is an egomaniac.

    From what I've seen so far on sportsbetting I think it is rather easy to show a profit. Axel certainly agree's. I think others here do to. Rob did a pretty good job on the NFL this year. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence that applies themselves can do it. I think it is so easy a hobo can do it. I think that is what redietz is afraid of. God forbid a hobo easily figures out sports betting. That would shatter redietz whole world.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #11
    As you can see redietz is just going to continue with his intransigence. He's on a vendetta. The insecurity is glaringly apparent. Sports betting semi-expert? Strawman.

    I won't be in Las Vegas. I never go to Las Vegas and I made that clear on this forum and in GWAE interviews. But we have an easily available forum right here that redietz could answer questions at his leisure. The problem is he has been asked many questions by members here and he won't answer them. He repeatedly ignores questions. Redietz, you don't even have to put your pants on to answer questions on the internet. Why the fuck would you want to travel 2000 miles to answer a set of questions? It's stupid.

    I think what we have here is an egomaniac.

    From what I've seen so far on sportsbetting I think it is rather easy to show a profit. Axel certainly agree's. I think others here do to. Rob did a pretty good job on the NFL this year. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence that applies themselves can do it. I think it is so easy a hobo can do it. I think that is what redietz is afraid of. God forbid a hobo easily figures out sports betting. That would shatter redietz whole world.

    Olive branch? Red is trying to slip a snake in my pocket then ask me for a match.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I won't be in Las Vegas. I never go to Las Vegas and I made that clear on this forum and in GWAE interviews.
    Yes you have made that clear on this forum for years.

    ditz's reading comprehension has really declined in the 50 years since he was tested at Chamberpott PA HS.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    As you can see redietz is just going to continue with his intransigence. He's on a vendetta. The insecurity is glaringly apparent. Sports betting semi-expert? Strawman.

    I won't be in Las Vegas. I never go to Las Vegas and I made that clear on this forum and in GWAE interviews. But we have an easily available forum right here that redietz could answer questions at his leisure. The problem is he has been asked many questions by members here and he won't answer them. He repeatedly ignores questions. Redietz, you don't even have to put your pants on to answer questions on the internet. Why the fuck would you want to travel 2000 miles to answer a set of questions? It's stupid.

    I think what we have here is an egomaniac.

    From what I've seen so far on sportsbetting I think it is rather easy to show a profit. Axel certainly agree's. I think others here do to. Rob did a pretty good job on the NFL this year. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence that applies themselves can do it. I think it is so easy a hobo can do it. I think that is what redietz is afraid of. God forbid a hobo easily figures out sports betting. That would shatter redietz whole world.

    Olive branch? Red is trying to slip a snake in my pocket then ask me for a match.
    Mickeycrimm, you have turned into a real piece of shit! You may be a great AP, maybe one of the very top machine AP's ever, but on these forums you have turned into nothing but a troll and bully.

    This shit with redietz isn't about you wanting to get to the bottom of anything, nor wanting to learn all you can about sports betting as you claim. It is about one thing and one thing only and that is you trying to take down redietz because he made that stupid comment equating receiving social security to collecting welfare. That is the precise moment you turned your guns on redietz. You famously said that anyone that trolls or attacks you, you will troll and attack back twice as hard (or something to that effect). And that is all this is.

    So don't give us this shit about what a great guy you are wanting to get to the bottom of this, when you rarely say a word about other people like Mdawg and actually defend and attack others on behalf of Rob Singer, the single biggest egomaniac ever on gambling forums. You also don't say shit when people like Singer lie about me, or seedvalue claiming the male prostitute bullshit. So don't give us this bullshit about how you want to get to the bottom and learn all you can.

    You are now a fucking lying piece of shit, troll, just the same as your "best friend" Singer has been for decades.

    There can and maybe should be a legitimate discussion about redietz and what he does, which is clearly different than some other handicappers or sports better (handicapping vs the AP type math +EV plays is actually one of those differences). But what you are doing and have been doing for a month isn't about that.

  14. #14
    When I joined this forum, at mickeycrimm's suggestion, there was a group of people, all full of shit and lying and trolling, that mickey labeled "confederacy of dunces". These were people like Rob Singer, coach belly, Blackhole, and a few others. These are the very people mickeycrimm has now aligned himself with. He does their bidding and lies and attacks with and for them.

    I don't know if it was the heart attack or what as it was about that time, but mickeycrimm has definitely changed in the last few years. At least as far as these forums go, he just wants to lie and troll and be part of the asshole club.

  15. #15
    And this is not about taking Redeitz side. I think Redeitz has some things to answer for and explain and I have expressed that. But that kind of legitimate discussion is not what this has turned into. It has turned into just another hate fueled, lying trollfest, because some people here have decided they don't like him or like something he said. And THAT is fucked up.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And this is not about taking Redeitz side. I think Redeitz has some things to answer for and explain and I have expressed that. But that kind of legitimate discussion is not what this has turned into. It has turned into just another hate fueled, lying trollfest, because some people here have decided they don't like him or like something he said. And THAT is fucked up.
    Redietz is never going to explain a damn thing. All he can do is spit out childish insults like everyone else. You are taking Redietz's side. You're also being everything you claim to not be. You could argue that Mickey is not posting in good faith but nothing in this thread suggests he is a "piece of shit". I can't begin you can be so fucking stuck in your own little world that you somehow can't see how big of a hypocrite you yourself are.

    Now grow up and take a sip of your mother's milk out of Redietz's 30 year old penny loafers.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    When I joined this forum, at mickeycrimm's suggestion, there was a group of people, all full of shit and lying and trolling, that mickey labeled "confederacy of dunces".
    "A Confederacy of Dunces" is a great American novel; the author (John Kennedy Toole) wrote it out in cursive on legal pads then killed himself;

    Hid mother shopped it around, nobody was interested ... until a decade later a professor glanced at it and quickly realized "Holy shit, this is good."

    Highly recommended.

    Name:  51Tq5GwMnrL._SL350_.jpg
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    What, Me Worry?

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    You could argue that Mickey is not posting in good faith but nothing in this thread suggests he is a "piece of shit". I can't begin you can be so fucking stuck in your own little world that you somehow can't see how big of a hypocrite you yourself are.
    "not posting in good faith"? Isn't that sweet. Would that work for people that lie under oath and are charged with perjury? hey I was just not speaking in good faith.

    Dude, you can question or challenge someone without all the name calling, attempting to discredit them. You can even not like someone and still that isn't necessary.

    The people I have challenged, Singer, Mdawg, The guy on Norm's blackjack forum, even Moses, I challenged on merit of what they were claiming. Things like progressive wagering and special plays, or winning every session (some 52 in a row), or 60 straight hands at blackjack (mDawg), or winning for 2 solid years playing high limit rooms, playing every day in Las Vegas, which is NOT how Vegas works. Or the guy at Norm's forum claiming a 5% advantage from card counting (impossible) or even moses, who claimed professional play in sweaty Reno of all places. At no point did I need to lie about their claims.

    Now yes, each of these people (with the exception of T3) responded with lies, trolling and attacks because that is all they had. They can't answer the legitimate challenges so they attack, and at some point, I have fought back with some trolling. But if you are challenging someone, as I have done with these guys, and mickey is now doing with redietz, that challenge should not be based on non-truths or as you put it "not posting in good faith". If that is all a person has as far as challenging or questioning something, then they really have nothing.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    You could argue that Mickey is not posting in good faith but nothing in this thread suggests he is a "piece of shit". I can't begin you can be so fucking stuck in your own little world that you somehow can't see how big of a hypocrite you yourself are.
    "not posting in good faith"? Isn't that sweet. Would that work for people that lie under oath and are charged with perjury? hey I was just not speaking in good faith.

    Dude, you can question or challenge someone without all the name calling, attempting to discredit them. You can even not like someone and still that isn't necessary.

    The people I have challenged, Singer, Mdawg, The guy on Norm's blackjack forum, even Moses, I challenged on merit of what they were claiming. Things like progressive wagering and special plays, or winning every session (some 52 in a row), or 60 straight hands at blackjack (mDawg), or winning for 2 solid years playing high limit rooms, playing every day in Las Vegas, which is NOT how Vegas works. Or the guy at Norm's forum claiming a 5% advantage from card counting (impossible) or even moses, who claimed professional play in sweaty Reno of all places. At no point did I need to lie about their claims.

    Now yes, each of these people (with the exception of T3) responded with lies, trolling and attacks because that is all they had. They can't answer the legitimate challenges so they attack, and at some point, I have fought back with some trolling. But if you are challenging someone, as I have done with these guys, and mickey is now doing with redietz, that challenge should not be based on non-truths or as you put it "not posting in good faith". If that is all a person has as far as challenging or questioning something, then they really have nothing.
    You called Mickey a piece of shit. The fact that you whine about name calling is beyond anything.

    The fact is Mickey knows about sports-betting and is just taking on Redietz from a different angle. He's being truthful but there is obviously some tongue in cheek while he plays dumb. Thats what i meant by in good faith. Maybe the term doesn't quite fit. Who fucking cares.

    I don't give a fuck about mdawg moses or norm. I have no idea who these people are outside of mdawg. You need severe help. Go see a therapist or psychiatrist.

    You lie enough. You've made up things about me then called on it you just shut-up. You're worthless.

    Go suck some dick to suck for $$ and then go shoot off at the blackjack tables.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 03-25-2023 at 07:59 PM.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    You could argue that Mickey is not posting in good faith but nothing in this thread suggests he is a "piece of shit". I can't begin you can be so fucking stuck in your own little world that you somehow can't see how big of a hypocrite you yourself are.
    "not posting in good faith"? Isn't that sweet. Would that work for people that lie under oath and are charged with perjury? hey I was just not speaking in good faith.

    Dude, you can question or challenge someone without all the name calling, attempting to discredit them. You can even not like someone and still that isn't necessary.

    The people I have challenged, Singer, Mdawg, The guy on Norm's blackjack forum, even Moses, I challenged on merit of what they were claiming. Things like progressive wagering and special plays, or winning every session (some 52 in a row), or 60 straight hands at blackjack (mDawg), or winning for 2 solid years playing high limit rooms, playing every day in Las Vegas, which is NOT how Vegas works. Or the guy at Norm's forum claiming a 5% advantage from card counting (impossible) or even moses, who claimed professional play in sweaty Reno of all places. At no point did I need to lie about their claims.

    Now yes, each of these people (with the exception of T3) responded with lies, trolling and attacks because that is all they had. They can't answer the legitimate challenges so they attack, and at some point, I have fought back with some trolling. But if you are challenging someone, as I have done with these guys, and mickey is now doing with redietz, that challenge should not be based on non-truths or as you put it "not posting in good faith". If that is all a person has as far as challenging or questioning something, then they really have nothing.
    You called Mickey a piece of shit. The fact that you whine about name calling is beyond anything.

    The fact is Mickey knows about sports-betting and is just taking on Redietz from a different angle. He's being truthful but there is obviously some tongue in cheek while he plays dumb. Thats what i meant by in good faith. Maybe the term doesn't quite fit. Who fucking cares.

    I don't give a fuck about mdawg moses or norm. I have no idea who these people are outside of mdawg. You need severe help. Go see a therapist or psychiatrist.

    You lie enough. You've made up things about me then called on it you just shut-up. You're worthless.

    Go suck some dick to suck for $$ and then go shoot off at the blackjack tables.
    See you are just a low life. I try to treat people respectfully and they just act like assholes because they are assholes. And you are proud of that. Would you mother be proud of you if she read the way you post? Seriously? No smart ass comments or attacks...would your mother be proud of your comments here? Is that the way she raised you?

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