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Thread: Olive Branch to Mickey

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    "not posting in good faith"? Isn't that sweet. Would that work for people that lie under oath and are charged with perjury? hey I was just not speaking in good faith.

    Dude, you can question or challenge someone without all the name calling, attempting to discredit them. You can even not like someone and still that isn't necessary.

    The people I have challenged, Singer, Mdawg, The guy on Norm's blackjack forum, even Moses, I challenged on merit of what they were claiming. Things like progressive wagering and special plays, or winning every session (some 52 in a row), or 60 straight hands at blackjack (mDawg), or winning for 2 solid years playing high limit rooms, playing every day in Las Vegas, which is NOT how Vegas works. Or the guy at Norm's forum claiming a 5% advantage from card counting (impossible) or even moses, who claimed professional play in sweaty Reno of all places. At no point did I need to lie about their claims.

    Now yes, each of these people (with the exception of T3) responded with lies, trolling and attacks because that is all they had. They can't answer the legitimate challenges so they attack, and at some point, I have fought back with some trolling. But if you are challenging someone, as I have done with these guys, and mickey is now doing with redietz, that challenge should not be based on non-truths or as you put it "not posting in good faith". If that is all a person has as far as challenging or questioning something, then they really have nothing.
    You called Mickey a piece of shit. The fact that you whine about name calling is beyond anything.

    The fact is Mickey knows about sports-betting and is just taking on Redietz from a different angle. He's being truthful but there is obviously some tongue in cheek while he plays dumb. Thats what i meant by in good faith. Maybe the term doesn't quite fit. Who fucking cares.

    I don't give a fuck about mdawg moses or norm. I have no idea who these people are outside of mdawg. You need severe help. Go see a therapist or psychiatrist.

    You lie enough. You've made up things about me then called on it you just shut-up. You're worthless.

    Go suck some dick to suck for $$ and then go shoot off at the blackjack tables.
    See you are just a low life. I try to treat people respectfully and they just act like assholes because they are assholes. And you are proud of that. Would you mother be proud of you if she read the way you post? Seriously? No smart ass comments or attacks...would your mother be proud of your comments here? Is that the way she raised you?
    I save the term "piece of shit" for people who deserve it. I do not live for my mother's desires. I don't think she'd particularly care about an anonymous forum but good try. oh geez I feel guilty because of my mother !! get help. You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for comebacks.

    You don't even know what a low life or piece of shit is. Maybe if you actually gambled and were in that life you'd encountered some of the real deal.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I won't be in Las Vegas. I never go to Las Vegas and I made that clear on this forum and in GWAE interviews.
    Yes you have made that clear on this forum for years.

    ditz's reading comprehension has really declined in the 50 years since he was tested at Chamberpott PA HS.
    Isn't that why redietz took the opportunity to once again promote himself while inviting mickey to meet him in LV..... because he already KNEW mickey said he never goes there?

    I agree, red could very easily answer the few questions right here. But even if he did, he'd load it up with the same array of decades-old "accomplishments", cherry-picked contests, gangster references, how he attracts movie producers, etc.etc.etc.

    I either missed or forgot about red equating Social Security to Welfare. People only receive SS if they've worked and paid into it. How about pensions....we've never paid a dime into them, yet we get deposits every month for life. Wouldn't redietz claim pensions are more like welfare than SS is?

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The people I have challenged, Singer, Mdawg, The guy on Norm's blackjack forum, even Moses, I challenged on merit of what they were claiming.
    Your challenges never amounted to anything but insisting that your opinion is fact, and name-calling.

    These members reported what they experienced, and you called them liars.

    That's a personal attack, it's no wonder they responded in kind.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The people I have challenged, Singer, Mdawg, The guy on Norm's blackjack forum, even Moses, I challenged on merit of what they were claiming.
    Your challenges never amounted to anything but insisting that your opinion is fact, and name-calling.

    These members reported what they experienced, and you called them liars.
    Stating that you don't believe someone is not an attack. While there have been many other people throughout my time on forums that their story or claims didn't sound right to me, I have only challenged a small handful that their claims were blatantly defying the math or how the industry works. In all of these cases, I was not alone in challenging these claims. Each time there were other AP's and real players that were also challenging these claim based on merit. I probably stayed at it longer than some of the others, but in every instance there were others. And other real players and AP's have a right to call out BS like that.

    And each time I was proven right.

    T3 came to a forum I was on 5 years later and admitted that his claims of 5% advantage from card counting, was wrong and apologized to me. His excuse was that at the time of his claim, he was using a small sample size and as time went on and included more of his results, his results came back down towards expectation.

    The late Moses, similarly, came clean towards the end of his run. In fall of 2021, moses announced his retirement from card counting and admitted that he had made about 100k over 10 years playing in Reno. That amounts to 10k a year and is a far cry from the professional blackjack player playing Reno that I challenged. If that is what he had originally claimed, part-time, lower limit type numbers, I would have never said a word. Moses also apologized in one of his final posts last summer.

    Mdawg and Singer weren't so cut and dry. No admissions or apologies from them, because there was no misunderstanding or small sample size mistakes with them. They were and still are just about telling fantasy type stories for whatever insecurity reasons they have. BUT each of them hung themselves, when pressured by me and others. Mdawg with 7 months of winnings totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars disappearing in one sentence and Singer with the RV fiasco after hanging himself with the Shackleford interview.

    Oh these two won't go quietly with an admission of anything and apology, but their phony baloney ended on those respective days.

    I am a perfect 4-0 on the claims that I have felt the need to challenge. These things aren't personal with me, or at least don't start out personal with personal attacks. It is just about claims that defy the math and reality of how Las Vegas and the industry works. You guys can make me out to be the bad guy, but I and other AP's and real players have every right to challenge that kind of BS, especially when the person continues on with such BS beyond the passing mention.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 03-26-2023 at 10:40 AM.

  5. #25
    Now I feel like I have allowed coachbelly and AinQ to hijack this thread and broader topic that this thread is a part of: Redeitz's sports betting claims.

    I see nothing in redietz claims that screams to me about anything defying the math or the way the industry works. I have long thought that when redietz links to some contest that he is doing well in, there is an element of "cherry picking". He only links to where he is doing well. But that doesn't rise to anything. Many players on these forums only share their winning experiences (sometimes 50 out of 52 days ). There are few that share both winning and losing like I have. Zenking goes the other way, sharing only his losing experiences.

    AND sports betting isn't as cut and dry as other forms of AP. Lets say there is a big football game. A pure handicapper might look at the game and say team A has the best offensive line in the business and as a result the top running game. Team B has a weak run defense. He might conclude team A will be able to run at will, control and win the game.

    An AP may look at the game and not consider anything specific to either team and consider that team B is a road dog of 3 points and road dogs of less than 4 points cover 56% of the time. Is either wrong? Both of these approaches might result in long-term winnings beyond just this game. And now with the explosion of sports betting opportunities and bonuses that go with them, there are more opportunities than ever for AP plays that are not specific to either team and things like line shopping and line movements that can be exploited.

    I think that is where we are at here. Redeitz might do things different than some other sports betters. His reliance on contests is just one example. It doesn't mean he is wrong in his approach, nor does it mean others with a different approach are wrong as mickeycrimm so desperately wants to turn it into. Often there is more than one way to 'skin a cat'.

    But I go back to one thing and that is that mickey has been on forums, this forum for many years with redietz and never said a word and now all of the sudden has this need to discredit redietz. And that need started the very day, redietz made that stupid remark equating receiving social security to collecting welfare. And others are piling on because they don't like the guy or find him condescending. At least they are being honest.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 03-26-2023 at 11:16 AM.

  6. #26
    Kew, here's a glaring example of why you're a known bullshitter and so full of shit about everything you claim to know and do.

    Your forum mantra is, per your repeated proclamations, is to call out others whose claims "defy the math" so those claims don't hurt anyone who comes here and reads such "dangerous" gambling methods--especially the newbies and wannabees out there.

    So let's take a look at the Jstat thread, where he apparently has been criticizing the BJ counting method you say you, certain teams, and others have been using for years, and supposedly winning at.

    I've never followed anything about him but I did watch some of his videos. In them he shows and explains why he believes his counting method is superior to the one you use. He very clearly details his position.

    Yet because you disagree with him and certainly don't understand him, you call him names, badmouth the guy, and try to get support just because that's been your position about him for years. And that very similar what you waste you time doing with me and how my play Strategy won nearly $400k over 4 years: you don't have a clue how to play it, you ignorantly claim "no one can win on mostly -EV games over 4 years" and you stupidly use other personal attacks and antics that contribute exactly nothing to the argument.

    So when all you do is moan and whine like a fairy bitch about someone else's method, AND YOU NEVER EXPLAIN ONE POINT ABOUT WHY YOUR TWISTED, CROSSED-WIRES LACED MIND THINKS JSTAT'S METHOD ISNT BETTER THAN YOURS, you help no one. You can spin tales about others purporting the same as you, but if you truly are in the forum business of protecting newbies etc. from such dangerous characters according to you, why is it that you NEVER EXPLAIN yourself except with generalizations? How does that help someone who might be "injured" with "bad information"?

    Ease up on the meaningless essays. Few read them when they see it's you writing them, and almost every time people can see right thru them.

  7. #27
    Go towards the light Ron.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Now I feel like I have allowed coachbelly and AinQ to hijack this thread and broader topic that this thread is a part of: Redeitz's sports betting claims.

    I see nothing in redietz claims that screams to me about anything defying the math or the way the industry works. I have long thought that when redietz links to some contest that he is doing well in, there is an element of "cherry picking". He only links to where he is doing well. But that doesn't rise to anything. Many players on these forums only share their winning experiences (sometimes 50 out of 52 days ). There are few that share both winning and losing like I have. Zenking goes the other way, sharing only his losing experiences.

    AND sports betting isn't as cut and dry as other forms of AP. Lets say there is a big football game. A pure handicapper might look at the game and say team A has the best offensive line in the business and as a result the top running game. Team B has a weak run defense. He might conclude team A will be able to run at will, control and win the game.

    An AP may look at the game and not consider anything specific to either team and consider that team B is a road dog of 3 points and road dogs of less than 4 points cover 56% of the time. Is either wrong? Both of these approaches might result in long-term winnings beyond just this game. And now with the explosion of sports betting opportunities and bonuses that go with them, there are more opportunities than ever for AP plays that are not specific to either team and things like line shopping and line movements that can be exploited.

    I think that is where we are at here. Redeitz might do things different than some other sports betters. His reliance on contests is just one example. It doesn't mean he is wrong in his approach, nor does it mean others with a different approach are wrong as mickeycrimm so desperately wants to turn it into. Often there is more than one way to 'skin a cat'.

    But I go back to one thing and that is that mickey has been on forums, this forum for many years with redietz and never said a word and now all of the sudden has this need to discredit redietz. And that need started the very day, redietz made that stupid remark equating receiving social security to collecting welfare. And others are piling on because they don't like the guy or find him condescending. At least they are being honest.
    Your memory sucks. The animosity between ditz and I began when YOU, HIM and MAXPEN attacked me a few years ago over a benign opinion I gave on the double up bug. You guys have been attacking me ever since.

    You've told everyone multiple times you want this forum to get back to gambling topics. Well, I started a thread on professional sportsbetting and what do you do? You come with "you're just doing this to get back at redietz!!!" You attacked me for starting a thread on a gambling topic.

    I'm interested in professional sportsbettors and their techniques. Notice I used the plural in the last sentence. Redietz doesn't want to give any clinics on it but even if he did I would never go with just one source. And I don't give a rats ass what ditz thinks about SS.

    Sports betting is a very interesting topic. But reading about "I won this" and "I won that" and "you don't know jackshit about it" and "those other guys ain't near as good as me" is boring.

    I will continue to explore sportsbetting, KJ. And as a service to VCT members I will post up links to things I find interesting and informational. Everyone has a choice to view it. If not then that's fine too.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-26-2023 at 04:48 PM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Your memory sucks. The animosity between ditz and I began when YOU, HIM and MAXPEN attacked me a few years ago over a benign opinion I gave on the double up bug. You guys have been attacking me ever since.
    Congratulation. You have managed to pinpoint the exact moment you abandoned the honesty you were known and admired for and began pursuing an agenda of revenge against people you perceived had slighted you. I applaud your honesty mickeycrimm.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Your memory sucks. The animosity between ditz and I began when YOU, HIM and MAXPEN attacked me a few years ago over a benign opinion I gave on the double up bug. You guys have been attacking me ever since.
    Congratulation. You have managed to pinpoint the exact moment you abandoned the honesty you were known and admired for and began pursuing an agenda of revenge against people you perceived had slighted you. I applaud your honesty mickeycrimm.
    Well, pardon me for defending myself against the incessant attacks by you guys. This is really weird. It's okay for you to attack me but I must refrain from attacking back? That's rich, tewlj. The sportsbetting thread is not any kind of "revenge," Mr. simpleton. It about sportsbetting.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-26-2023 at 07:41 PM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Your memory sucks. The animosity between ditz and I began when YOU, HIM and MAXPEN attacked me a few years ago over a benign opinion I gave on the double up bug. You guys have been attacking me ever since.
    Congratulation. You have managed to pinpoint the exact moment you abandoned the honesty you were known and admired for and began pursuing an agenda of revenge against people you perceived had slighted you. I applaud your honesty mickeycrimm.
    Well, pardon me for defending myself against the incessant attacks by you guys. This is really weird. It's okay for you to attack me but I must refrain from attacking back? That's rich, tewlj. The sportsbetting thread is not any kind of "revenge," Mr. simpleton. It about sportsbetting.
    You've basically painted redietz--a member of the troll-by-hate squad--into a corner by asking legitimate questions along with putting up clarifying information on how the math guides some of the best sports bettors out there. But this is the kind of thing that makes kew unhappy, nervous, and gives him wedgies, especially when it affects his "supporter".

    Maybe he has finally seen "the light".

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Your memory sucks. The animosity between ditz and I began when YOU, HIM and MAXPEN attacked me a few years ago over a benign opinion I gave on the double up bug. You guys have been attacking me ever since.
    Congratulation. You have managed to pinpoint the exact moment you abandoned the honesty you were known and admired for and began pursuing an agenda of revenge against people you perceived had slighted you. I applaud your honesty mickeycrimm.
    Well, pardon me for defending myself against the incessant attacks by you guys. This is really weird. It's okay for you to attack me but I must refrain from attacking back? That's rich, tewlj. The sportsbetting thread is not any kind of "revenge," Mr. simpleton. It about sportsbetting.
    That is tewl's new approach. Take some weird moral high ground on site he despises but finds impossible to leave. He clearly just loves attention and validating himself. Him and Redietz are literally very similar. Calls other names then ignores when he is called out on it.

    Tewl should just be ignored so we can learn more about sports-betting in this thread. The math and things like that.

  13. #33
    I wouldn't even have to see Redietz's name if Mickey didn't hark on him. I probably wouldn't even know he existed, but this forum is all about complaining about other people, because it is the only place you can talk about people.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    I wouldn't even have to see Redietz's name if Mickey didn't hark on him. I probably wouldn't even know he existed, but this forum is all about complaining about other people, because it is the only place you can talk about people.
    Congrats on gold status(500th post) you have come a long way since Bozman accused you of being an illiterate Beaner !

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You know, mickey, I have always defended your lifestyle, goals, and accomplishments. Why you think you've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me.

    I'll be in Las Vegas several times in the next few months if you want to get together. You can put together a list of 20 or 25 questions and I'll answer them extemporaneously. I'll basically explain why you're wrong about most things. If you want to bring a video guy, that's fine. At some point, I'll have a young documentary filmmaker with me, but probably not until July. So if you want to put it on film, cool, or if you want me to arrange it, that works also.

    I have a handful of interesting projects the next so many months, so I don't really have time to read the repetitive junk on this forum on an ongoing basis. A script of mine has been validated for The Gangster Chronicles, which are true stories, and I'll be working on a couple more.

    Meanwhile, I just discovered that a bookmaker from my youth is the subject of a film in a production pipeline. Evidently, another acquaintance I hadn't seen in 40 years is one of the people putting it together.

    I can be reached at

    Have a good one.
    If you're offering, then I would be happy to interview you for an article.

    My questions will be direct, some won't be easy, and none will be gotchas. Even if I did ask a gotcha question, people who I interview always get to read the interview and take things they didn't actually want to say out, unless they decline my offer to have them read the transcript in advance.

    The interview would need to be by phone, however. I suppose I could make some EV vulturing machines, and what not, but in a bubble, going out to Vegas, etc, would result in a net loss compared to what the article would pay.

  16. #36
    That and I also have less than zero desire to go to Vegas...unless I am doing so in a way that results in 1k profits, minimum, iron-clad guaranteed.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Why you think you've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me.
    Why you think that I think that I've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me. Your posts seem to be designed to stifle or end any kind of comments by anyone here.

    I'm not so sure you're the big winner you present yourself as.

    You actively sought investors promising a 10% to 12% return. Why would a guy whose crushing it need investors?

    Where are those investors today? If you were so good why would they leave you?
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Why would a guy whose crushing it need investors?
    Can't this be asked of ANY sports bettor who is involved with any kind of the many TV shows, radio shows, podcasts, and services that sell picks?

    What about poker players that sell a piece of their action? Additionally, some of the top blackjack teams throughout time have had outside "investors" that only invested (did not play) in return for a piece of the team's profits.

    The answer generally given is that this reduces risk, but with the possible exception of some really high limit type play requiring a very large bankroll and risk, this just has never made sense to me. And it surely doesn't make sense with sport betting. If you can pick winners consistently, however you are doing it, pick and play your winners, no?

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Why you think you've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me.
    Why you think that I think that I've become some sports betting semi-expert is beyond me. Your posts seem to be designed to stifle or end any kind of comments by anyone here.

    I'm not so sure you're the big winner you present yourself as.

    You actively sought investors promising a 10% to 12% return. Why would a guy whose crushing it need investors?

    Where are those investors today? If you were so good why would they leave you?
    This is exactly why I dissed and mocked redietz and/or his pimped-out "associates" for trying to get me to transfer money into his accounts in return for handing me "winning picks".

    It's the same for all these scammers, yet an idiot like kew insists on aimlessly trying to defend such a wounded character. Losers stick together.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is exactly why I dissed and mocked redietz and/or his pimped-out "associates" for trying to get me to transfer money into his accounts in return for handing me "winning picks".

    It's the same for all these scammers, yet an idiot like kew insists on aimlessly trying to defend such a wounded character. Losers stick together.
    Who is this??? According to A.I. Rob Singer is dead and buried.

    Now, whoever you are posting under the Rob Singer 'handle' , this accusation that you continue to repeat about Redietz soliciting you just is not credible. Redietz has been on how many forums? 3 that I have been on with him, and not a single other person besides you has ever suggested that he solicited them.

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